The Lightless Sea 52


The tightly closed deck door above the stairs keeps making loud noises, but it just doesn’t move, life and death!

Various factors were considered at the beginning of the design of the Kraken. In order to prevent high-tech equipment from invading the electronic equipment on board, some doors adopt old-fashioned mechanical structures, which need to be opened with old-fashioned keys, and the baffles are particularly thick. It is made of high-strength alloy, and it is simply impossible to destroy it forcibly.

While waiting for the deck door to break open, they found several bottles of fire extinguishers in various rooms, but to their desperation, the fire extinguishers were dry ice fire extinguishers. If they used this fire extinguisher in an enclosed space, there was a high probability of death from carbon dioxide. poisoned.

Except for the dry ice fire extinguisher, they didn’t have any fire extinguishing equipment. The water gate was cut off, the fire extinguishing device failed, and the deck door was tightly blocked. They came to a dead end.

As time passed by, Kai Xin, Shu Xuyao ​​and Liu Kangyun retreated again and again, lying on the ground so as not to inhale the thick smoke from the upper layer into their lungs, but even so, their condition was very reluctant.

The exposed skin was burnt red by the flames. If they accidentally touched the metal wall, they would be scalded and blistered. Every corner of the corridor was swept by heat. They became suckling pigs in the stove.

Kai Xin wiped the sweat off her head, and her hair was wet with sweat, and her face was blackened by the smoke.


There was another loud bang.

This time, the sound didn’t come from the deck door, but from behind!

A few seconds after the sound of the explosion came out, Kai Xin was horrified to perceive that the hull of the ship actually vibrated and tilted frighteningly.

The three of them covered their mouths and noses and looked behind in horror, only to find that the corridor behind them was also hit by fire waves, and the situation became a front and back attack.

What’s worse is that the flames coming out of the corridor behind are actually bigger than the ones in front of them. They literally burst out of the corridor, like an erupting volcano.

“The ball is over…” Liu Kangyun murmured dully.

The road ahead is blocked, and the road behind is also blocked. The wet shower curtains on their bodies were almost dried by the flames. When the flames touched them, they would all burn up. The motor oil stuck to their clothes and would ignite when it touched a sporadic flame.

Shu Xuyao ​​and Liu Kangyun were forced to retreat to a staff dormitory and temporarily closed the door to avoid the flying sparks.

They had just retreated into the house when another deafening explosion sounded. This explosion was louder and more violent than the previous explosions!

The sound of the explosion seemed to come from so far away that only distant echoes remained in the corridor.

After the explosion resounded, the hull tilted horribly again, and this time the tilt was even bigger. The furniture in the crew quarters drifted horribly, and the sound of objects falling jingled non-stop. Kai Xin San The person stood firm by holding on to the wall beside him.

“This ship is sinking!” Kai Xin said with difficulty.

“Adam.” Shu Xuyao ​​said anxiously, “Report the situation in real time.”

There were glistening beads of sweat on his forehead. He was burned from the heat and also from the bad situation.

“Captain Shu, the power cabin of the Kraken has been detonated.” Adam reported after a while, “The hull has tilted slightly, and the escort ship is moving away from the Kraken to avoid being affected by the explosion. The fragments of the collapsed hull cannot be approached. It is expected that there will be a series of explosions, and the Kraken will sink.”

Adam’s voice was as rational as ever, lacking ups and downs like a machine. In the most stressful situation, humans may lose their minds, but machines do not.

Shu Xuyao ​​tightened his lips, “Where are the companions outside the deck?”

“They are trying to rescue you, and there are eight security guards outside trying to break through the door.” Adam said, “The gunship is trying to get close to the Kraken, but in this case, the helicopter will give priority to picking up the security guards on the deck. If the security guards outside the door hadn’t finished breaking in when the helicopter approached, they would have to face a trade-off.”

“We’re going to be abandoned too, aren’t we?” Liu Kangyun said with a hoarse voice, “Glorious death?”

