After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 53: The pearl is covered in dust but its brilliance is not hidden (5)

After Comrade Song Dazhi finished carrying water, he casually caught the two boys back.

He hated the iron. "Let's go, let's go. The village chief must also want to invite Teacher Shen to dinner. Why don't you run faster? By the way, dogs, go back and tell your mother that Teacher Shen has made a reservation for us tomorrow. Just wait until next time, hahaha.”

Yun Gou'er remained silent while Song Youcai glared at his father and covered his face unbearably.

When Shen Minghuan returned home, he found that the water tank at the door was full, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

In return, he decided to double his homework tomorrow. The students would be very happy to learn such wonderful knowledge.

Shen Minghuan was too lazy to boil water, so he simply took a cold shower.

He lit the candle, and facing the thin moonlight and dancing candlelight, he took out another piece of white paper.

He described in the book the effect of "when a system undergoes rapid physical changes or chemical reactions, the energy is converted into mechanical work on the surrounding medium by means of the rapid expansion of gas, usually accompanied by strong heat release, luminescence and sound." , and are very interested in "utilizing aerodynamics and thermal lift to realize an air-breathing powered horizontal take-off and landing single-machine orbit multiple-use aircraft". In short, it is artillery shells and aircraft.

I don’t know which spiritual power technique is better than the weapons of this world?

[Humans have a saying, seven steps away, the gun is quick. ] The system answers the host's doubts very seriously.

Shen Minghuan blinked, "Within seven steps?" ]

[The gun is accurate and fast. ] The system notified expressionlessly: [Host, it’s time for you to sleep. ]

[I'm not sleepy, so I can sleep on whatever I want. ] Shen Minghuan replied casually while writing and drawing.

The system took a deep breath, and then cried out with a "wow": "You go, if you don't go I will cry to death for you." ]

Shen Minghuan was startled by the sudden sharp cry. He held the pen, his eyes were heavy and his voice was soft: "Xiaojiu, are you threatening me?" ]

[I, I...] The system stopped crying, and he shivered, but still mustered up the courage to say: "Even if, even if you are angry, I, I will let you go to sleep." ]

Shen Minghuan's right hand unconsciously touched his chest, where the person he trusted most had pierced his chest with a sword. The blood filled the air and dyed the white clothes red.

He jumped into the East China Sea, seemingly aloof and decisive, but in fact he was just maintaining his last dignity.

——Ridiculous, self-righteous, crumbling dignity.

——As early as the moment he was betrayed by his tribe, he already had no dignity in the eyes of everyone in the world.

Shen Minghuan bound to the system when he was on the verge of death. He called it "Xiaojiu" with a smile, but in fact he never really trusted it.

He had generously given his trust to many people, but that sword failed to kill Shen Minghuan, but instead made this generosity stingy.

Shen Minghuan showed a sarcastic smile. He once thought that he would rather bend than bend, but when he was under the control, he turned out to be good at dancing with long sleeves and a mask.

But no matter what, Shen Minghuan will always be Shen Minghuan, and no one can control him...not even Tong!

[Host. ] The system cried pitifully: [Humans will get sick if they don't sleep. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. ]

Shen Minghuan, who was still uttering Zhongyi's words viciously in his heart just now, paused.

The bright moonlight poured down from the window and fell gently on Shen Minghuan's hand. He sighed: "I'm going to rest... I won't do it next time." ]

For example, he probably can't do anything with the system.

He seemed to have been caught in a weak spot.

Shen Minghuan was lying on the bed undressed. He knew that his weaknesses were obvious. For example, he could not point the sword at his own people, he could not give up the people who loved and respected him, and he could not refuse the sincere and strong emotions...

Xiao Bai is so smart that he knows that he can die willingly just by designing a scene.

Why betray him?

Shen Minghuan closed his eyes and rested, but in fact, he was still adding to the design drawing he just drew in his mind. Using pen and paper is just convenient for organizing your thoughts, but it is not necessary.

The bed was a little hard, and he thought he would not be able to sleep, but he didn't expect that he would still fall asleep in the middle of the night.

[Host! Host! ] The system shouted anxiously.

Shen Minghuan felt that he had just fallen asleep when he was woken up by the system, but suddenly he opened his eyes and found that the sky was already bright.

Shen Minghuan sat up and rubbed his eyebrows. He felt that his limbs were a little weak and his mind was dizzy.

Seeing that he finally woke up, the system breathed a sigh of relief and said, [Host, you have a fever. ]

fever? Recalling his eloquent words and his sarcastic remarks to the system last night, Shen Minghuan suddenly felt guilty.

He said harshly: "Nonsense, I feel very good and that's why I'm not sick." ]

[Host, although you may not feel it, I scanned it and you really have a fever! ] The system is very anxious. What should humans do when they get sick? Do you need to call a doctor? No, no, no, in this era, are you going to the hospital?

Shen Minghuan said firmly: [Xiaojiu, your scan made an error, you should be tested. ]

[ah? ] The system began to doubt itself, and it asked hesitantly: [Is that so? ]

[certainly. ] Shen Minghuan said: [Don’t I still know my body clearly? It's just you who is out of order, but it doesn't matter, Xiaojiu, I won't dislike you. ]

[Host, you are so kind. ] The system was extremely moved.

Shen Minghuan nodded calmly: "Who made you my leader?" ]

After Shen Minghuan washed up, he planned to go to class. Perhaps because of his illness, he had no appetite, so he simply skipped breakfast.

The morning sun was not too hot, but it was a bit dazzling, making Shen Minghuan feel dizzy.

But it wasn't a big problem. It was within his tolerance. Shen Minghuan decided to believe in the human body's ability to heal itself.


