After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 34: The monarch and his ministers have met in time (34)

Zhuo Feichen was already on his way to Mobei, and Chen Xiaoyu, who was standing behind Shen Minghuan in his place, was about to make a move.

Nie Xingyu shouted in dissatisfaction: "Why is it that I am the only one who wants to leave?"

If Shen Minghuan wanted to kill him, he would not be so angry. "Shen Da Guo was the first to get rid of important officials of the Qi Dynasty who were extremely afraid of thieves." This title will shine brightly for thousands of years.

But what does it mean to let him go? Do you look down on him?

"I can't trust you," Shen Minghuan said honestly.

Unexpectedly, he would get such an answer. Nie Xingyu was stunned, "What do you mean?"

Qu Zhengcheng, who had been thinking silently, raised his eyes and glanced at Shen Minghuan. He moved forward slightly, and when no one stopped him, he bent down and picked up a piece of paper full of black words on the ground.

He read it ten lines at a time, feeling a little unspeakably complicated in his heart. He glanced at the papers scattered everywhere again: "Have you finished reading these...?"

Shen Minghuan nodded matter-of-factly and said to Nie Xingyu: "I'm not sure what kind of person you are yet. If you want to blame me, blame Chen Xiaoyu. They have collected too little information about you."

He did not hesitate to pass the blame to Chen Xiaoyu who was gearing up.


When the ministers heard this, they crowded around Qu Zhengcheng and leaned their heads to look at it. A few of them also started to pick up papers on the ground.

"Is all this our information?" Lin Zhihang asked in shock.

Shen Minghuan felt a little guilty, but he still said confidently: "I believe in Qu Xiang's vision. Since he has chosen a few of you, it means that you must be outstanding. Of course, I will pay more attention to you."

Shen Minghuan knew that he was lazy. As the regent, he should be well known to everyone. But he took a shortcut and used Qu Zhengcheng as the initial screening criterion.

In fact, he could not guarantee that among the remaining people, there were no talents left by Qu Zhengcheng who were loyal to the Qi Dynasty. This was considered a dereliction of duty as a king, so he actually had no confidence.

The ministers did not notice Shen Minghuan's lustful nature. They found it incredible that Shen Minghuan had collected so much information about them and read all of it.

And he is so serious, just to screen out the available people?

Who is the available person available to? They knew that their only allegiance would be to the Qi Dynasty. After reading the information, Shen Minghuan should also know that there would be no room for change.

So...his purpose from the beginning was to find someone who could be used by the Qi Dynasty?

Even Nie Xingyu, who had some concerns, refused to stay. Being so dedicated and cautious did not seem like eradicating dissidents.

Could it be that he was also doing it for Da Qi?

The ministers had a thousand twists and turns in their hearts.

The system in the door of consciousness space is hesitant to talk about.

The system silently added "Ideology and Morality" to the bookshelf, and made up its mind to urge the host to study hard.

That's it for the ancient world. If we go to the modern world in the future, this is a bad act of invading other people's privacy!

People in other worlds are not like these silly fools. Not only are they not angry, but the system can even see a bit of... touching on their faces?

Shen Minghuan, who felt guilty, changed the subject, "I came to see you because I have something important to discuss, so don't waste your time. Well... Nie Shangshu, please."

Knowing that the next conversation would most likely be about saving the country, how could Nie Xingyu be willing to leave? He looked at his colleagues around him for help. Just now, these people were holding hands with him to share life and death, but now they were avoiding his gaze in embarrassment.

After all, they were "trustworthy and loyal ministers" whom Shen Minghuan stamped after reading a vast amount of information, but Nie Xingyu's position was unclear.

Perhaps it was because the room full of papers was so shocking that they all believed in Shen Minghuan's judgment for a while.

Nie Xingyu lowered his voice and said as if begging for mercy: "What other information do you need? Is this Mr. Chen Xiaoyu? You come back to my house with me. You can search and look around in my house. You can go to the study and bedroom." He looked at Shen Minghuan pleadingly: "Is this enough information?"

Shen Minghuan, who was always willing to accept the soft and not the tough, laughed dryly, "Next time, I don't think there is anything wrong with you, that..."

Qu Zhengcheng took a step forward and said half tentatively and half solemnly: "I can guarantee that Nie Shangshu will have the same ambition for the country and the people."

He stared closely at Shen Minghuan's expression changes.

Shen Minghuan was not so kind to Qu Zhengcheng. He asked, "What guarantee do you have?"

Qu Zhengcheng paused and couldn't answer.

He dared to guarantee it with his life, but what Daqi needed was not his life.

Nie Xingyu was so anxious that he was running around in circles. Suddenly he seemed to have thought of something and clapped his hands excitedly, "Your Majesty, after this is over, you will ask Mr. Chen Xiaoyu to lock me up, so you don't have to worry about me listening. Then I got in trouble."

Nie Xingyu may be the first person in history to let someone imprison him and still be so happy.

Shen Minghuan turned his fan thoughtfully and said in agreement: "Good idea."

The other ministers also nodded happily, obviously thinking this method was very good.

