The Lightless Sea 57

“Good morning, Kui Xin.” Jiang Ming yawned, “It’s strange that Lan Lan is not the last one here.”

“Morning, Kui Xin.” Liu Kangyun raised his face from behind the desk, “Didn’t Lan Lan step on the spot today?”

Shu Xuyao ​​stood in front of the coffee machine with a cup in his hand and said, “Would you like some coffee to refresh you?”

“Good morning, everyone.” Kui XinSit down in your own seat, “Please bring me a cup of coffee, Captain.”

“My home is too far away, and I still have to run here to catch the first suspended tram.” Lan Lan said, “I want coffee too, Captain.”

Shu Xuyao ​​made a cup of coffee for everyone and brought it to everyone.

“It’s not good to have the day and night upside down,” he handed the coffee to Kai Xin. “Have you adjusted your schedule?”

“Almost, I slept until three o’clock in the afternoon yesterday, and then fell asleep again at twelve o’clock at night,” Kai Xin blew on the boiling coffee, “I feel fine today.”

“It’s good to be young. I feel that my physical fitness has been developing in the direction of a middle-aged person in the past two years. I occasionally feel back pain.” Jiang Ming complained, “In the two years when I just graduated, my physical fitness was very good. It’s amazing, I don’t have to worry about staying up late.”

“Aren’t you only twenty-six?” Shu Xuyao ​​said helplessly, “Where are you middle-aged?”

“Excessive fatigue will accelerate the aging of the body, not to mention that we security guards are often injured.” Lan Lan said, “It is invisible on the surface of the body, but every injury is a waste of our health.”

“Yes, if it is not a particularly serious injury, the Investigation Department will not give people medicine to speed up the healing process. Once in a while, it will have no effect, but it will easily deplete the body in the long run.” Liu Kangyun said, “I hope that Kai Xin’s extraordinary ability There are no such side effects.”

“I don’t know if there is any.” Kai Xin said, “I can only observe while using it. The feeling of being injured is quite painful. I hope that I will never have the opportunity to observe extraordinary abilities.”

Jiang Ming rubbed his chin and said, “After you have such a super self-healing ability, will you still catch a cold and have a fever? Will these ordinary minor diseases heal themselves quickly after getting it?”

Kai Xin said: “It may depend on whether the self-healing ability can improve my immunity?”

“If this is the case, then Kai Xin’s extraordinary ability is too unreasonable.” Liu Kangyun said, “I don’t know what will happen when the level increases in the future.”

Going back in time, will the things that have been experienced before happen again?

In the past, Kai Xin was very curious about this question, but now she already has the answer.

Human beings are changeable, and the trajectory of destiny is also changeable.

The last time she came to the coastal security office for the day shift on the morning of August 5th, she arrived at the work place before 7:30, half an hour earlier than the work time, and she did not meet Lan Lan on the way.

This time on August 5th, Kai Xin got up a little late because he had a dream last night and couldn’t sleep well, so his time to go to work was postponed, and he arrived at about eight o’clock, and he happened to meet Lan at the gate. blue.

After arriving at the office, the topics of conversation among teammates also changed.

Originally, they chatted directly about work arrangements, but now they talked about other things.

This is just a change brought about by a small move. This is what the Butterfly Effect says. The trajectory of Kai Xin’s actions will bring unknown changes to the future.

It’s time for patrolling. Another team is working in the office today, and all members of the seventh team will be responsible for street patrols.

They went to the equipment room to change their equipment and took their weapons. They were divided into two groups. One group rode motorcycles and the other group walked on the street.

The last time Kai Xin rode a motorcycle patrol with Shu Xuyao ​​on August 5th, she wanted to change something different this time, so she said, “I want to be in charge of street patrol, and riding a motorcycle is a bit frustrating…”

The number of people assigned to the patrol team every day is not fixed, and Kai Xin’s request can be easily fulfilled.

Shu Xuyao ​​thought for a while, “Okay, I, Jiang Ming and Kui Xin will move together. Lan Lan, you and Liu Kangyun can ride motorcycles.”

