After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 46: The monarch and his ministers have met in time (46)

Luo Xiuyuan did not remain immersed in sadness for too long. Chang Mao interrupted his thoughts: "Your Majesty, General He has returned to Beijing and is waiting outside the palace."

"Please!" Luo Xiuyuan was very worried about Shen Minghuan. He had not received news from the front line for some time.

Shen Minghuan's style of play this time was both conservative and radical. He was said to be conservative because he was very patient and fought steadily, not seeking quick decisions, but only using methods that could minimize casualties.

The reason for being radical is because this person has no awareness of a coach sitting in the rear. There are endless tricks such as fighting generals, using one's body as bait, and going deep into the enemy's camp. The decisive factor in the victory of this battle is that this person leads a small team deep into the enemy's camp. Battalion, kill the opponent's coach.

Luo Xiuyuan was almost frightened to death when he received the battle report. The man proudly said that this was a beheading tactic of capturing the thief first.

At the end of the letter, Shen Minghuan said lightly that they were going back after the war. After that, Luo Xiuyuan didn't receive any news from them, and he didn't even know where this person had gone.

He Zhang knelt down on one knee: "See Your Majesty."

"Get up, why are you alone? Where is Ming Huan?" Luo Xiuyuan asked repeatedly.

He Zhang stood up according to the words, clasped his fists and said: "Your Majesty and General Zhuo are behind, and they should have arrived outside Yanling City. I go first and ask your Majesty to call the doctor. Your Majesty is injured."

"Ming Huan is injured?" Luo Xiuyuan's voice suddenly rose, "Xuan Xuan Xuan, Chang Mao, ask all the imperial doctors to wait in Ming Huan Palace."

He grabbed He Zhang's hand and said, "Where is he injured? Is it serious? Why did you just let him come back like this? I can send the imperial doctor over!"

He Zhang thought for a while and said honestly: "It's quite serious. The prince was attacked by a surprise attack when he was killing an enemy general. He was hit by a poisonous arrow in the back, but his life is not in danger for the time being."

Luo Xiuyuan's hand was still holding He Zhang, but it turned white because of too much force. His clothes were soaked in cold sweat. Even if He Zhang said that he was not worried about his life, he could not let go.

The officials who were still in the palace looked at each other, and they all saw the worry that could not be concealed on their faces.

Luo Xiuyuan walked out quickly, "Get your horses ready, I'm going outside the city."

Logically speaking, it is very dangerous for the emperor to leave the palace rashly. Even if he really wants to go out, he must give orders in advance to prepare the guards.

But no one stepped forward to stop him at this moment.

Shen Minghuan was a hero of the Qi Dynasty, and he had sacrificed a lot for His Majesty. If the news of his return to the city arrived early, it would not be an exaggeration to say that the whole court would welcome him with civil and military support.

He was injured. Although he knew that it would not be good for His Majesty to go out in person, if he was dissuaded, would they still be human?


At the same time, outside the city.

Shen Minghuan is being ambushed.

The other party did not expect it to go so smoothly. They guessed that Shen Minghuan would not bring too many people back. After all, Yanling City already had five thousand soldiers on standby.

But they didn't expect that Shen Minghuan didn't bring any of them!

Even if the old coachman had some skills, there were so many of them that they could wear him to death.

Oh my god, God is so blessed by them!

Before, they only thought that this was the best opportunity to kill Shen Minghuan, but they didn't expect that this opportunity was so good that their consciences were a little uneasy.

Zhuo Feichen was alone, and it was difficult for him to fight with four fists. In addition, after the opponent discovered that he was a tough opponent, he mainly delayed and pestered him to prevent him from getting close. Zhuo Feichen was unable to use his body.

Shen Minghuan's carriage was immediately exposed, standing alone in the center of the encirclement, like a piece of plump meat.

Some people clung to Zhuo Feichen, while others excitedly raised their weapons to attack the carriage.

