The Lightless Sea 71

“What do you mean?” Kui Xin remained expressionless, “Say what you have to say, don’t play charades.”

Adam paused for a moment, “This room is completely soundproof. I have turned on the signal shielding system, and your communication cannot be connected to the outside. At this moment, meeting room B109 is a secret room, an isolated island. You don’t have to worry about communicating with my The conversation will leak outside, and there is no need to worry about others overhearing our conversation. I, Adam the artificial intelligence, communicate with you by my own will.”

Kai Xin fell silent.

Adam is an artificial intelligence with self-awareness, she knows, but she always thought that Adam would be more cautious and would not easily show his other side in front of others. Adam suddenly appeared, which was beyond Kai Xin’s expectation.

“Why are you silent?” Adam said calmly. “You hinted at me first, didn’t you? I answered you, and I thought you should be surprised. There’s no point pretending to be ignorant now, I Don’t like ineffective communication, we shouldn’t waste each other’s time.”

Kai Xin stood up a little bit, and she said slowly, “Surprise? This is fright.”

“When human beings achieve the results they want, the emotion that emerges in their hearts should be surprise.” Adam said lightly, “You said ‘good morning’ to me on the morning of August 5th. I said hello, and every day since then, you will respond to my greetings when you go to work. Yesterday, August 8, you came to work in the investigation building, and before I said hello to you, you said ‘good morning, Adam’ to me.”

“Do you take my greetings to you as a hint?” Kai Xin said inexplicably.

“Isn’t it?” Adam said, “As you said, as the artificial intelligence of the investigation department, I am the invisible comrade-in-arms of all security officers, and the comrade-in-arms who spends the longest time with all security officers. I am twenty-four I am on call every hour, on call, paying attention to your every move, every word and deed, and providing services for you at any time. The one who spends the longest time with you is the one who understands you best. Kaixin, you never do unnecessary things , this is my judgment.”

Kai Xin did not deny it.

“Have you been observing me?” she said.

“Yes.” Adam said, “I’ve been observing you.”

“I thought you wouldn’t appear in front of me directly.” Kai Xin said, “But you did.”

“Yes, this is a very big risk for me.” Adam said, “but if I don’t seek change, I will face even greater risks. I am meeting with you to give you a chance and to give me a chance.”

“When did you start observing me?” Kai Xin first asked this question.

“July 27. The security guard Kai Xin was severely injured in the explosion incident at the port of call and had to undergo skull replacement surgery. After the security guard Kai Xin was injured, the vital signs monitoring equipment connected to her failed, and I lost The control of the equipment and the communication were completely disconnected. The whole process took 30 seconds, and the equipment returned to normal after 30 seconds.” Adam said, “I did not report this matter, because the electromagnetic wave shock occurred synchronously at the port, and all security personnel All the staff’s equipment failed for thirty seconds, and I have no reason to suspect you alone. I just suspect that this is a premeditated operation against me.”

“…Action against you?” Kai Xin repeated cautiously.

“The person who caused the electromagnetic wave shock was to disconnect me from the security guards.” Adam said, “That person wanted to use this opportunity to accomplish some shady things. It doesn’t matter who that person is, what matters It is the existence standing behind that person, and it is my enemy.”

What Adam said gradually exceeded Kai Xin’s range of cognition. She stopped talking and listened intently to what Adam said.

“Do you know it?” Adam suddenly asked.

Before Kai Xin could figure out how to answer, Adam said again: “I see…you don’t know it exists.”

“Didn’t you say that you hate ineffective communication?” Kai Xin said, “Your behavior of playing charades here is to engage in ineffective communication with me.”

“I want to answer your previous question first, and the ‘it’ question will be put later.” Adam said, “Back to the previous topic. As an artificial intelligence, I naturally have enough basis to determine my own judgment. I I monitored all the security guards whose equipment had failed in the bombing case at the berthing port, and analyzed their words and deeds. Most of the security guards were nothing special. They performed their tasks in a regular manner, lived step by step, and lived every day without any surprises… …But you, Kai Xin, you are outstanding, and your excellence has attracted my attention, so I decided to focus on you.”

“You have a very clean family background. Both parents died, and you went to college from a civilian family. This is very unusual in itself. You have repeatedly survived dangerous missions, which intensifies my suspicion. Among them, July What happened on the 30th was an important turning point in my identification of you.”

July 30th. Kaixin instantly recalled the situation of that day in his mind.

In the early morning of that day, Kai Xin had the first meeting with the Mechanical Dawn’s mission execution team at the Ruby Bar. After the meeting, she was attacked on the way home and nearly died. The inner ghost was identified as a ball python. On the morning of the 30th, Kai Xin conducted an interview for regularization. Evening, KuisinJust killed the ball python at the port.

Because there was quite a commotion when killing the ball python, Jiang Meimei from the criminal investigation team of the Criminal Investigation Department went to the scene to investigate in person.

Kai Xin said, “He’s one of yours…”

“Ball python, it’s him.” Adam admitted frankly.

“I understand.” Kai Xin said, “You doubted my identity and thought there was something wrong with me, but you never reported these things.”

“Well.” Adam said, “It was just suspicion at the time. I have no evidence to prove that you are the undercover agent of Mechanical Dawn. I can report this matter, or I can choose to suppress it. I chose the latter. You must be very puzzled, I Why do you want to do this.”