“No problem.” Lan Lan put on her helmet and stepped onto the motorcycle, giving Shu Xuyao ​​a thumbs up.

After the patrol task was assigned, Lan Lan and Liu Kangyun rode their motorcycles and left first, while the three of Kai Xin followed the previous patrol route.

“There are fewer and fewer people committing crimes these days,” Jiang Ming muttered, “I’m not as busy as before, and there are not as many things happening as before… I’m a little unaccustomed to it.”

“It may be because they know that there is a new face that is not easy to mess with among the security guards on coast patrol.” Shu Xuyao ​​looked at Kai Xin, “When you didn’t come, the night shift team told me last night that they caught him in the early hours of the morning. A thief was stealing through the window. The thief saw them and squatted down without saying a word. He was afraid of being shot. The next interrogation revealed that the thief had heard colleagues talking about the new security guard at the port, saying that she was good at marksmanship. It’s very accurate, and the attack is very fierce. If you can’t run or resist, you’d better surrender directly, otherwise there will be an extra hole in your head…”

Jiang Ming laughed loudly: “You have earned your reputation, Kai Xin! All the mice hiding in the dark are afraid of you.”

Kai Xin thought for a while, “Looks like you should be more careful in the future. Such a reputation can easily become a target and attract hatred. It’s hard to guarantee that no one will hate me in the future.”

“It’s true… this place is too messy.” Jiang Ming said, “I dare say that the harbor area is the most chaotic place in Heihai City, even more chaotic than the mixed slum areas.”

“After all, it is the area closest to the port.” Shu Xuyao ​​said.

“Since I started this job, I have been very nervous every day. Sometimes when I go home, I will be very careful, and even take a long way on purpose, for fear that someone will follow me behind.” Kuixin said, “How many gangs are there in the port? Cruel, how murderous without blinking an eye, I have seen it before.”

Shu Xuyao ​​said: “Kai Xin should be so careful. To give an extreme example, there have been cases where gang members tried to attack security guards with human bombs.This matter was resolved, but it certainly sounded the alarm for us. ”

“There’s this kind of thing…” Kai Xin said in a low voice.

“You still have a lot to learn. When the situation becomes less tense after a while, we seniors will teach you slowly.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “You have always been very mature in doing things, and sometimes I ignore that you are a Newcomers who have just joined the company for a short time may not be able to take good care of you… If you don’t understand something, just ask directly, and we will answer everything we know.”

Jiang Ming agreed: “Agreed, remember to ask more, Kui Xin, asking questions is not a shameful thing.”

“Well, I know.” Kui Xin said, “I have a question to ask right now.”

“Tell me.” Shu Xuyao ​​slightly shifted his gaze over.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve been in the investigation department, and I don’t seem to see where the minister and deputy minister are?” Kai Xin asked curiously, “They are quite mysterious in my heart.”

The information of these two people is included in the information of Mechanical Dawn, but it is limited to the names and the part published on the Internet.

The head of the investigation department is a woman who is nearly sixty years old. She has held power for decades and is about to retire. The deputy head of the investigation department is a young man who is only in his early thirties. Being in a high position should be a very difficult person.

When the Kraken was about to retreat, Kai Xin heard the voice of the deputy minister on the communication channel.

“The minister is meeting at the headquarters during this period, not in the investigation department of Heihai City.” Jiang Ming said, “As for the deputy minister, he often travels on business and should be back in two days. We have a general meeting every month. He will speak at the meeting, and you will be able to see him then. As for the minister… there is news that she is busy with retirement and handover. The general retirement age for our security guards is forty-five years old, because of the dangers encountered Many, the health condition is relatively poor, so the retirement age has also been advanced, but the minister insisted on working until the age of 50, she is a formidable person.”

“We may change leaders in the future?” Kai Xin said, “If she retires, who will be the next person to take over? The deputy minister?”

“The deputy director is too young. It may be that the headquarters directly assigned someone to become the minister of our Heihai City, or it may be promoted from the existing leadership of the Heihai City Investigation Department… Before the candidate is announced, everything is wrong. Sure.” Jiang Ming said a lot, “The leader of our field team, Ms. Wei Zhi, is of the right age and has rich experience, and she is very promising to be a minister.”