Only Chen Xiaoyu retorted silently: "My name is not Chen Xiaoyu."

But no one heard it, and if they heard it, they just didn't care.

Shen Minghuan took out a few pieces of paper from his sleeves. Seeing that there was no place to put them, he waved to Qu Zhengcheng to come and get them, "You guys take a look first."

Nie Xingyu made up his mind to perform well and happily stepped forward to take the page with both hands.

After roughly trimming the information on the ground, everyone spread the huge pages on the ground, sat on the ground or bent over, frowning and thinking.

"Restart the land equalization system, reform the imperial examinations to select scholars, take back all preferential treatment from aristocratic families, and rewrite the law..."

Qu Zhengcheng stroked his chest, trying to make his heart beat less violently. He forced himself to calm down, but his voice was still trembling: "You are determined to fight against the family to the end."

Each of these measures is cutting out the lifeblood of the family.

"Isn't this bad?" Shen Minghuan asked.

"Okay, okay, how could it be bad?" Qu Zhengcheng laughed quickly and abruptly, expressing unspeakable longing and expectation.

However, the conversation soon changed, and he said sadly: "But you must also know that there is huge resistance to all the things you want to do."

"It's not me, it's what we have to do." Shen Minghuan corrected. He didn't want to be too tired, and "Shen Minghuan" was bound to die. Qi Dynasty's affairs should be left to the heroes of Qi Dynasty.

He said it casually, so naturally he didn't know how many emotions were in the hearts of the ministers who heard this. Shen Minghuan continued: "I know, so let's start with something simple."

He also squeezed into the crowd, squatted down, reached out and tapped a few of the big characters.

"For example - equalization of land."

Qu Zhengcheng was shocked: "You call this simple?"

"The system of equalizing land has already been established in previous dynasties. It is nothing more than retracing the path taken by our predecessors. Isn't it simple?" Shen Minghuan felt that Qu Zhengcheng was making too much of a fuss.

Qu Zhengcheng smiled bitterly but stopped talking.

It is true that there were precedents in the previous dynasty, but the land equalization system in the previous dynasty failed.

As soon as this policy was proposed, the emperor at that time praised it greatly and designated two cities as a test without saying a word.

But when the emperor wanted to promote it to the whole country, half of the courtiers knelt down and begged him to take back the order, otherwise they would resign and return home.

The emperor was not threatened. He saw the unique advantages of this system and was determined to let the people have their own land.

However, the officials he sent out to implement this measure either encountered bandits or suffered serious illnesses. The minister who proposed the equalization of land even "committed suicide" at home for no apparent reason.

So the land system reform, which was carried out vigorously for three years, completely failed.

After that, the previous dynasty was in decline, local powerful people became even more unscrupulous, and land annexation and trading became increasingly serious.

Therefore, it will only be more difficult for the current Qi Dynasty to implement the land equalization system than the previous dynasty.

Lu Zhi thought that young people are still young, and they don't know that even if some things are correct, they cannot be accomplished with passion. He reminded tactfully: "A powerful family controls more than nine levels of farmland. If you want to distribute the farmland equally to the people according to population, will they be willing?"

"So you are worried about this. Don't worry, I will find a way to get them to agree." Shen Minghuan was full of confidence. "As for the specific implementation, do you think there is anything you need to add?"

The ministers were not as optimistic as Shen Minghuan, but their professional abilities were impeccable. Although they were worried, they still discussed it.

"Farmland is no longer privately owned. People are only given the right to use it for a certain period of time. How long is this period? Thirty years?"

"Is it too late to divide the land based on population after adulthood? Newborn children tend to die young, so why not do it at the age of twelve?"

"What if the population increases and the land is insufficient? Brother Xingyu, don't look at me like this. I know we can still reclaim the wasteland outside the city, but what if there is not enough wasteland after hundreds of years?"

"You are thinking too far. Dynasties are constantly changing. It is hard to say whether the Qi Dynasty will still be there after hundreds of years."

"Bah, bah, bah, children's words have no limits."

"Huh? Tongyan? Calling me ignorant and immature? Brother Lu Zhi, you are going too far."


Lu Suiping lowered his eyes and pondered. There was a strange persistence in his heart, as if if he spoke today, he would be acknowledging Shen Minghuan's status as regent and betraying Da Qi.

He thought that even if he wanted to discuss, even if he wanted to give advice, he should deal with Luo Xiuyuan, not Shen Minghuan.

Wang Jin looked at Shen Minghuan carefully.

This man was really strange. He used to look at people with a leering look, and he was so proud that no one could stand in his eyes.

He also sneered with a fierce expression and threatened them to do things for him.

Wang Jin didn't know much about him, except for those rumors that had been polished several times. The first time he met this man was in the court. This man changed the emperor lightly, and then replaced the new emperor. .

These incidents are enough to piece together an image of viciousness and ambition, which Wang Jin firmly believes in.

But when he looked at the seriousness between the man's brows, the door suddenly wavered.


Although this man is ambitious, he will also be a good king.

And ambition, for the king, is not actually a shortcoming at all.

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