After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 74: The pearl is covered in dust but its brilliance is not concealed (26)

In the following time, Shen Minghuan and Gu Wenjing seemed to have a tacit understanding.

Unconsciously, the abandoned second floor of the library also had a room for children.

Shen Minghuan sends the students to the library every morning and then disappears. Not long after, Gu Wenjing will arrive to answer the students' questions.

It was as if he sent the students to the county specifically to create opportunities for them to ask Gu Wenjing for advice.

At least in the eyes of Gu Wenjing and others, this is the truth, especially after hearing that Shen Minghuan paid for all the expenses for the children to go to the city, they felt that he had good intentions.

A teacher teaches his students everything he has, and when he realizes that he has fallen short, he does not hesitate to let go so that the students can have better opportunities for progress.

Who doesn't want to leave a mark on the growth of a genius? But Shen Minghuan was even afraid that he would influence the students to learn from Gu Wenjing, so he even refused to show his face.

Given how sensible these children are, if Shen Minghuan were here, they would not regard others as "teachers". Maybe Shen Minghuan knew this, so he wanted to create opportunities for them and Gu Wenjing to be alone.

Zhang Jingchang could clearly feel the teacher's growing affection for Shen Minghuan, which was not surprising because he also had a crush on this junior disciple.

Although Shen Minghuan didn't know where he went every time they came, but just by looking at the scenes of the children getting along and the occasional words they said, he knew that he must be a particularly good teacher.

Even though his knowledge level is not very high, he is not very smart, and his achievements in scientific research are only average...but this does not prevent Shen Minghuan's character from being extremely noble and shining!

Shen, average level, noble character, Ming Huan scolded all the scientific researchers in Country M until they were scolded, and then Shi Shiran held the honey water and took the tuition fee respectfully handed over by Han Aimin.

[Xiaojiu, I’m so miserable, my voice is hoarse. ] Shen Minghuan took another sip of honey water.

The system is extremely distressed: [Host, you have been wronged. If it weren't for buying experimental equipment for the protagonist, you wouldn't have to work so hard to make money. ]

[After all, he is your son, it doesn’t matter if I feel a little wronged. ] Shen Minghuan said "strongly".

Han Aimin fanned Shen Minghuan with a fan, with a flattering expression, "Shen, is that Gu Wenjing sent by Hua to supervise you? Do you want us to..."

He stretched out his hand and crossed his fingers across his neck, showing a sinister smile, which was full of hints.

Shen Minghuan rolled his eyes, "Sir, then you have fallen into China's trap. Think about it, Gu Wenjing is as important a person as my teacher, how could he be so open and honest in the library every day? butterfly?"

Han Aimin thought hard and couldn't figure it out. He humbly asked for advice: "Shen, what do you mean?"

"The Chinese state has a word called fishing for law enforcement." Shen Minghuan snorted, "The treacherous Chinese state deliberately pushed Gu Wenjing out to lure you into taking the bait. There are many people ambushing him around."

"If you can still hurt Gu Wenjing under this situation, it means that this place is very unsafe. They will immediately take Professor Floss to move or simply kill him."

Shen Minghuan looked solemn: "That's it. Sacrificing Gu Wenjing will not only catch the spy, but also test your strength."

Han Aimin was shocked. He didn't expect that Chinese people could even think of a plan to catch a fish. There were so many explanations behind the four words "ordinary".

What a scary country, and what a scheming Chinese people.

"I know, I will pretend that I don't know about Gu's existence." Han Aimin responded solemnly.

Fortunately, with Shen Zai, they would never fall into the opponent's fishing and law enforcement scheme.

Shen Minghuan did not enter the city the next day.

During this period, he taught Errol and others remotely, and also asked Han Aimin for some parts, and he finally got them all yesterday.

The parts he wanted were relatively fine. The small factory in Tong County didn't have enough sophisticated technology, so Han Aimin ordered them from other cities and sent someone to pick them up.

The students also went to the library to study for two consecutive weeks, so Shen Minghuan gave them a few days off.

After all, he is still young. Even if he can study hard, he still yearns for fun. Even Yun Gou'er has been running around wildly in the past two days.

On the first day before entering the county town, Professor Gu was looking forward to it in the library.

Shen Minghuan did it.

The appearance is as simple as a plastic toy, and even the bullet tip is soft. If it hits a person's skin, it will probably not scratch the skin, but the electric current released instantly will make the person lose the ability to move instantly.