“Sorry, this is a decision that must be made. The Investigation Department cannot give up the majority for the sake of the few.” Adam said, “Captain Shu, I suggest that you and your team members record your last words in advance. The security guard Kai Xin has not yet made a will. , it is suggested to make a will, you can start talking, and I will keep the recording for you.”

Kai Xin: “???”

“Is this the beginning of the process?” She kept calm and emphasized her tone, “I won’t say anything!”

Everyone on board died, she would not die, her life could be restarted, this is what she riskedThe risk of exposure captures the reason for “death cycle”.

In this game world, reading and resetting the file can increase her error tolerance rate for customs clearance, and she has the opportunity to make mistakes.

“I won’t say anything, I’m still young!” Liu Kangyun let out a breath, as if trying to get rid of the bad luck. He grabbed the helmet, and his short black hair was already wet with sweat, sticking limply to his scalp.

Shu Xuyao ​​was silent, he turned around and said in a low voice: “Adam, if I die, I will leave all my private property to my mother… and tell her that I support her divorce, and I hope she will be healthy and happy forever… It’s the only thing I want to say.”

“Yes, it has been recorded.” Adam said, “Your message at this moment has legal effect, please rest assured.”

At this juncture of life and death, only Shu Xuyao ​​said his last words.

Kai Xin’s heart suddenly moved… It turns out that Shu Xuyao ​​is actually a pessimist.

The image of him as a polite and gentle old man has been in Kai Xin’s mind for too long, so that she has a stereotyped image, thinking that the captain is such a gentle, considerate and steady good boss, ignoring the universal law that “human nature has many sides”.

She didn’t see it comprehensively enough, and she didn’t have a more thorough understanding of human nature.

Kai Xin did a little self-reflection.

After Shu Xuyao ​​finished his last words, he turned around and said to Kai Xin and Liu Kangyun: “I’m sorry, don’t be influenced by me, my family is complicated, there are too many things to consider and things that hinder me, so I have to leave something… Our lives are not at the end yet, everything is turning around. Sorry, I am not qualified as captain.”

He apologized twice, once sorry and once sorry.

“No, you are a very qualified captain.” Kui Xin looked at Shu Xuyao ​​and said, “I’m glad that you were my captain after I came to the investigation department, not someone else. I might not be able to adapt to another boss.”

What she said was the truth.

In the second world, Shu Xuyao ​​is a very likable NPC. He is equivalent to Kai Xin’s guide to the new world.

Shu Xuyao ​​mistook Kai Xin’s words for his companion’s trust and praise, and he said, “Thank you, Kai Xin.”

“We’ve been working together for two years, captain, you are the person I trust the most, and a good comrade who can rest assured that it’s not your fault.” Liu Kangyun grinned uglyly, “Well, I hope to be able to work with you in the future.” You continue to fight side by side.”

All they can do now is to wait. Seconds like years can be used to describe their mood at the moment.

While waiting, there were explosions from the hull from time to time, the metal plates were vibrating, the fire was reflected in the corridor, the oxygen was gradually lacking, and everything indicated that the end was coming.

Kai Xin’s heart tended to calm down while waiting. The reason why she didn’t use the shadow shuttle to leave now is because the outside is full of security guards from the Investigation Department. She will be caught when she runs out, and the security guards will find that her extraordinary ability does not match Adam’s record.

No one can have more than two extraordinary abilities, and she will be treated as a guinea pig and a suspicious person.

Besides, what if he ran out? Kai Xin still had to take the police helicopter and boat to leave. She didn’t have the skills to swim hundreds of kilometers in the sea.

“Three, please pay attention, the door is about to open.” Adam’s mechanical voice sounded, “After the deck door is opened, the sudden influx of air will detonate the flames in the corridor. Please hold your breath and use a dry ice fire extinguisher. After returning to the deck through the fire scene within seconds, the freighter has tilted 30 degrees and is in danger of capsizing at any time.”

Liu Kangyun’s eyes were excited, shining with hope, “I’m saved!”

He picked up the dry ice fire extinguisher, put the basically dry shower curtain over his body and fastened it, and then buckled the helmet.

“Fifteen seconds.” Shu Xuyao ​​also picked up the dry ice fire extinguisher.

