After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 50: The pearl is covered in dust but its brilliance is not concealed (2)

Shen Minghuan even forgot that there was a pile of garbage waiting for him to deal with outside the door. He nodded, closed the book, and stood up to clean up.

"Teacher Shen, if you don't want it, can you give it to me?" Song Dazhi rubbed his hands again and said sheepishly.

It's a little dirty, but it's all in good condition, especially the quilt, which looks newer and warmer than theirs.

Shen Minghuan was worrying about where to throw these things. Song Dazhi's words were exactly what he wanted. He nodded and said, "Whatever."

Although these words were very formal, Song Dazhi still understood them.

People in the village don't talk like this. They all shout at the top of their lungs: "What? Just take it if you want it!"

Song Dazhi silently imitated Shen Minghuan and said "whatever" in his heart.

He thought this was really magical. It was only two words, but it sounded too good to be true.

Seeing him standing still, Shen Minghuan asked strangely: "Is there anything else?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Song Dazhi waved his hands repeatedly and smiled honestly. He was about to pick up the quilt first when he suddenly noticed Shen Minghuan's empty bed, "Teacher Shen, what should you do?"

"I'll just buy it again." Shen Minghuan said nonchalantly.

"Do you want to go to the city to buy it? But it's too late today. Our village is far away from the city. It takes six hours to walk back and forth." Song Dazhi scratched his head, looked at Shen Minghuan's body, and added with a smile: " Teacher Shen, you probably have to leave for a day."

Teacher Shen also laughed.

When Song Dazhi heard that his joke actually made Shen Minghuan laugh, he laughed even louder.

"I remember there was a car?" Not long after the original owner arrived, the village chief asked him if he wanted to go into the city. At that time, he went there in a donkey cart.

However, Shen Minghuan discovered that in the memory of the original owner, there were only old people, women and children on the bus. Is this a rule? And because he was a new teacher, the village chief made an exception for him?

Song Youzhi said matter-of-factly: "Of course not every day. Wang Mazi comes to our village once a month."

People in the village are used to being thrifty. They would rather go out early and walk for several hours than spend a small amount of money to free their feet. Only the old, weak, sick and disabled who are weak will spend money to take a bus.

Song Dazhi counted on his fingers for a long time, "Teacher Shen, if you really want to go, you can just wait until the next day. Remember to wait at the entrance of the village at five o'clock in the morning. Wang Mazi will not wait for anyone. This month the village is busy harvesting Maizi, the village chief shouldn’t be able to organize it.”

Shen, the old, weak, sick and disabled Ming Huan smiled slightly: "Thank you for letting me know."

"You're welcome, you're welcome," Song Dazhi blushed a little, but fortunately he was tanned enough that it wasn't noticeable. He glanced at the debris on the ground hesitantly and said, "Then you'd better keep this quilt for now."

Shen Minghuan shook his head, "No need, if you don't want it, I have to find a place to throw it away."

"Then I want it!" Song Dazhi nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Song Dazhi picked up the things on the ground. He felt that he had taken advantage of Shen Minghuan, so he wanted to do something to repay him. He looked around for a while: "Hey, Teacher Shen, the water in your tank is empty. I'll fill it up for you later. Don't refuse. Look, you're as thin as my little chicken. You can't pick it up." Moving water.”

Song Dazhi smiled boldly. Shen Minghuan had never been considered weak by others, but he had to admit that the original owner's body was really too weak.

He sighed, not used to being so weak and chirping, "Then I'll trouble you."

"No trouble, my little brat didn't cause any trouble to Teacher Shen, did he? If he's not sensible, teacher, you can beat him up. If he's talented, he's been strong since he was a child and can't be beaten."

Song Youcai, nine years old at the time, is the most loyal comrade-in-arms and partner of the protagonist. The two of them will later walk out of the mountains and embark on a broader palace of knowledge.

Dedicate your love and sincerity to the country, leave your time and pursuit to science, inquire about the truth of the universe, and promote the progress of the times.

This is a story about rejuvenating the country through science and technology. The protagonist Yun Fan was born in a small, barren rural area in the mountains, and has been dependent on his grandmother since he was a child. When he was eleven years old, he met one of the top scholars in China, Professor Gu Wenjinggu by chance.

Professor Gu was surprised by his intelligence and couldn't wait to accept him as a student, teaching him everything he had.

It's hard to find a teacher of scriptures, and it's even harder to find a human teacher. The protagonist has to meet a famous teacher, and his extraordinary talent is fully revealed, and he immediately becomes a key target of national protection.

Yunfan lived up to this expectation. He was like a sponge, absorbing new knowledge every day.

In this process, he also encountered doubts, was ridiculed, experienced the blow of learning, was confused, wronged, and cried long nights.

But this is a cool novel after all, and what cannot defeat the protagonist will eventually make him stronger.

After that, the protagonist Yunfan surpassed his mentor in just ten years. His growth amazed everyone, and the country's attention to him also increased repeatedly.

After that, it is the process of continuous invention by the protagonist group.

