The Lightless Sea 06

Kai Xin remained calm and said quickly, “I am a poor man with a debt of 300,000 yuan. Do you think I will have any property?”

Two robbers: “…”

“If you want to rob, you should go to the rich area. In a dilapidated place like Anning Street, how can you get a fat sheep?” Kui said earnestly, “Listen to my advice, there is no way to make money in this kind of place. Yes, it will be different if you rob the rich, if you don’t open for three years, you will have to eat for three years!”

The robber on the left hesitated, “But the rich area is full of surveillance…”

The robber on the right reminded his companions: “This man is cheating! Don’t really fall for it!”

“Why am I lying to you?” Kai Xin dropped his umbrella and spread his hands, “I have empty hands and pockets, and I live in a house with leaky walls. What good will it do to rob me?”

“Wait!” The robber on the right’s eyes lit up, looked at Kai Xin’s silver bracelet and said, “What are you wearing on your wrist?”

“Oh, this one, if you want it, I’ll give it to you.” Kai Xin stretched out his hand to him.

The robber on the right didn’t move, but the robber on the left couldn’t help taking steps.

The moment the robber came to Kai Xin, she quickly clenched her outstretched hand and hit the robber’s temple with one fist.


The bones at the robber’s temples shattered, his face distorted, and he fell straight to the ground.

Kui Xin: “…Damn it!”

Even she was startled by the power of this punch.

She originally wanted to beat him up and run away.

Kai Xin belatedly realized that her physical fitness was different from before. She used to fight with punks on the way home from school, and the punks had paint on their faces. Her knuckles were bruised and swollen for two weeks, and she couldn’t even hold a pen.

Kai Xin aimed at his fragile temple, but the effect was too amazing! The human skull was like paper under her fist, and she could feel the robber’s bones colliding with her finger bones and then shattering.

The remaining robber roared angrily, and stabbed at Kai Xin with a knife.

Before the sharp knife pierced her abdomen, Kai Xin dodged to the side almost like a conditioned reflex, avoiding the blow.

The actions of the robbers seemed insignificant in her eyes.The limit slowed, her body reacted before her mind could.

Kai Xin clasped his five fingers, and instantly snatched the robber’s knife.

The knife jumped out of silver flakes at her fingertips, and she stabbed it backhand very smoothly, sending the knife into the robber’s body, and the tip of the knife pierced into the heart accurately along the gap between the ribs.

She even let go of the handle of the knife in time, and took a step back calmly, avoiding the sporadic blood that sprayed out.

All the movements flowed like flowing water, and everything happened in less than five seconds. Before Kaixin’s brain could figure out a countermeasure, her body escaped her control…and killed people.

Kai Xin’s expression was blank. She stood blankly at the entrance of the alley, her clothes were soaked in rain, and the open black umbrella was shaking on the ground, but there were two people lying under her feet.

She knelt down to test the breath of the two of them, then stood up shaking.

They stopped breathing and were already dead. The blood from the corpse poured into the stagnant water, staining the puddle red.

“What… What’s going on?” Her chest heaved and her heart was beating violently.

The light curtain of the game system appeared.

“You have unlocked the inherent talent [Battle Instinct].”

“[Battle Instinct]: Wild beasts have hunting instincts, and this instinct will be brought into play more perfectly after exercise. This is the muscle memory formed through hard work, and the nerve reflexes caused by countless rigorous training. You are unconscious and exhausted Even in extreme situations, you can still fight with your instincts.”

Kai Xin let out a hiss.

This is not a talent she possesses, but a talent inherent in her body. She is the backbone of the rebel organization, a twenty-five boy entrusted with important tasks, she should have a smart mind, keen intuition and excellent fighting skills.

These fighting skills were instinctively imprinted in this body, causing her to make extreme responses driven by instinct when facing the enemy.

At this moment, there was a bang at the end of the alley.

The little brother in the hoodie went back and forth. His face was full of horror. He opened his mouth wide and looked at the corpse on the ground. The metal baseball bat he was holding fell off, and he was terrified.

“This kind man,” Kai Xin wiped the rain from his face, and smiled stiffly at the little brother in Weiyi, “Can you call the police for me? I am innocent, and you heard it too. They want to rob.”

“No, no problem.” The little brother in Weiyi took out the communicator tremblingly, and played the number several times clumsily before broadcasting the number.

The call was connected, and the operator said in a sweet voice, “Hi, this is the city security hotline. Do you need any help?”

“Robbery, the address is…” Brother Weiyi paused, and looked at Kai Xin for help, “Where did this come from?”

“Hangwan District, Anning Street, the location is probably in the middle.” Kui Xin said.

After reporting the address, Brother Weiyi read out, “I still need to call an ambulance…”

“There’s no need to scream, the person is already dead.” Kai Xin said again.

Brother Weiyi looked even more terrified, and he stammered, “You…you did it?”

“Justifiable self-defense.” Kui Xin didn’t look at the corpse on the ground, and said succinctly, “Can you be my witness? Prove that they did intend to rob with a knife. There seems to be no surveillance around here, and you are the only witness.”

Brother Weiyi hesitated for less than a second before nodding: “Okay, if you need it.”

