The Lightless Sea 48

After finally dismissing Ye Chan, Kai Xin sat down at the desk and rubbed his temples.

Mechanical Dawn, Kai Haidong, Bionic Man, Rick Technology Company.

Judging from the results of her one-hour visit, the Rick Technology Company is the Pipi Company built by Dawn of Machinery, and the two are integrated. During the visit, she has seen the logo of Rick Technology Company many times, and some materials will also have similar marks printed on them.

Kai Xin once searched the relevant situation of Rick Technology Company on the Internet, and learned that Rick Technology Company is a new company that has emerged in the past two decades.

In the first world, a company that has been in business for twenty years is already considered a giant with a solid foundation, but in the second world, Kui Xin broadened his knowledge and gradually realized that a company that has persisted for twenty years can only be regarded as a giant in this world full of consortia. A “little friend” is mostly “big friends” who are older than it.

Consortiums in various regions have stood firm for at least 50 years, and they are well-deserved local leaders and local overlords. Even consortiums and companies in different industries will cooperate with each other to monopolize local manufacturing, service, catering, medical, technology and other industries. Emerging companies suppress, acquire and buy shares.

As time passed, it became more and more difficult for new companies to succeed, and the consortium sucked the blood of ordinary people and emerging companies, and became stronger and stronger under the escort of the Federation, becoming an unshakable giant.

It is simply unbelievable that Rick Technology Company can survive the siege and suppression of many chaebols until now and develop to its current scale.

Kai Xin found that the behavior style of Rick Technology Company is very low-key. Except for some new product launches, there are almost no news reports on the Internet. The company’s boss, Kai Haidong, hides behind the scenes and almost never shows up. A newspaper can get his interview.

This behavior is very different from that of Kai Xin’s garbage dad in the first world.

Kai Xin was very impressed. When the garbage father became famous in the city and returned to his hometown, he bought a special big car a few months in advance. He drove this car back to his hometown. On the way home, the villagers even ran to the road to watch this car.

My mother said that if you don’t reveal your wealth, it’s easy to attract people’s envy.

But the rubbish father said triumphantly: “I just want to show them how much money I have made. The money spent on buying this car is something they will not be able to earn in three or five lifetimes!”

He just loves face and likes to show off.

The trash daddies in the first world and the trash daddies in the second world are so much alike, they look alike, speak alike, act alike…so Kai Xin unconsciously compares them, looking for their similarities , and look for their differences.

The sense of disobedience grew stronger.

“Is he pretending?” Kai Xin thought in confusion, “He’s disguising himself… Why is he faking himself? Is it because of caution, or…”

A seed of doubt was planted in her heart. The strong intuition and the sense of disobedience that came from nowhere gave birth to the seed of doubt to take root and germinate.

“Or…someone instructed him to do this?” Kai Xin shuddered.

The trash daddy is gone, but the trash daddy is gone. Not only did he not drift, but he also developed the company steadily, acted in a low-key manner, quietly formed forces, and developed Mechanical Dawn into a strict organization hidden in the dark.

On his own, does he have such ability?

He doesn’t have such ability, how did he do all this?

Is someone pointing him out? Someone is driving him? What purpose does that person want to use him…to achieve?

The Mechanical Dawn is like a bottomless deep pool, with a calm sea surface, one sneaks into it slightly thinking that one has glimpsed everything, but in fact there are more things hidden in the deep pool and under the surface of the sea.

During this trip to the Mechanical Dawn headquarters, Kai Xin had two questions.

The mystery about Kai Haidong is only one, and there is another.

The second is – Kai Xin’s identity.

There are three Kaixins in the world.

No. 1 Kai Xin is the daughter of Kai Haidong in the Second World, the backbone of Mechanical Dawn, and a well-trained undercover agent.

No. 2 Kai Xin is a student of Black Sea College, a newcomer who entered the investigation department through internal recruitment for internship.

