Castle in the Sky?

what is that?

Yuchi thought about what Sloven said, and seeing the other party's appearance, the other party really thought that the Sky City was a very powerful thing, could it be that the other party would not show such a noble appearance from the heart.

"Now let me show you my true strength."

"Be timid."


Sloven stretched out two fists towards the sky!


It is only more than 200 meters away from here, and this very fantasy-looking spaceship is quietly floating!

Another black hole appeared in the front of the spaceship.

This kind of gun hole is made of special spar, which contains powerful power of heaven. Just this attack can directly destroy a small race! And now the gun hole is already smudged with a layer of light blue power!

"Are these traveling merchants actually from Sky City?"

"This is indeed a bit sudden."

Yu Shengyun, who was cooking the last meal, also saw the appearance of the spaceship in the sky not far away through the wooden window.

She was also a little surprised.

She knew about the Sky City, and it was a place where only true traveling merchants were qualified to go.

In fact, these traveling merchants are like some special pirates.

On the one hand, they do this kind of serious business, and on the other hand, they are doing evil in this world.

And becoming a traveling merchant is not difficult.

If Yu Shengyun wants to become a traveling merchant now, she only needs to communicate with the traveling merchant, then buy a spaceship from the traveling merchant, and then recruit troops. Business.

But this kind of traveling merchant is nothing more than an idle existence. If you really want to say that you are in danger, although there will be other traveling merchants to help, you still have no way to go to the city of the sky!

Only a true traveling merchant can go to the Sky City, and only a real traveling merchant can know where the Sky City is!

So as long as they can join the existence of Sky City, this means that they already have a very powerful force!

"I thought he was just some idle traveling merchant, but I didn't expect him to have some relationship with Sky City."

"It seems that my luck with Yuchi is still not very good."

"We are just cultivating on the edge of the Moon God Sea, but we don't know when we attracted this hyena-like traveling businessman."

When Yu Shengyun thought of this, she began to feel a little worried, but she was not worried that Yuchi would not be able to survive this incident.

This is impossible.

No matter what angle she looks at, she is still very willing to believe in her man's strength.

What's more, she is not bad, if there is a real fight, then she can still help a little.

"It's just that the problem is not that simple."

The reason is that Yu Shengyun doesn't want Yuchi to have a hostile relationship with Sky City.

The thing is just like what Sloven said, the existence of the Traveling Merchant itself can be compared with the Tiandu Division!

Then take out the city of the sky, then the city of the sky is mysterious and powerful to a certain extent, and its overall power has already surpassed Tiandusi.

It is really a thing composed of a group of executioners.


"Don't you want to know our three things? Now one thing is more terrifying than the other."

"Can you feel this despair?"


"If I were you, I would already be kneeling on the ground and begging for forgiveness! If I were you, I would already be kowtowing to the other party! I would definitely ask the other party to kill me cleanly, and I would definitely I beg the other party not to treat me as a prisoner, otherwise the end will not be so tragic, hahahahahahaha."

Sloven is now in absolute arrogance.

Although he was able to join Sky City just two years ago, once he joined Sky City, he felt completely different.

Even though he would still extend a helping hand to other traveling merchants, he essentially felt that he was completely different from ordinary traveling merchants!

I am noble.

I am noble.

My bloodline is very different from yours.

You humble scumbags are still standing here talking to me? !



"Castle in the Sky!"

Sloven yelled loudly, his face was flushed, and he was extremely excited.

The guards behind them shouted this sentence in unison: "Glory belongs to the city of the sky!!"

Yuchi frowned.

This kind of crazy situation is really rare.

And their words sound very magical, almost like people who have been brainwashed.

But Yu Shengyun could pass the words of these guards, she understood very deeply that they really felt that Sky City was very powerful.

They really feel that they are a part of Sky City, which is definitely a very honorable thing to say.

That being the case.

Yuchi's eyes also fell into Sloven's crazy eyes, and he suddenly asked: "How should I get to the Sky City?"

Sloven was taken aback after hearing this.


He and the guards beside him burst into laughter instantly:

"Just you want to know where the Sky City is?"

"Are you worthy?"

"Take a good look at yourself now!"

"Even the patriarchs of some big races are not qualified to go to the Sky City."

"You still want to go to this sky city?"

"How on earth are you thinking about this?"

"Don't you realize that you are now in a state of complete despair?"

"Didn't you find that the advantage is on my side, Sloven?"

"Look at me!"

"Look at the guards around me!"

"Go and take another look at my spaceship in the sky!"


"What courage do you have to have this conversation with me?!"

The more Sloven spoke, the more excited he became, and the more he spoke, the more angry he became.

When the Traveling Merchant talked with these big races within the race, others respected him very much!

There are so many people in the race that they dare not have any conflicts with them.

I didn't expect to meet a blind boy in this wilderness.

That's OK.

This kind of kid is still killed directly.

He said to Yuchi in the most vicious tone: "Now the gunfire of the spaceship has locked on you!"

"As long as you move even one step, the spaceship will automatically fire."


"Kneel down and beg me, give me money, and I will spare you a happy death!"

"This is the relief that our Sky City bestows upon you."

"Thank you!!!"

Sloven said with extreme confidence.

And just when Sloven was about to issue an ultimatum to Yuchi, Yuchi's body was already moving.

It was as if he hadn't heard Sloven's threat.

He has some ideas of his own.

His gaze was already aimed at this spaceship not far away in the sky.

He wants to go to the inside of this spaceship.

As a result, just as he was moving, the spaceship in the sky instantly glowed with a brilliant light!

The sky and the earth whimpered, and the spaceship launched an attack on him in horror.

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