But that general who governs the country is really an eyesore!

Xuanyuan Sheng seemed to know that he had to rely on him and had no intention of attacking him.

He was really lucky. He sent so many people, but they couldn't get rid of him.

Qin Yuchuan felt Murong Yan's gaze and felt wary.

Although it was the first time for him to see this woman, her appearance was stunning, and she looked like an innocent girl between every frown and smile.

But he always felt that there was something hidden behind her bright smile, and this feeling was like a thorn in his back.

After the lengthy conferring ceremony, the courtiers dispersed, and Qin Yuchuan and Namqi walked out of the palace together.

"General, what do you think about this?"

Qin Yuchuan's face was expressionless, "I have no opinion."

Namqi: "It has been clearly found out that she is from Southern Xinjiang, and I have reported this matter, but His Majesty does not seem to have any doubts about her."

"I don't know if she has anything to do with the people who assassinated you before. If so, she must have had an ulterior motive."

"Although it has been found that she is from southern Xinjiang, we don't know what her status is in southern Xinjiang and how she came to Tianqi."

"His Majesty has great trust in her. If we don't have evidence, His Majesty is afraid that he will punish us for this."

Qin Yuchuan didn't say anything. If Xuanyuan Sheng could overcome all difficulties and make her his queen, how could he be as innocent and harmless as he seemed on the surface.

Regardless of whether it is related to those who came before Southern Xinjiang, it should not be taken lightly.

What he can do now is to investigate secretly while ensuring his own safety.

Namu Qi saw that Qin Yuchuan ignored him and said, "General, what do you think?"

"Let nature take its course." The enemy is in darkness and we are in the dark, which is inherently disadvantageous.

"General, this is not like you."

In Na Muqi's memory, Qin Yuchuan had always been confident.

He had always felt that things depended on human effort, and this was the first time he heard the word "let nature take its course" from his mouth.

Looking at Qin Yuchuan's retreating figure, Namu Qi couldn't understand what he was thinking for a moment.

It was another weekend, and Feng Qingyi took the cell phone that was ringing cheerfully from the bedside table.

"Didn't I tell you not to wake me up so early this weekend?"

Nanyin heard Feng Qingyi's voice, "Qingyi, aren't you up yet?"

Feng Qingyi heard a voice that was not Qin Yuchuan's, and quickly opened her eyes and looked at her mobile phone number.

"Mom, why did you suddenly remember to call me?"

Nanyin: "Your dad and I are in Kyoto now. Call your brother and have dinner together tonight."

"Yiyi, are you in love?"

Feng Qingyi denied, "We're not in love, so don't think too much."

"Then tell me honestly, who did you think I was just now, telling him not to wake you up so early?" Nan Yin asked.

Feng Qingyi said casually: "He is just a good friend."

Nanyin continued to ask: "Your good friends, your roommates or Xiaoxiao?"

"It's not like I only have a few friends like them. I got up and went to wash up."

"I'll contact my brother later. Send me the address and we'll go there on time." Feng Qingyi finished speaking and hung up the phone in a hurry.

Her mother's insight is too strong, but why is she so guilty? She is not in love in the first place!

After being woken up by Nan Yin's call, Feng Qingyi had lost her sleep. After washing and changing clothes, she went out to buy breakfast.

After buying breakfast, Qin Yuchuan also called.

"have you woken up?"

Feng Qingyi ate the ramen he bought, "I'm up, I'm already eating now."

"Why is it so early today?"

Recently, Qin Yuchuan discovered that Feng Qingyi had to stay in bed for a quarter of an hour before getting up every morning.

During the weekend, he wished he could stay in bed, but today he was ready to coax her out of bed.

I didn't expect her to get up early, which was unexpected.

"Actually, I didn't want to be so early. My mother just called me and woke me up. I thought it was you, and then I couldn't sleep and woke up."

Qin Yuchuan rarely heard Feng Qingyi mention his family, so he didn't know much about her family.

However, through some of her daily behaviors and words, he could feel that her family should be very happy.

"Although winter is coming, staying in bed is not a good habit."

Feng Qingyi took a sip of hot water, "But it's really cold in the morning!"

"Don't stay in bed for too long."

Qin Yuchuan finally compromised and coaxed her more, as if he had become accustomed to it during this period.

Feng Qingyi smiled and said, "Thanks to you, I just saw someone selling roasted sweet potatoes outside. Do you want to eat them?"

"No need." She seemed to be very keen on sharing all kinds of delicacies with him, especially those that were sweet and greasy.

"There are also sugar-fried chestnuts. You can smell the fragrance from afar. Are you really not tempted?" Feng Qingyi seduced Qin Yuchuan.

Qin Yuchuan: "I'm not moved."

Seeing that he was unmoved, Feng Qingyi gave up.

"Okay! Then I can only enjoy it alone."

"And you don't have to prepare meals for me tonight. My mother calls me to eat."

Qin Yuchuan arrived and said, "Okay."

Because of Nanyin's career, every time the family eats together, they always choose some high-end restaurants with a high degree of privacy.

When Feng Qingyi left, Nanyin and Feng Zhixing got together, not knowing what they were looking at.

"Dad, Mom, why did you come to Kyoto?"

Feng Zhixing replied: "Your mother has some work here. I will accompany her and come to see you."

"Your birthday is coming soon. If you want anything, just tell me."

Feng Qingyi sat down and said, "My birthday is still a month away, and I don't have anything I want. You can do whatever you want."

"Qingyi, are you really not in love?" Nanyin asked.

Feng Qingyi nodded very solemnly, "I really don't, but my brother seems to have."

"Has he caught up with him?" Nanyin asked gossiping after hearing what Feng Qingyi said about Feng Qingci.

Feng Qingyi shook his head: "I don't know about that, but they seem to be getting along pretty well recently."

"I think you can provide him with some love funds. Otherwise, it would be a bit bad if he spends money from other girls every day."

Nanyin and Feng Zhixing looked at each other, both a little shocked.

"Your brother is chasing other girls and actually spending other people's money!" Nan Yin looked like she couldn't believe it.

Feng Zhixing: "Then I think it's hanging."

The three of them were about to talk about Feng Qingci, when the door of the restaurant opened.

Feng Qingci walked in wearing a white down jacket.

Nanyin stared at the down jacket a few more times. It seemed to be a men's model from a brand she had endorsed before, and the price was quite high.

"What were you talking about just now?" Feng Qingci asked.

Feng Qingyi: "I didn't say anything. Just sit down and the food will be served soon."

"Qing Ci, why haven't I seen you wear the clothes you are wearing?" Nan Yin asked.

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