After all, this is a society governed by the rule of law. As a good citizen of China, Shen Minghuan will certainly not cause harm to anyone.

Yun Gou'er led his friends around, running from the beginning of the village to the end of the village. Everyone's ears were damaged by them, and the hens of Lao Yang's family were so frightened that they stopped laying eggs.

On the second day after entering the county seat, Professor Gu looked through the autumn water in the direction of Mutian Village.

Shen Minghuan made a muzzle with his gun and successfully knocked out a wild boar, asking the villagers to help drag it back. The village happily had a meal together.

The students set their sights on the village chief's only clock and pestered him all morning. After finally agreeing, the village chief immediately took the equipment and dismantled it, sighing, "The teacher is right." "Only by disassembling can the true knowledge be revealed" and then put it back together.

Unfortunately, after finishing the installation, the minute hand ran faster than the second hand, so the students had no choice but to go to Shen Minghuan for help.

When he finally returned the clock intact to Zhao, he sincerely expressed to the village chief: They were wrong, but they still dared.

On the third day before entering the county seat, Professor Gu was at the military base feeling sad and confused.

He had been running in vain for two consecutive days. Neither Xu Yi nor Zhang Jingchang agreed with him waiting in the library again. Professor Gu did not want to refuse their kindness, so he had to change the waiting place from the library to a military base.

Until the previously agreed meeting time had long passed, the soldiers who came back from inquiring about the news knocked on Professor Gu's door.

Fang Peng shook his head: "Professor, those children didn't come today either."

"What's wrong?" Gu Wenjing was worried: "Could something happen?"

In Professor Gu’s view, no one would give up the opportunity to learn unless absolutely necessary.

Not to mention giving up for three whole days, the children of Mutian Village must have encountered something big.

"No, I have to go take a look." The professor said as he prepared to go out, his face full of anxiety that could not be concealed.

Zhang Jingchang stopped him: "Teacher, Mutian Village is too far away. If you are worried about the children, we will also be worried about you."

"Jingchang, get out of the way." Professor Gu said seriously: "You know how good they are, especially Gou'er. His qualifications are rare in my life. In time, he will become one of the people who change the world."

China has been waiting for an opportunity for too long.

Throughout the ages, whenever China is in danger, someone will step forward and lead the Chinese people out of the dark night and into the dawn, like crape myrtle stars falling from the sky, so dazzling that people cannot look directly at them.

China is a country full of miracles, and they are part of the miracles.

Gu Wenjing's face was solemn. He had wanted to be that kind of person, but he was powerless after all.

But in those children in Mutian Village, and in that little child named Yun Gou'er, he saw hope.

"I have to give them time to grow up, and I have to give them opportunities to grow."

Gu Wenjing said: "This is my responsibility,"

"But..." Zhang Jingchang still looked hesitant and reluctant. Although he understood these principles, it did not affect him from worrying about his teacher. "You are still being watched by spies. There are trees everywhere on the road to Mutian Village. Guo Guo, I don’t trust you.”

Xu Yi thought for a while: "Professor, can I go check it out for you? I will come back and tell you as soon as there is news."

He is Professor Gu's bodyguard. The country has entrusted the safety of such national treasures to his hands. No matter how noble the reason is, he will not let Professor Gu get hurt.

It was the best choice to let these extraordinary soldiers go, but Gu Wenjing was so eager just now that he didn't think of it for a moment.

"Xu Yi, I beg you to be careful along the way." Professor Gu said solemnly.

Fang Peng hadn't left yet. When he saw this, he said hurriedly: "Professor, I'd better go. I've been to Mutian Village and I'm familiar with the road."

Fang Peng was Jiang Yiwen's comrade and was entrusted by Jiang Yiwen to pay attention to Shen Minghuan. He was the one who reported Shen Minghuan's illness back to Kyoto.

He was still very curious about the brother of his comrade-in-arms. The last time he went to Mutian Village, he saw no one in the chaos of war. Recently, he had been hearing Professor Gu and others talking about him, and he became more and more interested in Shen Minghuan.

It doesn't matter who goes to Professor Gu, as long as he can come back as soon as possible and tell him the news. Since Fang Peng has already been there once, he is considered experienced, so he must be more efficient.

Professor Gu looked at him eagerly: "Comrade Fang, I'll beg you to be careful along the way."

Very perfunctory, not changing a word other than the title.


The children are at home these days, and although they are a little noisy, the adults still leave the things at hand as they can.

A few days ago, the children went to town early in the morning and came home at night, so they didn't have much time to get along with each other.