Kai Xin breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the black umbrella on the ground, shook the rain and walked towards the little brother in Weiyi.

The little brother in Weiyi backed away in fear.

Kai Xin: “…”

“You didn’t bring an umbrella. The security guard may take a long time to come. We can take an umbrella.” Kai Xin said, “My name is Kai Xin, a student from Black Sea College.”

“Xi Liang.” Brother Weiyi relaxed his vigilance when he heard the identity of Kui Xin’s student, “I’m also from Black Sea College, what major are you in?”

Kai Xin said, “I study criminal investigation.”

“Criminal investigation? No wonder it’s so powerful.” Xi Liang muttered.

“Thank you tonight.” Kai Xin walked over and tilted the umbrella towards him.

Xi Liang smiled dryly and said, “It’s okay, learn from Lei Feng and do good deeds…Although you don’t seem to need my help. My parents’ convenience store is right in front of me. I was shocked when I heard the robbery. I went back and got a baseball bat and rushed over I may have to make a statement later, I will report to my parents first, please wait for me here.”

Kai Xin nodded slowly, watching Xi Liang rush into the rain and disappear at the corner of the street.

She opened the bracelet in deep thought, and searched for the keyword “Lei Feng” on the Internet.

Search for matching results – “0”.

There is no such thing as Lei Feng’s good deeds in the Second World, nor is there such a word as Lei Feng’s spirit.

“As expected, I guessed right.” Kai Xin said in his heart.

Xi Liang, the little brother in Weiyi, is a player from the first world.

He has probably just arrived in this world and is not very familiar with it, so the action of calling the police is so clumsy, because like Kai Xin, he doesn’t quite understand the high-tech portable devices in the cyberpunk world. He didn’t pay close attention to where he was, and didn’t record the information, or he remembered it, but he was too panicked to recall it, so he didn’t know it was Anning Street in the Harbor District when he called the police.

Xi Liang’s travel time is too short, so he must have never understood the history of the second world, so he said “learn from Lei Feng to do good deeds”. If everyone in the first world knows it, people in the second world should not know who Lei Feng is .

Meeting fellow villagers in another world, what a favorite scene.

However, the six points of advice to players once said: “Don’t reveal your identity as a player to anyone.”


Kai Xin thought over and over again, and decidedmust abide by.

She will not reveal her identity to people in the second world, nor will she reveal her identity to those who are also players. She took it as a role-playing game, and she would play her own role and be a qualified “player”.

Kai Xin waited ten minutes under an umbrella, and Xi Liang ran over in the rain.

This made Kai Xin look sideways. She thought that Xi Liang was looking for an excuse to escape. After all, it was a very unwise choice for him to be involved in a big case involving human life as soon as he traveled to another world.

“My god, it’s raining really hard, and I don’t know when it will stop.” Xi Liang had an extra umbrella in his hand, which he took from a convenience store, “I told my dad, just wait for someone coming.”

Five minutes later, a suspended police car stopped above Kai Xin and Xi Liang’s heads, and the car’s radio said, “Please put down your weapons and put your head in your hands.”

Kai Xin and Xi Liang did as they did, and then the police car landed on the street, and two security guards got out of the car with weapons in hand. The laser red dot on the guns to assist aiming appeared on Kai Xin.

“I’m Kai Xin, an intern security officer in the seventh team of the Field Service Team of the Anti-Investigation Department.” Kai Xin said quickly, “I was robbed on the way home, and I fought back against the gangsters out of defense.”

One of the female security guards looked at Kai Xin and said, “Adam, scan.”

“Scanned, and the faces match.” Adam’s mechanical voice appeared, “What you said is true. Hello, trainee security guard Kui Xin.”

It continued to broadcast: “Xi Liang, a fourth-level citizen, a student of the Mechanical Engineering Department of Black Sea College, has no criminal record, and the target is determined to be no threat.”

“Liu Gaoyang, a fifth-level citizen, jobless, has criminal records such as robbery and theft. The target is dead and has no rescue value.”

“Song Yuan, a fifth-level citizen, unemployed, with criminal records such as theft and destruction of public property, the target is dead, and has no rescue value.”

The two security guards who got off the two police cars put away their weapons and nodded to Kai Xin: “According to the procedure, a record is required. Please follow us back to investigate.”

“No problem.” Kui Xin glanced at Xi Liang who was in a dazed state, “He is a witness.”

“Okay, don’t worry.” The female security guard patted Kai Xin on the shoulder, “You’ll be fine after finishing the transcript, it’s just a process.”

Kai Xin heard something was wrong. Although she was an intern security officer, the two people she killed also had criminal records, but the attitude of the colleagues in front of her was light, as if her killing two people was not a big deal at all, and she could let them go after a process. She won’t be held legally responsible, and won’t even be punished… Why?

Kai Xin sat in the back of the police car, and Xi Liang sat next to her.

The police car lifted off and took them to the investigation building.

Xi Liang’s eyes were complicated: “It turns out that you have something to do with it… You said it earlier, it made me spend a long time building my heart.”

“It doesn’t matter, I’m just an intern security guard with a debt of 300,000 yuan.” Kai Xin leaned wearily on the seat of the police car, “Oh, I just got off work and didn’t touch the house, and I’m going back again…”


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