In the wilderness, the weather is bright.

No one can see the current situation.

Yuchi had come to a remote place with the three dragon brothers, he was standing on the highest point of a mountain not far from the three dragons, there was a blooming flower beside him, and this place was a distance away from Xuantianzong is extremely far away.

It is a very suitable place for fighting.


"I originally intended to treat you as my prey, but now that you are saying this, then our Dragon Clan can't help but give you face. Right now, our three brothers will start a very brutal pursuit of you. I hope you don't want to kill me." It is said that we bully the few with the more, because our Dragon Clan is such an existence, we are steadfast externally, but internally we are full of grievances and old enmities."

Long Fengyun looked at the man in the distance in front of him rather helplessly and with emotion.

To be honest.

This world is really difficult, many things, many things happen in front of you, this is indeed not something that can be resolved overnight, and under such circumstances, the Wanzu will indeed go crazy, so in the case of going crazy, this often happens Represents the fall of life.

It's just a pity, Yuchi himself is still a very powerful person, he Long Fengyun really regarded Yuchi as an opponent, and chose to continuously increase his strength, so that one day he would kill Yuchi, and in terms of the current situation Said that Yuchi was not going to fight him alone, but chose to stand on the opposite side of their dragon clan.

Long Fengyun really couldn't think about the thoughts of a lunatic. Perhaps this human race has some psychological problems, and he should receive some proper psychological treatment.

Long Fengtian said the last thing to Yuchi, his tone was quite deep, he was obviously suppressing the restless breath in his body:

"Although I don't know your name now, I have something to tell you clearly before the battle."

"This has nothing to do with grievances, it's just a personal grievance between our Dragon Clan and you, there is no right or wrong."

"This is something determined by the blood flowing in our bodies. There is no right or wrong, so whether you killed us or we killed you today, I hope that all of us can accept the result calmly. Don't say right or wrong, just talk about the result, if you can agree, then we can start fighting."

And Yuchi gave a positive answer very easily: "Come on, boys, I hope you can completely destroy me."

Long Fengtian gritted his teeth and nodded.

Looking at Yuchi, Long Fengshan was already looking at a dead person.

Long Fengyun could only choose to shake his head and sigh.


The three of them rushed towards Yuchi in an instant!

The mountains shook in an instant, and three huge waves rushed towards Yuchi's face from the horizon!

And Yuchi directly launched a frontal counterattack.

He came to Long Fengyun in an instant, and when there were still some surprises and sighs in Long Fengyun's eyes, he was also apologetic.

"It starts with you."

Grasping Long Fengyun's head with one hand, with a palm lightly imprinted on Long Fengyun's body, a huge hole suddenly appeared in his body.

The entire lower body was completely blown away!

And the upper body was instantly shattered, so that a cluster of brilliant bloody fireworks bloomed in the sky, leaving the brilliant golden dragon scales scattered and brittle, just like colored glass bursting in the sky.

Long Fengyun was instantly killed.

He didn't even see Yuchi's movements clearly!

The remaining Long Fengshan's palm directly fell through the air, and when Yuchi came to him, he grabbed his head directly, and with the body's effortless force, the whole head and spine were pulled out of the dragon's body, accompanied by Seeing Yuchi throw away the head, Long Fengshan was also instantly killed.

The dragon's head just slid down towards the ground on the top of the mountain, and the golden blood was splattered wantonly. This kind of scene made Yuchi intoxicated.

In the end it was Long Fengtian.

Licking his tongue, Yuchi dodged a huge palm!

With the constriction of Long Fengtian's pupils, he has already come to Long Fengtian in an instant, and the palm of his hand is easily pressed on Long Fengtian's neck, and with the fingers clamped easily, one finger after another is already It was deeply embedded in Long Fengtian's neck.

Golden blood sprayed from the holes in the fingers.

Long Fengtian instantly felt the approach of death.

It had just started and within 10 seconds, Long Fengshan and Long Fengyun were instantly wiped out, and they couldn't even cause any damage to each other!

And the opponent dodged his attack so strangely that he even strangled his own neck!

It was like choking a lost dog that was strangled by fate!

What a terrifying strength this is!

Yuchi's eyes showed a lot of apologies. When Daoyun was not as strong as Canghai Dragon King, he could fight with great persistence. Now that Daoyun completely crushed the opponent, he naively thought that the opponent could do it As persistent as he is.


"You are really disappointing, you are simply incomparable with your ancestors."

"You dragon clan have already lost their souls."

"Such a dragon family, just die."

Long Fengtian stared wide-eyed.

In his eyeballs, there is no way to show the supreme coercion among the races. In these eyeballs, there is only the guilty conscience and strong self-blame after being reprimanded by the elders.

He was about to say something, but Yuchi no longer had any compassion.

This is how the Wanzu are.

There is no right or wrong.

Only fighting with each other.

With one hand, he pulled out the opponent's throat directly from his neck, and pulled out the entire internal organs that were flowing with golden blood.

Along with the gradual shock and fear in Long Fengtian's eyes, Yuchi's eyes were full of calm and indifference.

So much so that the palm of this hand erupted with extremely terrifying Dao Yun in an instant.

The surrounding world shook!

A large hole with a diameter of one thousand kilometers appeared in the sky!

In the middle of the big hole is the completely shattered Long Fengtian, and his golden scales that gradually dissipate!

The dragon seals the sky.

Long Fengyun.

Long Fengshan.


And after killing these three Dragon Clan members, Yuchi's heart was quite peaceful.

He looked at the fairly flat ground around him, and he felt that he was getting more proficient in controlling his strength.

Then I heard his muttering: "It seems that the Canghai Dragon King made me look up to the Dragon Clan, but in fact they are just like that."

"It's not interesting."

Yuchi left.

With the golden dragon blood scattered all over his body, he didn't even feel the passionate flames in his body. For him, it became increasingly difficult for him to experience the joy of this kind of battle.

Simply crushing becomes more and more boring.

Sure enough, the Wanzu is like that now.

The real strong still have to see the ancient ghosts.

After all, even though the ancient ghosts have been dead for many years, their will to fight is unmatched by all races at this stage.

Then go back to Xuantianzong and talk to the old monk.


I went back to the sea to fish.

As for the quality of the body, it has increased violently again. After killing these three dragons, his full attributes have reached a new level.

Constitution increased from 580,000 to 1.02 million.

Strength increased from 670,000 to 1.2 million.

Speed ​​increased from 500,000 to 1.1 million.

Daoyun third grade (1%).

One skill was not released, and the three dragons were completely wiped out.

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