Artificial Soul 14

“Kai Xin!” Yu Liang ran towards this side with his gun raised, followed by a group of security guards.

“Captain Yu.” Kui Xin raised his gun and pointed at the woman curled up in the corner, “A living victim.”

Yu Liang turned his head and told the people behind him, “Take her away and escort her to the detention center of the General Administration for interrogation.”

“I’m afraid it’s not enough to just take her away.” Kuixin said, “The alien blood man who was hunted down this time is probably a dwarf who disguised himself as that woman’s child. The two of them must have been in contact for a long time, garbage There are quite a few people living in the mountains, they should have seen the two of them, maybe they will know something about them. We need to take this woman’s neighbors to interrogate them, maybe we can ask something.”

“It makes sense.” Yu Liang raised his eyebrows and looked at the security guard, “Have you heard? Go to work.”

After the security guards handcuffed the woman on the ground and escorted her away, Yu Liang said, “That man with different blood has extraordinary abilities? Come and tell me carefully.”

“Her ability is very strange. At that time, the alien blood man we were hunting was not found, so I guessed that the alien blood man either escaped or made a disguise. Only the child has not been tested for wounds, so I plan to let the child I also made a wound on myself to test, and I didn’t let any suspects go.” Kai Xin said calmly, “But just when I was going to let that ‘little girl’ do the test, she suddenly showed pity to me. I actually believed her in a daze… It was as if I was confused by something, and I didn’t realize it until the ‘little girl’ walked away.”

“Psychic supernatural abilities are really hard to guard against. They are often very covert when activated.” Yu Liang said, “It’s a pity that no survivors were left. But the circumstances at that time did not allow them to survive.”

“Her ability must be flawed. I was deceived for a very short time.” Kai Xin said, “If I break free quickly, our companion will not die.”

“It’s not your fault that you don’t have experience fighting against people with psychic abilities.” Yu Liang said calmly, “Dead people are very common.”

Kai Xin re-read the description of “Deception”.

“You have a certain probability to make the other party believe your lie unconditionally within a limited period of time, and be induced by your emotions. The probability of deception is random, and the duration is affected by factors such as the willpower of the other party and the credibility of the lie.”

These few descriptions are very worthy of scrutiny.

“Unconditionally believe your lies” – unconditionally!

In other words, no matter what kind of lies Kai Xin told,In other words, deception techniques have a certain probability to make Kai Xin’s lie effective, even if she says: “My real identity is actually the son of Krypton.” As long as the effective probability is triggered, the other party will believe her lie.

The effective probability of deception is completely random, and the duration will be affected by other factors.

The “probability of effectiveness” and “duration” are described separately, and they exist independently. If the deceit doesn’t trigger successfully, the duration doesn’t matter because it doesn’t work at all. Duration only needs to be considered if the deception is in effect.

For example, Kai Xin lied to others that she was an alien. This lie is very unbelievable, and the person she lied to is relatively determined, so the duration of the lie will be very short.

Kai Xin was tricked a few minutes ago, and the duration of the lie was very short. It can only be said that the man with different blood was lucky, and the probability of effectiveness was triggered just in front of Kai Xin, allowing her to be tricked.

To sum up, deceit is a skill that depends on the face. The probability of its effectiveness is likely to be the same as that of the card game.

If it takes effect, it is a magical skill. No matter how bad it is, it can slow down the opponent’s thinking for a few seconds. If it doesn’t take effect, it will have no effect.

“Judging from this training, you are a qualified fighter. Although you are still a little immature in some aspects, you are generally very good.” Yu Liang said, “If you catch the alien blood, our mission will be over. Oh… ah, there is one more thing you have to remember, the blood that is formed after the death of the alien blood is also a sample, and it must be sampled.”

As he spoke, Yu Liang took out two thin glass tubes from his pocket, and took out two sterile gloves from a sealed bag, put them on, and showed Kai Xin how to take samples.

After sampling, Yu Liang stood up and kept the glass tube.

“Do you need to search the houses where the people with different blood lived?” Kai Xin said.

“Of course we need it.” Yu Liang said, “Let’s go, let’s go back to that place.”

The two of them came to the dilapidated iron house side by side.

The furnishings in the tin room are unobstructed, including a few broken boxes for storing things, a wooden bed, a chair, and a table with rotten corners.

Kai Xin sniffed, and smelled a very faint rotten smell in the air. You could hardly smell this smell when you stood at the door, and you could only smell it when you walked into the room.

“It’s the smell of corpses.” The experienced Yu Liang said, “The smell of rotting corpses. Have you ever smelled it?”

“I haven’t seen a highly decomposed corpse in my short career. Is this the smell of a corpse?” Kai Xin said, “I have seen fresh corpses and smelled the stench of blood, but this smell…”

“Remember this smell. The smell of a corpse is different from the smell of other decaying things. It is difficult to distinguish the smell of a corpse hidden in the garbage dump, but experienced people can recognize it.” Yu Liang said, “You smell it twice and remember it.”

“If you smell my overnight meal again, you’ll spit it out.” Kai Xin complained.

