After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 67: The pearl is covered in dust but its brilliance is not hidden (19)

A wealthy man who returned from abroad donated money to Tong County and designated it to be used to build roads connecting the county seat to nearby mountain villages.

The rich man is a good person, but he is a bit impatient. He keeps pushing for the project and would rather spend more money to repair the road as soon as possible. When asked, he said that he wants to facilitate the lives of residents in nearby mountain villages as soon as possible.

The county government was very happy, the villagers in the nearby villages were very happy, and Shen Minghuan was also very happy. Only the adults in Mutian Village were very wary.

It's not that they are keenly aware that this matter may be related to spies, they are just highly suspicious of everything recently.

The children didn't know what happened, but they were all told not to reveal anything related to Shen Minghuan to outsiders. If they saw a stranger in the village, they should report it to the adults in time.

Because the adults spoke seriously and the children were also cautious, they vaguely felt that this matter was related to Shen Minghuan's safety, and even the most naughty children took it to heart.

The most relaxed person in the village is the person involved, Shen Minghuan.

He still maintained the same rhythm of life as before, taking classes in the morning and doing research in the afternoon, but he had an additional arrangement: reading the vast amount of books compiled for him by the system in the evening.

Shen Minghuan was like a mouse in a rice vat. He had to be urged repeatedly by the system every day before he could sleep.

Recently, Shen Minghuan saw parts of plants, and he began to take action on the flowers and plants in the village.

It is now mid-August, and the wheat harvest in the village has long been completed, but the farmland cannot be idle. The villagers have begun to prepare to plant corn, sweet potatoes, radishes, cabbage and other crops, and are gradually preparing for food storage for the winter.

When Shen Minghuan came down from the mountain, he still held a sprig of wild camellia in his hand. He slowly held the flowers back and glanced at the flowers in his hands from time to time, his expression thoughtful.


Yun Gou'er started waving from a distance. He ran to Shen Minghuan and reported: "Teacher, I called everyone here. They are behind."

There is no awareness at all that I am being oppressed.

Yun Gouer's class monitor has done a good job. Although he occasionally dislikes his classmates for being too noisy, he actually likes it when everyone calls him class monitor, which makes him feel like he is needed all the time.

This "being needed" is not the pressure that brought him great pain in the original plot. After all, there is an omnipotent Shen Minghuan standing behind him at this moment.

Nowadays, he rarely feels inferior to his own life experience. He is keenly suspicious of the eyes that are focused on him, like a hedgehog with sharp thorns, rejecting the good intentions of others, and stubbornly showing off a strong posture.

Yun Gou'er, who celebrated his eleventh birthday, is confident and dazzling. He is often surrounded by a large group of friends. In the middle of the crowd, he is not afraid to point out the situation and scold Fang Qiu.

If I had to describe it, it would probably be the complacency of a young man.

It is just the right amount of wantonness, and a kind of vanity that is not annoying.

"Boss, why are you running so fast?" Song Youcai caught up with him, panting.

Although Yun Gou'er has many friends and Song Youcai is no longer his boss's only friend, the relationship between the two children has not changed.

In Song Youcai's words, Yun Gou'er and the others were "acting for the occasion", and only the two of them had "real feelings."

The remaining ten students also arrived one after another.

"Hello, Teacher Shen." Zhao Jun bowed to say hello to Shen Minghuan as soon as he stopped. As soon as he finished speaking, he turned to Song Youcai: "Youcai, you are too much. You are not the first to say hello to the teacher and say, in your heart , is it more important, Teacher Shen or your boss?”

When the other students heard this, they quickly shouted "Hello, teacher" and then laughed, "Haha, Song Youcai, you're done. I'm going to complain to Uncle Song."

"Song Youcai, Song Youcai, Teacher Shen and the monitor fell into the water at the same time. Who do you save first?"

Song Youcai's face turned red: "What nonsense are you talking about about me? I don't..."

