After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 115 It’s too late to remedy the situation (20)

Xie Xu was taking Shen Minghuan to visit the new house when the optical brain on his wrist suddenly vibrated.

He raised his hand and glanced casually, his brows suddenly frowned tightly, and the raised corners of his mouth were retracted, as if he had seen very bad news, and his expression was extremely serious.

"Ming Huan, I want to go back to school first, you..."

"I'll go back with you."

Shen Minghuan spoke first, and finally asked worriedly: "Teacher, is the situation on the front line very bad?"

Xie Xu walked in a hurry and sighed when he heard the words, "In recent years, the number of Zerg attacks has become more and more frequent. In the past, such large-scale attacks only happened once every few years. But since a few years ago, there will be one every spring during the Zerg breeding season. A tough battle has to be fought. It ended more than a month ago and it has started again.”

Xie Xu frowned even more, worried: "The alliance has suffered heavy casualties and has not recovered yet. I don't know if this time..."

He suddenly realized that these heavy topics seemed inappropriate to bring up in front of a minor, so he smiled deliberately and changed the subject, "You have not caught up with the good times. I remember it should be five or six years ago. The alliance was peaceful for a whole decade. . Although there were small winds and waves, it basically didn’t have much impact.”

Five or six years ago, it was quiet for ten years.

That was almost sixteen years ago.

"Can I go?" Shen Minghuan asked suddenly.

This was said so inexplicably that Xie Xu didn't react for a moment: "What?"

Shen Minghuan raised his head and said seriously: "Teacher, I want to go to the front line."

"Absolutely not!" Xie Xu almost fell down, but he quickly stood up, "Ming Huan, you don't have to worry about this. Before you become an adult, just stay in school with peace of mind."

The aircraft was very fast and arrived at the school in a short time.

Xie Xu jumped off the aircraft and walked quickly towards the office, menacingly, with a hint of embarrassment and anger on his brows.

Shen Minghuan followed him persistently: "But teacher, you also said that the school has nothing to teach me."

Xie Xu stopped helplessly: "Ming Huan, no one stipulates that you must learn something. Growth can be a slow thing without pursuing utilitarianism."

He said funnyly: "Cherish the time when you can still feel confident and waste your time. When you become an adult, I won't object even if you want to live on the front line, but it is definitely not possible now."

"Teacher." Shen Minghuan was unusually insistent: "I have seen data analysis and it turns out that only SS-class mechas can enter the Zerg nest to destroy the Zerg Queen."

He ran in front of Xie Xu, "You know, I'm not S-class, I'm..."

Xie Xu covered his mouth: "Do you want to die?!"

Shen Minghuan blinked innocently.

"Ming Huan, this matter is not something I can decide." Xie Xu rubbed his forehead with a headache, "Do you know that it is illegal to allow minors to go to the battlefield? I agree with the laws of the alliance and cannot agree to it."

Shen Minghuan refused to give up and said: "In urgent matters, the alliance plans to let the seniors graduate early. It doesn't matter if they make an exception for me."

"That's because...wait!"

Xie Xu reacted, "How do you know that the league wants seniors to graduate early? Even I just received the news."

He was so excited just now because of this incident, and he came back in a hurry to stop it.

Shen Minghuan sighed: "Teacher, I have been paying attention to the Heroes' Square on the Star Network. There have been too many numbers added in the past two months. And... I have seen most of the names on the list of outstanding graduates of the military academy."

He said softly: "Teacher, the main players are all sacrificed, right? I know that the alliance has no choice. If the seniors are not allowed to go, the alliance will fall."

It's only October now. Logically speaking, it won't be until June of the next year that this class of seniors graduates.

Then the legion begins to recruit people, and the newly recruited recruits will also have a period of protection. They will not be sent to the front line immediately, and they will not face life and death before they are ready.

The artillery fire on the battlefield was merciless, and the length of life was condensed into a short moment. Every day, people closed their eyes forever on that land.

But even though death has become so frequent and common, the Alliance is still doing its best to give all soldiers a chance to live.

Principal Xie Xu was of course reluctant to part with him. He had just sent away a group of students, and now this class of seniors had only been seniors for a month.

His first thought when he received the news was to "dismiss" and he wanted to protect his students.

But he didn't know what reason to use.

An inch of mountains and rivers, an inch of blood, a hundred thousand students and a hundred thousand soldiers.

This sounds very heroic, but if the situation is not serious enough, the alliance will not allow this idea to be proposed.

Who wants this kind of heroic legend written with tragedy?

"So, teacher, you have to agree to my going." Shen Minghuan said, "Even if you don't believe me, you still have to believe in the SS-class mecha. With me here, I can reduce a lot of casualties."

He raised a finger and said, "I promise I won't be brave and I will save my life. After all, I can only be the Queen of the Zerg."

He actually felt proud at the end, and declared in the second place: "Teacher, you see, it is the alliance that needs me."