“That means you’re not used to it yet.” Yu Liang said.

He sniffed here and there, and kicked away the wooden bed in the room.

Sure enough, there was a dead body hidden under the wooden bed. The dead body was tightly wrapped in several layers of plastic sheeting. The plastic sheeting was tied tightly with ropes, and some messy deodorants were placed around it.

Kai Xin frowned in disgust.

“Looking at the size of the shroud, the deceased was a young child.” Yu Liang also frowned, “The alien blood killed the woman’s child, controlled her with psychic abilities, and lived in this room instead of her child? Didn’t the people around the garbage mountain notice it?”

“That woman is mentally abnormal.” Kui Xin said, “Is it possible that the woman’s child died in the first place, and she couldn’t accept the fact that she became mentally insane, and then the alien blood took advantage of it? According to my experience, the The ability of the alien blood does not affect people so much that it can make people insane, maybe she is already insane.”

“Before there is no autopsy, everything is possible. If you interrogate the living, you should be able to find out something.” Yu Liang lifted up the shroud with one hand, and said with disgust, “Damn, I hate moving corpses… Xin, you come and move.”

Kai Xin: “…you hate moving, do I just like it?”

“Hey,” Yu Liang smiled, “but I’m your captain! I’m your training officer, your boss, you have to listen to me. Now there is no one available, so you have to move.”

Well, who told her that she is a newcomer, and her level is not as high as Yu Liang’s? She just moved.

Kai Xin dragged the rope on the shroud expressionlessly, carried it and followed Yu Liang away.

When she got into the suspended police car, Kai Xin only felt the stench of corpses wafting from her body, and she was anxious to go back to the lounge of the investigation department to take a shower.

Yu Liang in the driver’s seat said, “The task is completed, what do you think?”

“I don’t think so much. It’s the same as the previous missions, just finish it.” Kai Xin said, “Captain Yu, what you taught is simple and rough, but I also understand that it is necessary to be so simple and rude to perform tasks. Own.”

“Just understand.” Yu Liang took out a pack of cigarettes from the pocket of his combat uniform, smoked one and bit it in his mouth.

“Don’t smoke in the car.” Kai Xin reminded.

“I know, I don’t smoke.” Yu Liang bit his cigarette irritably, “I quit smoking, and I feel better with this. I will smoke a cigarette every time I complete a task.”

“Why did you suddenly quit smoking?” Kai Xin asked, “You seem to be quite addicted to smoking.”

Yu Liang’s eyebrows drooped, “I’m married and have a child. The child is not allowed to smoke, and thinks I stink.”

No wonder he is merciful to children. Kai Xin thought that not long ago he didn’t allow children to do wound tests. Apart from the reason why the children could not bear the blood of the gods, this might also be one of the reasons.

“Kai Xin, do you have any plans for the future?” Yu Liang asked suddenly.

“I didn’t expect that such a rough person as Captain Yu would talk about life ideals with his subordinates.” Kai Xin raised his eyebrows, imitating Adam’s way of speaking, “Maybe I shouldn’t look at you with a stereotype, your heart is actually delicate.”

“Kai Xin,” Adam said at this moment, “do you have any opinion on me?”

Kai Xin ignored Adam.

“You’re hurting me, right?” Yu Liang glared at Kai Xin, “I don’t want to talk about falling down.”

“There’s nothing I don’t want to talk about, except for a little surprise.” Kai Xin said, “It’s hard for me to make long-term plans. There are too many things in front of me… In terms of long-term plans, there is only one—to make money.”

“Your family is not well off, is it?” Yu Liang said, “It says on your personal information that you are in debt of hundreds of thousands?”

“There is such a thing.” Kai Xin said, “If you owe money, you can only pay it back slowly. Life will always get better.”

“Want to improve the living environment?” Yu Liang asked.

“Yeah.” Kai Xin nodded, “Recently, I want to move to the staff dormitory of the Investigation Department. My home is on Anning Street, Gangwan District. It’s too far away from work. It takes a lot of time to commute every day. Living in the staff dormitory will be more convenient. ”

Yu Liang said: “It’s easy to handle, just write an application. Haven’t you been a regular for a while? Why haven’t you moved here yet?”

“Because I was performing a patrol mission in the harbor area a few days ago, it was closer to my home.” Kai Xin said, “I will write the application form when I get back.”

Yu Liang stopped talking.

But Adam said in Kai Xin’s headset: “He’s testing you, Kai Xin. It’s a clumsy temptation, Yu Liang is not an intellectual. Yu Liang has followed Lin Xinji for a long time, and he followed him to ascend to the sky and reached his current position .If you have obvious desires, places that can be used, and ambitions to climb up, it will be much easier to attract.”

Yes, Kai Xin also saw Yu Liang’s temptation, so she showed a little desire for money and a desire to change the status quo of life.

As for moving to the staff dormitory, this is the solution Kai Xin came up with to break the situation.

Shu Xuyao ​​told her a long time ago that the security in the harbor area is not good, and suggested that she live in the staff dormitory, but Kai Xin never found a chance to move out.