He suddenly felt that he was in a dilemma. As long as he refuted, it would be like stepping on Yun Gouer. One is his most beloved mentor, and the other is his dearest friend. At this young age, Song Youcai faced ethical questions.

Song Youcai looked at Yun Gou'er pitifully, trying to ask for help. Yun Gou'er took a step back in panic and turned away awkwardly, as if to prove his innocence to Shen Minghuan.

Song Youcai's face was full of disbelief, as if he had suffered a huge blow.

"Okay, don't make trouble, listen to me." Shen Minghuan watched this scene of novices pecking each other with relish, then pretended to be serious, "Tell your parents when you go back today, I will take you with me tomorrow Go to town."

"Into town? All of us?"

The students opened their round eyes and looked at Shen Minghuan expectantly.

Shen Minghuan nodded: "Yes, we will go all day long, don't be too early. We will meet at the entrance of the village during your usual school time."


Although they knew Shen Minghuan would not lie to them, the students still jumped up excitedly when they heard his confirmation reply.

The road from Mutian Village to the county seat was repaired ten days ago. Han Aimin worked very hard. He said it took one week, but in fact it only took five days.

Shen Minghuan has been obsessed with studying recently and can't help himself. Every day is extremely fulfilling, and he doesn't know how much time has passed. If he didn't have something to do, Han Aimin would probably have to wait for a while.

Shen Minghuan continued: "Song Youcai, Zhao Jun, ask your father for me if he is free to drive us off tomorrow morning. I can pay for it."

Zhao Jun waved his hand: "My dad is free, Teacher Shen, you don't have to be polite to him, my dad has decided not to accept money - why don't you give it to me."

When Shen Minghuan came back more than half a month ago, he asked Wang Mazi to buy two donkey carts for him, which he usually kept at the village chief's house.

The villagers volunteered to build a simple shed. When they went up the mountain to cut grass, they would bring some extra and put it next to the shed. The village chief would feed the two precious donkeys according to the time.

At that time, they did not know that Shen Minghuan bought two donkey carts to take the students into the city to study in the library. They still took care of Shen Minghuan's donkeys as if they were their own property.


When Shen Minghuan brought his twelve children into the city, the scene was indeed quite spectacular. If the children hadn't looked at Shen Minghuan with familiar and intimate eyes, they might have suspected that he was a human trafficker.

This is the first time the library has welcomed so many children.

Some of the people who were reading inside were still impressed by Shen Minghuan, so they greeted them in a friendly manner.

There are few people in the small county, and the neighbors have some impressions of each other. They can probably guess that Shen Minghuan and the others do not live in the city.

Although the roads have been repaired recently and more people are traveling to nearby villages and towns, it is still not easy to bring so many students into the city.

They thought Shen Minghuan was a good teacher before, and now their respect is even greater.

Even looking at Shen Minghuan's gentle and gentle appearance, they began to worry about whether this person could shock a child of this age who was always fond of causing trouble.

Shen Minghuan reached out and called to his tool, "Dog, come here. You are the monitor. The teacher has to leave for a while, so the students will be left to you."

He reached out and handed Yun Gou'er a list, and announced to the other students: "I have set a learning task for each of you today. You can go to the monitor to pick it up later. After completing it, you can choose the books you are interested in reading. ”

Shen Minghuan showed a threatening look: "When I come back, I will check what you have learned one by one. If I find you are lazy, just wait until you copy it fifty times. No noise, no leaving alone, report anything to the monitor, understand. Yet?"

The students remained silent and nodded repeatedly: "I understand, I understand."

Shen Minghuan seemed to be satisfied with their understanding and gave them an "amiable" smile. Then he turned around, raised his hands to the people around him, and said politely: "Children are not strong enough. If there is any offense later, please be patient."

Afraid that the students would not understand, Shen Minghuan went out of his way to say pointedly to Yun Gou'er: "Gou'er, if someone is disobedient, write down his name and I will punish him when I get back."

