Worshiping the Moon God Sea is still an important thing.

Then, when the ceremony was slowly ending, everyone saw a small wooden house on the cliff in the distance.

The wooden house still has the appearance of some curling green smoke.

Is it inhabited? !

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay.

No way?

Are there still people living in this dangerous area?

"Why don't we go and have a look?"

"It's been a long time since we found any traces of living people around the Moon God Sea."

"What should we do if the other party is malicious towards us?"

"It should be fine, right?"

"Let me ask, you are waiting for me here!"

"Village chief, did you go there alone?"

"Yes, I think this opportunity to communicate with outsiders must be seized."

"But what if there is danger?"

"We don't have many chances anymore, we are already cursed by these gods."

The village head looked at the three people next to him.

These three people are relatively sound as they are already the chiefs of the small village, but even so, there is a feeling that they cannot bear to look directly at them.

They have no choice.

The other three could only agree. They took Yuehanjiang away and hid it on the edge, leaving the village chief alone to walk in the dense jungle.

You can also hear the voice of the village head attacking the monsters in the jungle.

"Why is there someone in this place?"

"The area around the Moon God Sea is very dangerous!"

"The number of those demons and ghosts is very large and very large!"

"Under so many demons and ghosts, the other party can still live comfortably. Haven't they been attacked by these demons and ghosts?"

Three people can't understand.

And Xiao Hanjiang is still not very clear about the situation, and it is just a baby who has just been born for more than 10 days, and has not even reached the full moon. Although this has been soaked in two or three times of medicinal soup, it is at best a baby who likes to cry.

Now Xiao Hanjiang is staying in her infancy, she is looking at the clouds in the distant sky, and she doesn't know what these clouds are.

I just feel that the atmosphere here is so comfortable.



And land.

That's enough.


After half an hour.

When the village chief saw a man fishing on the edge of the cliff at first, he didn't believe it.

This area is too dangerous, known as the cursed area, and the moon god may be upright in the eyes of outsiders, but in fact, the surrounding area is really full of all kinds of monsters and ghosts. People, this is definitely not dare to run amok around the Moon God Sea, let alone fishing on the edge of the Moon God Sea.

"Who is he?"

"Why can't I feel any strength in him, is he an ordinary person?"

"No, not an ordinary person, definitely not an ordinary person."

"If a person with no cultivation base stays in this place, he will definitely be directly killed by these demons!"

"The other party will never show any mercy,"

The village head is very nervous now, but he is still a little relaxed. After all, the other party looks similar to them.

So since they are all of our own people, since they are all of the same race, there shouldn't be any evil thoughts!


"Hello." The village head said to the young man in front of him proactively.

Of course this young man was Yuchi.

He had sensed the whereabouts of these people for a long time, and he was quite surprised that there was something similar to a primitive village in this area.

Not to mention that these people's strength is not strong.

If it is divided according to the level of human beings, then the strength of the village head is almost at the C level, no more.

And just when Yuchi was about to say something.

Suddenly, Govlan appeared in front of him.

Yuchi was suddenly a little surprised, it had been almost several months since he had seen Govlan.

Although Govlan will still help Yuchi communicate with the ancients, it is obvious that Govlan is still in the previous angry state.

I didn't expect Ge Fulan to appear now.

And during these months of rest and recovery.

Gradually, Govlan's face gradually became clearer. It can be roughly seen that she is a beauty, but there are still many defects in her whole body. For example, there are still a few holes in her body where you can see To see the opposite sky.

Ge Fulan said to Yuchi: "You help me accept her as my apprentice."

Yuchi: "Huh?"

Ge Fulan said with some orders: "The little girl they are holding in their arms, that little girl I want to take her as an apprentice."

Yuchi: "Huh?"

He slowly turned his head to look at the 'man' behind him who was called the village chief, but in fact this man was no longer a man.

The village chief in front of him is obviously dead, his body is already rotten and riddled with holes, and his eyes are very broken.

But obviously the other party didn't know that he was already a dead person.

He saw that other people in the same village were also normal people.

In fact, in Yuchi's eyes, these people have been dead for a long time.


This situation is quite special, is it a child raised by a group of dead people?

Ge Fulan's voice appeared in Yuchi's ear, which was a little more friendly: "Calamity star."

"You can understand him as the disaster star of an area."

"The existence of this kind of catastrophe is very rare. They are nurtured by the heavens and the earth, and they use the dead as their parents. Their talents are extremely high."

"If you don't care about her, then she will definitely harm one party in the future."

"You can also understand the disaster star as a race, a race condensed by the way of heaven."

"They can communicate with the heavens, let the dead be driven by them, and raise them into adults."

"You don't know the specifics now, but when you go to the Sea of ​​Sinking one day, you will know what I mean, but I hope you will never go to the Sea of ​​Sinking, You will die."

Yuchi temporarily ignored some questions from the village chief in front of him.

The village chief obviously thought he was a living person, and he was still trying to speak to Yuchi with the tone of a living person.

In fact, after Yuchi saw through the essence, the village chief had been dead for many years at least, and he was completely made up of some scattered bones and flesh.

As for that child, it should also be a special existence condensed by absorbing blood energy and absorbing heaven, earth and dao aggregates at the same time.

Is it from the disaster star?

Yu Shengyun temporarily stopped practicing.

Her pretty figure came to Yuchi's side, and when Ge Fulan saw Yu Shengyun coming out, she was so angry that she went back directly.

He even scolded: "Bad woman!"

And Yu Shengyun didn't know at all, didn't know that she was lying on the gun, she could also see the weirdness of the skeleton in front of her.

This person is already dead...

But why still alive?

Yuchi signaled Yu Shengyun to calm down temporarily with his eyes.

He said to the village chief: "I wonder if there is anything we can help you with?"

The village chief was immediately grateful.

He didn't know that he was dead at all, and he still said to Yuchi in what he thought was a very fluent language: "Senior, we have a lot of trouble here, don't you know that you are not afraid of being attacked when you stay in this kind of place?" ?”

Yuchi's eyes passed through the opponent's chest, and he saw the woods behind the opponent. After thinking for a while, he said: "The main reason why we are here is because I have a destiny with you, and I can feel your little love. There is a vitality in the village, if possible, I am still very willing to accept her as an apprentice."

The village head was immediately surprised when he heard this. Was the other party waiting here for them to come? Could it be that he was waiting for Yuehanjiang? !

So how powerful is the opponent's strength?

Yuchi showed his strength a little bit.

With a wave.

The Moon God Sea in front of him split a gully more than 30 meters wide from the middle.

Both sides of the gully are full of waterfalls made of water, which turned out to be such a spectacular scene deep in the ocean.

After the village chief saw it, he was already slumped on the ground in fright.

What kind of strength is this!

In fact, he doesn't know his current physical condition, he just thinks it's too difficult to practice all the way!

Seeing this kind of real expert now, I wish I could just kneel on the ground and hit my head on the ground.


Village head: "Please accept her as an apprentice, we are very grateful to you."


(Ask for some support, book friend boss, Gong Xi Fa Cai, thank you book friends)

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