After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 93: The pearl is covered in dust but its brilliance is not hidden (45)

Shen Minghuan was picky about the conditions on the plane, from the uncomfortable seats to the lack of green plants that affected his mood.

Hatani didn't know where this delicate Chinese man got the energy, he kept talking all the way.

Hatani was very annoyed. He thought he could endure it, but he lost patience with his constant thoughts: "Shut up, otherwise I don't mind keeping you speechless forever. Anyway, we only need your brain." ”

Shen Minghuan glanced at him, then calmed down very well, found a corner to sit, and stopped talking.

Hatani sneered. This lowly Chinese man could at least understand eye expressions, which was barely half an advantage. He was much more likable than Pei Shu.

If Han Aimin were here, he would definitely laugh at Hatani's simplicity.

There is an idiom in China called "Settlement of accounts after autumn", and there is an old saying that "it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years", and the weak and helpless Chinese in front of him was especially good at this.

"I'm sad, sir, you know? My heart tells me it's crying." Shen Minghuan covered her chest, looking like she was about to faint.

In order to welcome him, General Rice and the think tank headed by Errol came in full force. They originally thought they were here to witness the beginning of M country's take-off, but they never expected to listen to Shen Minghuan curse for half an hour.

Admiral Rice patiently tried to comfort him at the beginning, but now he has gradually become more perfunctory, "Yeah, I will punish Hatani, just calm down."

Errol continued to try to interject without giving up: "Sir, do you remember me? I didn't understand the # %s part you said last time. Can you say it again?"

Shen Minghuan glanced at him and sighed helplessly: "Of course I remember you - the stupidest person I have ever taught. Well, I will be happy to answer your questions, but I was really on the plane for ten hours. Very tired, I think I should rest now."

"No problem, sir, your room is ready. Shall I have someone take you there?" General Rice cheered up like a primary school student when the bell rang.

"Thank you, sir." Shen Minghuan looked depressed, "I'm very tired and I really want to sleep, but I feel so uncomfortable that I think I will have insomnia. If I don't sleep well, I won't have the energy to think, so I won't be able to think." There is no way to answer your questions, let alone making missiles. Oh, I forgot that you named it Judgment. Frankly speaking, the name is ugly, but..."

Shen Minghuan, blah blah blah.

Admiral Rice felt his vision go dark. He took a deep breath and interrupted the spell: "Where is Hatani? Ask him to come over and apologize to Shen."

He was afraid that this person would recite the spell again, but more importantly, Shen Minghuan's words really hit his pain point.

In order to produce the most powerful weapons and defense tools that are claimed to be a century ahead of their time, Country M has spent too much money.

According to Shen Minghuan, the protective cover was taken off by China during a body search, and now only a half-finished Judgment missile remains.

What is the difference between semi-finished products and garbage? Garbage can be thrown away, while semi-finished products can only take up space.

Professor Flos was not rescued. In order to bring Shen Minghuan, the substitute, back to Country M, their deployment in China was almost completely paralyzed, their manpower was exhausted, and their half-century layout was destroyed.

Even without looking at Shen Minghuan's own abilities, the sunk cost alone already makes him extremely important.

Hatani had already hidden his contempt when he was called. He was always good at concealing it and had returned to the respectful look he had when they first met: "I'm really sorry, sir. I offended you accidentally. Please forgive me."

Shen Minghuan snorted and said in a strange tone, "Aren't you going to make me unable to speak? Come on, if I can still speak, you will be my grandson."

Admiral Rice's face was as dark as water, and he warned: "Shen, don't push yourself too far."

Hatani is his capable subordinate, and asking him to apologize is already a preferential treatment for this Chinese man. This person had better not be ignorant of good and evil.

"Well, I don't want such a thing as a grandson either." Shen Minghuan said as if he was aware of the danger and "showing weakness".

He pretended to be weak and coughed twice: "I have talked a lot. Please pour me a glass of warm water. I don't like it too hot, and I don't like it too cold. 26 degrees Celsius is fine. Remember to add honey."

You also know that you talk a lot.

Hatani cursed secretly in his heart, but went to pour him some water with a submissive face.

