His hair is all tied up with a golden crown. If his face were not handsome enough, it would definitely look neither fish nor fowl.

Xuanyuan Sheng's facial features are three-dimensional, exuding the aura of a king, and his eyes are so cold that people dare not look directly at him.

When Feng Qingyi peeked at him, she happened to be caught. Xuanyuan Sheng stared at her for a long time before looking away.

Feng Qingyi was a little embarrassed by this look. She just looked at it a few more times out of curiosity.

"Have a feast, let's sing and dance!"

Following Xuanyuan Sheng's voice, a group of dancers arrived and danced in the hall.

In the deep winter, they only wore a layer of gauze clothes, and Feng Qingyi felt cold for them just looking at them.

On the table in front of her, the palace maid served various meals. Feng Qingyi looked at the beautifully presented food and picked up the kuaizi.

"What is this?" Feng Qingyi asked softly.

Qin Yuchuan looked at the dish Feng Qingyi pointed at, "Steamed bear paw, it tastes good, you can try it."

"...What, bear paw!"

Feng Qingyi's original intention of giving it a try gave up.

This is a national second-level protected animal. If it were placed in modern times, it would be imprisoned!

Qin Yuchuan and Feng Qingyi were also stunned, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I won't eat, you can eat!"

"Bear paws are delicious and very tonic. Try them."

Feng Qingyi shook his head quickly, "No, no, I can't break the law. This bear is a national second-level protected animal. If you eat it, you will go to jail."

"...Jail?" Is this a rule of her world?

Feng Qingyi looked at the dish next to him again, "What is this?"

"This is venison. It's delicious. You can try it."

After Qin Yuchuan finished speaking, Feng Qingyi languished. Why couldn't he eat either of them?

Refusing wild game, she still eats vegetarian dishes.

Qin Yuchuan saw Feng Qingyi's appearance and asked, "Do you have to go to jail for eating venison?"

Feng Qingyi nodded, "Yes, I think the vegetables here are pretty good too. I'll eat these."

While eating food, listening to palace rituals and music, and beautiful ladies dancing, ancient people really enjoyed it.

Just as he was eating, Feng Qingyi felt a very strange gaze.

As soon as he raised his head, he came face to face with the gorgeously dressed queen.

Feng Qingyi always felt that the beautiful queen looked at her with a hint of mockery, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

After the performance of the dancers in the center of the banquet, Murong Yan proposed to Xuanyuan Sheng with a smile.

"Your Majesty, it's rare for everyone to get together today, and I'm a little tired of watching these songs and dances. I heard that the daughters of each family are all talented, so why not let them show off their skills."

Xuanyuan Sheng listened to Murong Yan's words, "The queen is right. If anyone can come out on top, I will reward you heavily."

Then there was a large-scale self-recommendation by all the daughters, including those who danced, sang, played the piano and painted.

Feng Qingyi watched happily while eating.

But she didn't expect that only halfway through the performance, there were still a group of young ladies queuing up, and a pot fell on her head.

"I seem to have never seen this person next to General Qin. I wonder whose daughter he is?" Murong Yan looked at Feng Qingyi and smiled brightly.

Feng Qingyi was about to stand up when he was held down by Qin Yuchuan.

"She is the only daughter of the former General Mu. She is out for a walk. Thank you Queen for your concern."

Murong Yan continued: "It seems that General Qin is very protective of Miss Mu! Everyone just performed their talents, why don't Miss Mu come and show off too?"

Feng Qingyi felt the queen's targeting and was a little confused about the situation.

However, considering that the only person she knew here was Qin Yuchuan, the queen's inexplicable hostility to her must be related to Qin Yuchuan.

I just don’t know what the grudge is between them.

"I'm really sorry. I don't have any talent. Please forgive me, Queen!"

Feng Qingyi really didn't want to perform, she just came to join in the fun.

Murong Yan said: "Miss Mu, you are so humble."

At this moment Xuanyuan Shengluo also spoke, "I am very much looking forward to Miss Mu's talent!"

"If you don't want to, I'll help you refuse." Qin Yuchuan whispered.

Feng Qingyi shook his head, "It's okay, I can do it."

Although she really didn't want to perform, but now that the emperor had spoken, she had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Resisting the imperial edict was a big deal, so she didn't panic. She would go back in a few hours anyway, but she couldn't involve Qin Yuchuan.

But what kind of talent should be performed is also a question.

As for Qin, she had just finished the elementary course, and there was a young lady who was very good at playing the piano just now, and she was the best at it. If she goes there again, she will be able to compare her skills and see who she is.

When it comes to dancing, it won’t work without a suitable soundtrack and you won’t be able to feel the atmosphere.

What she is best at is painting, but this is a very time-consuming thing.

Considering the current situation, she can only make do with it, but maybe before the banquet is over, she will have to draw here obediently.

"I wonder if Miss Mu is ready?" Xuanyuan Sheng had some expectations for Feng Qingyi's talent.

He also really wanted to know what the woman Qin Yuchuan was attracted to was capable of.

Feng Qingyi stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I want to paint a picture. Please help me prepare some tools. I need some colorful paints."

"Okay, Qi Tan will send someone to prepare."

Soon all the prepared things were presented, and Feng Qingyi saw everyone staring at her.

Because there was no easel, Feng Qingyi could only spread the paper on the table.

"Your Majesty, some young ladies have not had time to perform yet. Painting takes time. Let them continue."

It was not a good feeling to be stared at by the whole audience while painting. She was a little nervous.

Xuanyuan Sheng saw this and said, "Then continue."

The banquet became lively again, with toasts and singing and dancing.

While Feng Qingyi was painting, she suddenly missed the unfinished dishes on the table, so she looked up in the direction of Qin Yuchuan.

Qin Yuchuan gave her an encouraging look, and Feng Qingyi lowered her head and continued after receiving it.

Although she did find some colorful pigments, these pigments could not be mixed at all, and Feng Qingyi felt very tired.

She was not good at ink painting, and she felt that she was not qualified to paint ink painting in front of so many ancient people.

If a master of Chinese painting suddenly jumped out, she would definitely be embarrassed.

She had no way to do her best oil painting because of these pigments, so she had to find another way.

After a long time, before the banquet ended, Feng Qingyi's painting was finally finished.

Everyone was very curious about her painting.

When the palace maid showed Feng Qingyi's painting to everyone, everyone was shocked.

They had never seen such a painting before. The people in the painting were almost exactly the same as the real people, as if they were replicas.

She painted a corner of the banquet, and the people in the painting were the people present, even the tables, chairs and plates were exactly the same.

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