Kai Xin put the gun on his waist and pulled out the latch of the dry ice fire extinguisher.

The three of them were ready to go, but within a breath, there was a loud noise from the direction of the deck, and the flames exploded after being stimulated by oxygen and airflow.

Without any hesitation, Kai Xin took a final breath of air, held her breath, kicked open the door and rushed forward while pressing the switch of the dry ice fire extinguisher.

Her feet even felt a little sticky when they stepped on the hot ground. It was because the glue on the soles of her shoes melted under the high temperature, and there was a burning sensation on her skin. The hot air made a bunch of her protruding hair curl.

Shu Xuyao ​​and Liu Kangyun were beside her. The three of them worked together to open a gap with a fire extinguisher, and rushed through the corridor to the deck at the fastest speed.

Kai Xin was the first to arrive. She stepped up the steps in three steps and two steps, and saw a group of black uniforms surrounding the exit. They were teammates from the Investigation Department.

She heard Jiang Ming’s voice and the voices of many strangers.

“Hurry up, hurry up! Someone is coming! Fire extinguisher, put on the fire extinguisher!” Someone shouted.

A few hands hurriedly supported Kai Xin and dragged her up, and then a large pile of powder from a dry powder fire extinguisher was sprayed on her body, extinguishing the slightly burning shower curtain.

The second one to come up was Liu Kangyun. His clothes were burned much more severely than Kai Xin’s. The organic oil was attached to it. Even if he held a dry ice fire extinguisher, it was difficult not to be attached by the flames.

The security guards pulled Liu Kangyun up as usual, and they were also served with fire extinguishers. His face, arms and calves were burnt, and the wounds were grim and bloody.

Shu Xuyao ​​finally stepped onto the steps. Just as he was about to go up, the stairs that had endured too many explosions and burns suddenly snapped and broke.

The stairs are several meters high, with a spiral steel frame structure, not as strong as the deck door. It was precarious, and unfortunately broke when Shu Xuyao ​​stepped on it.The flames that got up could burn Shu Xuyao’s legs.

Shu Xuyao ​​moved quickly, and reflexively grabbed the steel pipe handrail of the stairs and hung there. The gloves equipped by the Anti-Investigation Department exposed five fingers, which was to allow the security guards to maintain the feel of holding a knife and a gun. Shu Xuyao’s five fingers in contact with the steel pipe sizzled, and a puff of white smoke came out.

After a long time of burning the steel pipe, it is too hot. It is so hot that the meat can be fried into charcoal.

Shu Xuyao’s face was pale, and the steel pipe he was holding gradually bent and drooped.


The connection of the steel pipe is broken!

The second he was about to fall, another hand wearing a black glove suddenly stretched out and grabbed the broken steel pipe.

There was another sizzling sound, white smoke rising from the burning of flesh and blood, and Kai Xin grabbed the steel pipe that Shu Xuyao ​​was holding.

Two hands were held at both ends of the almost red-hot steel pipe. Kui Xin and Shu Xuyao ​​were connected to each other through this steel pipe. One of the two ends of the steel pipe represents the companion, and the other represents life. Holding the steel pipe is like holding the hand of the companion and the hope of life.

“Captain, the other hand!” Kui Xin gritted his teeth and lifted the steel pipe, and grabbed Shu Xuyao’s free hand. Many security guards pulled Shu Xuyao ​​up together, raised the fire extinguisher and sprayed wildly at him whose clothes were scorched.

But Shu Xuyao’s hands were shaking, and both his and Kai Xin’s hands were glued to the steel pipe.

How much perseverance is needed to hold back the pain at the critical moment and hold on to the steel pipe like a soldering iron tightly?

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Kai Xin was so painful that her whole face was twitching. She was sweating profusely. She tore off the hand stuck to the steel pipe. A layer of skin stuck to the steel pipe. The blood dripping on the steel pipe Like boiling water, still bubbling.

“Thank you, Kuixin.” Shu Xuyao ​​also endured the pain and tore off his hand from the steel pipe.

Kai Xin said far-fetchedly, “You’re welcome.”

