The old monk hid in the temple with the little novice monks. All the houses in the temple have collapsed right now, and the old monk has already opened up the power in his body to protect the little novice monks in the center.

At this time, the temple could no longer be stayed, and in an emergency, four cranes had already appeared beside the little novice monk.

The leading crane said anxiously: "Hurry up! Let's leave now, that senior can't suppress his will to fight. If we don't leave, in a minute at most, he will explode like never before. the power of!"

The old monk's face was shocked.

He hastily put the little novice monks on the back of the Crane Gate, there are 7 little novice monks in total, and 4 cranes are just right.

Then 4 cranes took 8 people and left the temple quickly.

Then the old monk turned towards the center of the sea, looked over, and saw the huge fire tornado connecting the sky and the earth at the edge of the sky and the earth.


The sky is black and so is the ground!

Between black and black is this dark green fiery red flame!

During the rotation of the flame, one could see the force tearing the world apart, and the surroundings could already hear the obvious sharp howling!

And the surrounding sea water was swept up and flew around, and there were hailstones as big as a head, smashing them wantonly!

The thunder and lightning all over the sky are like spider webs, dyeing the clear sky into chaos.

The speed of the four cranes continued to increase, and they hurriedly fled in one direction.

During the flight, the huge shock wave caused by the fierce fighting can still be heard in the distance.

These shock waves have already traveled such a long distance, spanning half of the sea! Falling on the surrounding trees, these trees are like candlelight in the wind, and they are like a lonely boat on the dark sea before the storm.

The crane shouted loudly and terrified:

"I can feel the thought of the senior, he is telling us to leave, he doesn't want anyone to disturb his battle, and all the creatures in this area have already received this notification, you can find that all the creatures around Running away."

After the old monk heard it, he immediately looked down at his feet!

Sure enough, just like what the crane said, countless animals in the mountains are fleeing towards the outside of the sea.

The sea is already quite a huge existence, is such a huge sea not enough to become a perfect battlefield?

Oh my God!

How terrifying is their fighting power.

"And senior is still suppressing his fighting power?"

"In this case, he is still suppressing his combat power, so how strong is his combat power?"

The old monk is afraid to speak now!

Only the figure of Yuchi appeared in his mind, and after this figure appeared for a second, he didn't dare to think about it any more.

This is already a kind of battle beyond their realm, even more terrifying than the battle of gods and demons they imagined.

It was brutal.

"Senior is really worthy of being a senior!" The old monk is now 100% sure that Yuchi saved them twice before.

Even if Yuchi himself didn't say it, judging from the current situation, the young man fishing on the small island in the middle of the sea must be their savior.



I don't know why the battle happened, but please win.

The old monk was sitting on the back of the crane, holding a little novice monk in his arms. He closed his eyes and put his palms in front of him. He was constantly reciting sutras to Yuchi!


"damn it!"

"Why are you not intimidated by my dragon power, why are you not kneeling in front of me, why are you able to stand up and fight with me?"

In the very center of the sea, this situation can no longer be described in words, it can only be said to be a fight between gods and gods!

A real fairy fight!

A large hole with a diameter of 500 kilometers appeared in the center of the sea. All the sea water in this large hole has been evaporated by the fire tornado!

The fire tornado sent the sea water into the sky, and the sea water fell violently in the sky, but the fall was impossible!

So much so that the weather around here is so bad that it is cruel and ferocious like the end of the world.

Yuchi, who was holding a trident, was covered in blood all over his body!

Under the constant awe of the Canghai Dragon King, his body was forcibly shattered, but was continuously fused by his own Dao Yun!

At this time, he was like a porcelain doll full of cracks. The surface of his skin was full of mottled cracks, as if he would be broken into pieces with a light bump.

But even so, he is still quite terrifying standing in this world!

The trident in his hand waved again and again, and every violent bombardment caused the dragon king to retreat more than 10 kilometers, and there were hundreds of thousands of attacks every second!

The sky is cheering for it.


The Canghai Dragon King, who was full of thunderous power, slapped the trident with his palm, and the trident was actually snapped off amidst the violent impact!

Yuchi didn't hesitate at all, grasped the broken trident one from the left and one from the right, and stabbed towards the body of Canghai Dragon King!

Canghai Dragon King's scales shattered, and he was actually injured!

When Dao Yun was suppressed, the blood in Yuchi's body seemed to be boiling.

"Damn it!" Canghai Dragon King roared out!

Yuchi ignored Canghai Dragon King's palm after palm attack, and forcibly pushed the Canghai Dragon King into the fire tornado that blocked the sky and the sun in the background.

Standing in front of the fire tornado, Canghai Dragon King looked behind him from the corner of his eye, and the diameter of this fire tornado has reached more than 200 kilometers!

The roaring fire tornado is like a terrible shredder.

"You must not be pushed into this fire tornado by him, otherwise things will be troublesome!"

The Canghai Dragon King didn't know why the opponent could still show such terrifying power when Dao Yun was suppressing him!

The will to fight in this body is already strong enough to make him terrified, especially his wide open mouth during the battle...

It turned out to be wanton laughing!

This is a smile that comes from the heart!

Crazy and crazy!

It seems that there is nothing in this world worthy of his remembrance, he is just enjoying the life and death in front of him.

"I want to tell you, the gap between you and me is like a cloud and mud!"

"You are an ordinary person, how dare you show such a smile in front of my Dragon Clan!"

Canghai Dragon King stretched out his hand and grabbed the back of his neck, and with a violent pull on his neck, his dragon spine was actually pulled out.

The dragon's spine was soft at first, but then it was shaken violently by his wrist, it was like a magic whip that could hit the gods!

A whip slammed towards Yuchi's head!

The sky and the earth changed color, ghosts cried and wolves howled, the hail from the sea swayed wantonly, Yuchi's head was instantly smashed open, scattered fragments and eyeballs exploded everywhere!

But it was just a short breath, his head returned to its original shape, but his chin was not formed, and a half-long tongue was hanging down bloody, his smile appeared even more ferocious and crazy: "Hahahaha, haha Ha ha!"

He is laughing!

The laughter in his throat is quite wonderful, and two of his 4 skills are now invalid.

But it's okay.

The battle itself does not seek to win, but only the determination to kill the opponent.

This is his Wei Chi way of war!

"Jie Jie! Come on! Dragon King! Let's die together!!!"

His hands slammed into the Dragon King's body, all the bones in his body were shattered, but he was not afraid of the hail, no matter the weather, no matter the power of the dragon, no matter anything in this world, he would set the Dragon King on fire. Dance in the fire tornado push!

He wants to die with this Dragon King!

"You human lunatic!"

The Dragon King's complexion gradually changed, and his dragon spine kept blasting Yuchi's body violently. The body was shattered by the touch, but recovered quickly.

Each recovery is one less slice than the previous one.

Every time he attacked, his body became more broken.

But it doesn't matter.

I want to enter that crematorium with you!

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