Feng Qingyi received the message from Qin Yuchuan before the quarter of an hour he mentioned.

[Yuchuan: Qingyi, what’s up? ]

[Qingyi: Nothing, I just want to ask Auntie, what do Yanchi and Yanyang like? ]

[Yuchuan: Are you going to give them gifts? ]

[Qingyi: The New Year is coming soon, prepare some New Year gifts for them. ]

[Yuchuan: Mother will like what you prepare. ]

[Yuchuan: As for Yanchi and Yanyang, you don’t have to. ]

[Qingyi: ... You don’t know what they like! ]

[Yuchuan: Provoking me doesn’t work. ]

[Qingyi: Uh, I just prepared a gift for them, because they are all people around you. ]

They are people around him, this is what it means to love the whole house and the whole dog! ]

[Yuchuan: You can prepare anything you want, they will all like it. ]

[Qingyi: I feel like I asked in vain, you didn’t make any constructive suggestions at all. ]

[Qingyi: What have you been busy with recently? ]

Although she rarely asked about his work, she was occasionally curious.

During this period, he seemed to have lost a lot of weight, and she wanted to know what he was doing.

[Yuchuan: There was a war on the border, and we should go to war after the New Year. I have been making some preparations for the war recently. I am sorry for neglecting you. ]

[Qingyi: It's okay, I understand. ]

[Qingyi: But didn't you say before that you would go to war next summer? How come it's so early? ]

[Yuchuan: The news just came that soldiers from southern Xinjiang looted the border towns, and this war is inevitable. ]

[Yuchuan: It's just that this time it was too sudden, and we can only prepare as soon as possible during this period. ]

Feng Qingyi was very unfamiliar with war, and even feared it.

She didn't know what to say to him, and empty words couldn't express her feelings at the moment.

What is war like? Books describe millions of corpses and thousands of miles of bloodshed, but she can only imagine such words.

But he has experienced it personally, and will continue to experience it in the future.

Although they have not spent much time together, she does not know whether she is curious about him, likes him or something else, but at this moment, worrying about him is stronger than those unknown emotions.

[Qingyi: I know that you will not listen to me if I advise you to take a good rest at this time, but I still hope that you can take good care of yourself. ]

[Qingyi: I am worried about you. ]

Maybe sometimes words can express people's feelings better than language, and those words that cannot be said can be expressed more clearly in words.

When Qin Yuchuan saw the message she sent, he was stunned for a long time.

She has always been so considerate, knowing that he is busy and not disturbing him, frank and sincere.

This is the girl he likes, and he really wants to hold her in his arms now.

[Yuchuan: Qingqing, thank you! ]

Looking at this senseless thanks, Feng Qingyi was a little confused. What is she thanking her for?

And why did he suddenly change his name, what the hell is "Qingqing"?

【Qingyi: What are you thanking me for? 】

【Yuchuan: I will take good care of myself and not let you worry. 】

【Qingyi: Well, then you go and get busy! I will send you a message when I return to my hometown. I am on my way now. 】

【Yuchuan: OK. 】

After finishing the chat with Qin Yuchuan, Feng Qingyi started to choose gifts for them on Taobao.

Since she didn't ask anything from Qin Yuchuan, she could just choose according to her own preferences!

The journey home was long, and she had to rest on the way. The road in the mountains was rugged, so it was already nine o'clock in the evening when she returned to her hometown.

When Feng Qingyi got off the car, she saw her grandmother Bai Shuhui, who was wearing a red jacket and waiting at the door.

"Our Yiyi and Cici are back. Let's go into the house and warm up by the fire. You must have been cold on the way!"

Feng Qingyi put her arm around Bai Shuhui's arm, "Grandma, let's go in together."

"Okay, okay, your grandfather is cooking for you in the house!" Bai Shuhui said happily.

Because in the countryside, every household has a stove, and the fire burns very vigorously from morning to night in winter.

The stove is in the shape of a round table, with firewood added below to burn, and the top is no different from an ordinary table, and water can be boiled and rice cooked in the middle.

In winter, unless guests are entertained, they will choose to eat here.

As soon as Feng Qingyi entered the house, she felt the warmth.

In front of the stove room, a large LCD TV was playing a war movie.

The aroma of food wafted from the kitchen separated by a wall.

Feng Qingyi walked into the kitchen and saw her grandfather Feng Qiyuan who was cooking.

"Grandpa, what delicious food are you making!"

Feng Qiyuan turned around and smiled at Feng Qingyi.

"Our little Qingyi is back. You must be hungry! I made your favorite shredded potatoes. Hurry up and serve the rice."

Feng Qingyi took a few bowls from the cupboard next to her. "Grandpa, have you and grandma eaten?"

"We ate earlier. Don't you see what time it is? Just take the four bowls."

Feng Qingyi filled the four bowls with rice and took them out.

"Brother, hurry up and serve the dishes!"

"Got it."

Nanyin and Feng Zhixing carried the things from the car into the house, and Bai Shuhui hurriedly took over.

"Why do you buy so many things when you come back from so far away!"

After carrying all the things into the house, everyone sat down.

At this time, the food was served. The dishes were very rich, and everyone had what they liked. It can be seen that the two old people were attentive.

Bai Shuhui said: "It's so late, you must be starving, eat more."

It's all home, no one is polite.

Everyone ate and talked, but most of the time Feng Qiyuan and Bai Shuhui asked about Feng Qingyi and Feng Qingci.

The two of them were not stingy to tell them some interesting things they encountered and their experiences in school.

They were taken care of by these two old people when they were young.

Now they can't go back a few times a year, and there are not many opportunities to see them.

They cherish the days they can spend with them.

After dinner, several people chatted casually for a few words, and then went to rest.

The countryside is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city. At night, except for a few dim street lights, it is dark all around.

Qin Yuchuan's video call rang, and after answering it, Feng Qingyi saw him again.

He was wearing thin clothes, and it seemed that he had just showered, and his hair was half dry.

"Are you home?"

"Yes, I just finished dinner and chatted with my grandparents for a while, and just returned to the room."

"I miss you!"

"You have seen me now, haven't you?"

"You should know what I mean."

Feng Qingyi was a little at a loss, "But I am in my hometown now, it would be bad if I was found out."

If this really happened, they would be scared to death.

"It's really hard to see you since you have winter vacation."

"Actually, I think this is pretty good."

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