After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 20 The monarch and his ministers have met in time (20)

Shen Minghuan is already very used to this kind of look.

He is obviously very strong, but everyone still looks at him like a fragile thing. This has been the case since he was the King of the Galaxy.

God knows why.

"General Zhuo was walking in a hurry, what happened?" Shen Minghuan wisely did not dwell on the other party's apology.

Zhuo Feichen slapped his forehead, "Oh, by the way, have you heard? He Zhang was reprimanded by His Majesty and fined half a year's salary."

Beneath the schadenfreude is a deep concern.

He is also one of the few "good generals" in Da Qi. Even if he has not had much contact with him in the past, it is inevitable that he will feel sad when a rabbit dies and a fox is killed.

What's more, he also recognized He Zhang's integrity and openness from the bottom of his heart.

"That's it?" Shen Minghuan was disappointed.

Li Chengzhuo then said thoughtfully, "Did you do it again?"

"What do you mean 'again'!" Shen Minghuan was unhappy. These words made him look like the mastermind behind the scenes. He felt that most of the time he was still very innocent. "It can be regarded as a coincidence."

Li Chengzhuo nodded, with a clear look on his face: "Look, he admitted it."

Zhuo Feichen smiled and leaned over, "Ming Huan, what did you do?"

"My troops were divided into five teams and entered Beijing. Among them, the third team was not doing things well. General He accidentally discovered some traces. I have already punished them."

"But they were not too bad. They entered Yanling without any danger. General He followed the traces to Beijing to investigate, but couldn't produce any evidence, so he was scolded by the emperor." Shen Minghuan finished the matter in a few words, "I don't know. Is it a coincidence?"

The few words are simple, but the amount of information contained in them is terrifying.

Li Chengzhuo and Zhuo Feichen were speechless for a moment. Their lips opened and closed several times, but they could no longer speak.

It's not surprising that He Zhang would make this decision. Unlike Zhu Xing who just wanted to hug his thigh, he was loyal to the emperor.

Therefore, if he discovers something that threatens the emperor, he will definitely not look back.

But maybe in the eyes of the emperor, there was no difference between He Zhang, Zhu Xing, or even Gu Chenglin and Zhuo Feichen.

The emperor used He Zhang to check and balance Gu Chenglin, so why not also use Gu Chenglin to check and balance He Zhang?

The trapped camp was stationed on the outskirts of the city and was not allowed to come within ten miles of Kyoto without summons. The emperor wanted them to defend the capital, but he was also worried about the army causing chaos in the capital, so he only let them guard it from a distance.

Under such circumstances, He Zhang was so bold that he came to Beijing for no reason, just to reprimand and fine him for the fact that the emperor thought that Zhu Xing was dead and had not yet found the next leper to replace him.

The logic is strict and interlocking, and it feels like most of them are coincidences.


"Where did you get the five teams?" Zhuo Feichen's voice suddenly rose, sounding a bit harsh, but Li Chengzhuo didn't realize it, and waited for Shen Minghuan's reply with glaring eyes.

Only Shen An, who was under the stone pavilion, rolled his eyes at Zhuo Feichen's back with dissatisfaction.

Shen Minghuan rubbed his ears, "Prince Li used his troops like a god. Although our army won, it also paid a huge price in casualties."

"But we didn't discuss it long ago. They were all just pretense..." Li Chengzhuo suddenly realized, "What a trick to conceal the truth. In everyone's eyes, they were dead in the battle, but in the end they were alive and well, and they all became you. private soldiers."

Zhuo Feichen was amazed, "I remember that more than 5,000 people were reported at that time. How did you manage to hide so many people? There are also expenses. Just eating and drinking every day is not a small sum."

"The second prince gave it to me." Shen Minghuan couldn't help laughing when he thought of that incident, "A person who can buy a lychee with a box of jewels will not care about spending a few more boxes of jewels."

He said proudly: "Am I, Shen Minghuan, not as good as a few pieces of fruit in his eyes?"

"More than five thousand people..." Li Chengzhuo was still shocked, "There are so many people, but we didn't notice at all."

Zhuo Feichen also murmured absentmindedly, "In the whole world, could it be the king's land? On the shore of the land, could it be the king's ministers... Shen Che, this world is your home, right?"

It's no use that as the commander-in-chief of the Zhenbei Army, so many soldiers in the army were "killed" without knowing it.

"Is this difficult?" Shen Minghuan looked innocent and said modestly: "You will be taken away by me as soon as the war is over, otherwise I will definitely find out."

Zhuo Feichen expressed that he was comforted...

That’s weird! Others don't know about the scene with Li Lan, but he personally participated in the design of every scene. When the time comes, there will be so many less mouths to eat in the army. How blind will he be if he still can't realize it?

"From Mobei to Yanling, there are so many mountains and rivers. Ming Huan, how did you do it?" Li Chengzhuo thought intently. He admired Shen Minghuan's ability, but due to his pride, he refused to lag too far behind.

Li Chengzhuo thought hard: "Could he be pretending to be a refugee? Yes, the most indispensable thing in this world today is refugees, and it is difficult to verify the identity of refugees."

