The Lightless Sea 08

Kai Xin flipped the page to browse quickly.

“The mission is to completely blow up the port of Heihai City and prevent the giant cargo ship ‘Kraken’ from berthing in Heihai City. This is Mission Plan A.”

“If you choose to implement Plan A, you must complete the port blasting task before August 11. After August 11, the Kraken will enter the waters of Black Sea City, and the task will fail.”

“Mission Plan B: Secretly land on the giant cargo ship ‘Kraken’ to install an explosive device and sink it into the sea.”

“If you choose to implement Plan B, the Kraken must be blown up before it enters the waters of Black Sea City on August 11.”

“The ultimate goal of the mission is to prevent the Kraken from entering the area of ​​Black Sea City. Repeat, the ultimate goal of the mission is to prevent the Kraken from entering the area of ​​Black Sea City.”

From this task information, Kai Xin smelled a sense of urgency.

What happened to the Kraken? Why does Mechanical Dawn stop it from coming to Black Sea City at all costs?

The Kraken is a huge cargo ship, the cargo ship itself should be the sameUsually, there are abnormalities, it can only be the goods loaded on the freighter!

What kind of goods made Dawn of Machinery attach so much…no, so much fear?

They even made a decision to blow up the port and destroy the cargo ship, just to prevent the cargo ship from entering Heihai City.

What cargo was transported on the Kraken?

Kai Xin suppressed his palpitations and continued to check the mission information.

“Large cargo ship No. 5 in the harbor area is berthed at the port. Warehouse 6308 of the warehouse in area D will regularly replenish arms. If you need supplies, you can go there to get them. The Ruby Bar on Peace Avenue in the harbor area is a public safe house for members of the organization. There are medical equipment and weapon maintenance equipment inside. Small firearms and ammunition will be replenished on a regular basis, and the entry code is “have a glass of intoxicated dark blue”. The owner of the Hunter Shooting Club in the North District can provide mission funds. The mechanical prosthetic laboratory on the third floor of Rick Technology’s headquarters can provide technological assistance to mission executors …”

The more Kai Xin watched, the more creepy he felt.

This Mechanical Dawn organization is terrifyingly powerful.

She sorted out these contents – first, Mechanical Dawn has the ability to mobilize the berthing port warehouse in Black Sea City as an arsenal. Second, Mechanical Dawn has so many organization members in Black Sea City that a public safehouse is needed as a meeting place. Third, Mechanical Dawn seems to be very rich, and there are special personnel responsible for allocating mission funds. Fourth, Rick Technology Company is very likely to be directly affiliated with Dawn of Machinery, or Rick Technology is a skin company run by Dawn of Machinery.

Yin Mian stared at Kai Xin: “Have you finished reading? Is there anything you want to say?”

“I’m calculating how many lives I need to prepare to complete this mission. Is one hundred enough?” Kai Xin smiled coldly under the tremendous pressure.

“It’s right to execute it.” Yin Mian said lightly, “Even if it takes human life to pile up, as long as we can prevent the things on the Kraken from entering Black Sea City, our sacrifice is worthwhile. It doesn’t matter if we die, our companions will be there Continue to complete the task before August 11th.”

Kai Xin deeply suspected that Mechanical Dawn was actually a brainwashing organization. The guy codenamed “Silver Face” in front of him was brainwashed so thoroughly that he even cared about his own life.

She looked down at the time on the bracelet.

The date of the second world is July 28, 2086, and the current time is 00:23, exactly midnight.

“We and the other teams have less than half a month to complete the task.” Silver Face said, “It’s more urgent.”

“Understood, I will formulate an action plan as soon as possible.” Kui Xin said, “But as a security guard during the internship period, I also have things that must be completed, and the people from the Investigation Department can’t be fooled.”

“The Investigation Department, the running dog of the consortium.” Yinmian snorted, “You are in charge of stealing information, and I am in charge of implementing the operation. We can discuss the plan together.”

Kai Xin nodded slowly.

She stood with Yin Mian in the living room for a while, seeing that he had no intention of speaking, she said, “I’m going to do my own thing, you can do whatever you want.”

Kai Xin didn’t know how the mechanical dawn execution team got along with each other, and didn’t know if the people in this organization had any established rules when performing tasks. Saying “you are free” is enough to express the meaning of the end of the conversation .

And Kai Xin does have his own things to do.

Under Yin’s gaze, she carefully looked at every room in the house. The room facing the sun is the bedroom and has a small wardrobe. Another room is the second bedroom, which is used as a utility room. There are two pots of dying green plants on the balcony.

Kai Xin went to the kitchen. The kitchen has all the pots and pans, opened the old refrigerator with peeling paint, and put some ingredients in it.

This house is full of life, but unfortunately the owner of the house died, and Kai Xinjiu occupied the magpie’s nest.

She closed the refrigerator door, went straight into the bedroom and opened the wardrobe.

Was there any unsealed underwear in the closet? Kai Xin took out the bath towel, found some clean home clothes, walked into the bathroom, and slammed the door.

Yin stared at the bathroom expressionlessly. It wasn’t until the lights in the bathroom came on and the sound of rushing water reached his ears that he dully realized that this woman was taking a shower.

He immediately shifted his gaze and retreated to the sofa and sat down, placing his hands on his knees neatly, like an obedient elementary school student.

Kai Xin had the idea of ​​breaking the jar.

Anyway, it’s all so bad, she can’t wrong herself anymore, the worst result is death, she still wants to struggle a few more times before she dies, maybe she will jump to the end after struggling and struggling?

