"How can there be such a disgusting man in the world? How come you don't get along with him?"

Feng Qingyi tidied up her messy hair, "I don't know, maybe because he likes Qin Yuchuan!"

"Or maybe he just doesn't like me. After all, sometimes you don't need a reason to dislike someone."

Xu Linghe said, "I heard that he does have a good relationship with General Qin, but he doesn't like him that much. He hangs out in brothels and bars every day, and he doesn't look like a homosexual."

"But I heard that he has a cousin who likes General Qin. I think this may be the reason."

Feng Qingyi raised her hand to block the sun, "No matter what the reason is, he is an unimportant person after all. Don't take it to heart. How do you know about Qin Yuchuan and me?"

"I sent someone to inquire about your affairs. You won't mind!" Xu Linghe said.

Feng Qingyi: "If you have anything to ask in the future, just ask me directly. What did you find out?"

Xu Linghe: "I heard that Princess Xuanhe has a good relationship with you and wants you to be her daughter-in-law. There is nothing else, but I also think that you and General Qin are indeed a good match."

"General Qin has made outstanding military achievements. I admire him very much. Sometimes I think that if I were not a woman, I would also go to the battlefield!"

Feng Qingyi comforted: "Although you can't go to the battlefield now, you can also do something you like."

Xu Linghe: "Compared to other daughters, I am indeed freer, but my parents are still determined to marry me off!"

"Maybe in their eyes, the most important thing for a woman in her life is to find a good husband to marry, and then spend her life in the backyard raising her husband and children."

"But this is not the life I want. I want to escape from here."

Feng Qingyi didn't say anything. She knew that she didn't need her comfort. She just wanted to find someone to talk to.

"Why am I telling you all this? Let's go back to the farm to eat! Hongying should be almost ready. She's a great cook."

Feng Qingyi got up from the grass and straightened her clothes, "Let's go!"

As Xu Linghe said, Hongying's cooking skills are indeed good. Although she cooks some home-cooked dishes, each dish is delicious and fragrant.

"Qingyi, can we still go out to play together later?"

Feng Qingyi nodded, "Of course, but I may be busy."

"It doesn't matter, we'll make an appointment when you're free." Xu Linghe expressed understanding, "Is there anywhere you want to go this afternoon?"

Feng Qingyi took out the land deed given by Qian Jue from her bag, "Do you know where this place is?"

Xu Linghe took the land deed and looked at it, "It's in the east of the city. I'll take you there later. It seems to be a teahouse."

"Okay, thank you."

After lunch, the two strolled around the farm again before taking a carriage to the teahouse Xu Linghe mentioned.

"Linghe, are you sure this is the place? Why isn't the door open?" Feng Qingyi wondered if she had found the wrong place.

Xu Linghe looked at Feng Qingyi's deed again.

"No problem, it's here. This teahouse seems to have closed down due to poor management. Are you buying it to start a business?"

Feng Qingyi sighed. She finally knew why Qian Jue gave her the shop so readily. It turned out that it was because the business could not continue.

She originally thought that she could sit and collect money by herself, but she didn't expect that she would have to run it by herself. She miscalculated.

"Let's go in and take a look first!"

Pushing open the heavy door, Feng Qingyi saw the layout of the teahouse.

The teahouse has three floors. The first floor is the hall. The tables, chairs and benches are placed in a mess. Because no one has cleaned it for a long time, a lot of dust has fallen.

The second floor is a little more advanced than the first floor. Screens are used to separate the various areas.

The third floor is the private room, but it is very simple inside. There is nothing except a table and a few chairs.

Xu Linghe: "Qingyi, you don't want to run this teahouse again, do you?"

"If you have this idea, do you want to join me?"

Feng Qingyi decided to find a partner for herself. After all, opening a teahouse also requires understanding the market here.

Xu Linghe: "But I have never done business before. What if I lose money?"

"The loss is mine. You just need to help me. When the profit comes, we will split it 30% and 70%." Feng Qingyi said.

Xu Linghe: "There is no need for 30% and 70%. I am not short of money. I will just consider it as helping you."

"This place is shabby. I think it needs to be renovated first, and the tables and chairs here also need to be replaced."

"That will require a lot of silver!" I don't know if her gold bars are enough.

Xu Linghe: "If you need money, you can tell me and I will lend it to you. You can pay me back when you make money."

"It shouldn't be short of money for the time being, but should we find a craftsman to repair the teahouse now?" Feng Qingyi said.

Xu Linghe was not sure, "It should be, let's go out and ask."

After asking passers-by, the two found craftsmen in the south of the city and talked about the problem of repairing the teahouse.

After that, the two visited all the teahouses in Shengjing and learned about the characteristics of each teahouse.

Feng Qingyi also did some homework on purpose, thinking that it might come in handy when the time comes.

Xu Linghe: "After the teahouse is repaired, we have to hire an accountant, a waiter, a tea doctor, and even a storyteller and some opera singers. It's really troublesome."

"But after all these are solved, we won't have to work anymore. Everything is difficult at the beginning, so just take your time." Feng Qingyi said.

Xu Linghe thought for a while, "That's true. I hope that the business will be prosperous and the wealth will be abundant."

The two chatted for a while about running the teahouse, and it was already sunset when they separated.

Back in the villa, Feng Qingyi changed into home clothes and walked downstairs.

Because it was the weekend, she thought Feng Qingci should have gone to Lou Xi's house, so she wanted to order a takeaway for herself.

But as soon as she came downstairs, she smelled the aroma of food coming from the kitchen.

Feng Qingyi walked into the kitchen, and the scene in front of her shocked her.

Feng Qingci and Qin Yuchuan actually cooked together, one chopping vegetables and the other frying, which was quite harmonious.

"You are..."

Qin Yuchuan heard the sound and put down his knife, "Qingqing, you're back!"

Feng Qingyi asked: "Why are you here?"

Qin Yuchuan: "I just have nothing to do today, so I wanted to come see you."

Feng Qingyi looked at Qin Yuchuan and then at Feng Qingci. She was not used to why they were suddenly so harmonious today.

"Brother, how about I cook the food and you go have a rest!"

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