After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 76: The pearl is covered in dust but its brilliance is not hidden (28)

The two children didn't hide anything when they went to the village to find someone, and told everyone who asked.

That is to say, I don’t have any tools at hand, otherwise I would probably want to beat the gongs and drums to spread the word.

Everyone who heard the news along the way put down their work to watch the excitement. Before Shen Minghuan arrived, Fang Peng was surrounded by villagers.

"Oh, this is a spy. He doesn't look like a good person."

"It's both a gun and a knife. It's here to kill people. Damn it, Teacher Shen is such a good person."

"Isn't it because Teacher Shen is so good? I heard from my third uncle in the county next door that the foreign devils are afraid of our development."

Fang Peng was tied up, but miraculously he was not afraid. He even tried to persuade the village chief: "Uncle, this toy in your hands... No, you really can't hold this thing, it's illegal."

Fang Peng thought about it for a long time, but he still couldn't call it a gun against his will. However, although it was unheard of and unseen, its lethality was unquestionable.

Even if it can't kill someone, it can instantly incapacitate the person for a long time, leaving the other person to do whatever they want, and it's no less harmful than a gun.

Wait a minute——

"Uncle, where did you get this thing?" Fang Peng suddenly became serious. China was poor and he had never touched many weapons with his own hands, but he looked at the pictures.

Fang Peng is confident that unless it is a weapon kept secret by various countries, he can recognize it. Such a weapon would never appear in front of others. How could the small Mutian Village possess it?

The village chief said angrily: "You still want to ask for information? This spy is quite insistent. Please calm down."

People around started pointing and pointing again.

"He asked about it? Did he know that Teacher Shen did it?"

"It's impossible. Only people in our village know about it, and we won't tell anyone else."

"He also said it was against the law. It made me laugh. This is a toy made by Teacher Shen. We only use it to beat wild boars occasionally. Hey, Lao Yang, look at the expression on this spy, is he scared?"

"Hey, wild boars are afraid of them, how can he not be afraid? But Teacher Shen is really awesome. He made some growth liquid some time ago. Our radishes have only been planted for a month, and they are already edible today. Well, everyone is You're welcome, if you want to eat radish, come and get it from my house."

"It's time to collect the vegetables from my house, Lao Yang. I'll bring some to your house later."

"I just went to the field this morning to see it. Hey, it looks great. In previous years, it didn't look so good. Teacher Shen is really amazing. Maybe the spies don't have enough to eat, and they want to capture Teacher Shen and plant it for them. The food is gone.”

Fang Peng's hearing was specially trained. He didn't listen deliberately, but the huge amount of information still rushed from his ears into his brain.

Fang Peng's helplessness at the beginning turned into numbness after getting used to it. He listened quietly, and suddenly his expression changed and he almost jumped up from the ground.

"What are you doing?" The village chief was startled: "You want to escape? Dazhi, hurry up and tie him up tighter."

Fang Peng obediently stretched out his hand and let Song Dazhi do what he wanted. He asked impatiently: "Uncle, have you really only grown vegetables in the village for a month?"

Recalling the lush greenery he saw when he entered the village, Fang Peng was extremely excited.

He was also a child who grew up in a rural area and was no stranger to farming. At first, he was thinking about Shen Minghuan and didn't realize it. But now after hearing the villagers' words, he realized that the crops were growing very well.

Moreover, it has only been planted for just one month, which is far from the time to harvest.

Fang Peng couldn't sit still. He eagerly wanted to see Shen Minghuan and ask what the growth fluid was, whether it really had such an effect, and whether it could be promoted.

There are also toys, which were actually made by that person. Fang Peng recalled the scene when Song Dazhi pressed the switch at him. The gun was completely silent when it was fired. What a good thing.

There was a bit of anxiety between his brows, and he really looked like a captured spy.

"Hey, why don't you give up?" The village chief looked at Fang Peng's face, which was similar to that of a Chinese. In addition, he was young and polite, and he always said "uncle". He couldn't help but feel a little soft-hearted: "Don't worry too much. Well, according to the law of China, nothing will happen to you if you haven’t done anything bad. Come on, tell me, you weren’t among the spies who threatened Teacher Shen last time, right?”

The village chief was very upset about what Shen Minghuan said about "a spy coercing him".

Fang Peng was stunned. Is there really a spy who wants to harm Shen Minghuan?

"Make way, everyone, make way, Teacher Shen is here." The villagers in the back caught a glimpse of Shen Minghuan and hurriedly called for everyone to make way.

The villagers greeted Shen Minghuan affectionately and took credit, "Teacher Shen, come and see, we have caught a spy."

Shen Minghuan smiled and nodded, walking through the crowd naturally.

He was a little surprised when he heard the news, and wondered if Han Aimin had sent someone here? But Han Aimin probably didn't have the courage.

Fang Peng was still slumped on the ground, staring blankly at Shen Minghuan approaching.

Perhaps influenced by previous habits, Shen Minghuan prefers loose clothes, which is very similar to the researcher's clothing image in Fang Peng's memory.

Compared with the surrounding villagers, he is a little thinner, but he will never be ignored. The center of everyone's eyes is on him, and he is as noble and dazzling as the stars are holding the moon.

In Fang Peng's eyes, the gentle breeze blowing and the arcs of Shen Minghuan's clothes sparkling with the light of wisdom.

Although China is weak, it is not easy for enemy countries to send spies in. Each one has to pay a huge price, so they will not waste this precious resource casually.

Those who are qualified to be assassinated by spies must at least be researchers of Professor Gu's level, and they are actually targeting Shen Minghuan. What does this mean!

