After exhausting myself to death

Chapter 97 It’s too late to remedy the situation (2)

The rain didn't look like it was going to stop for a while. Shen Minghuan picked up his backpack and walked out of the tin house.

He disliked this residence very much.

The old man who picked up the original owner passed away when he was four years old, leaving nothing behind except a name and two tubes of the most common nutrient solution.

"Shen Minghuan" was sent to an orphanage on the junk planet and received his first and only optical brain. To this day, this optical brain is still worn on his wrist.

Nowadays, with the rapid development of technology, optical brains need to be updated almost every two or three years. As a necessity, the price of optical brain is actually not too expensive. Even if the one in hand is not broken, people will be more inclined to replace it with a new one. After all, each generation represents a huge improvement in functionality.

It's just that the people on the garbage planet obviously can't be so arrogant, not to mention that the original owner is extremely poor.

The orphanage is also poor and the place is small and cannot afford to raise too many children.

"Shen Minghuan" moved out of the orphanage when he was fourteen years old. The little boy has a self-esteem that is difficult for adults to understand. He considers himself to be the oldest child in the orphanage. It really makes no sense for him to stay there and earn nothing. drink.

Alliance law stipulates that one must be ten years old to be considered an adult, but for some people, they have never been qualified to grow up slowly.

The old man who scavenged had no fixed abode. After he found the original owner, he spent two days building a space with iron sheets that could accommodate him. It has long been turned into ruins under the erosion of time.

After Shen Minghuan moved out, he rebuilt a "tin house" in its original location according to the remaining shadows in his vague memory.

He was still too young at the time, and he could only do so with all his strength.

Now the original owner is sixteen years old. The iron house has protected him for two years, but in the end he cannot stand against time.

Shen Minghuan carried his backpack and walked away.

The thin curtain of rain covered his steps, as if he was burying the blue-black, short and dilapidated "house" together with it.

"Ming Huan! Shen Ming Huan!"

There were shouts in the pouring rain. The voice of the person coming was indistinct in the sound of rain, but became clearer as the distance got closer.

"Why didn't you even hold an umbrella when it rained so heavily?" The visitor was still wearing thin pajamas and didn't hold an umbrella. It seemed that after seeing him, he hurriedly rushed into the rain and was so busy that he didn't even bother to take the rain gear.

Shen Minghuan turned around, glanced at him, and said slowly: "Oh, it's you, Shang Chi."

"Hey, stop chatting." Shang Chi grabbed his wrist, "Follow me first!"

He pulled Shen Minghuan and ran in the rain.

It was as if the dark clouds, falling rain, and haze were also left behind.

It just so happened that someone in a nearby building opened a window.

Yan Ji rubbed his eyes, "Wow, are there two people running there?"

He turned around and sighed to the person behind him: "Look, Si Nian, this is what people call youth."

It was as if he was not seventeen but seventy years old this year.

Mosnian reflexively looked out in the direction of his finger and saw two small figures, one black and one white, in the rain.

The white figure glanced at him from a distance as if he was aware of it, and Mosnian suddenly felt a palpitation like an electric shock.

Who is that?

In fact, they were neither close nor far apart. The heavy rain made everything in front of him blurry, and Mosnian couldn't see each other clearly.

But Mosnian had an inexplicable feeling of familiarity, as if he had seen a similar scene at some point in the past.

This shouldn't be the case. He had never set foot on this ninth-magnitude star before.

So is it because of that person?


Shang Chi took Shen Minghuan back to his home.

There are basically no wealthy families on the junk planet. It seems to have been forgotten by the rapidly developing human society, and there are not even many traces left by technology.

Blue bricks, rubble, "retro" furnishings, not even a robot nanny, let alone a whole-house intelligent central control system.

Shang Chi sneezed twice as soon as he entered the door. He quickly handed over a towel and said, "Ming Huan, it's clean. Wipe it quickly to avoid catching a cold."

He scratched his head, "You can't even wear wet clothes. I'll give you one of my clothes, and you can make do with it first?"

Shen Minghuan took the towel and shook the backpack in his hand, "I have it myself."

The backpack is waterproof, and the clothes inside are still dry, making life more comfortable than its owner.

"Eh?" Shang Chi was a little surprised that he was fully equipped for the trip and even brought a change of clothes. Are you planning to go on a long trip?

"Then change quickly. The bathroom is over there." Shang Chi suppressed his inner doubts and felt that Shen Minghuan's body was more important, so he urged him to take a hot bath.

Shen Minghuan didn't move. He glanced at Shang Chi's still dripping clothes, "What about you?"

"I'm fine, I can wait, you don't have to worry about me." Shang Chi said happily with his chest raised, and as soon as he finished speaking, he sneezed again.

He met Shen Minghuan's calm gaze and smiled, "I'll borrow the bathroom next door."

[Host. ] The system sighed: [You have changed a lot. ]

How could Shen Minghuan care about other people's matters other than life and death? His eyes are on the top of his head and cannot see the joys and sorrows and discomforts of small people.