She is a qualified undercover agent and an excellent actor. She is playing the role of a rookie intern in the investigation department. She takes the role wholeheartedly and regards herself as “Kai Xin”, a young girl who has just graduated from university with excellent grades and found a job.

It is perfectly reasonable for a young girl to take a hot shower in the rain after get off work, and what she did was logical.

The warm water poured down, and Kai Xin hypnotized himself, trying to keep his mind calm over and over again.

She took a bath for twenty minutes to adjust her mentality. Twenty minutes later, she put on clean clothes and went out of the bathroom, only to find that Yin Mian was still sitting in the living room.

Seeing Kai Xin coming out, Yin Mian gave her a cold look, then looked away.

Kai Xin didn’t understand what this guy wanted to do.

She wiped her hair with a towel, turned a few corners in her heart, and said to him, “Your next plan is…”

“Standby.” Silver Face said.

Waiting, where are you waiting? Stand by her side? Why doesn’t this guy leave!

In order to hide her expression, Kai Xin turned her head and went to the kitchen. She took out a few ingredients from the refrigerator and planned to eat something casually.She hasn’t had a meal since undergoing skull surgery, and she’s already hungry. Fortunately, the kitchen equipment is not so “high-tech”, and it still uses clean energy such as gas. She turned on the fire and put on the pot, wanting to cook some noodles.

Yin Mian watched Kui Xin’s action of cooking the noodles, and his stomach grumbled.

Silver Face: “…”

Kai Xin: “…”

“Want to eat?” She asked hesitantly.

“Yes.” Yin Mian answered quickly.

So Kai Xin added a handful of noodles and two eggs to the pot.

Details, this is a detail. She stared at the noodles churning in the pot.

Accepting the meal invitation without hesitation through Yin’s face, Kai Xin judged that he was not as cold and invulnerable as he appeared on the surface, he was even…a little defensive, he trusted his companions.

If it were Kai Xin, she wouldn’t eat food handled by strangers at this juncture. Maybe it’s because she was too neurotic after being poisoned by various novels and movies.

When the noodles were cooked, Kai Xin put his own portion on the table and said to Yinmian, “Go serve the rice yourself.”

Yin Nian stood up from the sofa and found a bowl, spread his five fingers, and the noodles and the remaining egg were carried by the noodle soup to float steadily and fell into the bowl without splashing a drop of soup.

Kai Xin’s hand holding the chopsticks trembled imperceptibly.

This is an extraordinary ability! Yinmian has extraordinary abilities!

Yin Mian was sitting opposite Kai Xin with a bowl in his hand, and he took off his hood and mask with a lift of his hand.

Under the mask, his face was as pale as snow, his eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair were all white, and his pupils were light pink. Inconspicuous red blood vessels could be seen on both sides of his neck and cheeks. If it weren’t for this faint red, he would be like a wandering ghost, a lifeless walking corpse.

The pale pink eyes on the silver face stared at Kai Xin: “Look at what I am doing? Have you never seen albinism?”

It’s because he has never seen albinism, but what Kai Xin cares about is not his special appearance, but the extraordinary ability he unintentionally reveals.

“I thought you wouldn’t take off your mask when eating.” Kai Xin changed the subject.

“How can you eat without taking off your mask?” Yin Mian asked inexplicably.

“That’s what I’m going to ask you.” Kai Xin said slowly.

Yinmian seemed to realize something: “You think I’m wearing a mask to be cool?”

“I never said that.” Kai Xin lowered his head to eat the noodles.

Yin Mian picked up the noodle with a bored expression and took a bite but was burned. He opened his palm angrily and controlled the noodle in the bowl to float up and down in the air, letting it cool down quickly. When the temperature of the noodles finally dropped, he took the chopsticks to eat the rice with confidence.

This guy… doesn’t seem very smart.

Kui Xin was thoughtful.

What Kai Xin made were boiled noodles in plain water, and he added a little salt. The taste was unflattering, but the silver noodles were not picky at all, and he ate them with great enjoyment. He finished the meal in two or three bites.

The way he grilled noodles reminded Kai Xin of the little piggy rice at his grandfather’s house in the country.

“You go to wash the dishes.” Kui Xin made a request, wanting to try the silver noodles and answer it.

Yin Mian put the two empty bowls into the sink without complaint, and turned on the tap.

“Turn the tap down, and the water bill is expensive.” Kai Xin said.

Yinmian: “Why do you have so much shit? This house doesn’t belong to you! You don’t need to pay utility bills from your account!”

“Acting means imitating every detail, no matter who is behind, you don’t understand.” Kai Xin gave an impeccable reason.

Yin Mian patiently and restraintly manipulated the water flow to wash the dishes, and put the dishes into the cabinet after washing.

Kai Xin secretly observed that Yinmian’s extraordinary ability seemed to be related to water. He did not control the floating of bowls or other objects, but only controlled the flow of water. Water is the medium.

When Yinmian first appeared at Kai Xin’s house, she thought he was an old acquaintance of Yuanshen, so she exercised more restraint.

After repeated conversations and probing, Kai Xin preliminarily concluded that the original body and Yinmian were not acquaintances, and this was probably their first meeting. Because when the silver face took off the mask, he said: “Have you never seen albinism?”

This sentence directly proves that the original body has never seen the real face of the silver face.

In this case, Kai Xin will not have to worry so much. She was really afraid that her partner would be someone who was very familiar with the original body, so that she might show her flaws within two or three words.

Kai Xin was still lucky this time.

She met Yinmian who didn’t know her well. Fortunately, Yinmian didn’t seem to be very defensive against her.

Most importantly, Yinmian is a person with extraordinary abilities.

If she kills Yinmian, will she be able to deprive him of his abilities and make herself possess extraordinary abilities?


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