Distance creates beauty, and adults forget how they felt when children were so angry that they jumped.

Although the children didn't appreciate it and preferred to hang out with their friends, the adults still made some food and fun for them at home.

Since the wheat harvester, students have always had some fantastic ideas, so much so that almost all the adults in Mutian Village know a little bit of carpentry.

As you enter the village entrance, you can see flat farmland on one side. After the golden wheat has been harvested, cabbage, radishes, etc. have been planted here, making it lush and green.

The last time Fang Peng came here was during the busy farming season, and the fields were extremely lively. Even though they were doing hard work, the laughter and chatter of the villagers was louder than the chirping of insects.

Compared with then, it seems quiet now.

It is morning now and the sun is not too hot yet. Logically speaking, there should not be so few people at the entrance of the village.

Fang Peng came in all the way and saw an old man squatting with a frown on the side of the field.

The village chief looked at the cabbage in the field carefully.

His figure is carved by wind and frost, exposed to the sun and rain all year round, with his face facing the loess and his back to the sky, making his face covered with dense wrinkles.

As long as I think about it, the lines will wrinkle together unconsciously, looking particularly sad.

Just looking at his expression, it is difficult to tell that the village chief is actually secretly happy.

They harvested all the wheat in late July. According to past practice, each household informed the village chief of the seeds they needed, and the village purchased them collectively.

As a result, after buying the seeds, Shen Minghuan asked him to leave, saying that he wanted to soak them in his newly made growth liquid.

Naturally, the villagers believed in him very much and took the initiative to send the seeds without even asking. For this reason, the sowing time was a few days later than in previous years.

These seeds are not a small sum of money, but if they are missed, they are a greater and more unforgivable waste.

But they still enthusiastically handed everything over to Shen Minghuan, and handed over their family's rations to Shen Minghuan without reservation.

In today's era, the more farmers value land and food, the more it highlights the weight and value of this trust.

Shen Minghuan never likes to explain. He always takes the heavy responsibility and solves the problem alone. No matter how many people are around him, he always feels aloof and arrogant.

But this time it was strange. The villagers did not ask, but Shen Minghuan took the initiative and told the village chief: "Soaking the seeds in the growth solution for three days can increase vitality, shorten the growth period, and the quality of the crops grown will be better."

Facts have proved that Shen Minghuan was right to only tell the village chief.

The other naive villagers probably just cheered after hearing this. Mutian and even Tong County were too small and too remote, so their vision was limited to this square piece of land.

They didn't know what an amazing piece of research this was. They just felt that it was something every college student knew. Since Shen Minghuan was from Kyoto, Kyoto should have used it a long time ago.

The village chief had also traveled to larger cities in the early years, and was ignorantly aware of the importance of this growth fluid.

He has seen people starving to death on the roadside, experienced famine years, and seen decayed bodies gnawing on tree bark and eating soil. He was once so thin that his skeleton protruded, dying like a breathing skeleton.

After sowing, the village chief spent most of his time with the cabbages in the field.

The growing period of cabbage lasts about two months. They planted the seeds in early August, but now they are almost fully grown in September.

The village chief touched the green leaves of the cabbage excitedly, and then he felt great joy.

If cabbage and radish seeds can be soaked, can wheat also be soaked? Then next year, won't they be able to harvest twice as much food in half the time?

If all the seeds in the entire country of China used this growing liquid, what else would they fear from famine?

Children will no longer be hungry and cry weakly in the middle of the night, and elderly people will no longer have to starve to death because they are worried about wasting food.

The village chief dared to use his own experience of traveling all over the country to guarantee that this kind of technology does not yet exist in China.

Otherwise, this situation would no longer be the case now, otherwise they would not have heard about it even if they were in Mutian Village.

The village chief thought to himself that, judging from the current situation, Teacher Shen is clearly a great treasure in the whole country of China. It is really unfair to teach these eight or nine-year-old bastards.

The state must have secretly brought Shen Minghuan to them. He was pretending to be a teacher, but he was actually doing research. No wonder Teacher Shen was targeted by spies.

The village chief suddenly clapped his hands vigorously, and he suddenly realized: "It turns out that our place is an experimental field!"

This is the glory of smoke rising from ancestral graves. They, Mutian Village, will definitely handle this matter beautifully and hand over a perfect answer to the motherland!

He was feeling confident when he heard a strange, young voice coming from behind him:

"Uncle, do you need help?"

Fang Peng rolled up his sleeves and trousers.

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