They have filled the gaps in China's science and technology with one scientific research achievement after another, making China's scientific and technological level surpass other countries and be at the forefront of the world.

By the time it ends, China has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Her status in the international arena is unquestionable and inviolable. No country dares to stand on the opposite side of China or ignore China's voice.

Standing tall among the nations of the world, all nations come to court!

Only then did the system remember that there was a mission.

It was just busy worrying about Shen Minghuan, feeling sorry for Shen Minghuan, and working hard with Shen Minghuan on how to survive.

——Although it didn’t help much, it was appreciated.

The system said: [Host, the shift in this world has occurred on Gu Wenjing. He is no longer here. If the protagonist cannot meet him, he cannot become the greatest scientist of this era. ]

The system is flattered: [The host only needs to let the protagonist see Gu Wenjing, and the protagonist will leave the rest of the plot on his own, which is much easier than the previous world. ]

Shen Minghuan was noncommittal.


Song Dazhi was holding a bunch of "valuables" and should have been happy, but perhaps the scene he just saw was too stunning, which unnecessarily reduced his joy a lot.

He looked around furtively and saw no one around him. Then he coughed twice, cleared his throat, recalled Shen Minghuan's tone and pauses when he spoke, tried to look serious, and said seriously: " random."

Wang Guihua was putting dinner on the small table in the yard when she heard the sound of the fence door creaking open. She turned around and said, "You're back? Wash your hands quickly... Ah, Song Dazhi! Where did you go to be a thief?" "

"No, no, Hua'er, listen to me." Song Dazhi hurriedly put down the things in his hands to coax his wife, "These are Teacher Shen..."

"What? My father became a thief?" Song Youcai ran out of the house screaming, with contempt on his face: "Dad, how can you steal things? Although our family doesn't have much money, we can still support you. Everyone is You fellow villagers, even if you stole something, you still stole it from the people in the village."

He complained: "How can I raise my head in front of my classmates like this?"

He said this as if he was the father and Song Dazhi was his son.

Song Dazhi picked up the stick by the wall and said, "You little bastard, don't run away, just stop."

Song Youcai sneaked up behind Wang Guihua and tugged on the corner of her clothes: "Mom, look at dad..."

"Song Dazhi!" Wang Guihua yelled while protecting her son, "If you don't tell me clearly today, don't eat!"

"Hua'er, don't listen to this bastard's nonsense. I didn't steal it. Teacher Shen didn't want it and gave it to our family." Song Dazhi tried his best to explain, starting from when he thought Shen Minghuan's home was being robbed, he completely described the whole process. Once again, he emphasized his refusal and Shen Minghuan's firmness.

"That's it..." Wang Guihua looked hesitantly at the new quilt on the ground, which was a little dirty, and hesitated for a moment before deciding: "I will cook two more dishes. If you are talented, you can invite Teacher Shen to come to the house." Let’s eat, Dazhi, you go help Teacher Shen carry water first, we can’t take advantage of others.”

Song Youcai said "Ah" with a somewhat reluctant expression.

Wang Guihua glared at him: "Ah, what, go quickly."

Song Dazhi waved the stick in his hand, "If you dare to make Teacher Shen angry, I will really whip you."

Wang Guihua, who had always loved Song Youcai, didn't say anything when she heard it, and she obviously agreed very much.

Shen Minghuan was not very familiar with the villagers. He was fair-skinned and spoke politely, and occasionally he would say a few words that they did not understand.

Probably because the culture has its own charm that transcends the secular world, the villagers inevitably feel a little ashamed and uncomfortable when getting along with Shen Minghuan.

Therefore, they occasionally help Shen Minghuan with small favors, and sometimes send home-cooked dishes to him, but their conversations are always limited to the children's education, and there is no more in-depth communication.

But this does not prevent Shen Minghuan from enjoying high popularity and reputation among the adults in Mutian Village.

We are not blind. The new teacher Shen voluntarily gave up the good living conditions in the city and came to their mountain retreat to treat their children with all his heart.

Often when they come back from their work in the fields, they can still see Teacher Shen alone in the school, where school has been out for a long time, frowning and correcting the children's homework.

Who wouldn’t be moved after watching this?

Not to mention that the country has vigorously promoted education and promoted the benefits of learning in recent years. Adults all know that reading is good and difficult, so in their eyes, Shen Minghuan, a college student, is the best reader in the world. Rounding it all off, he is the best young man in the world.

The more the adults in Mutian Village believed in knowledge, the more they believed in Shen Minghuan. They regarded every word he said as a golden rule, wishing they could carve it on a stone for their children to hold in their arms while sleeping.

But on the contrary, Shen Minghuan's reputation among children is not good.

Who would like someone who studies after them and comes to their parents to complain (home visits) from time to time?

A child's eyes are too immature to see the world on the other side of the mountains and sea; a child's thoughts are too simple to hold the vast future.

They only know that since Teacher Shen came, they have lost a lot of time to have fun, and they have to do those damn homework every day!

Fortunately it's a holiday.

Song Youcai patted his chest and thought with lingering fear.

He would rather help in the fields than learn those Chinese characters that make him sleepy just by looking at them.

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