After Shen Minghuan drank the water, she finally felt better, her heart no longer felt uncomfortable, and she was able to sleep.

On the first day in country M, Shen Minghuan was resting.

On the second day after arriving in Country M, Shen Minghuan had all the furniture replaced and then rested.

On the third day after arriving in Country M, Shen Minghuan wanted to live in a palace, so he drew the design himself and asked someone to build it for him.

On the seventh day after arriving in Country M, Shen Minghuan was in a bad mood because his request to build a palace was rejected, and he was adjusting his mood in the room.

On the thirtieth day after arriving in Country M, a whole month had passed. Shen Minghuan was too sad to think, so he could only use delicious food and beautiful scenery to relieve his sorrow.

President Stormy couldn't bear it anymore, "General, can you explain the situation to me? You asked for money, and I gave it to you. You asked for the command authority of all the spies, and I agreed. What's the result? It's been a month since we took the people back. , you’ve made no progress at all?”

Admiral Rice felt that these words were a bit familiar. He seemed to have scolded his incompetent subordinate in this format... Oh no, he is different from Han Aimin, that good-for-nothing!

"Sorry, Mr. President, I should have expected it. Chinese people are always so greedy and lazy."

He lowered his head to admit his mistake and said with regret, "It would be great if Professor Floss was still here."

"Speaking of which," Stormy looked at him, "it's been so long and you still haven't found any news about Floss?"

Appearing out of thin air and suddenly disappearing, as if the person didn't exist.

Stormy thought thoughtfully: "Since we can plant spies in China, maybe the Chinese people have also planted people in our country and erased the existence of Flos."

"Damn, it seems I have to clean the inside. It's really not easy for these spies to do it so perfectly."

Admiral Rice paused, "You mean..."

Stormi observed him for a moment without any trace, and reluctantly continued to give him three points of trust: "Les, I don't care what method you use, I want to see the Judgment appear as soon as possible, do you understand?"

Recently, Huaguo has been going crazy trying to catch them and bite them. Even if they have a tough attitude, their strength has also improved by leaps and bounds, even making them feel threatened.

We must have more powerful weapons to ensure the supremacy of Country M.


Shen Minghuan lay comfortably on the balcony, bathing in the warm sunshine and falling asleep.

Admiral Rice's tone was cold, "Shen, the weapons that suddenly appeared in China and the protective shield named Lu Wu were made by you?"

That's all. The finished protective shield that Lu Wu and Shen Minghuan once described to them is too similar. Although the function is somewhat weakened, it is still a technology that they can't achieve.

"Ah, yes." Shen Minghuan responded lazily, and he blinked, "Sir, am I good to you? What I give you is the best. China can only get the eliminated version."

"Stop giving me that playful smile." General Rice was scolded by the president and was in a very bad mood. "Shen, if you don't want to die, you'd better go to work in the research institute now."

Shen Minghuan stretched out and said, "Sir, why do you say such stupid things like Hatani? Are you willing to let me die?"

"There are more ways to torture people in this world than death." Admiral Rice's face was ashen, and he spoke each word clearly and slowly.

Shen Minghuan glanced at him casually, "I'm timid. If you scare me with words like this, I'll have nightmares at night."

General Rice couldn't bear it and took a step forward. Before he could do anything, Shen Minghuan had already shouted, "Sir, is this how you treat guests? I only agreed to come because I like country M. I have already told you that my health is No, you promised to take good care of me!"

"Like it?" Admiral Rice laughed angrily. This kind of liking is just like the promise given casually by a scumbag. It is useless and can only impress himself.

However, it is better that this person has a good impression of Country M than not. If you think about it carefully, if he didn't have some true love, this person would not have contacted them so early and cooperated with their rescue plan so much.

Shen Minghuan's attitude had always been normal before. Except for making some mistakes, he was still very reliable. However, he changed when he arrived in M ​​country. Does this mean that he doesn't cherish what he gets?

"Shen, tell the truth. Do you still remember Hatanni's threat to you?" Admiral Rice himself was a little unbelievable after he said it. Are there really people in this world who hold such a grudge?