"Ming Huan!" Zhuo Feichen repeatedly tried to come back for help, but the other party found an opportunity to kick him, moving further away from Shen Minghuan's position.

The hand of the person running at the front had already touched the curtain of the carriage. Greed and cruelty flashed in his eyes, and he pulled the curtain down with force, "Traitor, your death has come!"

Shen Minghuan looked at him calmly, turned his wrist, and unsheathed the folding fan in his sleeve like a sword.

The folding fan rotated and unfolded in mid-air, and the edge scratched the man's throat. Blood spattered, and the folding fan returned to Shen Minghuan's hand.

Shen Minghuan looked at the blood staining the fan and shook it, feeling a little disgusted.

The man's face still had greed and joy, and he fell on his back. Perhaps he was thinking of cutting off Shen Minghuan's head to get promoted and make a fortune before he died.

The others who thought they had a chance to win were startled by this strange killing method and stopped moving for a while.

Shen Minghuan walked out of the carriage slowly, "Cui family?"

It wasn’t just the Cui family who came, there were also famous nearby aristocratic families participating, but it was indeed the Cui family who organized the game and the team led by the eldest son of Cui.

Cui Liang gritted his teeth and shouted, "Give them all to me! Whoever kills Shen Che will receive a reward of a thousand taels!"

Shen Minghuan must die! If he hadn't died, their family would have been ruined today.

Luo Xiuyuan came out suddenly this time. He was only accompanied by Chang Mao and He Zhang, and people heard the sound of fighting in the distance.

Luo Xiuyuan felt uneasy: "Chang Mao, go find your uncle and ask him to bring the trapped camp over."

"But..." Chang Mao hesitated.

Luo Xiuyuan urged: "Go quickly." He had an inexplicable hunch that one of the two groups fighting must be Shen Minghuan.

He Zhang's expression was serious: "I will protect your majesty to the death."

Chang Mao knew that his skills were not very good, and he would be more trustworthy if he went to his adoptive father. Although he was worried, he still followed the order to turn around and gallop away.

Luo Xiuyuan listened to the increasingly fierce fighting in front, and his eyebrows were a little sharp, "He Zhang, let's go."

He wanted to see who dared to ambush his best friend in Da Qi's land.

Although Luo Xiuyuan always said that he did not want to be the emperor, he was actually very suitable. At least He Zhang looked at his eyes mixed with anger and murderous intent. He had never realized so deeply that the man in front of him was the lord of the world and had the power to make this world The power to lay down millions of corpses.

He Zhang said: "Your Majesty, please wait here while I go to help."

Luo Xiuyuan still waved his riding whip and moved forward desperately, "He Zhang, you don't understand."

The person in front is the future emperor, and Shen Minghuan's life is more important than anyone else.

Luo Xiuyuan has always known that Shen Minghuan is very skilled, but this is the first time he has seen this person take action.

Shen Minghuan held a broken wintersweet with a budding plum blossom at the end. He seemed to be at ease, his clothes were fluttering, and his movements did not look like he was killing people, but more like a sword dance.

But Luo Xiuyuan did not forget that this man was injured and had unsolved poison. He was definitely not as relaxed as he appeared.

"Master, Master, someone is here." The boy shouted nervously, reminding Cui Liang who was watching the battle.

"This young master is not blind." Cui Liang's eyes flashed with a trace of sinisterness: "Kill them together."

He Zhang stood in front of Luo Xiuyuan: "How dare you? This is your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty?" The crowd was in commotion for a moment.

Cui Liang sneered: "Why panic? No matter how noble a person is, he will die if he is chopped by a knife. Do it!"

He naturally knew that it was His Majesty, and he also knew that His Majesty and Shen Minghuan were brothers. Since Luo Xiuyuan saw this scene, how could he let the Cui family go?

Fortunately, all of them are idiots and have no habit of bringing guards when they go out.