Dad, Mom, Fang Peng has made his mark. He seems to have discovered a great treasure for the country.

Shen Minghuan looked at him condescendingly, shook his head, and said with a smile: "He is not a spy."

"Ah?" The villagers looked at each other.

The village chief was shocked: "We arrested the wrong person? Then who is he?"

The villagers subconsciously trusted Shen Minghuan so much that they didn't think he was wrong at all.

Song Dazhi loosened the rope that he had just tied and muttered guiltily: "Um, I'm sorry, I didn't hurt you, did I? Why didn't you tell me earlier if you weren't a spy? I was just asking around and was misunderstood... "

Shen Minghuan picked up Fang Peng's gun from the ground, his fingers ready to move. Although he knew the structure, he still wanted to take it apart, "He should be a soldier."

Shen Minghuan twirled the gun coolly, then threw it to Fang Peng, "Soldier of the Chinese nation."


There was a commotion among the villagers, and then they all looked at Fang Peng with tender eyes that could drown someone.

The village chief was already feeling guilty, and now he even felt a little guilty, "Young man, I'm sorry."

Shen Minghuan smiled at the village chief. He stepped forward and pulled Fang Peng up from the ground. "I'm sorry, the village chief and uncles are here for me too, please don't mind."

His face was open, not like an apology or a request, but like a notice.

Fang Peng didn't mind. In fact, his rigorously trained hearing and rationality couldn't allow him to hear the people around him clearly at this time.

Fang Peng's heart was surging. He held a gun in one hand and performed a military salute with the other. He said loudly and forcefully: "Mr. Shen, I will protect your safety to the death!"

Shen Minghuan: "???"

No need, really no need.


After knowing that Fang Peng was a Chinese soldier, the villagers naturally included him among their own, so they did not hide the news about Shen Minghuan and even danced when they were happy.

After all, everyone in the village knows about Shen Minghuan, and their usual desire to share cannot be satisfied at all. Now that an outsider who knows nothing about it and is extremely interested finally comes here, can they not use their lifelong literary skills?

The villagers are like storytellers, chanting and sighing, starting from the past and concluding the story. They are well versed in the routines of Shuangwen, and they have introduced Shen Minghuan to a magnificent feeling in just a few months.

Fang Peng listened very carefully and even asked the village chief for paper and notes. The more he listened, the less he dared to leave.

——Shen Minghuan, a unique genius, the most terrifying thing is that he has been noticed by the enemy.

Country M is crazy, who knows what it will do?

Fang Peng put the notebook away and sighed sadly. He knocked on the door of Yun's house and said, "Mr. Shen, I'm going back."

Shen Minghuan raised his eyes and nodded slightly doubtfully.

This person is not his subordinate, why should he report to him?

Grandma Yun poked her head out of the kitchen: "Comrade Fang, it's dinner time, why don't you stay and have a meal before leaving?"

Ever since Shen Minghuan moved into the Yun family, the Yun family's living standard has skyrocketed, especially when it comes to food. Grandma Yun almost tried her best to find out how dignified Shen Minghuan was.

"No, I still have a mission. If you delay, you will be punished."

As long as Chinese soldiers are discovered by the people, they will be captured and fed.

Fang Peng and his comrades had long figured out how to deal with this problem. As long as they said they had an urgent mission, the people would hesitate to give way. If it doesn't work out, he'll end up miserable and pay the price of damaging his reputation as a leader, but he can basically leave smoothly.

The same was true for Grandma Yun. She gave Fang Peng a distressed look, then returned to the kitchen and stopped saying anything about leaving him to eat.

"Mr. Shen, will you come back to the base with me?" Fang Peng hesitated for a moment and said through gritted teeth.

The address of the military base is a secret. According to regulations, he cannot take people back without permission, but Shen Minghuan is really uneasy being "alone" here.

The worst case scenario is that you will be punished!

Shen Minghuan thought this man was strange, so he flatly refused: "No."

If he stays in Mutian Village and has no money, he can go find his good friends. If he wants to go out to the base, he has to report, which is troublesome.

"But..." Fang Peng was a little anxious. How about he just stay and protect Shen Minghuan? If he didn't go back for a long time, his comrades would come looking for him, and then he would ask his comrades to send the news back.

The worst case scenario is that you will be punished!

Shen Minghuan stood up and asked confused: "Are you worried about me? Why? You came to Mutian Village this time because of me?"

Is this person's mission related to him? Shen Minghuan didn't feel that he had attracted the attention of the Chinese military. He clearly paid careful attention to his surroundings when contacting Han Aimin and the others.

"Oh, Jiang Yiwen... Brother asked you to come, right?" Shen Minghuan suddenly remembered that he still had a military background.

He waved the prototype of the weapon he was making: "Don't worry, I'm safe."

Fang Peng didn't know how to introduce to this big baby that his importance had nothing to do with Jiang Yiwen. He thought about Song Dazhi's actions that made him incapacitated, and reluctantly felt relieved.

"Then I'm leaving." Fang Peng looked at Shen Minghuan longingly, as if he could change his mind as long as this person asked him to stay.

Shen Minghuan thought for a while: "...Goodbye?"

Fang Peng looked back three times with each step, reluctant to leave.

"Wait a minute," Grandma Yun took a bamboo tube from the kitchen, "Comrade, I put some food in it, as well as wild boar thigh meat. It's fragrant. You can take it with you to eat on the way."

Fang Peng: "...Goodbye, aunt!"

He didn't look back and ran as fast as he could.

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