Without the knowledge of Elsania and Yu Shengyun, Yuchi and Hanjiang exchanged a few words in lip language.

When Han Jiang went to practice obediently, Yuchi followed his own thoughts and thought slowly.

"The way of heaven itself has extremely high requirements for the body."

"If one's own body has not reached the limit, then there is no way to understand the way of heaven. Everyone has different answers to this process of pushing to the limit. I may not understand it back then, but now, I understand it. It's pretty much understood."

Yuchi was silent for a while.


Yuchi deduced according to the previous rules and understanding of cultivation: "Before the Dao of Heaven, all the preparations for the cultivators are to welcome the Dao of Heaven. After the Dao of Heaven, what kind of things are all the preparations for? ?”

Yuchi gave many, many guesses, and there may be a higher realm after Tiandao.

Maybe something more profound will appear after the Dao of Heaven?

But as for what this thing is, no one can give a correct explanation for the time being.

"It's like when I am in the realm before the heavenly way, I have no way to know what the realm I am in."

"Only after going through it can we have a macro concept."

"And I haven't reached the realm of Dao Xin yet."

"Everything is just based on my own speculations and some random thoughts. Is the essence unfounded? Is it essentially random guessing?"

"No matter how."

"Sometimes I look up at the stars and the river."

"That's when I suddenly discovered that the whole journey of cultivation is essentially practicing in a cage."

When Yuchi thought of this, he was also slightly silent.

What is the way of heaven?

Now Yuchi has two different views on the way of heaven.

Let me talk about the first view first.

If the first view is put in the eyes of some pessimists, let alone cultivation, it means that Yuchi's current strength is all based on the way of heaven.

So under such circumstances, how could it be possible to surpass the Dao of Heaven? After all, all insights and horizons are given by the Dao of Heaven.

Things beyond the Dao of Heaven don't have that third eye, so how can they see clearly? How can you make a breakthrough when you can't see clearly?

Everything in the world must be seen first, felt first, and observed first, and then it can be studied.

Otherwise, all this would not be counted as fantasy, but as a kind of wild association.

"If anyone in the world can really imagine, then this person must have a real third eye."

"Everything in the world, including me, can only be associated now."

"Everything in the world, all the fantasies in my mind, are nothing but in-depth speculation based on what I have seen and heard about this world."

"Actually, fantasy is the most difficult thing in this world."

"It's the most difficult thing in this world to fabricate something that you've never seen, never heard of, and has nothing to do with real life."

So purely from this point of view, Yuchi felt that the peak of his future cultivation would only be infinitely approaching the way of heaven, and it was impossible to surpass the way of heaven.

Of course, apart from this relatively pessimistic view, there is another view that can appear.

This is the second view.

This kind of view can compare the way of heaven to fire. What kind of feeling does it look like?

If Tiandao was a child, then the child called Tiandao set fire to the grassland full of licorice. He might just feel a little bored at the beginning.

At the beginning, he didn't think that he couldn't extinguish this small prairie fire, and all of this was under his control.

After all, with the grassland backed by the entire ocean, how could it be set on fire?

The way of heaven is the ocean, a pair of proud eyes under the ocean.

And the creatures in the world are like a prairie fire, very weak at the beginning, a random eye of the Heavenly Dao will be extinguished directly, but when the flame is really burning and the whole grassland is everywhere, then I want to extinguish it , which is a bit more difficult.

Not to mention, if this flame fills the whole world, can the Heavenly Dao still control this kind of fire?

So let's talk about it from this point of view.

Everything in the world, all kinds of creatures, although this is something created by the way of heaven, it is completely different from the way of heaven.

So from this point of view, all kinds of creatures have the opportunity to kill the way of heaven and surpass the way of heaven.

It's like the flame can be created artificially, and if the flame has self-awareness, it can also kill people.

As long as the two are not on the same line, there will be a transcendent relationship.

"In this point of view, the world contains the way of heaven and the living beings."

"As long as the way of heaven and the living beings are in the package of the world, then the living beings have the opportunity to break through the way of heaven."

"on the contrary."

"The world is the way of heaven, so things are a bit cruel."

"And what is the world?"

"Absolutely ruthless, simple things, like that stone."

When Yuchi was thinking about this matter, he couldn't come up with a pure conclusion.

If you think about this kind of thing too much, you will fall into a kind of confusion.

From the enthusiasm at the beginning of the practice, to the big surprises after the breakthrough in the middle of the practice, to the confusion that has appeared today, under different stages one after another, this will Creates feelings of self-doubt.

Is it my fate?

Or is it the right time, place and people?

The two families each hold a word, and the fight is indistinguishable.

But one thing is quite clear.

The stronger the strength, the more you can feel the ruthlessness of the Dao of Heaven, and the weaker the strength, the easier it is to live.

It is not as simple as saying that you want to get rid of layer after layer of prejudice in your heart, and finally see the blue sky through the clouds and mists.

The heavens and the world cover the sky and the sun, and being in it, there is endless chaos. Just to wake up, this is already very difficult.

"Maybe one day, I will wake up and look back on my life for thousands of years, and then I suddenly understand that all this is just a game of heaven?"

Yuchi held the fishing rod, and the moonlight under his feet fell in a row on the surface of the Moon God Sea, and the moons of various colors in the sky were arranged in a line.

Where is this again?

Is the world in the previous life behind a certain one of the moon?

do not know.

And there is one thing that Yuchi can be sure of now, after he breaks through the realm of Dao Xin, he will definitely go to the original ocean.

Under such circumstances, staying by his side is a very dangerous act, and he has no way to protect Yu Shengyun anymore.

At that time, Yu Shengyun still has to go back to the Angel Clan first.

That's a very sensible move.

As for whether Hanjiang was with Yuchi at that time, Yuchi couldn't be sure, maybe Hanjiang also needed to go back with Yu Shengyun.

"take it easy."

Yuchi threw away all the daydreams in his mind, it is enough to think about this kind of thing for a while, the current vision simply has no way to break through the inherent blockade.

Under invisible circumstances, all guesses are just in the process of guessing.

If you can't see it, you can't prove it.

That being the case, there is no need to worry too much.

Tomorrow will be better is just a big lie.

"After all, I can't even live clearly in the present, can I see through tomorrow?"

Yuchi smiled casually: "That's all."

"This kind of thing ends here, and the primordial ocean not far away will be more critical."

"According to what Govlan said, the primordial ocean should be a very dangerous place."

"As for the heart of the ocean, what is it? Is it the mysterious energy hidden under the original ocean? Or is it the root of the original ocean?"

And just when Yuchi was thinking about the matter of the original ocean.

Yu Shengyun, who was behind her, walked over gracefully.

She gently lay on Yuchi's back, trying to bring her flawless figure as close as possible to this man's soul.

Then the little girl said tenderly, "Sir, if I were with Elsania, would you be shy?"

Yuchi was taken aback.

He couldn't understand at first, but when he turned his head to look at such a charming woman under the moonlight, he smiled and said, "Why bother to be shy, it should be joy."

He really is a role model for my generation.


Yu Shengyun immediately bit her rosy lips, her face was filled with all kinds of shyness: "The girl Hanjiang has already fallen asleep in a daze, otherwise let's find a clean cave together now , you go and help Elsania too!"

"She's fine."

Yuchi immediately nodded.

He smiled and hugged Yu Shengyun's delicate body amidst Yu Shengyun's exclamation: "Let's go, enjoy yourself in time."

"As for grievances and sorrows..."

"After death, there is a lot of time to think."

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