Cui Liang even felt that this was an opportunity given to the Cui family by God. The new emperor had no children. After his death, their family could support another obedient monarch.

In short, today I will either be filled with glory and enjoy infinite scenery, or the nine clans will be extinct and fall into the Abi Hell.

Luo Xiuyuan also knew some martial arts, but when he first learned it, it was just for physical fitness and he didn't put much effort into it.

He had been a prince since he was a child, and there was no shortage of people around him to protect him. At that time, Qu Zhengcheng also felt that he would successfully inherit the throne, and what he was taught more was the art of governing the country.

Therefore, his martial arts skills pale in comparison to those present.

But he still walked out from behind He Zhang, hurriedly coping with the opponent's offensive, "General, don't worry about me, go protect Ming Huan."

"Your Majesty!" He Zhang did not leave.

The opponent had weapons, and Luo Xiuyuan was almost hit, but luckily He Zhang pulled him back.

Luo Xiuyuan was panting: "Are you going to resist? General He, think about your promise. You said you would be loyal to me and obey all my orders."

Those were what He Zhang said when he went to see Luo Xiuyuan while holding the jade seal. However, Luo Xiuyuan was kind-hearted and had never used this to force him. This was the first time.

For Shen Minghuan.

He Zhang once again realized Shen Minghuan's position in Luo Xiuyuan's heart, and once again witnessed the man's personality charm.

It's not surprising, he is really a very good person, so everyone is willing to die for him, even if they exchange their lives for their lives.

He Zhang was still hesitant. To be honest, Luo Xiuyuan's skills were too poor in his opinion. His level at seven years old was higher than this.

He Zhang felt that as soon as he left, Luo Xiuyuan might not survive for a second.

"He Zhang, please protect His Majesty, I won't need you here." When Shen Minghuan lowered his face and gave orders, his aura was particularly terrifying, making people unconsciously want to follow his words.

He Zhang thought for a while and finally stayed by Luo Xiuyuan's side.

Perhaps because Luo Xiuyuan was involved in the battle, Shen Minghuan's offensive became more fierce. He threw the wintersweet branch in his hand and snatched the opponent's weapon with his backhand.

He holds the sword like a god who will never fall.

Maybe Shen Minghuan just wanted to deal with the people present as soon as possible to ensure Luo Xiuyuan's safety, so he didn't care about his snow-white clothes.

Blood stains clung to the hem of his clothes, like a curse from the dead, trying to pull him down to death.

Under Shen Minghuan's miraculous attack, people were soon lying on the ground around him, either wailing or screaming or remaining silent forever.

Shen Minghuan threw the sword down casually, as if he disliked this piece of scrap metal.

There was still a lingering murderous aura in his brows, but it was not scary at all for no reason.

"Ming Huan." Luo Xiuyuan breathed a sigh of relief and was about to step forward to him.

Zhuo Feichen's Qinggong was one step faster. He hurried forward, "Ming Huan, are you okay?"

When he put his hand on Shen Minghuan, the figure who was still standing upright seemed to suddenly lose his strength and fell limply on Zhuo Feichen.

"Ming Huan!"

"Don't worry, I'm fine." He looked at Luo Xiuyuan again and smiled: "Your Majesty, I'm back."

After saying that, he turned his head and vomited a mouthful of blood.

"You call this okay?" Zhuo Feichen's eyes turned red and he said tremblingly: "Ming Huan, don't scare me."

Shen Minghuan's face was pale, and the corners of his mouth were stained with blood. His lips were faintly purple.

"Is it poison?" Luo Xiuyuan almost crawled to Shen Minghuan's side: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. The imperial doctor is ready. Let's go back now. You will be fine."

As if to comfort myself.

"Forget it, I won't go back. Grandpa will definitely scold me when he sees me like this." Shen Minghuan's tone was still relaxed: "I'm not afraid of him scolding me, I'm afraid of making him sad."

"Stop talking." Zhuo Feichen yelled at him, just like when he opened the curtain for disobedience, "I'll take you to the imperial doctor."

