After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 39: The monarch and his ministers have met in time (39)

Qu Zhengcheng and others stayed in the palace until dusk.

In the past, they were wary of Shen Minghuan and did not dare to interact too blatantly with Luo Xiuyuan. Now that they knew that this man did not even have any help, their caution prevented them from being lonely. For a moment, they all felt a little complicated.

Luo Xiuyuan learned from them a lot of Shen Minghuan's follow-up plans. He was also the prince who was expected by everyone. After thinking for a moment, he came up with many refreshing opinions.

For a time, the sect seemed to have a happy and harmonious scene of kings, saints and ministers. However, what they were thinking in their hearts and whether they had given up on making Shen Minghuan the emperor or not, only they themselves knew.

Lu Suiping was uncharacteristically silent.

Everyone could understand that he didn't speak when Shen Minghuan was around, but it was worth pondering that he was so reticent when it came to Luo Xiuyuan.

"Brother Lu, is there something on your mind?" Qu Zhengcheng asked as he walked out of the palace.

Lu Suiping shook his head and said in confusion: "I just can't figure it out, Shen...why would Prince Entrust me with the land equalization matter? He values ​​this matter so much, doesn't he worry about me tampering with it?"

Qu Zhengcheng didn't expect him to be obsessed with this, and couldn't help but laugh: "Then you can?"

"Of course I won't." Lu Suiping did not hesitate.

Lu Zhi also laughed, "Brother Lu, I know you also agree with Juntian. If the prince takes this matter on himself and takes full responsibility for it, will Brother Lu think that he wants to cause trouble?"

"Of course not." Lu Suiping still didn't hesitate. After he finished speaking, he was stunned and sighed: "I understand."

So what if the relationship is not good? Shen Minghuan didn't care whether they were close or distant, his vision was not so narrow.

"But why did he choose me?" Could it be that he was actually more talented than everyone else, and Shen Ming Huan could see it with his sharp eyes? Lu Suiping thought seriously.

Lin Zhihang was indignant: "That's alright, just have fun secretly. If you keep being so rude, I'll steal all the wine in your house!"

Wang Jin also showed jealous eyes and said sourly: "Because of your background."

Lu Suiping was the most noble among them. His ancestors were wealthy businessmen, and he spent half of his family property to help the founding emperor of the Qi Dynasty conquer the world. Later, he was rewarded based on his merits, and the emperor generously gave him a title.

Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, with a title as a springboard, later generations of the Lu family gradually shifted their focus to studying and becoming officials.

Lu Suiping was not the one with the highest official position among the people present, but he was definitely the richest.

Lu Suiping shook his head resolutely, "Impossible. Your Majesty is not someone who would judge people based on their origins."

"Where are you thinking?" Wang Jin was speechless.

Qu Zhengcheng explained with a smile: "Although the Lu family does not associate with other aristocratic families, in their eyes, they can be considered as having half a foot in their circle. What's more, the Lu family is really rich, well, the land is also Quite a few.”

"So it's natural that they will feel that you and them will be on the same side. Starting from Juntian, Brother Lu, as the responsible official, your Lu family will definitely bear the brunt." Lu Zhi then added: "Not only will they not complain You, maybe there will be sympathy and pity, after all, you are the one who is the most oppressed by the prince. "

No one present doubted that Lu Suiping would be unwilling to donate the Lu family's property.

No one who was not present believed that Lu Suiping would voluntarily give up his family's land to implement the land equalization system.

Lin Zhihang also understood and clapped his hands in realization: "This way they won't target the officials too much and will only hate the prince!"

Only "one of our own" Lu Suiping can have such an effect, otherwise, anyone else would be hated by the family. If the family is targeting a person, it doesn't care about the law.

The others were listening with smiles, but when Lin Zhihang said these words, everyone fell into silence and the smiles on their faces gradually disappeared.

They are not afraid of death, and there are always sacrifices in reform, but how can they not burst into tears when someone thinks and protects them so carefully? Especially this person, who is risking his own life to fight for their maximum safety.

It's always been these old guys who protect others...

With Shen Minghuan's age and potential, he should stay in the center circle without any worries. Even if the dynasty falls, he is the one who should live the most.

"Then I..." Chen Xin muttered to himself.

Shen Minghuan probably didn't just point his finger at him. The person who chose him to be in charge of the imperial examination might have a deeper meaning.

Qu Zhengcheng glanced at him: "If I remember correctly, before Shuhuai died, he accused the Xue family of cheating in the imperial examination."

The late emperor reprimanded him for "false words". The Xue family did not suffer any loss, but they still hated Yin Shuhuai.

Chen Xin clenched his fists, brother...

Lin Zhihang patted his shoulder comfortingly, "The deceased has passed away. Brother Chen Xin, you must continue Brother Shuhuai's unfinished business. I wish you all the best to express my condolences."

The sun was setting in the west, the sky and the earth were enveloped in a golden halo, and pure white snow hung on the treetops.

They said goodbye in front of the magnificent palace gate, agreed to meet again tomorrow, and then left with satisfaction and a bit of sadness.

Shen Minghuan.

That person has enough sense to look at gains and losses, and is willing to give up the huge benefits that are within reach for the people of the world; that person has a soft heart enough to see the pain and unwillingness that the minister has hidden for many years.

That person also has a broad enough heart and compassionate eyes, and always protects others regardless of his own safety.