Shen Minghuan smiled slightly at him.

Okay, there really is.

Shen Minghuan is very petty. No matter how big a mistake Du Xingwei makes, only the laws of China are qualified to punish him. So who is Hatani, who deserves to lay a finger on him?

"Shen, I said Hatani was just joking. You are our most important guest. He will not really make you speechless."

General Rice frowned at Shen Minghuan's unsophisticated expression. He pondered for a moment, "I understand, and I will give you an explanation."

Shen Minghuan immediately beamed, "Sir, I suddenly had a good rest. I think I can work tomorrow."

Admiral Rice knew that whether he could do it tomorrow or not would depend on whether the explanation he gave was in line with Shen Minghuan's wishes.

He turned around and left with a bad expression, not even in the mood to say goodbye.

"Goodbye sir, I wish you a nice day." Shen Minghuan lay back on the chair again, "Remember to knock on the door next time. I don't like rude behavior."

Admiral Rice paused slightly, turned his head slightly, suppressed his anger, and said in a meaningful tone: "Shen, you should be glad that Professor Floss is no longer here."

Their Professor Froese is uniquely strong, brave, smart, and most importantly, extremely patriotic.

If Flos was still here, Shen Minghuan, this annoying substitute, would have died tens of millions of times.


At this moment, Admiral Rice was extremely murderous towards the group of "spies" who had never met or heard of the people who had harmed Flos.


Shen Minghuan spent three days fishing and two days drying nets, and unknowingly spent a year in M ​​country.

China has been very busy this year. It seems that the whole country is engaged in construction with great enthusiasm, and their results obviously do not live up to this enthusiastic scene.

This year, there was more meat on the table for the Chinese people. Everyone was well fed and clothed, and no old, weak, women or children died of cold or starvation in winter.

This year, thirteen children cried and wanted to see their teacher. This year, a village was eagerly waiting for it. This year, Jiang Li and others worked hard to study the inventions left by Shen Minghuan.

This year, Du Xingwei was confused and taciturn, much like Shen Minghuan when he was not famous in the past.

This year, China's scientific and technological level has advanced by leaps and bounds. The entire world is surprised that Country M is willing to let seven Chinese scientists return to China. It is really strange.

Some people speculate that it was due to pressure from the State of China. After all, many good things suddenly appeared in the State of China for some reason. More people still feel that China’s heritage is too shallow, and Country M is still number one in the world.

But it is undeniable that the rise of China is something that cannot be questioned, and all countries need to re-examine their subsequent attitudes towards China.

Pei Shu fell seriously ill after being rescued, and worked almost without food or sleep. The more he realized Shen Minghuan's excellence, the more he refused to let him go.

"Ten Pei Shus combined can't compare to one Shen Minghuan."

Admiral Rice's words seemed to have become a curse. Pei Shu thought, if he worked ten times harder, could he make up for the damage to the country?

Gu Wenjing forced the person down on the chair, "Xiao Shu, what time did you go to bed last night?"

Pei Shu didn't dare to struggle hard. He tried to fight, "Teacher, I'm not sleepy."

"Then you have to rest!" Gu Wenjing glared at him, and soon said unbearably: "Although Ming Huan was sent to a mysterious base by Country M to research weapons, and we couldn't contact him, but during the negotiations two days ago, Country M gave We watched his recent surveillance video. Pei Shu, Minghuan is safe now.”

"Is it safe to be monitored?" Pei Shu was also under house arrest. He knew what it was like. It was impossible for Country M to treat them well, and it was common for them to forget to deliver meals.

Pei Shu smiled bitterly: "Teacher, you don't have to worry about me, I have a sense of proportion."

Gu Wenjing and others did not often mention Shen Minghuan to Pei Shu, and they were even more silent about their past, for fear of touching Pei Shu's sadness and making him even crazier.

Only when they learned about Shen Minghuan's current situation, they would beautify it again and then tell Pei Shu.

Gu Wenjing sighed, patted the student on the shoulder, and said gently: "Tomorrow is the one-year appointment. I believe Ming Huan will come back as promised. I know you two have a good relationship, Xiao Shu, please keep it up."

