Elsania she spoke the truth.

Although Elsania was really scared just now, no matter what, she didn't have any regrets, she just wanted to escape from the sky, and when she said this, she couldn't help it Looking at Yue Hanjiang, this little girl is really pretty.

It was like this at a young age, and I will get it in the future.

It is worthy of being born to her predecessors.

Yu Shengyun looked at Elsania, then at Yue Hanjiang, and then she probably guessed it, she said with a smile: "By the way, I forgot to mention just now, this child is his disciple, named Yue Hanjiang, although I usually have a good relationship with me, but the only person I'm really close to is him, so she didn't come over to participate in our communication."

Elsania was slightly taken aback.

Then look happy.

It turned out to be the apprentice of the senior, she really thought that Yue Hanjiang was Yuchi's child.

Yu Shengyun thought that it was thanks to her discovery of this misunderstanding, otherwise it would be almost impossible for Elsania to speak out on her own initiative.

Now she is signaling Elsania not to be too nervous: "And all of this is fate, and it is all predestined."

"I know you must have a lot of doubts in your heart right now."

"Then you can ask the question in your heart now. If I know, I will definitely answer you."


Yu Shengyun also glanced sideways at Yuchi who was sitting on the edge of the cliff outside the window.

Yuchi was still the same as before, sitting by the sea in ordinary days, fishing and practicing at the same time.

think about it.

If it wasn't for him being his pillow, it would be hard to imagine that such a man would be so powerful.

Feeling the warmth wrapped around her palm, Elsania was also extremely moved. Like Yu Shengyun, she couldn't help but cast her eyes on Yuchi's back.

Yuchi was still dressed as he remembered, ordinary gray clothes, the same one all year round, still without shoes.

At first glance, the whole person seems a bit downcast, but looking carefully at the calmness on Yuchi's face, one can see that he doesn't care about such things.

And the clothes that looked very down-and-out at first appeared to be a bit of chic that could see through the world.

It is really a powerful existence that can only be discovered after careful perception.

Elsania didn't ask Yuchi directly after that.

She thought it was a little hasty.

Instead, he moved his gaze away from Yuchi's body, and landed on the very beautiful Yu Shengyun in front of him again,

So here comes the problem.

This very beautiful girl in front of her, how strong is she now?

She also expressed her inner thoughts very nervously.

This kind of behavior of directly asking others about their strength is not considered friendly, but Elsania really cares too much!

Is it the Dao Yun realm?

Nine products?


Or fifth grade?

Yu Shengyun nodded with a smile and said: "My strength is not strong, but it is only the first grade of Dao Yun."

Yu Shengyun's answer was very simple, and she didn't have any intention of hiding.

But this kind of words fell into Elsania's ears, it was like hearing a shocking news.

"Dao, Dao Yun!?"

"One product?!"

Elsania sat there in astonishment.

There was too much disbelief in the sea blue eyes, the whole charming woman was like a lake with rippling water, and there was no way to keep calm in her heart.

She knows it!

She knows how difficult it is to increase the Taoism itself.

Elsania originally only had the strength of SS.

At that time, she thought that being able to possess the strength of SSS++ was already quite a remarkable thing.

It is absolutely possible to get great help in Xuantianzong's place ranking list, and it is already quite proud to say it.

Step by step to the strength of SSS++...

After breaking through the realm of ordinary mortals and entering the realm of Daoyun, I suddenly discovered how long the journey of cultivation in this world is.

How far is cultivation.

Even if she feels that she is very lucky, she has already found a lot of natural and earthly treasures, and she has already allowed her strength to increase rapidly in a short period of time. But after reaching the ninth grade of Daoyun, he suddenly realized that his original strength was placed in the realm of Daoyun, which was like a joke.

She doesn't know when she will be able to break through from the ninth rank of Dao Yun to the eighth rank...

As a result, this stunning girl in front of her is actually at the level of Dao Yun's first-grade strength?

What a terrifying strength this is.


She doesn't look very old, so why is her own strength so powerful? !

The more Elsania thinks about this kind of thing, the more she can't understand it. The more she thinks about it, the more she feels that her own strength is so bad?


It's no wonder that seniors like her, her own strength makes people feel quite safe.

Not to mention that it is particularly beautiful.

If you can get this kind of woman, then you are really lucky.

Let alone seniors, if I were a man, I would also like such a girl very much.

She was almost perfect.

Yu Shengyun looked at Elsania in a daze, and now this girl is completely unable to think normally, which is really very pleasing.

She then smiled and said, "Don't be so excited."

"I myself come from the angel family."

"I was a saint before the Angel Clan, so most of the resources in the Angel Clan fell on me. In this case, if I don't have a little bit of strength , then I am not worthy to be a saint before the angel clan."

"Or maybe the Angel Race itself is still a little bit worse."

Yu Shengyun felt that this was all reasonable.

Elsania may think that she has already found many treasures and has many opportunities, but for her, Yu Shengyun, such things as opportunities have already existed since she was born, so there is no need to waste time Going out on a treasure hunt.

That's the difference of being born.

And Elsania was even more frightened for an instant.

She looked at Yu Shengyun in disbelief.

saint? !

This beautiful woman in front of me is actually a saint of the angel family!

Who is the saint of the angel family?

A dream come true for many, many people!

And isn't the angel race 3 meters tall? Why doesn't it look like this now?

Why is he a little shorter than her?

Could it be...

Is it for the elders?


It must be so.

Even with the wings put away, this is the appearance of belonging to the same race as the senior.


Who is the senior?

Could this kind of saintess be able to stay by his side with peace of mind?


Under her cloak, her proud chest was heaving tensely at this moment, and her breathing seemed a bit shocking at this moment!

All this is too exaggerated!

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