Working under Shen Minghuan is really a very reassuring thing. You can trust the measures he proposes and do them without any worries.

Because he will watch and protect.

So there is really nothing to worry about.

Even Qu Zhengcheng had to admit that Shen Minghuan was a born leader and a born king.

Not being able to legitimately become the co-owner of the world is a loss for the world, not for him.


The time gate after that seemed to have been pressed on the accelerator button.

Shen Minghuan asked Chen Xiaoyu to assign a team of troops to Lu Suiping, not only to protect his safety, but also to implement land equalization by force. He took great strides. Before the Xue family's fields were divided, and the wasteland in the suburbs was not cultivated, he had already started to attack the wealthy gentry of Yanling.

Shen Minghuan posted notices everywhere in the city, and openly took away the jade seal to issue an imperial edict. He also very unceremoniously instructed the eunuchs in the palace to deliver the edict from door to door according to their wealth.

He expressed his willingness to pay a higher price than the market price and take back the fields of each family in the name of the court.

Unfortunately, even though he was willing to spend money, there were still very few responders.

To be precise, the only ones who are willing are the Lu family and the Shen family, and no one else.

This is quite simple, don’t you want to? Just kill him, then the land will be ownerless and you can save a lot of money.

Shen Minghuan's heartbreaking words spread through Lu Suiping's mouth and moved countless wealthy gentry. On the same day, someone riding a horse-drawn carriage held the land deed and knocked on the door of Lu Mansion.

There are still only a few people who are so aware of current affairs, and more people have a trace of luck in their hearts, thinking that Shen Minghuan does not dare to be so bold.

Even if Fa Shang does not blame everyone, is Shen Minghuan still higher than Wang Fa?

After making the above remarks, the head of the Zheng family proved with his life that Shen Minghuan was indeed bold.

The Zheng family followed in the footsteps of the Xue family. The head of the family was killed to scare the monkeys, and all property was confiscated. Those who had done evil in the following generations were either beheaded or exiled, and the innocent were dismissed.

However, people born in Xue and Zheng, even if they did not do evil with their own hands, were still guilty of not repaying the crime of knowing about it, so almost the entire "clan" was wiped out.

Both families are prosperous families. In just a few days, the blood in Yanling City almost turned the white snow red. Shen Minghuan's notoriety also flowed throughout the capital with the blood. For a while, there was a way to stop the crying of children at night. effect.

At the same time, the new imperial examination is also proceeding steadily and orderly.

With Chen Xin and others at the helm, we are not worried about someone tampering with the situation. At most, we are worried that they will be evasive and refuse to do things, which will affect efficiency.

Shen Minghuan then divided the work into details, down to what should be completed each day.

If you can complete it within the specified time, congratulations and you still hope to see the sun tomorrow. If you can't complete it, then I'm afraid you have to go to the underworld to find the sun.

Shen Minghuan's already bad reputation suddenly worsened.

Those who serve as officials in the court are all scholars, and they all have pens like swords and words like swords. They did not dare to disobey, but privately reduced Shen Minghuan to the dust, and even named him the "Ten Evils", as if he would not be able to thank the world until he died.

But Luo Xiuyuan's reputation rose step by step on Shen Minghuan's footsteps.

First, just like what Shen Minghuan did at the gate of Xue Mansion, everything was done in the name of the court and all the merits were attributed to Luo Xiuyuan. He didn't even come forward personally after that, and even completely hid his whereabouts in it.

The people only knew that the new emperor was kind-hearted, and he eliminated bullies and divided their fields for them.

The students also only know that the new emperor is wise and powerful, clearing away the shadow of the imperial examination and giving them more opportunities.

Secondly, the official family hated Shen Minghuan so much that they were willing to add fuel to the fire, putting Luo Xiuyuan on the altar and setting up Shen Minghuan as a model of traitorous officials.

Qu Zhengcheng's previous plans have now come true.

——Successfully placed Shen Minghuan in a situation where he was the enemy of the whole world, despised by thousands of people, and isolated and helpless.

Half a month later, the imperial examination finally came to an end, but the distribution of fields in Yanling was still beginning with difficulty.

After the imperial examination-related matters were on track, Shen Minghuan did not interfere too much. Even the imperial examination was handed over to Luo Xiuyuan. He only appointed a few people.

Of course, the person who was appointed by default didn't know that he was appointed by default. He thought that his literary talent was too brilliant and exuded a scorching light, and then he was recognized by Luo Xiuyuan's wise eyes.

There is no way, even though they are not good at reading the Four Books and Five Classics, they are still good at practicing various "strange and obscene techniques".

However, Shen Minghuan was fair and did not let them take away the opportunities of others. This time, an unprecedented number of people were selected for the imperial examination. In the past, it was about selecting the best among the best, but now, as long as those with genuine materials make it to the examination, Shen Minghuan wants them all.

——After the aristocratic family, he is going to take action against officials. Most of the officialdom that will be vacant is in urgent need of someone to fill it.

Shen Minghuan took the list handed over by Lu Suiping and clicked his tongue: "The Cui family still refuses? How stupid, life is the most important thing."

"It turns out that you also know, Your Highness." Lu Suiping's tone was calm, with a hint of sarcasm for no reason.

In just half a month, Shen Minghuan experienced dozens of assassinations, and Lu Suiping witnessed no less than five of them.

He really didn't understand why this person was so aggressive, as if there was something urging him behind it.

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