After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 11 The monarch and his ministers have met in time (11)

In Luo Xiuqi's ardent expectation, after half a month, he finally saw the Daqi battle flag fluttering and roaring in the biting wind.

Shen An doesn't know martial arts, so Shen Minghuan didn't take him with him on this trip.

In line with the principle that he could not have others without him, Shen Minghuan did not allow Luo Xiuqi to bring the accompanying servants, including Lu Ren.

The sky in Mobei is gray, as if it reflects the yellow sand on the ground.

The wind is mixed with sand and gravel, which makes people's skin hurt.

Shen Minghuan lowered the curtain of the carriage and covered it tightly, and then asked someone to send a message, asking King Rui to lead the troops on horseback from the front.

He made sense: "The first meeting is very important. If Your Highness enters the military camp in a carriage, wouldn't it make the soldiers think you are pampered? How can you subdue them?"

Luo Xiuqi gritted his teeth and got out of the carriage unwillingly.

The armor on his body had little effect on resisting the wind and sand. Prince Pea only felt pain all over his body.

Luo Xiuqi smiled bitterly, "Sir, everything is good, but he is too harsh."

Shen Minghuan's achievements during this period include but are not limited to: letting Luo Xiuqi practice riding skills in the scorching sun, wind and rain, letting Luo Xiuqi eat only steamed buns for three meals a day, and beating gongs and drums next to Luo Xiuqi's ears to wake him up in the middle of the night... …

It is euphemistically called "hardening the mind and adapting to the hard and simple life in the military camp in advance."

When the system first heard this, he hesitated: [Host, is it really useful? ]

If it was useful, he would like to arrange it for the good cub. It is a bit hard, but after all, growing up, how can it not be hard?

The good boy can't lose to anyone.

At that time, Shen Minghuan was nestled comfortably in the soft blanket and replied with a smile: "Useful?" Does life expectancy count? ]

The system is silent.

Zhuo Feichen led a small team to meet them far away.

The nearly fifty-year-old general's temples have turned white with frost, and the wind and sand have carved traces of time on his face.

He is no longer young, but his eyes are still sharp, but because of the recent turmoil, there is a touch of desolation and sadness.

The general, who would not compromise despite being threatened with swords and axes, once disliked the playboys who took advantage of their family background to do evil. Now he has begun to learn to deal with things diplomatically.

——He has already implicated a crown prince whom thousands of people are looking forward to, and he doesn't dare to implicat others anymore.

Luo Xiuqi looked disgraced. When he saw the dark figure riding a war horse from a distance, his face suddenly glowed.

"General Zhuo, I have admired your name for a long time. Although I have lived in Beijing for a long time, I have often heard about General Zhuo's bravery as the god of war."

"I don't dare." Zhuo Feichen was unwilling in his heart, but still spoke respectfully. Just two words were the biggest concession he could make.

Perhaps because he was tortured so much by Shen Minghuan, Luo Xiuqi actually didn't care about the other party's "offense". He showed his polite and virtuous corporal side in a very friendly manner.

From boasting about his demeanor to dressing up, from talking about poems and songs to philosophy of life, Luo Xiu was eloquent, but he never said "thank you" to General Zhuo for coming thousands of miles away.

Or rather, he didn't even realize it.

Isn't it the right thing for His Highness, the prince, to be welcomed and escorted and surrounded by everyone? It would be disrespectful if Zhuo Feichen didn't come to greet him.

Luo Xiuqi rode at the front, followed by Shen Minghuan's carriage.

Shen Minghuan stretched out his hand to brush the car curtain. Every part of his body was exquisite, and the dust floating in the sky made his fingers white and slender.

Zhuo Feichen seemed to have no intention of looking back when a gust of wind happened to pick up the yellow sand on the ground and hit everyone with overwhelming force.

The curtain of the carriage opened, and Zhuo Feichen tried his best to keep his eyes open despite the raging wind and sand.

Sitting in the carriage, the young master was dressed in white clothes. He kept brushing the curtain with one hand and played with a folding fan with the other hand. With a slight movement of the wrist, the folding fan drew a very beautiful arc that also contained murderous intent.

Shen Minghuan raised his eyes slightly, his gaze stern.

He let go of his hand, and the curtain slid down slowly. He still held the folding fan in his other hand, like a sharp sword that sharpened iron silently.

The curtain closed and Zhuo Feichen blinked, only to realize that there seemed to be sand in his eyes, making them dry and uncomfortable.

He turned his head around without leaving a trace, thinking, it turned out that this was Shen Minghuan. As Qu Zhengcheng said, it was as extraordinary as dragons and phoenixes.

Just based on the technique of using the fan, Zhuo Feichen was sure that this person was good at martial arts, and his martial arts skills were not bad.

He knew that Shen Changqing had a precious grandson, and he also heard that the child had great literary talents and was known as a literary star, but he had never heard of this man's achievements in martial arts.

No wonder Qu Zhengcheng's letter was written mysteriously. It turned out that he had met a fellow-traveler who also liked to hide his skills.

Qu Zhengcheng also said that he could trust this person...

That's all, he still believes in himself more.

The motorcade drove into the military camp in a mighty manner. According to law, all military attachés in the army had to wait in front of the camp.

The person who deserves this kind of treatment is not the second prince, not King Rui, and it has nothing to do with Luo Xiuqi.

The person they paid their respects to was the Generalissimo of the Army.

It's a pity that Luo Xiuqi didn't know.

He passed between the two columns, and even though he tried his best to hide it, his raised head still betrayed his inner excitement.

