Yuchi still left after all, and it was 2:00 in the middle of the night when he left.

Feng Yi and Qin Lanyu watched Yuchi leave, and finally the two beautiful women sat in the dining room laughing and chatting.

To be honest, the relationship between the two of them is very good because of Yuchi's existence. Usually you help me and I help you, which can be regarded as a happy and harmonious relationship.

Qin Lanyu looked at the beautiful Fengyi in front of her, and there was some emotion in her words, and her eyes were full of tenderness: "Sister Fengyi, thank you for inviting me this time, after all, I can tell that you should still like it very much Yuchi's."

The relationship between Qin Lanyu and Fengyi is said to be friends as well as friends, and even rivals in love can be regarded as rivals in love. After all, both of them deeply like Yuchi, and this kind of love has become deeply rooted. love.

So under such circumstances, Fengyi was able to invite Qin Lanyu to have dinner with Yuchi, which in itself was quite magnanimous.

At least from Qin Lanyu's point of view, she was very grateful to Fengyi. After all, she was able to talk so much with Yuchi today, and this was also the key role played by Fengyi itself.

But Fengyi's answer seemed a little playful and a little blunt: "You are welcome, sister Qin Lanyu, there is no grievance between the two of us at all. If one day I can pursue Senior Yuchi, or you If we can pursue it, then it should be a blessing to each other, at least as far as our current situation is concerned, we are still a little far away from our predecessors!"

Qin Lanyu couldn't understand what Feng Yi said for a while.

When she came back to her senses, she couldn't help laughing, a bright smile spread all over her delicate cheeks, her eyes were a little sad, but warm and emotional: "That's right, there is nothing we can do now. It is quite a good thing to meet the back of the senior, and to be able to hug and walk forward together under such circumstances."

This is what Feng Yi wants to express.

Now she looked at this city with a population of tens of billions that was gradually disappearing, and the expression on her face became a little melancholy at some point.

There was mist floating in the cup, and it started snowing outside the restaurant at some point.

After a while, she suddenly asked, "Sister Qin Lanyu, when do you think we can meet him again?"

Qin Lan was speechless.

The green and pleasant eyes that make people feel very warm, are also slightly disappointed at this time.


When can we meet Yuchi again?

do not know.

really do not know.

In the hearts of the two of them, Yuchi is like a wandering traveler. Under such circumstances, how can we wait for the traveler to return to his hometown? If you want to pursue Traveler, the only choice is to follow him.

However, his strength is quite terrifying.

Quite shocking.

As for the Supervision Department... After they learned that Yuchi had left, they breathed a sigh of relief after all.

It is estimated that no one in the entire human race knows Yuchi's horror better than them.

The insanity of slapping Goddess Baiwang cannot be forgotten no matter what!

The director of the Supervision Department looked at the late night outside: "I wonder if these two beauties will be a little scared knowing that the person they like is so unique?"


In the daytime, the sky is just bright, and the sea and the clouds are dizzy.

Sure enough, Yuchi went back and forth between the human city and the sea within a day.

Returning to the incomplete island in the center of the sea, the fishing rod in Yuchi's hand did not show any melancholy, he just sat down quietly, sitting in the center of the sea with a little rain and dew, and threw the fishing rod into the sea , his eyes gradually calmed down.


The sea is wonderful.

A mighty ocean, the blue sky and white clouds are reflected in the ocean, as if sitting between these mirrors, looking around.

Although Qingshan is gone, it can still feel full of vitality.

Then I breathed in the slightly moist air, and waved my fingers lightly, but I could still see the remaining breath beating on the fingertips.

"I left Canghai in the last six months, and Canghai is too familiar to me."

He came to Canghai one after another, but after three years, he will completely leave the city where the human race is located. As for the circumstances under which the rest of his life will be spent, Yuchi doesn't know, and he doesn't know much, but he has already It is to slowly stop thinking.

The road ahead is long, the future is not bright, the road is difficult, full of ups and downs, it is life.


Flash forward to March.

Inside the Xuantian Sect.

Elsania has just received her salary for this month.

Proxis, as the new suzerain of Xuantian Sect, even though he is a dolphin clan, there will still be jealousy of some thousands of clans behind his back.

After all, the porpoise race doesn't even have the prestige of the human race among the thousands of races.

On the whole, Xuantianzong has gradually returned to the peace of the past, and the disappearance of Long Fengyun has been gradually forgotten by the thousands of people in Xuantianzong.

New problems still arise.

This is the suzerain from another sect.

His name is "Yuhe", and he is the patriarch of the angel clan.

The angel race calls themselves the apostles of heaven. They have the same body and facial features as the human race, but they have a pair of beautiful wings behind them.

And from the four words "Apostle of Heaven", we can see that the Angel Race itself is a very proud race.

The purpose of Yuhe coming to Xuantianzong this time is quite simple.

Hearing that the suzerain of Xuantianzong, Long Fengyun of the Dragon Clan, was defeated, he was quite curious about the strength of the new suzerain of Xuantianzong.

If the suzerain of Xuantian sect is stronger than him, he is willing to leave very calmly, but if the suzerain of Xuantian sect is too weak, then he is very willing to take over Xuantian sect, so that the suzerain of Xuantian sect can completely become one of his dogs.

No suzerain will refuse to increase the jurisdiction.

Right now, Yuhe has found Prosis.

He just stood calmly in front of Prosis, his haughty golden pupils flashed the jokes from the apostles in the sky, after confirming that the Wanzu in front of him was a dolphin tribe, Yuhe said calmly and slowly: " I never imagined that Xuantianzong, who had some strength in the past, would end up in such a fate, and the new Xuantianzong suzerain is actually a porpoise clan?"

Prosis looked at the angel in front of him, and in his hand was a flying ax that had just been forged from rare ore: "I don't know why the suzerain of the Sun Sect came to our Xuantian Sect this time?!"


"It's very simple. Help the Xuantian Sect's 10 million people to test whether the Xuantian Sect's suzerain is strong enough to protect the entire Xuantian Sect."

He is tall, similar to a dragon, about 3 meters long, with a slender body, wearing gorgeous golden armor, which is shining brightly.

The white wings on the back are more like coming to life, the wings are waving gently, while Yuhe is talking to Prosis, while gently wiping the dust on the wings, he seems to dislike the whole Xuan The space of Tianzong.

Prosis didn't speak, but there was a lot of sullenness on his face.

Yuhe didn't care about Boluo Xisi's current expression at all, he just slowly said to Proxis in a harsh high-pitched voice that made people uncomfortable: "Just like the respect of my angel family among all races, the angel family is indeed A very noble race, we have pure and noble blood flowing in our bodies. If you, Prosis, give up your resistance to me now, then I can still include you as a vassal race of my angel race, Let your porpoise clan become a vassal of my angel clan. In this way, your porpoise clan has brought some noble blood after all, instead of being stinking like pigs like before."

After Yuhe finished speaking, he shook his wings lightly.

During the vibration of the wings, there was an ear-piercing sound, and the majestic eyes fell directly on Prosis:

"Give me an answer, humble porpoise."

"Should I become a vassal of our angel family, or choose to be an enemy of our angel family?"

"Now is the time for you to make a choice!"

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