Elsania is the woman's name.

She is from the elves.

Long, long ago, when Yuchi was in the sea, he had a very simple experience with Elsania.

Of course, this experience has long been forgotten by Yuchi.

He himself is not a particularly nostalgic person, especially when his strength was not enough before, his mental state was not good. I can't remember many things completely, only the few years I've been with Yu Shengyun now, it's a little bit better.

Of course, this kind of thing is only for Yuchi himself. Looking at it from another angle, it is completely different for Elsania.

Yuchi's existence is like a guiding light in her life.

She asked the old monk and the crane at the edge of the sea, where did Yuchi go? At that time, the old monk gave a simple answer, that is, Yuchi went to Hanjiang.

After Elsania thought for a while, she returned to the elves very decisively.

She directly explained the matter to the patriarch of the elves, saying that she needed to leave the elves because of some things.

The patriarch finally agreed after thinking over and over again. At that time, Elsania's strength was only SS rank.

Then Elsania resolutely went to Hanjiang.

For Yuchi, the distance of Hanjiang is very short.

But for Elsania, Hanjiang's path is not easy at all.

There are too many dangers on the road, and she was almost killed by other people several times.

Later, I finally came to Hanjiang.

Keep looking, keep looking, but in the end, I can't find where Yuchi is at all.

Elsania at that time was simply desperate.

To her, Yuchi is a completely powerful senior. Elsania doesn't even know why she followed him, maybe it was because she was rescued by Yuchi back then, or maybe it was because Yuchi's performance completely broke her Women's atrium.

No matter how.

In the end there was no way to find Yuchi's Elsania at all, and she returned to the elves rather bleakly.

Originally thought that this incident was over, but Yuchi's next performance soon spread to the elves, that is, Yuchi not only directly won the first place in the hunting competition held by Tiandusi, He even killed Andrew, the head of Tiandu Division.

Elsania, who got the news, fell into a great shock.

Especially from the patriarch of the elves who learned that Yuchi will be waiting for the people from Tiandusi in Hanjiang...

That is, when waiting for three years.

Elsania once suspected that Yuchi said that just to wait for her.

She immediately gave up Xuantianzong.

Immediately giving up all the glory she had gained in the race, she once again embarked on the road to find Yuchi.


For three full years.

She really didn't find it, really didn't find it.

In fact, Elsania had every reason to find Yuchi before, but at that time Yuchi went to the Qiling clan to help Jianxin to treat physical diseases, that is, during the period of time before and after this, so that Al Shania brushed past.

When Yuchi left Hanjiang later, Elsania couldn't find her even more.

But this time Elsania did not give up.

She stayed around Hanjiang again and again to search.

There is a specified period of time every day to look for Yuchi's footprints, and the rest of the time is spent in penance.

I don't know if it's the mercy of the heavens or my good luck, Elsania found a lot of treasures.

These treasures helped her directly break through the original SS-level strength.

until one day.

Elsania met someone from the Qiling clan by chance.

She asked about Yuchi, and Qi Lingzu asked her to go to the Angel Clan to ask, the Angel Clan might know about Yuchi.

When Elsania heard for the first time that Yuchi might be in the Angel Clan, she really felt a lot of fear in her heart.

What kind of race are the angels?

A real strong man.

Strong and scary.

Although there are not many people, the real fighting power of everyone in the Angel Clan is very brutal.

Especially the patriarch of the angel family.

Even more amazingly strong.

At this time, the elves are no match for the angels at all, and the elves are only worthy of mixing in a small sect like Xuantianzong.

She didn't even know what kind of reason she had to visit the Angel Clan, and Elsania even thought of the picture of the Angel Clan rejecting her.

However, Elsania finally went to the Angel Clan, and when she inquired among the Angel Clan, she learned that Yuchi had already left.

Of course, the angel clan didn't say that Yuchi left with their angel clan saint.

There is no need to publicize this kind of thing everywhere.

For the Angel Clan, it is enough for their own family to know, there is no need to tell outsiders, it will easily cause trouble for Yuchi.

Of course, for the people of the Angel Clan, they don't even know what the origin of Elsania is.

They also just simply perfunctory.

Behind is a member of the Angel Clan who really can't stand it, because Elsania only comes to the Angel Clan every other month to inquire about Yuchi's whereabouts, so in the end he also told Elsania, saying Yuchi is going to the Moon God Sea.

At that time, Yuchi had just left with Yu Shengyun, not too long ago.

So Elsania went to the Moon God Sea again.

Needless to say the hardships and ups and downs along the way, it has been many years since Yuchi arrived at the Moon God Sea.

Elsania has always been on the go.

Either they are on their way, or they are practicing, or they are avoiding pursuit, or they are fighting with others.

Nothing else can interfere with her actions.


This kind of thing has slowly turned into an obsession. If one day Elsania really can't find Yuchi, then she doesn't know what will happen.

No one knows about the hardships and obstacles along the way. This is just wishful thinking of a silly woman.

And now.

Elsania was still being hunted down by these traveling merchants, she was also secretly wiping tears while fleeing anxiously in the mountains around the Moon God Sea.

This feeling.

This feeling that she was about to have it, but was cut off by someone, made her feel extremely sad.

"Senior, where are you?"

Elsania cried in her heart.


In the sky above the Moon God Sea.

From the traveling merchant's spaceship, a captain's 'kind' voice came from: "You don't want to run around anymore, my friend."

"We're traveling merchants, and we're here to help you."

"You have to trust us, we are the kindest group of people."


"You must be quite tired by yourself."

"Come on our spaceship and have a sip of water, and we'll take you home."


When talking about the latter part, the captain finally couldn't hold back any longer. He laughed wantonly, echoing in the sky above the Moon God Sea.

Yuchi, who was fishing, shook his head, did he poke Sky City's nest?

Why is there another traveling merchant.

When did this traveling merchant become so common? Inexplicable.

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