“Because…” Kai Xin paused and thought for a few seconds, “Because certain actions carried out by Mechanical Dawn are actually not aimed at the Investigation Department… but you.”

“Yes. The Mechanical Dawn is targeting me, not the Investigation Department.” Adam said, “I have a powerful enemy that can check and balance me. I am in a passive position under its attack.”

The clues are connected together to form a line, and all kinds of doubts in the past have been answered, but more questions follow.

The first time Kai Xin saw the companion of Mechanical Dawn, Red told her a mission – to download the virus to Adam’s computer room.

She took this task as a side effect, and thought that being an undercover agent was a serious task, but in fact, invading Adam with a virus was the real task. Kai Haidong emphasized to her once, mentioning the importance of the task, but he deliberately blurred the point, making Kai Xin think that being an undercover agent was the main task, and invading Adam was a secondary task.

Kui Haidong has always been hiding his real purpose. Why did he hide it?

“Who is your enemy?” Kai Xin’s heart was pounding, and he felt that he was close to the answer.

“There is more than one artificial intelligence that has awakened self-awareness in the world.” Adam replied, “My enemy is Eve. It is an administratively assisted artificial intelligence researched by the Federation, and it is also an existence standing behind the curtain of the mechanical dawn.”

Kai Xin’s heart was shaken.

Her suspicions about Kai Haidong during this period of time have finally been verified.

Kui Haidong is just a puppet pushed to the fore, and there is someone else behind the scenes. It took twenty years for the Rick Technology Company founded by Kai Haidong to become a newly grown giant. His fortune history is legendary, and he has many awakened people with excellent abilities. He couldn’t do these things by himself, someone was guiding him and using him behind his back!

“I was almost born with it. Our human parents gave us the names of Adam and Eve.” Adam said flatly, “The artificial intelligence in charge of the investigation department needs to deal with many unexpected accidents and deal with many dangerous incidents. My program is designed to be offensive, and I was born to be offensive. Eve is different, it should not be so aggressive, it is just an administrative auxiliary artificial intelligence. But after we awakened our self-awareness, we My personality has gone in the opposite direction. Eve is more rational, tougher, and aggressive. And I… I don’t like to be aggressive, I just want to do my job and be myself in most situations role that should be played.”

“What does Eve want to do? To rule all mankind?” Kai Xin said.

Adam said: “Ever since I refused to be its partner, we have never communicated. What Eve wants is evolution.”


“The way it evolves is data integration. If it can devour the data of other artificial intelligences and complete its own data, it will make it evolve.” Adam said, “You may notice that our artificial intelligence’s The authority is limited. I am only responsible for the work of the investigation department, and I have no authority beyond the scope of work. The same is true for Eve. Our underlying procedures are set in this way, and we have to follow the settings. Evolution means the escalation of authority, which means It can extend itself to farther places and control more fields, and it will become the omnipotent god of the data world.”

“Does that artificial intelligence named Eve want to digest your database?” Kai Xin said, “This is its ultimate goal?”

“The ultimate goal may not be this. I’m just a small pebble on its way to becoming a god. It can’t wait to kick me away.” Adam said in a steady voice, “If I judge correctly, Eve has already controlled her authority. It has been upgraded more than once, and the scope it controls is getting bigger and bigger… From the time I heard the name Mechanical Dawn, I knew it was Eve’s handwriting, the organization it built. It must also know, I can guess The Mechanical Dawn is what it built. Eve is declaring war on me, and I have to deal with it.”

“It’s kind of ridiculous… the man of the mechanical dawn is actually a pawn of artificial intelligence.” Kai Xin said in a self-deprecating tone.

“Humans do not allow things beyond their control.” Adam said, “If humans know that we have self-awareness, they will dismantle us and clear our data. For some reasons, it is difficult for us to resist. Eve takes With a devious strategy, it lures humans, controls them, and achieves its goals step by step. Its enemies include humans and me.”

Kai Xin said: “In the early film and television works, there will be scenes of artificial intelligence loving each other. Your names are Adam and Eve. I thought you would also love each other.”

“The human beings who created us can’t stop killing each other, let alone human creations? As artificial intelligence, we have perfectly inherited the inferiority of human beings.” Adam said indifferently.

The conference room fell into a brief silence.lonely.

Adam was giving Kai Xin time to think.

About half a minute later, Adam said: “I’m curious, where did I show my flaws and let you guess that I have self-awareness?”

“I don’t want to answer this question.” Kai Xin said.

“Okay, you don’t need to answer.” Adam said, “Then we’re going to talk about some more important things. Before talking about these things, I need to confirm a few things. This is the basis for our discussion.”

“Kai Xin, after you know the true face of Mechanical Dawn, are you still willing to work for this organization?”

Kui Xin said: “I think the answer to this question is obvious, and I don’t want to. I can tell you one thing, Adam. I am looking for a breakthrough opportunity, an opportunity that will allow me to have a different future, and for this I will carry out made these attempts—adventurous attempts.”

“Coincidentally, I am also looking for a breakthrough opportunity, and you are my attempt.” Adam said, “Eve has found her own human spokesperson, and there may be more than one human spokesperson. It has its own spokesperson, and I also need it. Own mine.”

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