There is a difference between a decisive warrior and a submissive servant in the capital. The more powerful a person surrenders, the more extreme vanity they can bring.

There was already a slight chill in late autumn, and in the howling cold wind in Mobei, Luo Xiuqi briefly felt the wonderful taste of supreme power.

It's so addictive - I can't stop.


At the foot of Li Chengzhuo is Mengshan Mountain.

Mengshan Mountain has had many names, including Ghost Mountain, Changwei Mountain, and Hopeless Mountain...

According to history books, this place was engulfed in war for seven hundred years. There were bones at the foot of the mountain and blood on the top of the mountain.

It wasn't until 167 years ago that Li Lan established a political power in the north of Mengshan Mountain and took advantage of the high and dangerous mountains to fight off foreign enemies. Only then did Mengshan Mountain gradually be called back to its original name.

Nowadays, all countries are ready to take action, Lilan is in a weak position, and the peaceful situation in Mengshan has been broken again.

The night was already deep. Li Chengzhuo frowned and looked at the map spread out on the table. The candlelight flickered. He suddenly looked up and smiled helplessly.

"Uncle Emperor, please rest early. There is no need to accompany me."

The old man on the side nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, shaking his head vigorously, trying to wake himself up, but the effect didn't seem to be great.

Li Yue opened his hazy eyes and said stubbornly: "That won't work. I'm here. You can still find someone when you need to discuss it."

In the battle with Kou two years ago, all Lilan's young generals were killed on the battlefield. Although they repelled the enemy, their own vitality was also seriously damaged.

It's a pity that there is no time for them to cultivate and thrive. Just two years is not enough for the new generation to grow up.

Li Yue has retired for many years, but Li Lan has fallen into a situation where no one is available and can only come out again.

He is very clear about his position.

Li Chengzhuo's abilities were not weaker than his. On the contrary, he was older and had numerous hidden wounds from his previous battles on the battlefield, which were also screaming for him to fall.

Now he is just a paper tiger, with ridiculous bluff, just hoping to give his nephew a little more confidence.

As long as there is an enemy who is afraid of his existence, it will make sense for him to drag his old and frail body to Mengshan.

"His Royal Highness, Master." Someone opened the curtain, strode in, and handed an envelope with both hands.

——At a time of life and death, this is already the most respectful etiquette.

"The second prince of the Qi Dynasty has arrived. It is said that the other party does not have much respect for the military marshal. This is the news sent by our people."

Zheng Zhuo explained the origin of the letter in a low voice and quickly, and then quietly waited for the two of them to read it.

Li Chengzhuo's newly relaxed brows wrinkled again unconsciously. He pondered for a moment, then turned around and asked, "Uncle Emperor, if we take this opportunity to take the initiative, what do you think is the chance of winning?"

Li Yue didn't expect Li Chengzhuo to be so bold. A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he thought for a moment, "It's less than three floors."

"Three floors...enough!" Li Chengzhuo stood up and said decisively: "If we just sit back and wait for death, we won't even have half a chance of winning."

Even so, he couldn't rush forward so recklessly. Li Chengzhuo took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

Even when he caught a glimpse of Zheng Zhuo standing nearby, he could still squeeze out a smile and comfort him, "Zhuo, you go and rest first."

Zheng Zhuo was Li Yue's disciple two years ago. The old man tried to burn out the last glow of his life to build another barrier for his homeland.

It's a pity that God never favored Li Lan and secretly added another deadline to this inheritance.

Two years is really too short.

If there was nothing he could do, how could it be Li Chengzhuo's turn to go to the battlefield?

Li Chengzhuo is Li Lan's only heir.

Emperor Le Lao had a deep love for the queen and his wife, and created a virtual harem for her. Even though the queen was never pregnant, it blocked all the pressure from the previous dynasty.

Despite being forced by the courtiers, he refused to accept the concubine.

The emperor was planning to adopt a child in the clan, but he didn't expect that the "elderly" queen was pregnant, that is, Li Chengzhuo.

When he got a son in old age, Empress Li Lan cherished him like a treasure, and his status as prince was unshakable. The courtiers were still worried at first, but after Li Chengzhuo grew up and showed his talent, they gradually became relieved.

He was supposed to inherit the throne smoothly, but now Li Lan is like a big fat piece of meat that everyone wants to take a bite of, and his life and death is at stake.

The warrior is half-dead in front of the army. As a prince, how can he sit in the rear and enjoy the glory?

Zheng Zhuo nodded hesitantly, then bowed and left.

He realized that his mental state was not good and he really needed to rest, otherwise he would only drag down his comrades.

Before walking out of the camp, he suddenly turned around hesitantly and asked in a low voice: "Your Highness, can we win?"

They defeated the Qi Dynasty once, and the victory was not beautiful, and for that victory, they had paid a huge price.

How to fight the next battle? Or do they still need to fight to the death?

The sleepiness in Li Yue's eyes faded instantly. He seemed to be dissatisfied with Zheng Zhuo for saying such words that disturbed the morale of the army. He said in a cold and decisive tone: "We must win!"

Behind you is your home and country.

If Mengshan is lost, there will be no obstacle to the capture of Lilan.

Of course Zheng Zhuo knows this truth, but many times, unswerving determination is like the earth cow Ishida before a cruel fate.

He didn't want to give up, he was just a little confused.

"Don't worry." Li Chengzhuo said, "Even if you lose, I will definitely die in front of you."

The emperor guards the gate of the country, and the king dies in the country.

It was impossible for him to see Li Lan perish, because before that, he must have closed his eyes forever.

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