Kui Xin’s hand was healing rapidly, but Shu Xuyao ​​didn’t have such extraordinary ability. Liu Kangyun hurriedly took out a healing potion from his body and stuck it on him, but it would take at least a few hours for the potion to heal the wound.

“The hull is tilted at 35 degrees.” Adam’s speech speed became faster, “All security personnel, please evacuate immediately! Repeat, all security personnel, please evacuate immediately!”

The three helicopters circling in the sky were trying their best to lower their flight altitude, and a rope ladder was thrown down from the wide open hatch.

But not long after Adam finished broadcasting, the hull exploded again. This explosion was in the middle of the freighter. With the sound of the explosion, the hull sank significantly.

The cabin is flooding, and the ship will soon lose its buoyancy and completely sink into the sea.

But the noise of the explosion was so loud that everyone had to lie on the deck to avoid the wind and waves generated by the explosion. The armed helicopter was hit by the explosion again and moved away from the freighter.

A piece of steel plate that was blown up accidentally collapsed on the rotor of one of the helicopters hovering in the sky. The rotor shattered on the spot, and the helicopter fell from the sky with billowing smoke and fell headlong into the sea.

“The end of the world is nothing more than that…” someone murmured.

The dazzling flames burned everyone’s eyes. They tried their best to keep their balance on the tilted hull, but they couldn’t do anything else.

“Where’s the escape pod and the inflatable boat?” Kai Xin grabbed the colleague beside him and asked.

The man replied with a wry smile: “Crafted, destroyed, all air leaks… Ever since we boarded this ship, the people on board never wanted us to leave.”

“Then use swimming rings! Aren’t there many swimming rings hanging on the railing? Let’s jump into the sea!” Kai Xin said to get the swimming rings, but Jiang Ming grabbed his arm.

Jiang Ming pointed to the sea with extremely complicated eyes, and said, “You should look underneath, Kui Xin.”

There was fear and confusion in his eyes, and his face was as pale as a ghost.

This is the first time Kai Xin has seen Jiang Ming show such an expression.

She subconsciously looked towards the place Jiang Ming was pointing at… There seemed to be nothing in the dark sea, but when the helicopter’s searchlight swept across the sea, a group of cat-like creatures with faintly shining pupils appeared densely.

The water is full of alien creatures!

They are like jellyfish floating in the sea, some have eight eyes, and some are waving tentacles. They are of different shapes and varieties, crowded together, like pilgrims, bee colonies guarding the queen bee, and termites protecting the queen bee, completely surrounding the Kraken.

“I have never seen so many alien creatures. They are coming towards this ship…” Jiang Ming whispered, “It must be like this…but why?”

Why is it the Kraken?

All the security guards had this question in their minds, what happened to the Kraken? As soon as they got on board, there was an explosion, the crew almost disappeared, and now the ship was sinking, and they were trapped on board, there was no way to be rescued, there was no way to go to the sea to escape.

“…Is the flammable ice transported on the Kraken really combustible ice?” Kai Xin said this.

All the security guards looked at her silently, and no one spoke.

This was a question they were also thinking in their minds. At the same time, they realized that they seemed to be completely kept in the dark by the investigation department. The investigation department did not disclose the real information of the Kraken cargo. They were deceived and deceived by the department they trusted. up.

They could only look up at the helicopter, hoping that it would adjust to a suitable height as soon as possible and take them away.

A minute later, the hull tilted to nearly forty degrees, and they had to join hands to maintain balance on the deck.

At this time, the only two helicopters finally lowered to the predetermined height, and the two second helicoptersA ten-meter-long rope ladder hung down in front of everyone.

“Don’t panic, go up one by one!” The captain of the eleventh squad barely maintained his composure.

The security guards moved swiftly, silently and orderly. One person went up to climb a certain distance, and the other immediately picked up. Two helicopters and one plane took five to six people.

Liu Kangyun suffered serious burns and was taken care of as a wounded person. He was the first to climb up. When he climbed, the burns on his face and body were still cracking and bleeding, but even so, his movements were not slow at all.

