Just as Namuqi left, the small box that had been darkened lit up again.

The man clicked casually, and the black box was filled with text.

The top line of big characters read: Mobile phone usage guide.

So this small box is called a mobile phone.

It can be used to communicate and talk directly with people thousands of miles away. It's incredible.

After reading the usage guide, the man pressed the only icon in the phone.

After clicking in, he saw the message just sent by the person named "Qingyi".

Could this "Qingyi" be someone from Northern Qi, who deliberately used this phone to inquire about intelligence.

After thinking for a while, the man decided to test it.

[: Who are you]

[Qingyi: You inexplicably appeared in my WeChat list, and I can't delete it no matter what. You actually asked who I am? ]

[: I don't know what you are talking about]

[Qingyi: Before asking someone's name, please tell me your full name. ]

[: Qin Yuchuan]

[Qingyi: ...]

The name sounds nice, but I don't know it.

【: What do you mean】

【Qingyi: Sorry, I don't think I know you. Are you a classmate of Jingda? 】

Her social circle has always been simple. Apart from schoolmates, no one would add her WeChat. Maybe it was leaked by one of her roommates.

【: Jingda is】

Qin Yuchuan felt that the person who was exchanging messages with him was very strange. He always sent some strange things.

For example, WeChat, Jingda, and strange symbols in every sentence.

He even said his name. Logically, if he was from Northern Qi, he would definitely know him.

He was a great general of Tianqi, famous throughout the continent, but the other party didn't know him.

It is very likely that he was pretending. We have to continue to test him.

【Qingyi: You don't even know Jingda! 】

Jingda is one of the most famous universities in China, so we should give it some face!

【: Should I know】

【Qingyi:... Anyway, the Chinese should know it. 】

Qin Yuchuan noticed the word "Huaguo". The person opposite him was from Huaguo.

Where is this Huaguo? Why has he never heard of it?

[Qingyi: Brother, it doesn't matter if you don't know. I won't laugh at you. ]

[Qingyi: I have something to do. Let's talk again when I have time. ]

Qin Yuchuan looked at the message sent by Feng Qingyi, a little confused.

The other party really doesn't seem to be from Northern Qi, but where exactly is this Huaguo? I have to check it carefully.

After finishing the chat with Qin Yuchuan, Feng Qingyi found that there was a mysterious store on her phone.

Feng Qingyi clicked on it, and suddenly a line of words appeared.

It takes 10 points to open the mysterious store. The current points are 10. Do you want to open it?

It's quite advanced. Feng Qingyi clicked yes.

The mysterious store was successfully opened, 10 points were deducted, and the current points are 0.

Feng Qingyi looked at this mysterious store and felt a little strange.

Only the first line in the store is now unlocked, and there are some strange things on it.

For example, the Quick Thinking Pill, Beauty Pill, Marrow Cleansing Pill, etc.

Feng Qingyi clicked on the Quick Thinking Pill, and the item introduction appeared.

Within three days, you will remember everything you have seen, be full of energy, and greatly improve your learning efficiency. The price is 100 points.

Is it really that powerful to remember everything you have seen?

Feng Qingyi was a little skeptical, so she clicked on the purchase next to it, and the result showed that the points were insufficient.

How did you earn these points? I just opened this mysterious store, and it seems that 10 points were deducted.

Where did these 10 points come from? Was it automatically given?

Feng Qingyi looked carefully and found that there was a point acquisition next to the insufficient points, so she clicked it.

Points acquisition method 1: Chat with Qin Yuchuan, voice, video.

Chat gets 10 points, voice 50 points, video 100 points, each item is limited to once a day, and a maximum of 160 points can be obtained.

Points acquisition method 2: Serve the country, serve the society, and be a useful person to the society and the country.

This is a branch task, which is randomly issued, and the points obtained depend on the situation.

What the hell is this?

You can actually get points by chatting with others, and the target is still Qin Yuchuan, who seems to have a bit of a brain problem.

And this side quest is even more confusing, serving the country and society, and it is randomly distributed.

Although Feng Qingyi is somewhat interested in the quick thinking pills, it is a bit too much to ask her to have a voice or video chat with a stranger. She can only accept chatting at present.

After exiting the mysterious store, Feng Qingyi studied the phone again and found that except for this mysterious store, other phones are the same as normal phones, so she didn't bother about it anymore.

Tianqi Empire, in the border tent.

Qin Yuchuan held the phone and pondered for a long time, and finally decided to ask the other party's name.

He had already told the other party's name, but she didn't tell him.

[: May I ask your name?]

After not receiving a reply for a long time, Qin Yuchuan decided to go out to find Namuqi to ask about China.

In the history he has learned over the years and the various countries he has learned about, there is no China.

Namuqi is the most knowledgeable person in the Tianqi army. He knows everything about astronomy and geography, so he might know something.

Namuqi just returned to his tent when he heard Qin Yuchuan's voice.

"Namu, are you there?"

Namuqi stood up quickly and opened the tent.

"General, why are you here at this time?"

Qin Yuchuan got straight to the point, "Has Namu heard of the country of Hua?"

"Hua, I have never heard of Hua, I wonder where did you hear about it?"

The general was really strange today. He first asked him about a small box, and now he asked about Hua.

The box was tattered, as if it had been thrown away by someone. He had never heard of Hua either. Could the general be crazy?

Qin Yuchuan stood in the tent for a while, "I know."

"..."Namuqi looked puzzled, what did this person know.

Namuqi was about to ask, but Qin Yuchuan had already left.

Back in his tent, Qin Zhouyuan took off his armor and changed into his regular clothes.

Just then, the phone rang.

Qin Zhouyuan picked it up and saw that it was the one who replied to the message.

[Qingyi: My name is Feng Qingyi. 】

This looks like a girl's name.

【:You are a girl】

【Qingyi: Any questions? 】



This person is really too difficult to communicate with. He asked for your name. I'm afraid he is a martial arts fan.

【:May I ask where Miss Feng lives? 】

Feng Qingyi looked at the message sent by Qin Yuchuan and sighed. This is not going to end.

Anyway, she can only earn 10 points a day. She has earned it today. Let's talk tomorrow.

【Qingyi: Sorry, I have to eat lunch now. Let's talk another day. 】


After Qin Yuchuan replied, he put the phone aside.

Now he knows that the person on the other side is a girl, and he also knows her name. It seems that she is not from Northern Qi.

But we still need to be vigilant. People from Northern Qi have always been cunning and treacherous, and we have to guard against them.

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