"Ah?" Pei Shu was a little confused, "Teacher, Ming Huan and I have never spoken a few words before."

Can this be called a relationship?

Gu Wenjing sighed in admiration: "I know. You are probably like the legendary mountains and flowing water. The mountains ring and the valleys echo, and you are a perfect match. Even if you don't speak, the other person can understand what the other is thinking."

Gu Wenjing regarded Pei Shu's words as reminiscing about the past. Seeing that he did not become more sad because of this, he said a few more words with relief, and finally sighed, "Xiao Shu, I know you have suffered a lot of grievances in country M. But Ming Huan is not having a good time in China. He endured his anger for you, and now he wants to save you..."

Pei Shu was silent.

He thought Shen Minghuan was willing to use himself as a bargaining chip to save others out of kindness and love. Was it just a preference for him?

Could it be that during the time when he was all-powerful, Shen Minghuan really fell in love with him at first sight and made him his confidant?

But Pei Shu had to admit guiltily that he actually had no impression of this person at the time.

Shen Minghuan thought that the two of them cherished each other and asked for each other without saying anything, but in fact it was just wishful thinking on both sides? Pei Shu suddenly felt guilty and ashamed.

Let this be a beautiful misunderstanding. When Shen Minghuan comes back, he will be even more kind to this person.

From today on, they are the most like-minded friends!


Of course, it is impossible for China to listen to Shen Minghuan and wait for the agreed date and do nothing. In this year, they have put pressure on Country M countless times.

As China becomes more and more powerful, Admiral Rice's life becomes more and more difficult.

Whenever China has a new invention, it will use Country M for experiments. The damage caused will not cause Country M to go all out to start a war. President Stormy has no choice but to pinch his nose and endure it, and then he will call General Rice to scold him.

After a whole year, Admiral Rice finally felt proud today, "Shen, is the Judgment completed? Can it destroy half of China?"

Shen Minghuan said rigorously: "Based on the geographical area, yes."

"Unable to intercept, unable to resist?"

"According to the current level of technology, no one but me can develop a weapon system to defend the Judgment."

Admiral Rice raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "Shen, you are really a genius."

"I think so too, sir." Shen Minghuan introduced proudly, "I added the only return function in the world to it. That is to say, no matter how we launch it, he will come back here in the end!"

"Really? It sounds really... what did you say?"

Admiral Rice suddenly raised his voice. He pulled out the gun from his waist and pointed it directly at Shen Minghuan's eyebrows. "You say it again?"

Shen Minghuan said casually, "Escape is not a good habit. Sir, it will be the same if I say it a few times. Accept the reality, okay?"

"Are you crazy? Cancel this function." Admiral Rice's hand on the gun was steady, his eyes were stern, and his tone was full of threats.

Shen Minghuan spread his hands indifferently, "Wouldn't it be superfluous if you canceled my function? Ah, sir, you seem to be very angry? Don't be angry, don't be angry. How about I tell you a secret?"

"Are you stalling for time? It's useless. Don't think that I don't dare to kill you. Change the program immediately." Admiral Rice said in a cold voice, "Shen, I don't understand. Country M isn't good enough for you?"

Shen Minghuan turned a deaf ear, as if he was not aware of the danger at all, and waved to him mysteriously.

Admiral Rice was actually a little curious about seeing a ghost. Shen Minghuan lowered his voice: "Sir, actually... Flos was killed by me."

"You!" General Rice quickly moved the gun half an inch, otherwise he was really afraid that he would kill this man impulsively.

"Have you been lying to me from the beginning?" His expression was horrified, and his eyes were even slightly hurt.

"How can this be called cheating?" Shen Minghuan still looked innocent and innocent, "I really like Country M."

Who wouldn’t like a sponsor who spends money on himself?

Shen Minghuan suddenly stretched out his hand and held Admiral Rice's wrist forcefully.

He discussed his method of death with great interest: "I still think my heart is better, but my eyebrows are too ugly."

"Goodbye then, sir."

There was a gunshot, and a mist of blood bloomed in front of Admiral Rice's eyes.

Admiral Rice thought he was finished.

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