Some people once questioned him, saying that he was too young to have any real abilities, but he proved himself with every victory.

Namqi was quite impressed that he was a rare military genius.

Even if you are at a disadvantage, you can still use your own resourcefulness to find a breakthrough.

Since he was fifteen years old, he had rarely failed in ten years.

Especially after he turned twenty, he became more and more calm.

He has lost his youthful innocence and is no longer as impulsive and aggressive as before.

He almost forgot that he was once a brave young man who broke into the enemy camp single-handedly.

Nowadays, he is becoming more and more stable and decent, but his temper has become colder.

"Okay, let everyone get some rest today and attack the city tomorrow."

"The general also rested earlier, and his subordinates retired."

Qin Yuchuan returned to the camp and rarely had time to take out his cell phone to look at it.

[Qingyi: The gift I prepared for you before is now given to you. Although it is a bit late, I still want to give it to you. 】

[Qingyi: Take a look, do you like it? 】

After receiving the painting sent by Feng Qingyi, Qin Yuchuan looked at it carefully.

He had seen the painting she painted before at the winter banquet.

Compared with the one that day, today's painting is much more delicate, and it can be seen that a lot of thought was put into it.

She drew him with her own hands. This must be the best gift he has ever received.

[Yuchuan: I like it very much. 】

[Qingyi: I thought you wouldn’t be able to see me until midnight. Aren’t you busy today? 】

In the past few days, he had been replying to her messages in the early morning, and she didn't say anything to persuade him to rest early.

She knew his current situation and couldn't help it. Even if he wanted to rest early, he couldn't rest until his work was finished.

He was responsible for his soldiers, he had his own responsibilities and obligations, and all she could do was to take good care of herself and not let him be distracted by this.

[Yu Chuan: You can take a little rest today. 】

[Qingyi: Then you must be very tired. I won’t disturb you anymore. You have a good rest. You probably haven’t slept well during this time. 】

[Yu Chuan: OK. 】

She was always so gentle, and her words made him feel warm.

After putting away the paintings she gave him, Qin Yuchuan undressed and fell asleep.

Although he really wanted to talk to her, it was not the time at this stage. He had more important things to do.

In the past few days, I have been busy every night until early morning, and I am really tired. I need to take a good rest for tomorrow.

A few days after Feng Qingyi came to the capital, school started.

The day before school started, she was called by Shen Hanyue to help move things.

When she saw Shen Hanyue, Feng Qingyi felt that she had mistakenly recognized the person.

Her shoulder-length black short hair turned into cool purple long hair, and she was wearing a rainbow-colored down jacket, which was very eye-catching.

"Qingyi, why are you so slow? All the flowers I've been waiting for have withered."

"The color of your hair is so... unique!" She simply couldn't look straight at it.

Shen Hanyue pulled back his hair and said, "It's just a wig. I bought a lot of them. Do you want to try them on?"

"...Then it's no longer necessary. What do you want me to move?"

Shen Hanyue pointed to the big box in front of him, "These are all for you, you can carry them back yourself."

"...What are these?" Feng Qingyi asked curiously.

Shen Hanyue: "It's for you anyway. You can take it back and see for yourself. I'll move these things to the dormitory first."

It was given to her in such a big box. Feng Qingyi wanted to open it to see what it was, but it was sealed tightly with tape.

She decided to move it back first, but the weight was a bit too much.

Feng Qingyi even suspected that it was filled with stones, otherwise why would it be so heavy.

Feng Qingyi felt that she was already very strong, but she felt that her arms might become useless if she carried this box of things back.

"Use this cart to push it back!"

Feng Qingyi turned around and saw Song Jingyuan pushing a trolley.

Feng Qingyi felt a little embarrassed because of what happened before.

But she really wanted to use this stroller. It was much easier to push it back than to carry it back by herself.

"Let me help you." Song Jingyuan helped Feng Qingyi move the box on the ground onto the cart.

Feng Qingyi said gratefully: "Senior, thank you!"

Song Jingyuan: "Wherever you want to go, I will go with you."

"No, I'll bring it back later when I'm done using it."

"I just have some free time, so running around is quite troublesome."

After he said this, Feng Qingyi no longer refused. He might also need this car later.

"Thank you!"

Song Jingyuan took the initiative to push the cart and asked a question.

"Why doesn't your boyfriend come to help you?"

"He is not from our school and is quite busy with work."

"So that's it."

It seemed that he had no chance at all. He had thought that she said she had someone she liked, which was just an excuse to reject him.

But I didn't expect that what she said was true.

"Then I wish you happiness!"

Feng Qingyi smiled and said: "I also hope you can find your own happiness."

Song Jingyuan helped Feng Qingyi push the box outside the villa, "Where is this?"

"I live here alone now." Feng Qingyi explained.

Song Jingyuan: "Then I'll help you move in."

"Thank you so much for today. I'll get you a glass of water."

Song Jingyuan: "No, I'm leaving first."


"See you!"

After Song Jingyuan left, Feng Qingyi couldn't wait to open the box.

The box was full of potatoes and sweet potatoes.

Chen Hanyue's love for her was too heavy. She estimated that she had been eating for several months.

After school started, everything was the same as before.

Feng Qingyi still went to class and went home with Chen Hanyue, Qu Jingqiu, and Lou Xi, and occasionally had dinner together.

Chen Hanyue: "Qingyi, I remember you said before that you would introduce your boyfriend to us. When is he free?"

"... He has not been free recently." According to him, he has not been free in the past one or two years.

Qu Jingqiu: "I haven't seen you call or send messages to him. You are still in a long-distance relationship. Are you so relieved?"

This person has not changed before and after the relationship.

Every day when they go to class and eat with them, they have never seen the shadow of her boyfriend.

They rarely hear her talk about her boyfriend, as if this person does not exist at all.

"He's busy with work, and he's surrounded by men, so there's nothing to worry about. He won't run away with someone else."

Chen Hanyue said, "Qingyi, this long-distance relationship is not very reliable. You should be more careful. You are so careless and have no vigilance at all."

Feng Qingyi trusts Qin Yuchuan very much. Although he has not promised her anything, she believes him inexplicably.

Perhaps he looks more reliable and is very considerate to her, so she recognizes him from the bottom of her heart.

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