After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 29: The monarch and his ministers have met in time (29)

There was silence above the court.

It was like the north wind blowing through the heavy palace walls in winter and circling around the courtiers, so the chill penetrated the bone marrow and welled up from the bottom of the heart.

It's not that they feel sorry for Xue Huai. It's not a pity that Xue Huai died, but he shouldn't have died like this.

He should have gone through a three-judge trial in full view of the public, with all the evidence openly exposed in the sun, without fear of anyone reviewing it, and then when the dust had settled, he was sent to the execution platform amidst shouts and curses.

Only in this way can the crime be considered deserved, and only then can it be considered satisfying. could Shen Minghuan issue a murder order so easily and calmly?

If it's because of hatred, there should be madness in his eyes. If it's because of interests, there should be greed on his face. It shouldn't be so plain, as if he is doing an insignificant thing.

Even the late emperor, who was famous for his cruelty, issued an edict with a ferocious look on his face in anger. Even though everyone would be afraid, they would not be like now, with their hairs trembling.

Until a low sob was heard in the hall, and everyone followed the sound and saw a low-level official sitting on the ground at the end of the queue as if his legs were weak.

He didn't seem to notice his gaffe, nor did he notice that everyone was looking at him. His sobs became louder and louder, until he burst into tears.

The official next to him was silent for a moment and explained softly: "Master Chen and Master Yin are from the same hometown. They have studied together since childhood and have a very good relationship. When they came to Beijing to take the exam, they were short of money, so they lived in the same room."

There has been no fresh blood in the court for a long time. In the current situation, those who can gain a foothold in the court at a young age are basically the children of aristocratic families.

And those elders who were dedicated to the country and worried about the country all witnessed with their own eyes and helplessly accompanied the Qi Dynasty as it moved towards decay and decline step by step - even the youngest Qu Zhengcheng was already struggling. More than ten years.

So they sighed in unison, turned their heads with compassion, and no longer looked at Chen Xin who was lying on the ground crying heartbrokenly.

In fact, it has been a long time since that incident, but now that it is mentioned suddenly, even if it is just a few words, they can't help but fall into memories.

Yin Shuhuai, a generational genius who astonished everyone with his talent during the imperial examination and a victim of political struggle;

One of their few comrades-in-arms and a political enemy that Xue Huai eliminated through secret means.

If he had been born a few years earlier and participated in the same imperial examination as Qu Zhengcheng, it is unknown who would have stood out and become the number one scholar.

It is a pity that he studied at night in a poor peasant family for decades. Once he completed his studies, the Qi Dynasty could no longer provide him with a platform to display his ambitions.

Yin Shuhuai's strength is obvious to all. He did not defeat the powerful, did not get the honor and respect of the top three, but still won the recognition of a group of candidates who came from ordinary families.

And some of those people who followed him with twinkling eyes, "Brother Shuhuai" and "Brother Shuhuai" were shorter, are now standing in this hall.

After Yin Shuhuai's death, the other courtiers seemed to be disheartened and suddenly became quiet. They no longer made troubles one after another, and no longer made a fuss in the morning.

On the surface, he keeps a low profile, but secretly, he saves the nation and saves the nation. I don’t know how many practical things he has done for the people.

Sometimes they would laugh self-deprecatingly, saying, "When do you work for the people, do you have to be secretive and careful to hide it?" Even thieves are more upright than them.

While they despise themselves for living an ignoble existence, they comfort themselves that they are just dormant, and at the same time, they pessimistically feel that all they have done is useless.

Struggling like this, day after day.

Until now, Xue Huai is dead.

Chen Xin's earth-shattering cry drove away the faint fear just now. The courtiers of the Xue family lowered their heads and pretended that they did not exist, while the others felt the joy belatedly.

Even though it didn't take long for them to break away from their joy, they turned around and worried about the possibility and consequences of the family's counterattack.

The elders have accepted this well. They worry about the world first and are used to it.

Luo Xiuyuan also sighed softly. He was too young at the time and could not save the crouching dragon and phoenix chick mentioned by his husband, which also made Da Qi lose another virtuous minister.

Seeing that Chen Xin was crying until his voice became hoarse, he wanted to bring him a glass of water. However, when he saw the little eunuch standing aside with his head lowered and pretending to be dead, he felt that the other party might not listen to him.

Maybe only Shen Minghuan can control it.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiuyuan looked at Shen Minghuan again.

The man's eyes were lowered, as if he was deep in thought, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

Shen Minghuan, who was fearless, was startled by Chen Xin's cry, "Xiaojiu, what's wrong with him?" ]

Although the original owner had heard of Chen Xin and Yin Shuhuai, he had never seen them with his own eyes. Shen Minghuan confidently said that he would help the second prince seize the throne and regarded himself as a counselor. However, he did not even know how many ministers were qualified to go to court. .

This man's eyes are on the top of his head, and he only comes out to pay homage to him. The only person he looks at in this life is his former enemy.

The system was also shocked. After a quick search, it pulled out the plot and played it for Shen Minghuan.

The system is very happy: [Host, you are not the one who made me cry! ]

Shen Minghuan frowned. In the space of consciousness, he watched a person's short, tragic life.

The scene finally stopped at the moment when Yin Shuhuai reluctantly closed his eyes. Shen Minghuan listened to the crying in his ears and realized very clearly that this was not an exception.

