After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 60 The pearl is covered in dust but its brilliance is not concealed (12)

Shen Minghuan was full after barely finishing a bowl of wontons. The steamed buns were all greasy and fatty. He was always picky when he could, so he didn't plan to eat them.

Seeing that the two children were eating happily, he wanted to split each of them in half, but he hesitated for a moment, still not wanting to dirty his hands.

Shen Minghuan simply pushed the buns and bowls to them, saying concisely and concisely: "You guys share it, I'm full."

Song Youcai put down the bowl hesitantly, his eyes full of suspicion.

Don't think he doesn't know, these adults always like to tell lies like "I'm full" and "I don't like eating".

"Teacher?" Yun Gou'er also had the same suspicion.

Shen Minghuan glanced at them indifferently, while his attention was still on the newspaper. He said casually: "Don't think too much. If you don't want to eat, just find a way to deal with it."

He originally wanted to throw it away, but in this era of food shortage, it was really annoying for him to say this.

Shen Minghuan sighed.

The poverty of some or even most of the people will make onlookers feel sad and pitiful, but if the entire country, from the leaders to the traffickers and lackeys, can only go hungry and have a full meal, it is a very respectable and extremely honorable thing. An admirable thing.

Yun Gou'er was keenly aware that the teacher seemed a little distracted. He raised his eyes and found that Shen Minghuan was still holding the newspaper.

And his eyes always stayed on...

"Spy." Yun Gou'er muttered silently, keeping these two words in his heart.

Teacher Shen's current mood is very strange. Is it related to spies?

Song Youcai scratched his head. He thought for a while and said, "How about we take it with us. Teacher, you can wait until you are hungry before eating."

"Good idea." Shen Minghuan snapped his fingers, and then rounded up the remaining twenty-three buns in the hotel while Song Youcai was stunned.

Shen Minghuan planned to take it back to the villagers in Mutian Village. These days, he received a lot of care from the villagers.

Then he went next door and bought enough rice and noodles for three people to eat for a month. After all, the Yun family was not rich, so he couldn't just stay at the Yun family and eat and drink for free.

Grandma Yun took care of most of the housework at home, and even Yun Gou'er would help after school. Only Shen Minghuan was like a young master, stretching out his hands for food and opening his mouth.

Shen Minghuan did not argue about this matter. Firstly, Grandma Yun would not let him do it. Secondly, he also knew that he would probably only cause trouble, so he might as well repay the favor in another way.

During the purchase process, Yun Gou'er was hesitant to speak, but Shen Minghuan ignored him, just talking about being diligent and thrifty.

Small but complete.

Tongxian County is a small county. In response to the national call, the county magistrate just squeezed out part of the small amount of funds to build a library.

In fact, it is to make an empty room of suitable size, put up bookshelves, and put books that the county magistrate found somewhere.

In order to show off, the county magistrate stuffed all the papers with writing on them into the library, so that although there were many books in the library, they were messy and mixed with good and bad.

The library is relatively remote and there are not many people inside, but there are always a few familiar faces that appear every day, so it is not considered a depression.

"Wow, teacher, there are so many books." Song Youcai exclaimed excitedly, and after realizing it, he quickly covered his mouth and bowed apologetically to the person who was reading seriously but was disturbed by him.

He was still a child, yet so polite, and he was so excited because he read the book. Under the triple filter, everyone around him smiled and nodded at him.

Some people glanced at Shen Minghuan curiously. He must be an outstanding teacher if he can teach students so well, right?

Now China is in need of such teachers. Maybe one day they will cultivate a world-renowned genius and lead China's science and technology to take off in the world.

Yun Gou'er also flushed with excitement and whispered: "Teacher, I like it here."

"Teacher likes it too." Shen Minghuan looked around with satisfaction: "Find an opportunity to bring your other classmates here."

There are so many books that allow them to study on their own and save their worries when they think about it.

Yun Gou'er was stunned.

The moment they watched the wheat harvester take shape under their hands, a huge sense of accomplishment filled the hearts of every Mutian student. Yun Gouer was convinced that no one would not crave for more after being exposed to the beauty of knowledge.

Yun Gou'er judged others by himself, and as his teacher Shen Minghuan, whose knowledge and talents were far above them, he only loved learning more than them.

But he didn't expect that this person's first thought when he saw this place was to allow all his students to come here.

Is this the teacher?

Yun Gou'er felt an unspeakable shock. He thought that just this broad and selfless mind and detached attitude were worth following and learning throughout his life.


Gu Wenjing leaned tiredly on the train chair and rubbed his sore legs.

Guard Xu Yi brought him a cup of hot water and carefully observed the surroundings. Then he sat down calmly and said softly: "Professor, don't worry, we have contacted the Tongxian base. We got out of the car. Someone will respond.”

Gu Wenjing needs to complete a research and must leave Kyoto and go to a suitable location to conduct experiments. In the original plot, he chose Tong County. By chance, he met the protagonist, and the magnificent story unfolded.