"General, it's too late." Shen Minghuan coughed and said with a smile, "Why don't you touch me, I can live for a while longer."

"Don't talk nonsense. It's about life or death." The iron-clad Zhuo Feichen was already crying when he spoke. He picked up Shen Minghuan and took him back to the city.

However, Shen Minghuan was very determined. He tugged on the corner of Zhuo Feichen's clothes and motioned with his eyes to put him down: "Don't bother me. Let me say a few more words to you."

Zhuo Feichen could sense the passage of this man's life. He had seen this process in countless comrades, so that he realized so clearly that Shen Minghuan had no chance of saving his life.

Zhuo Feichen suddenly calmed down. Rather than being calm, it was better to say that he had lost his perception of the outside world and was only acting on instinct. He heard himself say indifferently: "Your Majesty, please talk to Ming Huan."

Luo Xiuyuan stared, watching Zhuo Feichen slowly put Shen Minghuan on the ground. He roared: "What are you doing! We have plenty of time to talk. You take him back to the palace now!"

"Xiuyuan." Shen Minghuan said, "Why are you yelling at him? I won't let you."

Shen Minghuan has not called him "Xiuyuan" for a long time. First His Highness, then His Majesty, when he was angry, he called him "Luo Xiuyuan" by both his first and last name.

His tone was familiar, as if nothing had happened yet. That was Luo Xiuyuan's happiest time. Thinking about it now, it feels like a lifetime ago.

This sound seemed to bring Luo Xiuyuan back to his senses, and he no longer forced the two generals to take Shen Minghuan back to the palace with his self-deception.

Luo Xiuyuan's legs softened and he knelt down next to Shen Minghuan, suddenly bursting into tears.

He has already written the imperial edict for the Zen position, and is ready to use the world as a gift to help his best friend ascend to the sky.

But his gift can't be delivered.

"I'm going to the North."

"I'll come back unscathed."

"Okay, okay, I swear as you said. If I don't come back alive, will Luo Xiuyuan die without a burial place?"


"Your Majesty, I'm back."

God witnessed you and me meeting, so this shouldn’t be considered a broken promise.

Luo Xiuyuan covered his face and trembled.

"Xiu Yuan," Shen Minghuan looked lifeless, except for one pair of eyes that were surprisingly bright, as if they were filled with stars: "I heard it on the road, thank you for spending so much time on me."

"I..." Luo Xiuyuan opened his mouth and found that he was choked up and could not speak. He shook his head vigorously.

What does this little thing he did mean? That was the glory that belonged to Shen Minghuan.

"The Qi Dynasty cannot have forces that can stand side by side with the court, so the aristocratic family must disappear." Shen Minghuan coughed twice more, "Xiuyuan, you have to avenge me."

Luo Xiuyuan said before that the Cui family had a good reputation and there was no reason to attack them. Now, Shen Minghuan's death is the most just reason.

No one can blame Luo Xiuyuan for this matter, because Shen Minghuan, a good official praised by everyone in the Qi Dynasty and the most trusted and valued friend of His Majesty today, died in their hands.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Luo Xiuyuan burst into tears.

He shouldn't have tried to protect the Cui family from Shen Minghuan, he should have slaughtered the entire Cui family at all costs!

——He was the one who harmed Ming Huan.

"Why are you apologizing? You're not wrong." Shen Minghuan glared at him and then looked at Zhuo Feichen: "General Zhuo, I left you a gift in the carriage. Remember to read it."

His voice slowly became weak: "I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep."

He Zhang stood there blankly, he had not yet been able to accept this fact.

Why did Shen Minghuan, who was smiling happily at him in the carriage just an hour ago, suddenly fall to the ground pale and pale?

He looked at Shen Minghuan and thought in confusion, but he couldn't figure it out.

He found that Shen Minghuan also turned to look at him and winked at him, as if to say: You must remember our agreement.

