Artificial Soul 1

After posting this post, Kai Xin didn’t waste time waiting for the reply message to be refreshed. She exited the posting page and clicked on the post titled “Announcement of the list of dead players”.

She scrolled to the end, and first looked at the death toll on August 9th.

As she expected, the number of deaths on August 9th was several times that of the total number of deaths from August 3rd to August 8th. Incredible. From the 3rd to the 5th, the number of players killed in battle was relatively small. On the 6th, the number of players killed in battle increased significantly. On the 9th, the number of dead players increased sharply.

Kai Xin conjectured that the reason for this phenomenon was that the federal government and some organizations took corresponding actions and started to implement the arrest plan around the 6th. After arresting the player, they also tortured more specific information from the player, and learned about the player’s return cycle and game rules. They knew that players would return en masse on August 9th, and there might be players leaking the situation on the forum, so they made some countermeasures—killing the players before they returned to the first world.

Only the dead can guarantee that secrets will not be leaked.

Kai Xin’s heart was unprecedentedly heavy.

The pressure of survival is on everyone’s head. As the first batch of closed beta players, everything is unknown. They are explorers of the new world. If the second and third batches of internal testing are really launched in the future, the players of this batch of internal testing should be able to hide themselves better under the guidance of their predecessors.

In the death list from the 3rd to the 8th, there were a few prominent sentences that caught Kai Xin’s attention.

Just like the game official notified in the forum post after Kai Xin killed Chai Jian last time, this time someone was also notified, and it was more than one.

“Agent No. 7980 was killed by Depriver No. 233 on August 6.”

This notification is from Kai Xin herself, so there is nothing to care about. What she cares about is the next one——

“Agent No. 5122 was killed by Depriver No. 777 on August 6.”

Depriver No. 777 also killed a player on August 6th, and the development of the matter suddenly became confusing. Kai Xin’s eyes became more serious, and she continued to look down at the notification.

“Agent No. 6803 was killed by Depriver No. 777 on August 9.”

“Agent No. 9689 was killed by Depriver No. 777 on August 9.”

“Agent No. 612 was killed by Agent No. 129 on August 9.”

Depriver No. 777 was actually notified three times.

On the nine days when the death toll was the highest, a proxy numbered 129 killed another proxy.

The identity of this depriver No. 777 must not be simple. Where did he get the information of so many players and successfully kill so many players? What is his purpose of killing so many players, is it to gain extraordinary abilities?

If Depriver 777 wasn’t an antisocial lunatic murderer, if he cared about his own life, if he didn’t want his identity to be exposed, then he shouldn’t have killed so many people in such a short period of time, but he did Done.

Kui Xin, from his own perspective, can’t help but speculate whether this Depriver No. 777 has the same ulterior motives as hers?

Finding three players in a row in just seven days… Unless Depriver No. 777 is a super hacker who can invade the core database of the Federation, it is impossible to do this with his own power alone. But finding out the player’s identity is not enough, he still needs to put in action, plan three murders, and ensure that he can survive the investigation and pursuit of the investigation department and other departments and escape smoothly.

Kai Xin fell into deep thought.She returned to the homepage and glanced at the pinned post. Apart from the list of dead players, there are no new official posts on the forum.

She glanced at the new posts below.

The warning post posted by Kai Xin has received 200 replies in just five minutes. After refreshing it, the number of replies is still rising. Players’ panic spread in the forum, and people kept opening related posts, but most of the discussions were concentrated in her posts.

And there are all kinds of speculations about Depriver No. 233 and Depriver No. 777.

“Are Depriver No. 233 and Depriver No. 777 trying to kill more people? These two people don’t know each other in the real world, do they?”

Someone replied: How is it possible…the probability of the two of them knowing each other is slightly higher than when Mars collided with the earth.

“No. 233 and No. 777 should be the only expropriators whose numbers were exposed in the forum, right? What about the other expropriators?”

1L: I think that under such circumstances, no other depriver would dare to reveal his serial number. Those who dare to reveal their serial numbers are all daring players…or lunatics.

2L: The decapitators can also gain superpowers by hunting the aborigines. I think most decapitators would rather hunt NPCs than our compatriots.

3L replied to 2L: So I feel that Depriver No. 233 and Depriver No. 777 are perverts. They must be crazy to commit such demonic acts.

4L: I remember the last time I saw someone speculate that these two deprived people would probably not continue to kill people in order to conceal their identities. Unfortunately, his guess was wrong. They are still going on and there is no sign of stopping.

Some old posts were posted by players when they first returned to the forum. At that time, Kai Xin hadn’t posted warning posts.

After her warning post was posted, the discussion on the forum’s homepage changed direction. Discussion posts about dispossessors are on the decline, panic-filled posts are on the rise, and some people are even posting their last words.

Kai Xin calmly read one post after another, and suddenly a new post caught her attention.

“It’s a reasonable guess. Will Depriver No. 233 and Depriver No. 777 serve in official government departments?”

First Floor: During the week of diving in the forum, I have seen players posting on the forum, saying that they are smugglers, criminals, thieves, prisoners, street gangsters, nightclub cowherds, social animals, mechanics, and college students … The players are involved in a variety of professions. So, I thought, will someone transmigrate and become a member of the federal government? Then the feds sent them to catch the player, and they did, and it turned out…

Maybe it’s because I read too many novels that I came up with this idea, but I really think this guess is quite tenable?

1L: Damn it, it’s possible!

2L: Help, I’m actually a little convinced.

3L: Life is not a novel. How can there be such a coincidence in the world?

