"That Xia Yu apologized to you on the forum. He was really shameless. After he confessed to you and was rejected, he went back and posted a post to slander you, and then your brother came to his door. Now he apologized to you in a shameful way." Chen Hanyue said indignantly.

Feng Qingyi looked at the school forum and finally understood what happened.

Although Feng Qingci was defending her, Feng Qingyi didn't feel happy.

Mainly because of his way of handling it, which was not mature at all.

There are many people who hate the rich in this world, and human nature cannot stand the test, especially when they have experienced kidnapping incidents when they were young.

Feng Qingyi understood the importance of not showing off wealth and keeping a low profile when she was very young, but Feng Qingci obviously didn't have this awareness. Or maybe he just wanted to pretend in front of Xia Yu, but he didn't expect to be found out by everyone.

"I'm going to take a shower first. I just went to exercise and now I'm sweating all over!"

Feng Qingyi went into the bathroom with pajamas.

Chen Hanyue, Qu Jingqiu and Lou Xi didn't have any thoughts because of Feng Qingyi's family conditions.

After all, they can get along harmoniously because of her.

It's not because of any external conditions, not to mention that they are not bad in terms of family background.

After taking a shower, Feng Qingyi climbed onto the bed and looked at the time. It was already 8:30 in the evening.

Feng Qingyi decided to send an emoticon to Qin Yuchuan, not knowing whether he was asleep or not.

[Qingyi: Bear hug JPG]

Qin Yuchuan, who was about to go to bed, heard the ringing of his phone and quickly picked it up.

Looking at the unknown animal picture sent by Feng Qingyi, Qin Yuchuan was a little confused. What did she mean?

[Yuchuan: What's wrong? ]

[Qingyi: You haven't slept yet. ]

[Yuchuan: If I slept, how can I reply to your message. ]

[Qingyi: Alas. ]

[Yuchuan: Are you unhappy? What happened? ]

Feng Qingyi thought about it and decided to talk to him, anyway, he might not understand.

【Qingyi: Something did happen today. Someone confessed to me. 】

When Qin Yuchuan saw the word "confession", his face was a little gloomy.

【Yuchuan: Did you agree? 】

【Qingyi: I didn't know that person at all, so I naturally rejected him. Then he slandered me everywhere. 】

【Yuchuan: Such a low-quality person is not worthy of you. This has nothing to do with you. Since he is an insignificant person, there is no need to be sad about it. 】

Qin Yuchuan was relieved after seeing her rejection. He finally confirmed his feelings for her. How could he let others get there first?

【Yuchuan: You are young and inexperienced. If you meet such a person again, you should be more vigilant. 】

According to her, the world she lives in is very free. Men and women can do things as long as they are willing.

Her school is the best, and it is understandable to meet some excellent people. If she has a good impression of them, what should he do?

Qin Yuchuan just felt a headache. He had to take action earlier. He would start by contacting her every day to let her get used to his presence.

[Qingyi: Yes, I know. ]

[Yuchuan: If there is anything else that makes you unhappy, you can tell me. ]

[Qingyi: Actually, I am not very sad. My brother helped me to teach that person a lesson. He also apologized to me. Although my brother's way of handling it was not mature, it helped me solve this matter. ]

[Qingyi: There is one more thing I want to tell you. I like the things you gave me very much, but don't give them to me again in the future. ]

[Qingyi: The things you gave me may not be expensive in your place, but they can be regarded as antiques here. The price is very expensive. ]

[Qingyi: So many things appeared out of thin air. If they were discovered, I might not be able to explain it clearly. And I live in the dormitory now, which is not very convenient. ]

[Qingyi: You don't have to tell me that gifts are reciprocated. I have already repaid some of the things you gave me. 】

Qin Yuchuan carefully read the message sent by Feng Qingyi and sighed.

I don't know what kind of family can cultivate such a character of a little girl.

The things he gave her seemed to become a burden to her. She was probably thinking about buying something to return it now, and she didn't want to take advantage of him at all.

Since she doesn't like it, I will give her some food and cakes in the future, so that she won't feel embarrassed.

[Yuchuan: OK. ]

[Qingyi: It's late today, you go to bed early, I'm going to read for a while. ]

[Yuchuan: OK, go to bed early after reading. ]

[Qingyi: Good night! ]

Feng Qingyi found that after chatting with Qin Yuchuan casually, her mood seemed to be much better.

So she picked up the book beside her pillow and prepared to read it. She was used to reading before going to bed, and there would always be books she hadn't finished reading on the shelf beside the bed.


Outskirts of Shengjing, Guangyuan Temple.

Yan Chi was forced to come here with Namuqi. Yan Chi did not believe in Buddhism.

As Qin Yuchuan's personal bodyguard, he had killed countless enemies on the battlefield with him. He always felt that such a Buddhist place would be defiled if he walked in.

Namuqi obviously had no concerns and dragged Yanchi in.

"Little Master, I'll find Master Guang'an of your temple!"

The little monk who was knocking on the wooden fish didn't even raise his head, "Master has instructed not to see guests, please go back!"

"We have something important to discuss with him, it's about life and death, please let the little master pass on the message."

"This matter is really about human life. Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. How can you Buddhists refuse to save someone..."

Namqi annoyed the young monks in the temple with his sharp tongue and had no choice but to take them to the door of the wing of Guangyuan Temple where Master Guang'an presided.

Master Guang'an was wearing a cassock and sitting on his knees in the wing.

Yanchi and Namuqi stood at the door and looked at each other.

"Didn't you come here? Go in!" Yan Chi pushed Na Mu Qi.

Namu Qi didn't intend to let Yan Chi go, so he dragged him in too.

After the two of them entered the wing, Master Guang'an stood up.

"I have already said that it is inconvenient to see guests today, so you two should leave!"

Namu Qi refused to give up, "Master, we have something important to ask for help from, and we also ask for your guidance."

Master Guang'an is now ninety years old, but his spirit is strong and his momentum is like a rainbow.

"I already know what you are asking for, but everything in the world is reasonable as it exists, and no one needs to disturb it."

"You two, please come back! If you really want something, I guess it won't be your turn to ask for it."

Yan Chi glanced at Nam Qi next to him, and the master almost told him to stop meddling in his own business.

Nanamu didn't know what was going on, but he wanted to destroy the general's little box, and he tried so hard to do so, but he didn't come back in vain.

According to him, the small box belonged to the general, and he could do with it whatever he wanted, and it was not Namu's turn to worry about it.

Maybe I'm back in Beijing and have nothing to do and think about all these things every day.

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