The second one is Jiang Ming, because Shu Xuyao ​​insisted on staying until the end.

The third one is Kai Xin.

Just as Jiang Ming climbed into a position, Kai Xin was about to replace him, but an accident happened.

Gunshots suddenly sounded on the deck where there were only the sound of flames burning and slight explosions. The moment the muzzle was raised, Kai Xin’s intuition began to frantically warn, but the guns were not aimed at the security guards. The laser red dot appears on the helicopter!

The gunman targeted the driver through the wide open hatch with superb sniper skills!

With a bang, a bullet hole appeared on the driver’s head, blood mist sprayed onto the glass, the helicopter immediately lost control, and collided with another helicopter that was relatively close, and the two helicopters turned into fireballs Fall on the deck.

The security guards who boarded the plane were buried by the burning wreckage of the plane. Immediately afterwards, one after another explosions sounded, and the helicopter’s fuel tank also exploded.

Kai Xin lay down on her stomach, and the blast wave hit her almost unhindered. With a pain in her chest, Kai Xin spit out a mouthful of blood. Nosebleeds gushed out, and her back was also covered by flying glass shards and iron. The blade was scratched, and a sharp iron thorn pierced into her skin, almost piercing her internal organs.

The moment Kai Xin raised his head, he saw a dark figure appearing on the lookout post at the top of the captain’s office – Lan Lan.

The sniper is Lan Lan! No… That’s not Lan Lan either, the instigator appeared in the form of Lan Lan!

He blew up the helicopter, causing heavy casualties to the security guards on board and losing the last means of escape.

Furious, Kai Xin reached her back and pulled out the iron spikes on her back. The next moment, she found that the red dot aimed at by the laser appeared on her body, aiming at the position of the heart.

Kai Xin rolled on the spot to avoid the bullet, and the bullet left a clear crater on the deck.

She jumped up from the ground and hid behind the bunker, shouting: “Captain! Jiang Ming!”

But her teammates didn’t respond, they just lay quietly on the deck, rolling down with the tilted angle.

The few security guards who were still alive were lying on the splint and moaning… She was the only one who could stand and move freely.

“Be calm…the only thing you can rely on is yourself.” Kai Xin stared at the guns that were slowly sliding down on the deck.

The gun on her body was accidentally dropped on the ground just now, and she didn’t have a weapon in hand.

When the wound on his body was almost healed, Kai Xin jumped up and rushed towards the gun in an S shape at the fastest speed, grabbed the gun into his arms, and then dodged into the bunker again.

The bullets chased after her, only hitting the ground but not her body. Every time the sniper fired, she slowed down by one step.

The moment Kai Xin got the gun after hiding in the bunker, Kai Xin’s whole demeanor changed completely.

Become extremely fierce, full of murderous aura.

She opened the magazine and counted the bullets one by one, and then reloaded them calmly. Amidst the clattering sound of reloading, the flames on the freighter burned silently, illuminating her face.

“Are you there? Adam.” Kai Xin said expressionlessly.

“When the communicator has a signal, I’m always there.” Adam said.

“Why do you want to hide it?” Kui Xin said, “Help me get through the communications of the Minister and Deputy Minister, or the communications of Team Leader Wei Zhi. I want to ask them!”

“Sorry, security officer Kuixin, I can’t connect to their communication for you.” Adam said, “This is an instruction.”

“What’s on the Kraken? Tell me.” Kai Xin said, “They died for no apparent reason because of the inexplicable cargo. I’m about to die too. I want to know an answer.”

Adam fell silent.

“…” Kai Xin laughed angrily, “Artificial intelligence is artificial intelligence, so I really can’t expect to get anything from you.”

“…You’re going to die anyway, why don’t you go and see for yourself?” Adam said, “Kai Xin, the only thing you can do now is resist. Die without resistance and die in resistance, With your character, you will definitely choose the latter, this is my judgment.”

Kai Xin’s hand holding the gun froze.

“I will watch you resist, Kai Xin. Before you die, I will wish you rest in peace like a friend attending a funeral.”

After Adam finished speaking, he cut off the communication.

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