Xie Xu knocked his head in a funny way, "Others avoid him, but you are the only one who takes it as pride."

"Don't reveal your SS-level talent level yet." Xie Xu emphasized again, "Wait until I think about it carefully and find a suitable time. Will you wait until I know the news?"

The SS level is enough to play a key role on the battlefield. It cannot be hidden forever, but it must be distinguished from Tang Chao Yan.

Shen Minghuan nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Teacher, what about this matter..." Shen Minghuan probed cautiously.

Xie Xu was silent for a moment, "I can't possibly agree, but I promise you that I will tell the alliance for you, but I can't control whether they agree or not."

Two hours later.

Xie Xu sent a message to Shen Minghuan: [The alliance agrees. 】

Shen Minghuan could feel the other person's depression and grievance through the light of his brain, and he almost laughed out loud.


The most difficult decision has been made, and the next step should be done sooner rather than later.

Major military academies have announced early graduation notices for senior students, and the alliance has also informed all citizens that the legion will recruit an additional batch of recruits this year.

This is the only requirement that Principal Xie Xu compromises on: no force.

Graduation comes after graduation, but it must be left to the students themselves to decide whether to join the army and go to the front line at this time.

"That's natural." The congressman from the Alliance was half proud and half sentimental. "When has the Alliance ever managed to outdo anyone?"

Over the years, the Alliance has experienced natural disasters, suffered man-made disasters, resisted foreign enemies, endured turmoil, and had moments of life and death, but from the beginning to the end, every hero's choice was voluntary.

Members are proud of their country and their fellow citizens.

In fact, Xie Xu also knew that there was no need to mention this request. Who would come to the military academy if they were afraid of death?

He has a great group of students.

The league has a great group of nationals.

The notice was concise and concise, with only a few sentences announcing the announcement, but the content was really far from the alliance's past style of conduct. Either the alliance has changed, or reality forces it to be this way.

In fact, there is nothing to doubt at all.

How could they not trust their own country?

The alliance received numerous registration forms. Almost all seniors who graduated early from military academies responded, and many who did not attend military academies or had graduated many years ago also volunteered.

It's just that the alliance selects people to fight the enemy, not recruits people to die, so even in such an emergency, the selection standards have not been lowered at all.

As usual, before the successfully selected recruits officially leave the safety of the rear and go to the front line, the alliance will hold a grand swearing-in ceremony. This ceremony will also be broadcast live on the Star Network for all citizens.

Inspiring people is one thing, but more importantly, announcing their presence to everyone.

Remember these childish and young faces, remember them starting from today, remember the determination in their eyes.

Remember that they may never come back, but we should always remember the feeling of this moment.

The efficiency of the alliance is very fast, not to mention that with the cooperation of the entire country, the selection went smoothly.

Ten days later, the Star Network live broadcast started on time.

In Makino Square, tens of thousands of soldiers stood upright.

A month ago, they were carrying schoolbags and competing with teachers on campus. Their biggest worry was how to avoid doing homework.

A month later, they had put on dark green military uniforms and bore the attention of thousands of people.

[This is the youth of our alliance! 】

[I sometimes wonder if there is a hidden standard for recruiting people into the Legion. They all look so good-looking, I find it hard to believe it's a coincidence. 】

[No matter how difficult it is, if you look at this picture, you will feel that there is still hope for everything. They have not given up on us, so why should we give up on ourselves? 】

[Although, I would rather not see it, I would rather they never have the chance to be heroes. 】

[It’s burning and uncomfortable. This time it’s not a drill. 】

[Don’t be so pessimistic, everyone. When the swearing-in is over, the little heroes may also read the comment area, so don’t affect their mood. 】

[I’m just going to fight the Zerg, it’s not like I won’t be able to come back, so cheer up! 】

[Ah, bah, bah, don't say such unlucky words. You will definitely be able to survive and triumph. Go, go, go, beat the bed bugs to pieces. 】

[It’s strange, why is there a dent in the middle? 】

The soldiers' eyes were firm, and their salutes and steps seemed to be carved out of the same mold, neatly arranged horizontally and vertically.

There is no height requirement for military academy admissions. After all, no matter how short you are, you can still control a mecha. But in the interstellar era, most babies can receive the most professional care before they are born, and advanced medicine is enough to kill genetic diseases and obvious genetic defects in advance.

With today's living conditions, you basically won't go hungry.

Nutrient solutions suitable for all ages ensure that their daily energy intake is reasonable and balanced, and home therapy devices can also promptly remind them to replenish what they are lacking.

In addition, they can pass the physical fitness test of the military academy and naturally exercise a lot, so all of them are tall and strong.

The recruits were not very different in height. They lined up in an arc at most. Unexpectedly, a deep pit suddenly appeared in the middle. Visually, they were at least twenty centimeters lower.


[Although, although it is not a good description, my friend, I think your description is correct, vivid and vivid, with pictures and truth. 】

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