After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 83 The pearl is covered in dust but its brilliance is not hidden (35)

How could Flos die?

How many prospects have they made for him? If he successfully returns to Country M, how bright will their future be?

The most important thing is, the cost of building roads, the pocket money given to Shen Minghuan, and the hundreds of millions of scientific research expenditures. If Flos died, wouldn't everything be in vain?

Errol and others have blown these technologies to the sky, claiming to be a century ahead of their time. Admiral Rice does not think that they have a chance to crack it within a few generations.

Especially the semi-finished protective shield that has been sent to China. Damn it, it is more expensive than the missile. Even if it is just a pile of scrap metal, he will be even more distressed if it is abandoned on the land of China!

By the way, protective cover.

Sitting up in shock while dying of illness, Admiral Rice quickly pressed the communication button again.

The pampered and willful Chinese scholar felt offended, and he snorted: "Your Excellency General Rice, I haven't finished speaking yet, how can you hang up my communication?"

This idiot is so damn stupid. At this time, he still cares about such a trivial matter.

Admiral Rice gradually lost his tolerance for Shen Minghuan, "Shen, tell me, where is the protective shield now?"

"It's here. I hid it. I was too scared just now, so I finished the rest."

Shen Minghuan praised: "General, don't tell me, this thing is expensive for a reason. I feel much safer now."

"Huh? Did you complete it? How could you complete it?" Admiral Rice was shocked. Even Errol and the others could not successfully solve the last few steps. He is greedy, timid, selfish, and has no good qualities in his body. How could Shen Minghuan do it?

"Shen, are you lying to me?"

Shen Minghuan's tone was pure confusion, showing a bit of disdain because of his sincerity: "Why lie? Isn't it easy?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot that you guys seem to be extraordinarily stupid. But Professor Floss said that I inherited all his wisdom, and I can't compare to him."

Admiral Rice ignored his anger and asked, "Really?"

"Please don't question my sincerity in scientific research." Shen Minghuan said dissatisfied: "Knowledge is the most invisible wealth. If you don't believe it, you can ask me questions, forget it, let Errol do it, although... But he's still a little smarter than you."

Although China is poor, Admiral Rice has to admit that what they say is often very reasonable.

What does it mean that there is no way out of the mountains and rivers? This is another village where there is a bright future and a bright future!

Admiral Rice said in a gentle tone: "Shen, we will do our best to save you, don't worry."

"But you just hung up on my call and you were even mean to me." Shen Minghuan didn't appreciate it and said angrily, "I need to apologize, Your Excellency, General."

Admiral Rice paused, his face twisted for a moment, and he took a deep breath. Okay, okay, just think it's for the glory of the great country M, "I'm sorry, Shen, I was too anxious just now. I didn't mean to do it. Please forgive me, can you?"

Shen Minghuan reluctantly said, "Okay, then how are you going to save me? I'm really scared. Although I am very willing to join Country M, I don't think Country China will allow me to leave."

It seemed that this man really loved Country M deeply. Admiral Rice was extremely proud of himself. He concealed his disdain for Shen Minghuan very well: "Shen, you don't have to worry, as long as you want to come, we can definitely do it! Please wait for our good news and hope to see you in country M as soon as possible.”


What happened in Tong County was quickly reported back to Kyoto in full. After hearing this, a rough old man cursed in a low voice: "It's so fucking disgusting to use such despicable methods as spies."

Ji Wangchen glanced at him helplessly, "Watch your words."

"Am I wrong?" After being discovered, the old man felt more confident: "If you have the ability to be upright, what's the point of sending spies? Is it shameful? And threatening our little comrades, this method is really low-level."

The words just fell.

"Report! News from the Flying Fox Group 2 stationed in Country M."

Oh haha.

Everyone immediately looked at the old grandpa with eager eyes, full of expectations for watching a good show, and even wanted to crack two bags of melon seeds.

The military comrades who came in to report smelled a strange atmosphere and were stuck for a moment, not knowing whether to continue talking.

"What are you looking at me for?"

The old man became angry with embarrassment: "Did I say something wrong? Ji Wangchen, I'm talking about you. Don't let us comrades do this all the time. It's really vulgar."

Ji Wangchen said good-naturedly: "Okay, it won't happen soon."

Who would be willing to send their beloved son to a foreign country to do such a dangerous thing if they were not powerless?

They will become stronger soon.

Another gentle old man smiled placatingly at the soldier and said, "Don't worry about them, just keep talking."

"Yes!" the little soldier stood at attention, "M country has recently invested a huge amount of money in two secret scientific research projects. It is said that the design concept came from the top scientists of M country, and almost all the M country's scientific research community led by Errol participated in the production. "

"Both projects are classified as top secret. We can only find out that one is about missiles, and the other seems to be for protective purposes, and the investment in the latter is even far greater than that of the former. But what is strange is that the protective purpose It seems to be almost complete, but has been moved elsewhere.”

