"What is Yuchi's current strength?"

"I don't even have a deep understanding of his strength now."

"But he was able to defeat me before, so he must have a basic understanding of Dao Xin now."

"This is really a step-by-step walk towards heaven."

"Really wait until one day he suddenly realizes the Dao Heart, then he will really be staggering towards this slow ladder of heaven and heaven alone." For the next period of time, Ge Fulan stayed in Yuchi's In the fishing rod, she practiced with Yuchi.

And the way Ge Fulan obtains strength is very straightforward, that is, after Yuchi defeats these past dreams, then she will also obtain these strengths simultaneously.

In other words, Ge Fulan does have a sense of symbiosis with Yuchi in it.

Normally speaking, Govlan must be stronger than Yuchi, but in the actual battle, there is no way to do this.

It all boils down to one sentence.

Ge Fulan's strength can only be obtained through fishing, but Yuchi's strength is mixed with a lot of his insights, which is especially critical.

"It's a pity, when I went to help Yuchi increase his strength with peace of mind, my home was actually stolen by Yu Shengyun."

"This Yuchi really has no conscience."

"When you obviously have me, you still go to make trouble with flowers and grass."

When Govlan thought of this, she was still quite angry.

But there is no way.

From a logical point of view, this kind of thing means that the public says that the public is right, and the mother-in-law says that the woman is right.

Ge Fulan felt that Yuchi was her own property.

But Yuchi didn't know about this kind of thing a long, long time ago.

If you don't reveal this kind of thing yourself, but expect others to discover it, this is hiding too deeply.

And Yu Shengyun was even more innocent.

How did she know such a thing?

Who knew that there was always a woman by Yuchi's side to help.


When Yu Shengyun met Yuchi for the first time, Yuchi was fishing alone on the edge of the cold river alone.

Such a lonely person, who would have thought that there would be a woman silently helping him behind his back.

So now the more Ge Fulan thinks about it, the more helpless she becomes.

She just felt a little stupid.

She originally thought that one day when Yuchi really encountered a situation where he was about to die, she stepped forward to help.

It's like being a hero saving the beauty.

She could directly lock Yuchi as her personal item in an instant.

As a result, I didn't expect this day to come yet.

As a result, things became like this.

"Very angry."

But after Ge Fulan felt the Medusa in Yuchi's sea of ​​knowledge, she felt a little relieved.


And she's not alone.

Medusa originally wanted to conquer Yuchi, but now she just stays in his mind and restores her previous body.

At the same time, I also looked at other people's young couple over there sweetly.

Especially when other people's couples are happy at night, she can't just stand by and watch.

This must be more aggrieved than her Ge Fulan.

"Medusa is still a person you can get along with, and if you have a chance in the future, go and communicate with her."

"There is no worst, only worse."

"The other silver coffin falling cherry..."

"Why does she always have trouble with the little rabbit in Yuchi's old sea?"


"Silly girl."

Then, just after half a year had passed in a peaceful and stable manner, unstable factors not far away had already begun to appear.

It's a traveling merchant's spaceship.

Youshang's spaceship flew directly towards the area where the Moon God Sea was located.

Coming to the Moon God Sea this time was not just for fun.

There is also a Wanzu who is wrapped in a corpse cloth on the spaceship of the Traveling Merchant. The body of this Wanzu is quite strange.

His body was bent together.

In terms of height alone, it is at most one meter high.

But his body has a very huge head, which is like a big water tank on his neck.

Although his body was completely wrapped by these bandages, he could still see all kinds of bloodstains emerging from these bandages from time to time.

It's like a lump of rotten meat glued together.

You can even see something bulging under the bandage.

"What the hell is this ugly thing on our spaceship?"

"Can you just throw away this ugly thing?"

On Youshang's spaceship, when the other members saw the existence of this thing, they really shrank away.

"Let's not talk about this kind of thing."

"I just can't figure it out, it's very puzzling."

When a group of people stood in the corner and talked about the existence of this thing, each of them had a look of great fear on their faces.

"What are we going to do this time?"

"I have no idea what we're supposed to do."

"I don't know either, these are all orders."


The purpose of the traveling merchant coming to the Moon God Sea this time is very simple.

That is to release this monster above the Moon God Sea, and this monster will search for something.

Then they brought this thing back to Sky City, and the mission was considered complete.

And this monster has a master, and the strength of this master is as terrifying as the Taoist first rank.

The first grade of Taoism is already a legendary existence.

Everyone will be shocked from the bottom of their hearts when they mention the first grade of Taoism. This kind of thing is like money.

If it is simply mentioned that a certain person owns hundreds of billions of money, it doesn't matter in itself. Everyone knows that there must be such an existence in this world.

But if you really want to talk about the people around you, suddenly there is such a person with a fortune of hundreds of billions, then this feeling is shocking.

It's a very different feeling to be entitled to appear, to be able to appear, and to actually appear.

"Then why do you say that our Sky City is looking for this kind of thing?"

"If I knew I wouldn't be on this ship."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"In addition, this senior is very powerful."

"Why didn't he bring this thing directly to the Moon God Sea, why does he have to take our spaceship?"


"This is obviously such a strength, why do you want to take our spaceship?"

"The speed of our spaceship is placed in front of the Taoist first-rank, it is almost like a snail crawling."

Now the crew really can't understand.

You are very powerful, why don't you come here by yourself and have to take our spaceship?

Didn't you come here to torture people on purpose?

Especially in the middle of the night, these crew members could hear some painful howls emanating from the monster's body. This howling sound was indescribable, weird and hideous in the full sense, and was haunted by dreams from time to time. woke up.

Quite brutal.

While these crew members were talking, they didn't know when they found an extra figure beside them.

The body of this figure is quite slender.

In terms of height alone, it is three meters.

But in terms of width, it may only be more than 20 centimeters wide, but it has a pair of legs that are more than two meters long.

This leg is as thin as a bamboo pole, and the whole body is pitch black.

One head is round and weird, it is not like a Wanzu in the conventional understanding at all, and they don't know what the other party is at all.

And the appearance of this thing made these crew members dare not speak immediately.

They knew that this figure was the senior they were talking about just now, that is, a senior with full strength and Taoism.

And on the round head of this thing, a pair of mouths covered with knife marks appeared.

This mouth is like a deep cut in the skin, and it looks quite ugly.

No teeth can be seen at the back of this mouth at all, only a deep throat canal can be seen.

It seems that this mouth is specially opened for this throat.

"Previous, senior."

"You, hello..."

One by one, the crew members greeted this thing with trepidation.

In fact, this heart is already scolding the sky.

What kind of disgusting thing is this?

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