Zhuo Feichen also pondered and said: "Perhaps it is a businessman? The border war has stopped, which is a suitable time for trade between the two countries. Although the credentials have not been issued and the country has not yet opened, money and silk are touching people's hearts. There has been an influx of caravans coming to Beijing in recent days. Jue, there are many Lilan people among them, and their identity is not easy to determine, but it is easy to manipulate. "

"Where are the students who came to Beijing to take the exam? I heard that the beginning of spring is the scientific examination held every three years in Daqi. Daqi has a vast territory, so the students left early, and now they are almost arriving in Yanling one after another. If you are a rich man, he will follow you. It’s no surprise that there are hundreds of guards.”

The two of them looked at Shen Minghuan while talking, asking with their eyes.

Shen Minghuan smiled slightly, "Have you forgotten? Five teams of troops."

Only children make choices, but mature adults like him want them all.

Li Chengzhuo and Zhuo Feichen were stunned for a moment, then looked at each other and smiled.

Shen Minghuan always makes them relax, and they seem to laugh without even realizing it.

"Yes, there are five troops. It's not just what we are talking about, right?" Zhuo Feichen's eyes were full of smiles. Shen Minghuan was still a child in his eyes, so he couldn't help but prefer some.

Shen Minghuan nodded matter-of-factly, "There is a team. I asked them to pretend to be Kou people who sneaked into Daqi with evil intentions."

"Ha, Kou Guo, it's really you, Ming Huan." Li Chengzhuo laughed heartily. However, his laughter suddenly stopped abruptly. The laughter was stuck in his throat. He asked stiffly: "There is another team, isn't it? I’m Li Lan?”

Shen Minghuan blinked at him.


The day after he was reprimanded, He Zhang still persisted in writing a letter asking for permission to see him. After being rejected for the seventh time, the emperor got tired and finally agreed.

He thought, if He Zhang couldn't say anything useful, then don't go back to the trap.

He Zhang didn't know that the emperor had murderous intentions for him. Maybe he knew, but he didn't care.

He Zhang was born in a bodyguard agency and was once a carefree young master. He learned a few skills from his father and thought he was the best in the world.

The little boy has too hot blood and yearns to act chivalrously and eliminate violence. One day, he encountered injustice and saved a little girl who was molested in the street, thus offending a wealthy and powerful businessman.

The young man was fearless, shouting that he would sacrifice his life for righteousness and die like a hero.

But he survived.

He survived, but the bodyguard he considered home, his parents, and the brothers he grew up with were all perished in the flames.

He once thought that his uncles were unmatched in martial arts, but it was only then that he suddenly realized that there are deep and dark swamps in this world, and people who fall into them cannot even cry out.

Not to mention struggling?

He Zhang fled like a refugee and ended up in Yanling by accident. He suffered all the hardships he had never experienced before, and the hunger, cold and guilt wore away the young man's sharpness.

But there was still a bit of stubbornness left in his heart that couldn't be erased.

——He wants revenge.

It happened that the palace was selecting guards, and He Zhang went there.

In the magnificent palace, not to mention the guards, even the cats and dogs are superior to others. One can imagine how many people are eyeing these seats eagerly. Even the one with the lowest family background among them cannot be offended by He Zhang, who has no father and no mother and only has a strong body.

In the selection competition, He Zhang's performance was so eye-catching that it naturally aroused some people's dissatisfaction.

During the assessment of riding and shooting, he was blocked in the forest by a wave of people, with sharp arrows pointed at his chest.

He almost died there.

I can't tell who is luckier.

He Zhang was rescued at the last moment by the emperor who went hunting in the woods on a whim. He later saved his life and received another promise: as long as he was successfully selected, the emperor could order a thorough investigation into the fire in his escort agency.

And what about the emperor? When a young man was on the verge of the abyss of despair, with only the last trace of innocence left for the world, he appeared in front of him as a lifesaver, as bright as the dawn.

Daqi gained a famous general, and the emperor gained a loyal supporter who would not leave until death.

He Zhang dismounted at the gate of the palace, took off the long knife from his waist, and walked into the palace with a calm expression, facing the strange eyes coming and going.

He knows that there may be many people laughing at him for being stupid and despising him for being a villain, but so what?

The emperor was kind to him, kind to save his life, and kind to rebuild his life. What he owed the emperor was more than just his life?

In the imperial study room, He Zhang was half-kneeling in front of the emperor.

"I am incompetent and allowed thieves to enter Yanling. But I can guarantee that those people are definitely not our Daqi people. Judging from their appearance, they must be from the army. I just don't know whether they are Kou or Lilan."

The emperor's face was gloomy, "The Yanling Mausoleum is in the hinterland of Daqi. According to you, from the border to this point, our officials and generals from all over Daqi are as if they are blind and have not seen anything?"

Is the enemy country so powerful? Is it like entering our country of Da Qi to enter a deserted land?

He Zhang changed from kneeling on one knee to kneeling on both knees. He stood upright and said loudly, "I tell the truth, and I am willing to guarantee it with my life."

Then he bowed down deeply and said, "Please allow your majesty to allow your ministers to stay in Beijing to investigate and protect your majesty."

The emperor's eyes darkened, "Yes."

He pondered for a moment, "You and Gu Chenglin each lead three hundred soldiers to the capital. As for falling into the camp... leave it to Zhuo Feichen first."

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