Kai Xin No. 3 is herself, a player from the first world, an old hapless person who is struggling on the poverty line, and will soon go to college.

The three Kaixins are all Kaixins. They have the same appearance, similar and dissimilar families and backgrounds. Among them, No. 1 and No. 3 have similar fathers, and the father’s name is both Kai Haidong. In theory, No. 1 and No. 3 are homotopes of different planes.

But what about the remaining number two? No. 2 has a complete growth trajectory. After entering the investigation department, I met many colleagues, and my colleagues have an impression of No. 2. But the problem is that No. 1 entered the investigation department without undergoing plastic surgery, and used her original appearance—the appearance of Kai Haidong’s daughter. Why do No. 2 and No. 1 look exactly the same? !

There must be something weird about No. 2’s identity. Maybe the existence of No. 2 was false in the first place, and it was a bureau made by Mechanical Dawn. But the existence of No. 2 is so real. The Black Sea College, the Investigation Department, and the house on Anning Street in the Harbor District, there are indeed traces of No. 2’s life in the world.

This is a thriller and suspense story, and there are three Kaixins who exist in the second world at the same time.

Number one replaced number two, and number three replaced number one.

After cleaning, strife, and unexplainable accidents, in the end there is only number three left in the world! Kai Xin from the first world!

Kai Xin shuddered.

She suddenly felt as if she had entered a dark road. She was walking on the road knowing nothing, and there was a pair of hidden eyes in the darkness, silently staring at her. The owner of those eyes watched her move forward coldly, waiting for her to reach the end of the road and fall into the preset trap.

“Haha, day shift is better, it’s more comfortable!” Lan Lan stretched her waist.

Shu Xuyao ​​took a sip of coffee, lowered his head to sort out the files, “Of course it’s comfortable if you don’t need to bask in the sun.”

The members of the field team transferred to the Coast Guard do not have to perform patrol tasks every day. Patrol is a labor-intensive job. If you continue to work like this day and night, your body will wear down. Therefore, the Coast Guard will also carry out shifts. For example, day shifts, night shifts and patrol shifts. When it is the team’s turn to stay in the office, they only need to conduct regular data collection and training in the security office.

Today is the day when the seventh team works in the office. They have nothing to do. Occasionally, when they receive a police report, they will notify the patrol team to deal with it. It is rare for them to be leisurely.

“Drinking tea with pay, I’m not used to it.” Liu Kangyun twisted his shoulders uncomfortably.

Jiang Ming said: “If you feel bored, go down and practice shooting with Kai Xin? I think it’s boring for her to be alone on the training ground.”

“Okay, do you want to go together?” Liu Kangyun said.

“I have overfulfilled my training tasks today. I ran ten kilometers in the morning.” Jiang Ming said.

“Okay.” Liu Kangyun rubbed his head, got up and went downstairs.

Lan Lan walked to the window and watched Kai Xin sweating profusely in spear practice on the open-air training ground downstairs.

“It’s still going on. I’m really not afraid of the heat.” He clicked his tongue, marveling at Kai Xin’s endurance.

“Maybe this is the gap. People are working hard when you are sitting idle in the office.” Jiang Ming said, “I’m sure that Kai Xin will become a bright dark horse when we hold the annual shooting competition and fighting competition.”

“I’m not idle either. I also had physical training this morning. I’m not going out now because I’m helping the captain sort out the materials.” Lan Lan said, “But I agree with you. I haven’t seen Kuixin’s fighting skills before. She’s definitely in the top five in terms of shooting alone.”

The reason why Lan Lan has never seen Kai Xin’s fighting skills is because her fighting skills have no room for display. The suspect was killed with two shots without getting close.

These days when dealing with various disputes at the port, Kui Xin’s style simply makes Shu Xuyao ​​and others look sideways. If the suspect enters within five meters of her, she will definitely draw a gun to warn her. You must be shot inside.

Moreover, Lan Lan found out strangely that Kai Xin had a quirk. When aiming, he liked to aim at the left and right eyes of the target.