4L: I think the original poster’s guess is very possible. In fact, I also have a similar guess. First of all, it is incredible to find such a player in the second world on your own. Where did Depriver No. 233 and Depriver No. 777 come from such a large amount of energy? If they don’t have such great energy themselves, they can only rely on some organizations or forces to find players.

5L: I don’t know if you have seen an old movie. The hero was created as an artificial human, and the reason why he was created is because people want to use him to hunt down other artificial humans who have awakened self-awareness. This is cannibalism between artificial humans. The male protagonist has no chance to resist. He can only kill his own compatriots and keep killing them. Otherwise, what awaits him will be “retirement”.

6L replied to 5L: Killing is killing. Don’t make up the tragic background and last resort for these two deprived people. Is this fair to the people who were killed?

7L replied to 6L: I’m just offering a guess, so there’s no need to stand on the moral high ground and accuse me.

8L: The atmosphere seemed to suddenly become tragic.

9L: Actually, 233, the popular science guy next door, I think it can be confirmed that he works for the federal government. He was the first person to stand up and post. Normal people don’t know so many inside stories.

10L: Most players are living in ignorance, but a few people are willing to stand up and explain the truth to us, reminding us of the dangers of the world, which can save many people. If the science popularization building next door 233 is an employee of the federal government, then he is undoubtedly in danger.

11L: Nima, the landlord’s guess suddenly seems very unreliable, but I feel a little convinced.

12L: Landlord, please delete. If what you said is true, then these two deprivers are undoubtedly on the verge of danger, and may die the next time they return.

13L: Is there such a virgin upstairs?

14L replied to 13L: The persuasion to delete is also for the safety of the science popularization landlord next door.

15L replies to 14L: Since he dares to stand up, he is not afraid of his identity being exposed, isn’t it the same whether he deletes it or not?

16L replied to 15L:? You said that, if others are ready to sacrifice, you can let others sacrifice? You are quite at ease.

17L (host): What you said makes sense.

After the poster of this post replied, Kai Xin refreshed again, the page was blank, and the post was deleted.

Kai Xin let out a breath, pursed the corners of her lips, and clicked on her own post.The number of replies has jumped to more than 400 at this time, and the discussion is still going on.

13L: Damn it, I knew the players would be exposed sooner or later!

18L: We were exposed so quickly! It’s almost beyond my imagination. The federal government of the Second World actually reacted so quickly. Could it be that they were responsible for the dead players?

21L: I want to say that I am not surprised at all. Although we have traveled to our own bodies in the parallel world, there is no relevant memory in our minds.

22L: The poster said “don’t trust the people around you too much”… Who else can we trust? No one can be trusted, even players will kill each other.

Many of the replies in this building are invalid replies, most of which are vulgar words expressing surprise, but there are also many valuable replies.

68L: Thank you, the host, for telling us these important news again. In fact, I have guessed about this before. The federal government of the second world is not a good person. If they know about the existence of players, they will definitely take corresponding actions.

In the first world, we have initially entered the information age in the 21st century. It is true that this era has brought us a lot of convenience and allowed us to enjoy technological life. However, there are also many disadvantages in this era, that is, there is no privacy! Our browsing information, call records, and even conversations in our daily life may be read by various software on the mobile phone and imported into the big data network. The technology of the second world is extremely advanced, many times more advanced than that of our first world. Under such circumstances, how can we not expose ourselves?

The number of players entering the second world is not too many, but it is not small. The second world is also an information society, a society without privacy. I think everyone should be vigilant from now on, not only can you not trust the humans around you, you can’t even trust the tools in your hands! Even a small communicator!

69L: There are so many high-tech home appliances in the second world that are difficult to control. I had a hard time when I first entered that world. I didn’t even know how to ride a suspended tram. I suggest that if you don’t understand the high-tech equipment of the second world, you can ask for help on the forum, so as to reduce the number of searches and browsing on the Internet. In addition, there are some functional modules in the setting function of the communicator, which you can choose to turn on or off, such as microphone permission, shooting permission, recording permission, and storage permission.

68L replied to 69L: Don’t think that everything will be fine if you turn off these permissions. Hackers can hack into the communicator, force these functions to be turned on, and monitor your every move.

134L: I have a very bad idea. You said, will there be two or five young players among the players?

135L replied to 134L: Damn it, an unimagined road.

136L: What if someone is threatened or lured into disclosing the information on the forum and other players to the enemies of the Second World?

137L: There is no way, and we don’t know how to read minds. Unless Er Wu Boy admits it, how can we prove that he is Er Wu Boy?

138L: I’m 100% sure that there will be a group of two or five boys among the players. There is never a shortage of soft bones in the world, let alone treacherous villains.

189L: Landlord, I know your identity is not simple. Thank you for sharing this information. If possible, can you please report that you are safe every time you come back? I hope you live a smooth and safe life.

223L: The situation is now very clear. There is only one path for the players to choose, and that is to unite. In fact, there were already people discussing this matter in the forum last week, but only a few people put it into practice. We can’t wait any longer, and cooperation is the key if we want to ensure the survival rate.

224L: What if the player you cooperate with is a 25-year-old boy? What if he recruited the depriver into his team? Although this is still a matter of no shadow, we still need to be more vigilant.

225L: There is one more thing to consider. If the confidentiality of information is not in place, one of the players is caught and the others are confessed. Wouldn’t it be the end of the game?

348L: Thanks to the host for giving me courage. Actually, I didn’t have the courage to stand up and post, but you inspired me. I want to tell what I have seen and heard. Blindly hiding will only lead to more deaths, but these things must be said by someone. If anyone in the know guesses where I work from my replies, please keep it a secret, please.

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