Shen Minghuan refused to admit it, and said stubbornly: "How can there be?" I've always been like this. ]

Shang Chi got rained on because of him. He had already sneezed three times when he entered the house. Everyone should show some respect.

It's just that the former Shen Minghuan most likely didn't care. From this point of view, he used to be really annoying.

The system stood unconditionally on Shen Minghuan's side. It said distressedly: [Host, the protagonist is also on this planet now. As long as you meet him, he will find that you have a similar appearance to Mo Hongxue and Mo Hexuan, and then he will become suspicious. Once he confirms your identity, you won't have to suffer here. ]

The glory and wealth of the Mo family is a very attractive temptation, but in the original plot, the protagonist Mos Nian did not hesitate at all.

He took the original owner back to the superior star without hesitation, and offered to reveal the true identity of the original owner to the outside world. In the end, he even left the Mo family resolutely, regardless of his eldest brother Mo Hexuan's plea to stay.

When the protagonist was very young, Mo Hongxue told him his true identity and his father's past.

Mosnian had always known that he was actually the son of Yan of the Tang Dynasty. He did not believe that his father would rebel, but he had to admit that with the current situation, once his identity was exposed, there would be no place for him in the world.

Even so, even if it would add a lot of risks, he still resolutely wanted to return the identity of the first young master of the Mo family to the original owner.

Even though in the plot Mosnian did not take the initiative to reveal his identity until he rehabilitated Tang Chaoyan, there is no doubt that when he made this decision, he truly staked his life as a bargaining chip.

He occupied another person's happy life when he knew nothing about it, and no amount of compensation would be enough.

[Xiaojiu. ] Shen Minghuan was amazed. Even though he was such a picky person, he had to admit that the protagonist's conduct was extremely upright, "You always have such a good taste in your son." ]

[Hey, the protagonist, if you don’t have Wei Guangzheng, you won’t be able to pass the trial. Even if the law allows it, readers won’t allow it. ]

The system was flattered, [But I think my best judgment was when I chose you to be my host. ]

Shen Minghuan smiled slightly and said gently: "It's disgusting. Don't say it next time." ]

During the impoverished days on the garbage planet, the original owner lived a very serious life.

He had a lot of money in his head. If Shang Chi hadn't stopped him, Shen Minghuan could have rented a good house.

The original owner didn't live in the tin house because he had no money. He was working as a tutor and occasionally doing odd jobs nearby, and he also saved a little money.

Today's compulsory education is conducted on optical computers. The original owner worked very hard. In ten years, he not only completed the basic courses, but occasionally there were cheap and free public courses on optical computers, and the original owner did not miss them.

His academic performance is very good, but unfortunately he is not an adult and cannot find a part-time job through formal channels. Even when he works as a tutor, he charges a very low price and uses his brain to turn on the voice changer.

The original owner always knew what he wanted. He wanted to leave the garbage planet and go to a more prosperous planet to see a wider world.

Starship tickets are very expensive, and the original owner didn’t dare to spend the money he had earned, so he saved it all.

He thought that when he reached adulthood at the age of ten, the money he had saved would be enough for him to go to the nearby seventh-level star called Suixing. If he worked on Suixing for a few more years, he might be able to go to a higher-level star. planet.

One day, he will go to the only first-class star to see the unique scenery rumored to belong to the Emperor Star.

The original owner did not expect that his goal would be achieved so quickly.

He is sixteen years old this year, and there are still four years before he reaches adulthood. He has already reached the first-class star, and transformed into the biological son of the alliance commander, the high-ranking young master of the Mo family.

He has his own private starship, and there is nowhere he can go in the vast universe. In the past, a ticket for a seventh-class star was beyond his reach, but now he can even buy an entire star.

How magical, how dreamy.

His hard work over the past sixteen years was no match for this mere face.

So what was his struggle in the mud? What has he been fighting for? What was the joy and anticipation that filled his heart when he looked at the numbers on the optical brain in his midnight dream?

His memories, his dreams, and his life are all like a joke.

Everyone was shaking their heads and sighing. They said that the only regret in the perfect Mosnian was this slightly absurd life experience.

No one cares that there is Shen Minghuan in the story.

Even Shen Minghuan no longer cares about himself.

Shen Minghuan sighed and asked: [Has Shen Minghuan forgive them? ]

The system shook his head, [Never. ]

Mo Hongxue loved him, Shao Kunyao loved him, Mo Hexuan loved him, and Mos Nian was ashamed of him. They tried their best to make up for him and did everything they could to make up for the harm he had suffered.

The original owner was drunk and dreaming, and wanted to live a life of luxury, but when his life came to an end, he was still only willing to admit that he was a poor young man in a tin house on the garbage planet.

That is him, that is "Shen Minghuan".

[Then I won’t forgive them either. ] Shen Minghuan said softly.

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