The day before yesterday, there was a port robber who killed someone and ran into them on the way to escape. Kui Xin gave a verbal warning once and saw that it didn’t work, so he shot the other person’s head, aiming at the left eye.

A wanted gang member was met by Kai Xin yesterday. When she shot, she also aimed at the eye, this time it was the right eye.

Lan Lan asked Kai Xin suspiciously why he aimed at the left and right eyes and shot, and Kai Xin replied, “Well…maybe it’s obsessive-compulsive disorder?”

Lan Lan had question marks all over her face, wondering what kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder this was.

In fact, the truth of the matter is that Kai Xin became nervous because of his past experience. He was afraid that others would hide his brain and fail to kill him with one blow, which would cause the suspect to fight back when he was dying. Therefore, he aimed at the left and right eyes and tried his best to shoot the bullet into the brain.

She is a life-saving person.

An hour later, Kai Xin finished shooting training and returned to the office with Liu Kangyun.

On their way upstairs, Shu Xuyao, who was working, received an email from the headquarters.

Adam reminded: “Captain Shu Xuyao, your team leader Wei Zhi has sent a task execution notification letter, please check it in time and inform the seventh team members of the task.”

“Understood.” Shu Xuyao ​​clicked on the email.

Jiang Ming turned his head and asked, “What mission?”

“When I was working in the Coast Guard, I remember that I rarely needed to perform additional tasks.” Lan Lan rubbed her chin, “Is there any emergency?”

“Don’t worry, I’m watching.” Shu Xuyao ​​carefully read the beginning of the email, “Just in time, Kai Xin and Liu Kangyun are back from training.”

Soon, the door of the office opened.

“It’s amazing,” Liu Kangyun said in admiration when he entered the office, “This is talent, God!shooter! ”

Kai Xin took a bottle of electrolyte water from the table, unscrewed it and drank it slowly: “I’m ashamed of the compliment… Didn’t the police report it today? It’s been almost a day since the police were called.”

“There were a few small disputes, and the patrol team rushed over to settle them.” Shu Xuyao ​​looked up at Kai Xin’s flushed face, which was sunburned. “Sit down and rest for a while, we have a new task to perform.”

Kai Xin raised his eyebrows: “I thought life would go on without incident.”

“Patrolling and dealing with disputes every day is already busy enough, how can you make troubles?” Lan Lan was speechless, “Of course, the fewer things the better, your catchphrase a while ago wasn’t ‘That’s great, today is also a peaceful and beautiful day ‘?”

“Feel free to express your feelings.” Kui Xin sat on the chair, “Captain, let’s talk about the mission.”

Today is August 6th.

It was the fourth day of her return to the Second World, and it was also the day when the blasting device at the port of call was installed and ready for blasting.

Theoretically, the day for the explosion is tonight or tomorrow night, neither too early nor too late. Blasting the port too early will give the berthing port a chance to be repaired, and the Kraken can still berth at that time, and blasting too late will not leave enough time to deal with emergencies such as the failure of the blasting mission.

The blasting mission of Mechanical Dawn has entered the critical stage, success or failure depends on it.

Shu Xuyao ​​waved his hand, and the projection of the light screen standing in front of him enlarged and expanded, and he showed the task content to all members of the seventh team.

“Our task this time is to escort at sea.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “The Kraken carrying precious cargo is expected to dock in Black Sea City within a week. The captain of the Kraken said that their cargo ship often encounters pirates and other criminals. Harassment, request the Black Sea City Police Department to send a coast security team to respond and escort.”

Kai Xin frowned slightly, and a bad premonition spread in his heart.

“We need to board the ship?” Kai Xin said, “Board the Kraken to perform escort missions?”

“Yes, the mission description is like this.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “There are four other teams and a few Awakened who are on the mission with us. The mission is more urgent, and the departure time is tonight. We boarded the Kraken by helicopter Guard and cooperate with the escort ships.”

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