Two days later.

Jiang Huai sat on the hospital bed and dialed the number of his family.

After two beeps from the other side, a familiar voice was heard.

"Hey, who is it?"

"Mom, it's me, I've changed my number, you can save it." "

Oh, it's our Huai'er! As soon as I answered, a strange call startled me, and I almost thought it was a scam call!" On

the other end of the phone, an elegant and beautiful woman who still had charm and was undefeated in her bones was lying on a bamboo and rattan chair worth 10,000 yuan.

Holding a lacquered gold teacup, leisurely tasting the good dragon well, watching the scenic mountain villa, behind it is a luxury villa backed by the mountains.

If there is a famous bigwig on the financial list, drive around the mountain to experience rural life, passing by this villa.

It is inevitable to find that the beautiful woman sitting in the courtyard of the villa is the internationally famous fashion designer Shen Yan, and the wife of the richest man in Jiangling, the capital of City A.

Because of his talented and outstanding appearance, Jiang Anmin, who was the eldest son of the richest man back then, was madly infatuated and chased after him.

In the end, the young master moved the hearts of the beauties with sincerity, and this is what JAC is now.

However, Shen Yan really commented: The Jiang family's father and son are really a love brain out of a mold!

"Mom, what is Dad doing now?" Jiang Huai asked.

Shen Yan said casually: "Is your father busy farming?" "

You let him pay more attention to his body, his son will earn money now, let him do less work, rest more, watch TV at home, and feed the chickens." Jianghuai said.

"Son, don't worry, Mom will persuade your dad more and let him plow less land.

Shen Yan lifted Erlang's legs and beckoned the servants in the house to peel grapes.

"Mom, the humidity in the mountains is heavy, and you have rheumatism, pay more attention to your body in your hometown, don't delay your health in order to save electricity, the dehumidifier at home is going to be fully opened, and the electricity bill is not enough, just look for me." Not

to mention, being hit by a car like this, Jianghuai cherished his life a lot.

Thinking that his parents raised him with hard work, he made himself like this for the sake of a woman.

It's really a ghost, if you really get hit and killed.

Who are you worthy of?

The first thing to be sorry for is the nurturing grace of your parents.

Jiang Huai remembered his parents who worked hard in the mountains, facing the loess with their backs to the sky, and finally earned some hard-earned money to let themselves study to change their fate and come out of the mountains.

He really wanted to slap himself hard!

"My Huai'er has really grown up and knows how to care about her mother, don't worry, our family has a lot of money, you have to take good care of yourself outside, listen to your mother, we have to eat and drink everything!"

Picking up a peeled green sunshine grape and looking up at the sunny sky, it was so good!

It is true that she listened to the words of the master and worked hard to disguise her son who had been poor for so many years, he was really sensible and considerate, but he lacked roots.

Shen Yan chewed on grapes, and his thoughts drifted back to more than twenty years ago.

When she and her husband traveled to a Buddhist holy place, they drove past a Nagoji temple where incense was flourishing.

I felt the traction in the dark, and immediately led the one-and-a-half-year-old Xiao Jianghuai into the ancient temple on a whim.

There is a powerful master called Buddha's eye in it, and it is said that only people who are sincere and destined are accepted, and it is difficult to see a thousand daughters on weekdays.

As soon as she entered, she did nothing, and the little monk in the temple led herself in to meet the master named Buddha's Eye.

Passing through the corridor, there is a row of green bamboo elegant rooms, from time to time there is the sound of wooden fish beating, and the Zen sound comes from the inside, so that an impetuous heart can be completely calmed.

I don't remember the rest very well, and the appearance of the master is also blurred, probably the Buddha was born in Vientiane.

I only remember the conversation: "Donor, your son is a rare love species, there will be a lot of rotten peach blossoms in the future, if you let it develop, I am afraid that you will be deceived of all your family wealth, your wife will be separated, and you will be lonely for a lifetime!"

Shen Yan believed most of this, because if Jianghuai and his father were not in love with him, he might also have the momentum to develop in this direction.

"Master, may I ask what is the way to change your life?"

"Change your life!" The old man has no long things, if he forcibly changes the life of the little master of your family, I am afraid that he will lose his life!" Shen

Yan forgot how much he donated at that time, and it was probably a million incense money!

The master was really a master, and immediately gave a method:

" Pretend to be poor before the young master is twenty-five years old, the poorer the better, and slowly reveal the family wealth after the young master is twenty-five years old, the little master's mood will change, and the donor will also have a peerless good daughter-in-law. She

has investigated, her son is now twenty-five, and she is still around the money-worshipping girl who she doesn't look down on, and is full of petty childishness, crazy to flatter, it's really unlucky!

What about her good daughter-in-law!?

"Hey, Mom, why don't you speak?" Could it be that the signal in the mountains is not good

?" Jiang Huai chattered on the mobile phone for a long time, and when he saw that no one responded, he said confusedly, "Hey?"

"Alas~ smash, Mom is still there!" Shen Yan's gentle tone revealed a hint of urgency.

"Mom asks you something, how are you getting along with your girlfriend lately......? Bah.

Shen Yan covered her mouth and almost missed her heart, "It's just that your kid is so precious that your girlfriend is always hidden, when will you bring it back to show your mother!"

Jiang Huai felt uncomfortable when he thought of his ex-girlfriend Bai Chuchu.

Now in the face of the inquiries of my relatives, I can't stop pantothenic acid in my heart.

His throat choked, and his eyes turned red, "Mom-I-

" "Smash, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Yan heard his son's reaction, and his heart was overjoyed, and his heartbeat rose to his throat.

It's divided, eighty percent is divided!!

it's great, her peerless daughter-in-law is finally about to appear!

Jiang Huai recalled that he had been four years, and he wanted to take Bai Chuchu to see his family several times, but people always prevaricated themselves with the reason that the mountain roads were difficult to walk and muddy, and they did not want to go.

He even refused to let himself tell his parents, relatives, and friends his real names.

I thought she was shy and shy.

Now that I think about it, if I really like myself, I'm afraid I won't dislike it so obviously.

It has long been so obvious that people don't love themselves, and he still gives pity to others.

For a while, Jiang Huai had no face to tell his old mother who was full of expectations for his future daughter-in-law.

"It's okay, I'm fine with her. Jiang Huai raised his head and forced back his tears, "Mom, don't worry!"

Shen Yan held the champagne in his hand that had been opened in advance for celebration, and listened to Jiang Huai say this.

was immediately poured a basin of cold water, the smile froze on his face, and his expression was changed to the face of the old man in the subway.

Smash, your mother and I have opened the champagne, and relatives and friends are waiting for the notice, just waiting for you to say break up.

As a result, you will tell your mother this.

You're so disappointed for

your mother!" "Oh, okay, bring her to see her next weekend, my mother is old, if you want to go down at this rate, I'm afraid you will make your mother and I lie on the coffin board and not see our grandson!" Ms. Shen's tone was a lot colder.

She received a lot of photos of Bai Chuchu from private detectives, and recently, there has been a frequent appearance of an emotional fraudster pretending to be rich and handsome.

This is even a green hat put on her son, and her stupid eldest son is still kept in her bones and played by others.

She wanted to see for herself how scheming the girl was.

Jiang Huai was embarrassed, "Mom! I .........."

"Don't refuse, otherwise, your mother and my heart can't stand it!"

"Dudu ........." hung up.

Jiang Huai suddenly felt that this task was like a heavy mountain, and his head was big!

He had just broken up, even if he was looking for a pretending girlfriend, where could he find someone now?

——The door opened with a click


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