But one of the deviations in the plot made him choose the neighboring Ping County among two almost different destinations.

Although the distance is not far, transportation is inconvenient nowadays. For safety reasons, Gu Wenjing will not run away randomly at the last moment. And the protagonist, who is still a half-year-old child, has no chance to travel far away. The plot can almost be said to have collapsed.

It's not difficult to correct it, it just requires Shen Minghuan and Yun Gou'er to hang out in front of Gu Wenjing a few more times.

Even if he didn't know the other party's location, he could just wait and see in Kyoto. Gu Wenjing would still return to Kyoto after completing his research.

But it's not simple at all. As a national treasure, Professor Gu is always surrounded by people, and he can't get close to him easily, let alone recommend anyone to him.

After Shen Minghuan came to this world, he devoted himself to learning and only wanted to study aircraft and cannons. He had no intention of doing tasks for the time being. Let alone creating a chance encounter, he didn't even think of investigating the location of the target person.

However, thanks to his unintentional fever and comrade Jiang Yiwen's seriousness and responsibility, Gu Wenjing decided to come to Tong County.

——He was attacked by spies when he was preparing to return to Kyoto, and finally escaped under the cover of the guards. After that, the group of people separated, and he was only followed by Xu Yi, who did not dare to reveal his trace easily.

Gu Wenjing rubbed his forehead, "My whereabouts are kept secret. Not many people know about it. How could I happen to encounter a spy?"

What a coincidence, when he left the heavily guarded research institute and was about to board the train to Kyoto.

It was as if the other party had been watching, waiting for him to reveal this flaw.

Who knew he went to Ping County? Who knows that he will return today?

The only people who knew this were either his old buddies or a few high-ranking leaders. Did anyone reveal all this?

It was a hot summer day, and Gu Wenjing felt a biting chill while sitting on a crowded train.

The guard had obviously thought of these things. He hesitated to comfort the old man: "Maybe he was noticed accidentally. Don't think too much about it."

Gu Wenjing sighed, "The more domineering Country M acts, the more worried I am about Xiao Shu."

Pei Shu was Gu Wenjing's most proud student before Yunfan appeared.

China started late, and there is a technological blockade from the outside world. It is difficult for the new generation of scientific researchers to make progress. Every year, the country sponsors a group of students to study abroad.

Pei Shu was smart and studious, and was also among the selected people, but maybe he was too smart, and he was so showy that he never came back after he left.

Country M put him under house arrest.

Not only Pei Shu, there are also many outstanding scientists in country M who are dedicated to the country. Sometimes they just attend appointments to participate in academic exchanges, and then they are forcibly detained.

But these exchanges are necessary. Otherwise, if we hesitate to move forward because of fear, wouldn't it be another form of isolation?

China has never given up on them, but it has paid a lot of price and failed to allow them to return home safely.

At the same time, many students still leave the embrace of the motherland one after another every year, willing to take risks to learn from the foreigners and learn skills to defeat the foreigners, struggling to preserve themselves, and strive to bring the knowledge they have learned back to the country.

China cannot reject their patriotic enthusiasm, and it cannot help but consider its future development. Pei Shu is one of them, but he will not be the last.

"You forgot, we just spoke to Mr. Pei three days ago. He is an important talent, and Country M treats him very politely." Xu Yi himself didn't believe this.

Gu Wenjing also knew that the other party was just comforting him. He shook his head: "These juniors always report good news but not bad news. The same goes for that student Jiang Li. He didn't say anything about it when he was sick. Yiwen himself knew about it."

Xu Yi responded with a smile: "Why else would Professor Jiang ask you to go take a look?"

Gu Wenjing also laughed and scolded: "This old guy said he was worried about my safety. I think I was just passing by. What he really wanted was his students, right?"

After Gu Wenjing and Xu Yi temporarily came into contact with the threat, they immediately contacted Kyoto. Kyoto had already received the news that they were separated after being attacked by spies, and they were as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

After the two parties got in touch, the top priority was how to get the person back.

It was obviously inconvenient to return to Kyoto now, and Ping County was no longer safe. Tong County happened to be nearby and there was a military base stationed there, so the leaders asked Gu Wenjing to go to Tong County to join his people. After they make arrangements, they will return to Kyoto from Tong County.

Jiang Li was also there at the time. In order to ease Gu Wenjing's uneasiness, he pretended to be relaxed and said: "I have a student who is also near Tong County. His name is Shen Minghuan and he is a teacher in Mutian Village. Yiwen said two days ago that he had a fever. As an elder, you have to help me look at him and supervise how he is doing as a teacher."

Gu Wenjing couldn't help laughing when he thought of Jiang Li's words, "Then I'll go and run an errand for him."

He had a vague impression of the name Shen Minghuan. The children of An He and Shen Yan seemed to be... Pei Shu's classmate.

Thinking of Pei Shu, Gu Wenjing sighed deeply again.

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