The school in Mutian Village is very simple: an empty room with only a few seats. A wooden board is hung in front to serve as a blackboard. There is no shortage of chalk for the time being, but it is all broken.

However, this is indeed the most magnificent building in the village. In the entire Mutian Village, this is the only house built with bricks and has a wooden beam and tile roof.

The government gave a subsidy, so the village chief gritted his teeth and added some more. He thought that the children would have to go to school in winter. If the building was well built, the effect of blocking the wind and cold would be better.

The village chief's granddaughter goes to school in the city. There are no other school-age children in his family, but the village chief still has a lot of money. Naturally, the other villagers were not to be outdone. Those who had the conditions would contribute some money, and those without the conditions would work more.

No matter how hard it is, we can’t help our children, and no matter how poor we are, we can’t give up on education!

Shen Minghuan arrived at the school on his own. The children were picked up from the bed by their parents early. They were yelling and cursing all the way. When they saw their friends in the classroom, they got together and complained wildly.

"Why do we have to go to school again today? Everyone who promised to have a holiday is a liar." Zhou Dazhuang wailed.

Zhou Xiaoya rested her chin on her hand: "But I think going to school is good. I like Teacher Shen." She covered her face shyly.

"Zhou Xiaoya, how dare you like Teacher Shen? Be careful of him visiting your house."

"Ah ah ah, creatures like Teacher should stay as far away from our home as possible. Every time he comes, nothing good will happen."

"I suspect that Teacher Shen is my parents' biological child. I picked it up on the roadside."

Zhou Xiaoya became even more shy, "There is a brother. Teacher Shen can only talk about brother, not me. Besides, Teacher Shen is so good-looking, hehe."

Zhao Jun looked at her in disbelief: "Xiaoya, how good-looking is he? Believe it or not, believe it or not, he can't even beat me!"

"Ha." A sneer suddenly came from the corner, and the students trembled in unison.

Zhao Jun looked up, and Shen Minghuan was leaning on the door frame, looking at him with a half-smile.

Shen Minghuan was originally listening to the corner of the door with great interest, listening to people inside lamenting the sinister nature of people's hearts, lamenting the suffering of fate, and praising his handsomeness.

Everything was happy at first, but after hearing Zhao Jun's words, there was a "pop" and the happiness was gone.

"Teacher Shen." Zhao Jun smiled guiltily, lowered his head sincerely, and obediently found his seat and sat down.

"Teacher Shen."

"Good morning, Teacher Shen."

"Hello teacher."

Shen Minghuan has always been very gentle. Although sometimes he is so angry with them that he is on the verge of collapse, but at most he just changes the class to self-study, sitting on the podium and sulking over their homework.

This was the first time that the children's intuition, as sensitive as small animals, sensed the horror. They said hello obediently, and even Zhou Xiaoya smiled at Shen Ming fawningly.

Shen Minghuan raised his eyebrows, very satisfied that they were so aware of current affairs.

He walked straight to the podium, raised his hand and picked up the chalk. The white chalk was held by his long white fingers, and it seemed that it suddenly turned a dark yellow color of inferior quality.

It's strange, apparently before they thought chalk was the whitest thing in the world.

Teacher Shen must have been unlucky and got the worst and ugliest piece of chalk.

The students thought so.

Shen Minghuan elegantly wrote three big characters on the blackboard - "Shen Minghuan", and then threw the chalk gracefully, and the chalk fell accurately into the paper box.

He said loudly: "I am Shen Minghuan, your teacher."

"We know." Zhao Jun said, "Teacher, you said this on the first day. Did you forget it so quickly?"

Shen Minghuan showed an amiable smile: "No, you don't know. Today's homework is these three words on the blackboard, which is my name. Read them fifty times, copy them fifty times, and write them down fifty times. Did you hear that clearly?"

As we all know, happiness doesn’t disappear, it just transfers.

"Five, fifty times?" The students all covered their hearts and took a breath.

Conscience of heaven and earth, they haven't even learned the number "fifty". How much is fifty? Do the sum of their fingers and toes be enough?

Shen Minghuan picked up the "pointer" carefully prepared for him by the parents in the corner. He swung it, and the slender wooden stick cut through the air, making a terrifying sound like the words of a devil.

"Now, I'll give you three minutes to copy it first. I will check one by one to see if you have written it correctly." He played with the stick: "What do you want me to do? Look at the blackboard! I haven't started copying yet. I want to delay everyone. time?"

"Copy, copy, copy, let's start."

The students quickly took out their stationery and started "drawing" with a grimace. Their hands were busy and their mouths were not idle, and they complained softly.

"Zhao Jun, it's all your fault. You said Teacher Shen couldn't fight and made him angry."

"These three words are so difficult. I don't know how to say them."

"Why does Teacher Shen choose such a difficult name? Doesn't it take him a long time to write his name every time he does homework?"

"It would be great if Teacher Shen called Shen Yi, I could copy it a hundred times!"

"Well, it would be great if Teacher Shen called Wang Yi. The word "王" is simple and I can copy it a thousand times!"

Song Youcai grimaced: "Teacher Shen's surname is Song, and it's difficult to write Song. Hey, boss, it would be great if Teacher Shen's surname was Yun like you."

The person next to me echoed excitedly: "Yes, yes, cloud is also very simple, I can write it in one go."

"I don't know if there is a surname like Yi. Teacher Shen can call her Yiyi."

Yun Gou'er solemnly wrote the last stroke of the word "Huan" on the blackboard, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. He muttered in a low voice: "I don't want to have the same last name as this annoying guy."

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