Nowadays, the handshake ceremony is popular, but the handshake ceremony has not disappeared from the stage of history. Scholars still have the habit of cupping hands when they meet.

The people around him responded kindly, "Comrade, if you have something to do, just go and do it. We will help you look after these children."

They thought to themselves that the teacher was quite defensive.

Generally speaking, only those under the age of seven are called "childish", and most of these students are obviously above that age. It's just that Shen Minghuan put the killer weapon of "still children" in advance, so that even if these students did something wrong later, they wouldn't be able to care about it.

Moreover, the second half of the sentence is not addressed to the students. It is clearly meant for them to listen to. Every word expresses forcefully:

My students, if you do something wrong, I will punish you and you are not allowed to move.

Everyone who understood the hint laughed inwardly, but they didn't feel any bad feelings at all. To be fair, it would probably be a very happy thing to meet such a teacher on the way to school.

In today's era when education is not booming and culture is not prominent, this man does have the appearance of a wise teacher who practiced the way of a saint in ancient times.

Shen Minghuan thanked him and left with peace of mind.

Most people in this world are warm and kind, his twelve students are smarter than monkeys, and the library is still a public place.

Shen Minghuan imagined for a moment that if traffickers really targeted his students, he felt that he would be more worried about the safety of the traffickers.

Seeing Shen Minghuan disappear, someone curiously asked the students who were obediently immersed in reading: "Is this teacher fierce? You seem to be afraid of him?"

There is no malice in this remark. After all, this is still an era where it is believed that filial sons emerge from under the stick. It is said that deep love brings deep responsibility, and it is considered extremely normal for teachers to beat students.

They were just a little curious. Judging from Shen Minghuan's gentle and gentle appearance, he really didn't look like someone who would punish students corporally. With his small body, could he really lift a stick?

"It's quite scary." Zhou Dazhuang put down the book and sighed deeply: "We are afraid of making him angry. Teacher Shen is in bad health, so we can't be angry."

After Shen Minghuan's fever subsided, he caught two colds in a short period of time. Fortunately, Grandma Yun found out early and gave him two large bowls of medicine in advance. Otherwise, he might have another fever and lie in bed sickly.

This is normal in the eyes of the system. Shen Minghuan dislikes the taste of the food here and always eats very little, just enough to not starve himself to death.

He often stayed up late, and it was common for him to stay up all night. He also lied to the system and said he had insomnia, disrupting the system's angry program.

In addition, he went to the mountains to do research, and the temperature in the mountains dropped quickly. Shen Minghuan had no idea of ​​putting on more clothes in the cold weather. It would be strange if he didn't catch a cold.

Thanks to him, Grandma Yun collected herbs much more frequently during this period, and even the people in the village learned to identify the common herbs. In addition to storing grain and vegetables for the winter, many people's cellars also have a special place for herbs.

It's funny to say that when an adult goes out with a group of children, normally parents are more worried about their children, but in Mutian Village it's the other way around. Parents are asking their children to take good care of Teacher Shen.

—— Originally, Shen Minghuan was being targeted by spies, so they were very worried about him going out. If Shen Minghuan hadn't strongly requested it, the village chief would have brought all the strong men in the village to guard him every step of the way.

All in all, in Mutian Village, Shen Minghuan's weakness is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and is well known to everyone.

Only Shen Minghuan himself didn't know.

Zhou Xiaoya was so angry that she stepped on Zhou Dazhuang: "Brother, mother told me not to tell anything about Teacher Shen!"

The other students were stunned for a moment, and after reacting, they also cast reproachful looks at Zhou Dazhuang.

"I was wrong sister." Zhou Dazhuang said with a bitter face, "Don't complain to your parents."

He was also a little scared. Remembering the seriousness of his parents when they talked about this matter, he swallowed nervously: "I-I didn't say anything. Is everything going to be okay?"

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