He thought it would be better if he could come earlier.

The omnipotent Shen Minghuan can easily save Yin Shuhuai.

So can Luo Xiuyuan in the future.

Luo Xiuyuan was hesitating whether to interrupt Shen Minghuan's "contemplation". Unexpectedly, the man suddenly raised his head, and their eyes met. Luo Xiuyuan was stunned for a moment.

The distance made the meaning in this man's eyes blurred. Luo Xiu couldn't see clearly from a distance. He only felt that the gaze focused on him was indescribably complicated.

"You've been crying for so long, haven't you cried enough?"

Shen Minghuan said coldly and ruthlessly: "There's no point in crying. The court spends money to support you so that you can do practical things. After Xue Huai dies, someone must take over the imperial examination, right Chen Xin? I'll leave this matter to you. Okay, please draft the charter and hand it over to me today. Do you have any objections?"

Chen Xin's crying suddenly stopped.

Qu Zhengcheng frowned. He really didn't know what Shen Minghuan had in mind.

After Yin Shuhuai's death, Chen Xin fell seriously ill and became extremely depressed thereafter. Even though Qu Zhengcheng believed in the other person's character, he could not help but doubt his ability.

The imperial examination is not a trivial matter, and has always been jointly undertaken by several knowledgeable scholars.

Shen Minghuan killed Xue Huai, but then handed over the matter to Chen Xin, who was not an outstanding person. Did he want to do it well or mess it up?

Lin Zhihang Lord Lin clenched his fists hard and said in a deep voice: "I have objections."

Regardless of Lu Zhi's objections, he resolutely walked out of the queue and bowed deeply to Shen Minghuan, "Your Majesty, I have requested you to be fully responsible for the imperial examination matters. If there are any oversights, I am willing to report them to you."

Shen Minghuan found his look of determination and resistance particularly interesting, so he actually laughed out loud accidentally.

Master Lin's face, which was not good to begin with, turned dark again. However, thinking about the future of the expectant students and Da Qi, he could only take a deep breath and forcibly endure it.

Chen Xin's eyes were red and swollen. He stood up and said hoarsely: "Your Majesty, I am not strong enough, so I may not be able to do the job."

He knew how much he weighed, and even though he had been reading, he never dared to lose his knowledge. He was afraid that when he died, he would not be able to talk to Brother Shuhuai because he did not know enough. But when it comes to political affairs, one only needs to read the books of sages? After not caring about court affairs for so many years, he no longer knew how to be an official.

Shen Minghuan nodded and said with a smile in the expectant eyes of the two people: "That's very good, but I refuse. Chen Xin, I will leave this matter to you. Don't worry, I also know that you have no ability, so this is not Do you want to draw up the charter first? I will take care of it for you."

Chen Xin: "..."

Even though I mean the same thing, why is it so annoying to say it through this person's mouth?

Lin Zhihang and Chen Xin wanted to talk again, but Shen Minghuan didn't give them this chance. He said word by word: "I have made up my mind."

In the eyes of others, the translation of this sentence is: Whoever says one more word will die.

The officials with their backs to the Xue family were suddenly silent, and all they could think about was the image of Xue Huai being forcibly dragged out of the hall.

Lu Zhi winked at Lin Zhihang crazily, but the man refused to look at him. Lord Lu gritted his teeth and walked out on his own in a "treasonous" manner. In the middle of the hall, in front of Shen Minghuan and in full view of everyone, he forcefully pulled the person back.

Shen Minghuan accidentally laughed again, and Master Lin's face suddenly turned darker.

His friend's great revenge was avenged, and Chen Xin didn't care about his own life or death. He said indifferently: "Your Majesty, I am very grateful to you for killing Xue Huai, but this does not mean that I am willing to do things for you. You can kill me, but... "

He bowed to Luo Xiuyuan and said, "The one I am loyal to will always be Da Qi and Your Majesty."

"Unwilling?" Shen Minghuan was not infected by this tragic patriotic sentiment at all. He showed Chen Xin a villain's threatening smile: "If I don't see the charter you drafted within today, I will be under your Majesty's control." `A knife on the body. ”

"You!" Not only Chen Xin, but also other ministers loyal to Luo Xiuyuan couldn't help but denounce him.

The guilty corrupt officials lowered their heads and said nothing, trying their best to reduce their sense of existence. For a moment, it seemed that the crowd was excited and Shen Minghuan was the enemy of everyone.

Zhuo Feichen slowly pressed his palms to his waist, where a sword hung.

Shen Minghuan said leisurely in the glare of everyone: "If anyone dares to curse me, I will kill Luo Xiuyuan."

There was a moment of silence.

Chen Xin said with a pale face: "I obey my orders."

Shen Minghuan nodded expressionlessly, but there was a proud smile in his eyes.

As expected of him, this method is really useful.

Luo Xiuyuan saw this man's face was calm, but he was turning the fan briskly in his hand, and he easily understood what this man was thinking.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, with an unconscious smile.

Zhuo Feichen, who was the only one to witness this scene, put down the hand holding the weapon, looked at Shen Minghuan in confusion, and then at the new emperor who lowered his eyes and smiled. what happened? Not only was Luo Xiuyuan neither scared nor angry, he was actually smiling happily?

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