The little soldier himself felt doubtful even when he said it: "It's very possible that it was transferred to our country?"

Several old men looked at each other.

"Are you sure what you sent is for protection, not attack?"

"A project with such a large investment and such importance is sent to us? Is it funding the enemy?"

"No wonder Country M has been so peaceful recently. Is it because they want to suppress something big?"

Ji Wangchen thought for a while, "Check all the planes entering from country M during this period, and report any suspicious ones."

"By the way." He asked the little warrior: "Do you know who that scientist is? He can actually get Errol to kill him. Why haven't you heard of this character before?"

In the past, they might have been envious.

China is really short of talents.

But now Shen Minghuan's appearance gave them hope.

——A man who is so good that even M Country pities him is just a threat rather than a killer. This shows how amazing his talent is.

The little warrior's tone was a little uncertain: "The comrades of the second flying fox group said, it seems to be, Flos?"

An unknown figure. They had never even heard of this name before. It was so mysterious that it seemed as if it didn't exist before.

Ji Wangchen frowned and kept this person in mind, "How are Pei Shu and the other gentlemen recently?"

The little warrior nodded, "The Feihu group has contacted them all and has encrypted communication methods and channels. According to the gentlemen, Country M has not treated them badly in life."

Ji Wangchen sighed, "How can you believe their words? They all report good news but not bad news."

He was only depressed for a moment, and then gave the order calmly: "Comrades who have worked hard at Feihu, please pay more attention. The safety of the gentlemen is the top priority in everything..."

Before he finished speaking, the phone in the room suddenly rang.

It's somewhat abnormal. This phone number is specially used to communicate with other countries. China is deeply ostracized internationally, and even friendly countries dare not risk offending Country M by having too many contacts with them.

Therefore, it is usually only them who play it, and they have not heard it sound for a long time.

Diplomat Ji Wangchen did his duty, "Hello, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ji Wangchen."

"General M, Rice. Mr. Ji, I think we can discuss in detail the matter of sending Chinese scientists back to China that you mentioned a few days ago."

Ji Wangchen said calmly: "Then what do you need?"

"We can accept the exchange principles you proposed, but in addition to the prisoners of war you listed, we will also need to add one more person."


Admiral Rice's originally calm tone revealed a hint of confusion: "Professor Floss."

Ji Wangchen paused and couldn't help but turn back to confirm with his old colleagues, but saw that everyone was looking at him with the same confusion.

Have they heard the name Flos just now?

Isn’t that a well-hidden secret weapon of Country M? Lost the person? But what does this have to do with them?

This eye contact only lasted a moment, and Ji Wangchen responded in a natural manner: "You all know the importance of Flos. I suggest that we agree on a time and place. I want to meet our Chinese scholars first, and no one can be missing. "

His tone suddenly became a little tougher, as if there really was a person named Flos who was being controlled by them.

"Okay, regarding this, I will send someone to discuss this with you later, as long as you can ensure the safety of Professor Floss." It was rare for Admiral Rice to be so straightforward, and he did not even bargain, as if he was still expecting the other party to make conditions.

After the call ended, the rough old man couldn't help but ask: "Ji Wangchen, where can we find a Flos for them?"

"Maybe among those prisoners of war there is a man named Flos?" Ji Wangchen blinked innocently, and the old god said: "We released all the prisoners of war in accordance with the requirements of country M."

As for whether country M will finally agree to the exchange...

No matter what, let's see a few of their own babies first.

Well, the more precise the meeting place is, the better. At worst, it will be a robbery, and the fight will not affect the country.

It's true that they don't want to give up the hard-won peace, but that doesn't mean they are afraid.

The rough and crazy old man couldn't help but feel a chill when he looked at his matter-of-fact expression. He exclaimed: "Ji Wangchen, you are still the bad guy."

They obviously only found out about Flos three minutes ago, so why can't they react as quickly as Ji Wangchen?

Half of the remaining grandpas also showed expressions of deep approval, shrinking back as if in fear. The other half and Ji Wangchen looked at each other and smiled in unison.

The rugged old man opened his mouth and quickly closed it. He rubbed his arms and felt goosebumps all over his body.

Cultural people, how terrible.

The adjutant watched General Rice hang up the communication, and then sneered.

He humbly asked for advice: "Sir, did Shen lie to us? Professor Flos is not dead?"

Admiral Rice glanced at him, "Idiot, if Flos was still alive, do you think China would agree to trade this kind of talent? They dare to agree, which just proves that Flos is dead."

Admiral Rice's eyes were dark: "Shen said that China doesn't know his abilities yet. This is an opportunity for us. First, we should continue to increase the value of the "Floss" bargaining chip in their hands. When they can't take it out, we will propose to use it. Shen came to exchange."

As long as the other end of the scale is heavy enough, compared with "Floss", it is not unacceptable to sacrifice Shen Minghuan. Maybe China will feel that it is a big bargain.

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