How could Yuchi not know about Ge Fulan's own love for him?

Of course, this kind of love is quite special.

This is a powerful possessiveness.

It's not like a dog owner or a cat owner has a possessive desire for pets, but like two matching building blocks possessing each other's ideas.

Very weird.

Of course, he can understand the behavior of Govlan. After all, Govlan has walked so far with him.

Now, using the words of the previous life, this little girl still has a bit of arrogance in it, but it doesn't matter.

Take your time.

Do not worry.

Just now, Ge Fulan also found a kind of divine flower that is abundant in this place, and Yuchi has also been to the past dream of the divine flower itself.

It was a vast sea of ​​divine flowers, and there were all kinds of divine flowers everywhere. Standing on the standpoint of a single divine flower, Yuchi could clearly feel the nobility emanating from the body of the divine flower, and he could even experience To the different beliefs of Shenhua.

That is a joy.

A joy of living in the large family of Shenhua.

It's just that it's not clear what Shenhua will do.

The past dreams of all the god flowers are basically the same, that is, a flower is growing very happily.

[Past: Moon God Sea - Purple Moon Flower]

[Difficulty: Dao Yun First Grade]

[Race: Divine Flower]

[Technique: Lunar Soil Spread]

[Introduction: Flowers from the depths of ancient times, each flower lives with a broken soul. They believe in the moon god Pharos. Come to the world once and for all, bringing light to the world. 】

After subduing this divine flower, Yuchi took a rough look at the introduction of this flower.

In fact, there is nothing to look at.

Except that the name of the flower itself is a bit different...

The strength of Shenhua itself, the race of Shenhua itself, the technique of Shenhua itself, and even the introduction of Shenhua itself are all exactly the same.

Now Yuchi also condensed the purple moon flower in his hands.


It is indeed a very beautiful flower.

The length of this flower is about 40 centimeters. It has a small head that shakes its head. It looks like a crescent moon. Under the small head is a slender neck with a little furry appearance. , like a giraffe covered with white fluff, and then look at the bottom of the neck, you can see many small hands.

These little hands turned into flower roots.

Not to mention the cuter it looks.

It's just that Yuchi doesn't dare to plant this kind of divine flower anywhere, the special energy and the special way of heaven brought by the divine flower are not something he can bear now.

"I finally got out of the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts in my mind."

"My sanity finally returned to some basic normality."

"I have even been able to experience the different tastes in the world, and I have already had some basic sense of identity with this world."

Yuchi was talking to himself.

"If I plant this kind of divine flower randomly at this time, the final result must be even more exaggerated than before."

"I will completely lose my sanity, and even only have some basic sanity, and all other sanity will become crazy."

"I shall become Pharos, the moon god."

Being a lunatic is quite an uncomfortable thing.

No one will care what this lunatic has experienced, only people will hate the unstable feeling this lunatic brings to people.

If Yuchi is just a person, then forget it, he doesn't care what the world thinks of him.

But he still has Yu Shengyun by his side.

In addition, there is still a child like Yue Hanjiang who needs to be taken care of.

It has been more than half a year since Yue Hanjiang became Yuchi's apprentice.

In the past half a year, Yue Hanjiang's growth rate was astonishing.

Now Yuehanjiang has grown to a height of more than one meter, it is hard to imagine that this is just a one-year-old child.

Not only that.

Now this little girl has almost the sanity of a normal human child who is four or five years old.

It is already possible to do something according to your own ideas.

But in terms of pure strength.

Yuchi didn't know how other races divided Dao Yun's previous realm, and if he just took the evaluation from the human side, then the current Yue Hanjiang already possessed C-level strength.

What kind of concept is this?

The strength of C-level is placed among human beings, which is already the existence that many warriors have pursued all their lives.

After possessing a C-level strength, it is quite proud to walk in a human city.

But such strength happened to a child who was only one year old.

have to say.

This is really quite embarrassing, is this the existence brewed by the way of heaven?

But as far as the current situation is concerned.

Yue Hanjiang's strength should reach the SSS level directly after 5 years.

Yuchi didn't need to teach Yue Hanjiang at all, he was simply responsible for protecting Yue Hanjiang, and she didn't need to practice at all.

Tiandao is actively taking care of her body.

Heaven is unique.

In the true sense, it is an existence born and bred by the Dao of Heaven.

So what kind of strength will Yue Hanjiang reach in the future?

"I don't know."

"But definitely strong."

And when Yuchi was thinking about something about Yuehanjiang, a spaceship flew over from the sky.

In Yuchi's eyes, this spaceship is only as big as a grain of dust.

But under this sunny day, this spaceship is still very conspicuous.

Traveling Merchant?

Yuchi obviously thought that this spaceship was here for revenge.

But will this happen?

When killing everyone in the spaceship before, it even imprisoned the surrounding heavens.

Under such circumstances, no one in Sky City should know this kind of news.

That's kind of weird.

And under Yuchi's observation, this spaceship just docked above the distant Moon God Sea.


Something was thrown from the spaceship, and it hit the surface of the very calm but shimmering Luna Sea.

A wave was stirred up.

And as the ripples on the sea gradually disappeared, a giant snake with baby arms all over its body appeared from the sea.

The head of the giant snake is like a distorted human head, with more arms growing all over its body, and it is crawling fast on the sea surface. This scene is quite disgusting.

"What is this?"

Yuchi frowned instantly.

He has traveled through many areas over the years, has seen many strange ancient times, and even seen many different races.

But it was the first time I saw such a weird thing.

This kind of thing made him feel quite uncomfortable.

This doesn't look like a basic creature, it's like a weird patchwork of things.

So what the hell is this thing?

Then, while thinking on Yuchi's side, this thin long snake more than 100 meters long rushed towards Yuchi's position.

It's extremely fast!

Countless arms slapped the surface of the sea fiercely. It was also strange and curious as it stepped on the sea!

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