"Will you always honor his will and be a sword in his hand?"

"It just lacks some kindness..."

"Do you still want to kill me now?"

The words Shen Minghuan had said flashed through his mind word by word, and he somehow understood the meaning in Shen Minghuan's eyes.

You see, when I died, I died for Luo Xiuyuan. Rounding it all off, it was the revenge that Luo Xiuyuan avenged for you. You can rest assured to be loyal to him.

Oh, by the way, I hope you don't have any more enemies.

This man's logic has always been so overbearing, and he didn't even think about it. He was simply too restless to get where he is now.

According to this logic, He Zhang's benefactor is clearly Shen Minghuan, and it is Shen Minghuan who should be loyal to him.

He Zhang took a staggering step forward. Shen Minghuan smiled at him with difficulty, and then closed his eyes.

It seemed as if it was true as he said, he was just sleepy, so he needed to take a nap.


Qu Zhengcheng was also present when Chang Mao came to report. He shouldered the task given to him by Luo Xiuyuan and wanted to persuade Gu Chenglin. However, before he could speak, he heard Chang Mao's anxious voice: "Father, please bring the soldiers quickly, Your Majesty." The prince is in danger!"

When Qu Zhengcheng heard the name of the man who was supposed to be far away in the north, his heart skipped a beat. He quickly got up, grabbed a horse trapped in the camp, and galloped out of the camp.

This series of actions didn't even pass through his brain. When he finally calmed down and thought, he was already on the horse.

The trapped camp was already outside the city, so Qu Zhengcheng headed towards the farewell pavilion without hesitation, which was the only way back to the city.

There were countless speculations in his mind, and he felt extremely uneasy.

When he finally arrived, he saw Luo Xiuyuan, Zhuo Feichen, and He Zhang all kneeling on the ground in tears. In the middle of them, Shen Minghuan was lying quietly.

Qu Zhengcheng only felt a roar in his head.

He had so many guesses on the road, but he never expected that the most terrifying one would come true.

Qu Zhengcheng was a little dizzy, but he forced himself to calm down. He turned over and dismounted, and knelt down in the direction of Luo Xiuyuan: "Your Majesty, my condolences."

They have already lost Shen Minghuan and cannot lose Luo Xiuyuan again.

Zhuo Feichen stumbled to his feet and repeated numbly: "Your Majesty, my condolences."

Zhuo Feichen's good impression of Luo Xiuyuan has completely disappeared. This man suffered a lot of infamy because of him, and it was also because of him that he entered the enemy camp alone. Now that he is about to die, he still thinks about using his own life to pave the opponent's smooth road.

How to match Luo Xiuyuan? !

He is just a ray of fire, how can he be worthy of the bright moon in the sky making all kinds of plans for him to enter the world? How is it worth this man desecrating himself to fulfill his holy name? How is it worth this man expending all his efforts to create a peaceful and prosperous world for him?

How is it worth it... this man died for him?

But this man did all the above for Luo Xiuyuan. Zhuo Feichen hated him, but he had to protect him.

A "sorrow" is his bottom line.

Zhuo Feichen climbed onto the carriage like a zombie. The gift Shen Minghuan left for him was easy to find and was placed on the table in the middle of the carriage.

It was a piece of paper with pictures and texts, and four big words were written on the top:

"The Fighting Method of Breaking Willows".

"Even if you say so much, I won't teach you the art of war."

"You have no reservations about the more precious tactics. Why don't you just teach me how to break willows?"

"The willow is broken when the weak defeats the strong, and both the jade and the stone are destroyed..."

"As a last resort, I hope you don't take risks..."

——"Anyway, I will always save you."

Zhuo Feichen held the art of war that he had been asking for, and finally couldn't help it and cried loudly.

From now on, no one will save him.

There will come a time when he has no choice but to take a risk on his own.

Because the person who would unconditionally overcome difficulties and dangers to save him will never appear again.

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