The family who lived on Anning Street, Kui Xin, had to face Yin Mian day and night, and it was difficult for her to have time to go about her own affairs. If she didn’t come home by the time, Yin Mian would definitely become suspicious. It would be much easier to live in the staff dormitory. Kai Xin could bypass Yinmian, get rid of the surveillance of Mechanical Dawn, get out of Eve’s sphere of influence, and stay in Adam’s territory.

Adam can help Kai Xin cover her whereabouts and help her kill people on the death list.

As long as her partnership with Adam continues, Kai Xin is safe.

Back at the investigation department, Kai Xin hurried to the lounge to take a shower.

The stench all over her body was really unbearable for her. After taking a bath, Kai Xin felt that her sense of smell had returned to normal.

A morning passed quickly, and Kai Xin took advantage of his lunch break to write the application form for the staff dormitory and hand it over to Shu Xuyao.

“It will be approved tomorrow, and you can collect your luggage when you go home today.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “It’s good to live here, it’s much safer. The staff dormitory is in the apartment building next to the investigation building. It’s very close and the environment is good.”

“I can finally move out of that dilapidated place.” Kai Xin said relaxedly, “The streetlights on Anning Street are all broken, and no one comes to fix them. Captain, how much does it cost to buy a small house near the city center? I can’t even think about downtown.”

“A small apartment of 40 square meters costs three to five million.” Shu Xuyao ​​thought for a while, “I don’t know the price very well, so I may not be sure.”

Kai Xin: “Forget it, I give up my extravagant hopes.”

“When you are promoted to my position, your monthly salary will be 50,000. According to the number of field missions you have, there will be commissions.” Shu Xuyao ​​said, “To be honest, for ordinary people without foundation, buying a house is indeed a big task.” Very difficult thing.”

“My monthly salary is just over 10,000 now. It takes at least two or three years to be promoted to the position of captain. Security guards retire in their forties, and their physical fitness declines when they are in their thirties. There is no hope.” Kuixin said, “Anyway, there is still a house on Anning Street, and I will live there when I retire.”

Shu Xuyao ​​smiled, “You have been thinking about retirement since the very beginning of your life. You are an awakened one, Kai Xin, and your future has infinite possibilities, so you won’t be trapped here. I wish you an early escape from this terrible situation. ”

“Thank you, captain.” Kui Xin said, “The lunch break is over, and I’m going to train.”

“Thank you, let’s go.” Shu Xuyao ​​said gently.

After returning home from get off work, there was another problem before Kai Xin.

She had to explain to Mechanical Dawn why she moved from Anning Street to the staff dormitory of the Investigation Department.

Kui Xin sent a message to Kui Haidong.

“Hello? ‘Dad’.” Kui Xin said, “I’m going to move out of Anning Street and move into the staff apartment of the Investigation Department.”

Kai Haidong on the communication side frowned, “It’s a bit inconvenient…”

“Well, I’m on the rise now.” Kai Xin said, “My boss has asked me to move to the staff dormitory many times, and I can’t refuse too much. In addition, the leader of the investigation department seems to intend to recruit me. I need Be positive.”

“Leader? Who is it?” Kui Haidong was distracted, “In your bodyThe identity is indeed easy to be seen, the Awakened who came from a commoner…”

“I’m not sure who it is. I conducted emergency training today. The training officer in charge of leading me is a B-level awakened person. He tested me a lot during the training process. I suspect there is someone behind him.” Kai Xin said ambiguously, “The group Long-level leaders are unable to drive a B-level awakened person, and it should be someone at a higher level who wants to recruit me.”

“Since this is the case, that’s fine.” Kai Haidong said, “This is beneficial to our actions. You continue to gain their trust and complete the tasks I entrusted to you.”

“Okay.” Kui Xin replied.

“Since you are moving to the staff dormitory, you must not come here often at the headquarters.” Kui Haidong pondered, “If you are in a hurry, please contact Yechan to help you.”

“I know.” Kui Xin said.

When she hung up the communication, the silver face beside her said in shock, “You’re moving out?!”

Kai Xin said, “Yes.”

Yin Mian was even more shocked and said, “Then where am I going?”

“Find a place to live by yourself. I’ll contact you if you have anything to do. If you have nothing to do, you can move around freely.” Kui Xin said, “This matter is so easy to solve. Why are you so surprised?”

The silver face was wronged: “Because I’m under your control, you have to make arrangements for me if you want to move out.”

“Now that the arrangements have been made, do you have any questions?” Kai Xin looked at him.

Silver Face: “…not anymore.”

Kai Xin got up to pack his things, but Kai Haidong called Kai Xin again.

“Xiao Xin, let’s come to the headquarters again tonight.” Kui Haidong said, “I just forgot to mention that there are extra things that I need to ask you to do, which is very important.”

While Kai Haidong was speaking, a deep blue vortex slowly opened up in the living room of Kai Xin’s house, and Yechan opened the portal.

Kai Xin’s eyes sank: “Okay, I’ll come right away.”

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