Putting the purchased vegetables and bowls in the kitchen, Feng Qingyi took some other snacks into her room.

When she bought them just now, she bought two portions of everything. After Feng Qingyi divided the snacks, she passed the portion she bought for Qin Yuchuan.

After Qin Yuchuan heard the ringing of his phone, he successfully received the snacks that Feng Qingyi passed over.

However, when he saw the colorful bags piled on the eucalyptus table, he was still a little confused. She actually bought so many. Where should she put them?

At this time, Yan Yang had something to find Qin Yuchuan, so he opened the tent and entered, and saw a lot of things on the eucalyptus table that he had never seen before.

Qin Yuchuan wanted to hide it, but it was obvious that Yan Yang had seen it, so there was no point in him hiding it.

"General, these things are all from the small box!"

Qin Yuchuan's hand gently tapped the eucalyptus table. Why did Yan Yang know that these things came from the phone? Did he see something?

"Where did you hear that?"

Yan Yang said bluntly, "When you were having lunch today, I, Yan Chi and Na Muqi secretly saw you, but they insisted on calling me."

"Secretly saw you?" Has he become less vigilant recently? He didn't notice three people peeking at you!

Yan Yang nodded, "Maybe you were eating so happily that you didn't notice us."

Qin Yuchuan: "..."

"General, are all the food on this table also food? Can you give me some?"

Yan Yang completely forgot that he came in to report to Qin Yuchuan, and his attention was completely attracted by the colorful snacks on the eucalyptus table.

Qin Yuchuan picked up a bag of potato chips and threw it to him, "Okay, you leave."

Yan Yang happily prepared to return to his tent with a large bag of potato chips.

However, halfway through, Yan Chi and Na Muqi saw him and stopped him.

"What are you holding?" Na Muqi asked.

Yan Yang protected the potato chips, "This is a reward from the general. If you want it, go find the general yourself."

"... Can you please not answer irrelevant questions? I asked you what this is?" Namuqi said.

Yan Chi obviously knew Yan Yang very well, "Namu, don't ask. In my opinion, it should be food, otherwise he wouldn't protect it so tightly, for fear that others would snatch it from him."

Namuqi grabbed Yan Yang, "We won't fight with you. Open it and let us see what food it is."

Yan Yang was no match for Namuqi at all. He didn't know why Namuqi, a scholar, had a higher martial arts value than him, a guard.

But he knew that he couldn't run away now, so he could only obey orders obediently.

However, how to open this food was also a problem.

Yan Chi saw that Yan Yang didn't react for a long time, so he directly snatched the potato chips and opened it with a light tear.

The eyes of the three were attracted by the potato chips, and Yan Yang took the lead and took out a piece and fed it to his mouth.

"This is so delicious! You said you wouldn't fight with me for it, you just wanted to look at it."

Yan Yang wanted to take the potato chips back from Yan Chi, but he dodged.

After Yan Yang tested the poison, Yan Chi and Na Muqi also took a few chips from the bag and fed them to their mouths.

"It's really good!" Na Muqi exclaimed.

Yan Chi took a few more chips, "It tastes very good, crispy and delicious."

Originally, the potato chips that Yan Yang shamelessly asked for were divided up by Na Muqi and Yan Chi. Yan Yang only ate a few chips because he couldn't fight them at all.

"Yan Yang, do you have any more at the general? I'll go and see!" Na Muqi asked.

Yan Yang left angrily without saying a word.

If there is anything delicious in the future, he must hide it well. These two people are birds of a feather. They are untrustworthy and promised to just look at it!

When Na Muqi went to find Qin Yuchuan, Qin Yuchuan was reading a book, and the things on the eucalyptus table had already been put away by him.

"What do you want?" Thinking of what the three of them did at noon, Qin Yuchuan didn't look good to him. He knew that he must be the mastermind.

Namuqi smiled awkwardly: "Yan Yang just took a bag of food from the general. I wonder if the general has any more?"

If not, take some out of the small box!

"No." Still want to ask him for food!

Namuqi continued: "When will the general have more? Leave me a bag. I don't want more. One bag is enough."

"...If you have nothing else to do, don't hang around here. Go away." He didn't even eat, and there was a reservation.

Namuqi had no choice but to leave Qin Yuchuan's tent, looking back every few steps. Yan Chi saw Namuqi coming out, "Namu, how is it, is there any more?"

"The general said there is no more, but I think he is very likely to eat alone. When the general leaves the tent, we will sneak in and see if we can get some."

Yan Chi did not agree with Namuqi's approach, "Namu, you are so old, and you still come up with such a bad idea. If the general knows, you will be miserable."

"General, isn't this treating him differently? Why does Yan Yang have it, but we don't? You and Yan Yang have been following the general for so many years. The general obviously treats Yan Yang better. Do you feel balanced?"

"... How can I be unbalanced? The general takes care of him because he is stupid."

Yan Chi and Namuqi were chatting excitedly and didn't notice the people behind him at all.

It was also the first time that Qin Yuchuan saw someone discussing stealing his things at the door of his tent while he was away.

And the mastermind was a highly respected military advisor in the military camp. Did they think he was deaf?

"Yan Chi, just tell me whether you will do it or not. Come with me. If you are discovered, I will take the blame for you." Namuqi was still encouraging Yan Chi to join.

Yan Chi was different from Yan Yang. He was not so easily fooled, not to mention that he was also clear about his identity.

He was just a guard, but Namuqi was a military advisor. If he was really discovered, he would be the one to take the blame. He still refused to do such a thankless job.

"Namu, if you want to go, go by yourself. We have nothing to eat when we return to Shengjing. Don't be so persistent."

Namuqi saw Yanchi was indifferent, so he had to use his trump card, "Yanchi, if you don't come with me, I will tell the general about your gambling before!"

"...Namu, although gambling is prohibited in the military camp, I remember that you seemed to have participated. Do you want to hurt the enemy by 800 and hurt yourself by 1,000?"

"As a military advisor, you took the lead in breaking the rules, which seems to be a bit more serious than mine."

Such a big man! He threatened him for a disagreement, he was not panicked, at most they would be punished together.

"You have grown up! You gambled and intended to steal. From today on, you two will go to the kitchen to wash dishes until you return to Beijing."

Qin Yuchuan's voice came faintly from behind the two.

[Author's digression]: The general was actually amazed when he first saw Qingyi, but he was really interested after chatting a few times. He was already interested, and it was not far from liking her.

But Qingyi now just feels a little guilty for using the general to earn points, and has an idea of ​​compensating him.

However, because the general's words and deeds are very measured, Qingyi still has an initial good impression of him.

I was originally entangled in whether the mysterious shop is necessary, but later decided to add it.

In the subsequent plot, Qingyi will meet the general. I hope Qingyi is not the kind of girl who needs the general's protection.

She can make a name for herself and exist side by side with the general.

So the existence of the mysterious shop has its meaning. Qingyi can use points to buy some things that improve her own strength and make herself better!

Of course, except for some items in the mysterious shop, you need to learn by yourself. After all, compared with the things given by others, it is still down-to-earth to learn by yourself, so that people can have more confidence and security.

There are a lot of nagging, so everyone can just take a look. If you like it, leave more comments. I will reply when I see it. Love you!

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