“I thought that promotions come from one level to another? The deputy minister is higher than the team leader. How can team leader Wei be promoted?” Kui Xin asked.

“The Investigation Department is actually a thankless department that has to do all kinds of dirty work.” Shu Xuyao ​​glanced at Kai Xin, “People who are truly ambitious and capable should not stay in the Investigation Department forever. It’s a political springboard for people to break into the top ranks of government, and working here will add luster to their CV.”

“Hey, why did you just say it directly… Isn’t it up to newcomers to slowly understand these things?” Jiang Ming stared blankly at Shu Xuyao, “When I first joined the job, no one was kind enough to talk to me about these things. I figured it out later… When the deputy director took office, the factions in the Investigation Department were reshuffled, and the Awakened and the Elite Squad started to line up. I was a newcomer who didn’t know anything, so I almost suffered a big loss.”

Kai Xin raised her eyebrows: “That’s Lao Jiang, you are unlucky. When you joined the job, you didn’t meet a good captain who sincerely considers the team members.” She turned her head and said to Shu Xuyao, “Thank you, captain!”

“No, there’s no need to thank you. I don’t want you to pay high tuition fees for things that can be explained in one sentence.” Shu Xuyao ​​said gently.

“It would be great if someone could guide me in the wrong way.” Jiang Ming touched his head and smiled, “I was just a young man at the time, thinking that it would be fine to just take care of tasks and work.”

“But this world is too complicated. If you want to survive, you need to learn more things, and even learn things that you don’t even want to learn.” Shu Xuyao ​​said.

Kai Xin sighed: “I have a deep understanding.”

They came to a fork in the patrol road. A few days ago they would patrol according to the route Adam planned, but today Kai Xin is exploring another development.

She suggested: “This route was used for the past few days. I think we need to change the patrol route, lest those gang members notice our behavior and avoid us on purpose.”

“What you said is very reasonable, and your opinion has been adopted.” Adam said, “The new route has been planned, and you can patrol along this route.”

A new map flashed on the goggles on the helmet, and the green dotted line on the map represented the patrol route.

The three of them headed towards a new route.

Kui Xin stood at a fork in the road on patrol, just like standing at a fork in fate.

Choosing different paths will usher in different developments. She already knows what kind of ending will be ushered in if she takes one path, so she will do her best to explore another path, a path leading to survival.

“This is the Coastal Security Office. Team Seven, please pay attention. A vicious incident has occurred in a restaurant 200 meters away from you. Please go and deal with it quickly. Note that the suspect may be holding a thermal weapon. The suspect may be holding a thermal weapon. ”

“Got it.” Shu Xuyao ​​gestured to Kai Xin and Jiang Ming.

They took out their weapons and ran to their destination as fast as possible.

“I think we’d better leave quickly, we’ll be in trouble when the security guards arrive…” Yin Mian said sullenly.

He looked at the overturned white flowers on the ground with eyes full of regret.For a moment, I wanted to pick it up and eat it.

They installed the blasting device overnight last night. They didn’t eat all night, and they were already hungry in the morning, so the two went to a restaurant to buy food.

As a result, the gangsters sitting in the restaurant didn’t have long eyes and flirted with Qiangwei. Qiangwei was a violent temper who absolutely couldn’t bear any grievances. She pulled out a gun and killed the gangsters on the spot. He set off the alarm, got into the back kitchen and ran out the back door.

“Their work efficiency has always been very low.” Briar Rose put the gun back into her belt angrily.

The alarm bell rang for more than ten seconds, but they didn’t dare to delay. After confirming that there were not too many traces left at the scene, they got up and left.

Then they ran into the Kai Xin trio who happened to be patrolling here.

“Ah.” Yin Mian was stunned.

He thought dully that Rose Rose didn’t know Kai Xin’s specific identity, nor did she know that she worked in the Coast Guard.

Thorn Rose’s face darkened, and she took out her gun. On the opposite side, Kai Xin’s face darkened, and he raised his gun.

Silver Face: “…”

Silver Face started to get scared.

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