Inside a rather magnificent building in Sky City.

A man wearing a triangular mask is negotiating with another man wearing a triangular mask. I don't know what the two men look like, but from the fluff that can be vaguely seen on their surface, it can be judged that the other party is Xing Tu family members.

"Such a big thing happened in our sky city, and it was calmed down in the end. I have to say that Adrian is still Adrian. His wives knew about these things, but they didn't feel any anger, and they even felt angry. Feeling very pleasantly surprised.”

"Is there any way to do this? Even if these seven people are all dead, no one dares to speak out about this kind of thing. Do you dare to tell other people in Sky City? How dare you tell this kind of thing?" To make it public? This matter obviously has nothing to do with us, we are living with the city lord anyway, if it weren't because the city lord is in a very bad state, I would surrender to him from the bottom of my heart like before."

Now some people in high positions in Sky City already know the situation of Adrian's seven sons. This kind of thing can't be hidden at all. Of course, Adrian didn't deliberately hide it, even this kind of news. Maybe it was released by himself.

After knowing this situation, most of Adrian's more than 90 wives showed ecstasy.

After these sons are killed, there must be existences that can continue to be used in the future.

Then it means that they have the opportunity to be Adrian's pillow.

Once there is this opportunity to give birth to a child for the other party, then his status must be very, very high in the Sky City.

From Adrian's point of view, although he already has a feeling of dying in the wind, but it has to be said that in his own race, even though he is quite weak now, there will still be many women within the race Very interested in him.

This is what status dictates.

As for the children born by themselves, can they be the Lord of the Sky City?

These women know it all too well.

Their children are not worthy.


How could it be possible? The probability of this is really too low.

After thinking about it, the Star Chart Clan has been frustrated for so many years, and in the end there was only one big man named Adrian.

This is the most powerful existence selected from the vast sea.

If there is another 'Adrian', from the perspective of probability, this child cannot be Adrian's child.

It doesn't deserve it.

The probability is simply too low.

This is why the royal family has directly abolished the basic reason after a few generations. Except for the founding emperor who was screened out, the other so-called children of the royal family just have a so-called exaggerated bloodline, and the others are just jokes. .

Unless the royal family is re-selected from the people, it will definitely continue to decline. This is a big problem in the system.

Dragons give birth to dragons and phoenixes, and sons of mice can make holes. The argument is only limited to the species itself, but it cannot determine the development of individuals.

It is even more humble to the soul to laugh at the other party with this unchangeable birth.

And stupid, incompetent, greedy.

This is a fatal flaw for the race, so if Adrian is really going to die this time, and wants to have a city lord of the Sky City in the future, then this city lord can't even be a member of the Star Chart Clan, or even people of other races.

There are accidents in everything, and it is a joke to regard such accidents as inevitable.

But no matter what.

For these female relatives of Adrian, it is their honor to be able to give birth to a baby for the hero, even if this baby will be used in the future.

And now when these two members of the Star Chart family talk about this matter, they are also very nervous.

"The problem now is very serious. If there is really a problem with the city lord, then we are afraid that there will be an internal struggle in our sky city. At that time, our star chart family may be driven out. Other races are now They are all staring at each other."

"There is no way. Although our Star Chart Clan is considered a relatively powerful race, this title is also due to the current city lord, Adrian."

"It was Adrian who led our race to where we are today. One day, if there is danger on his side, those races that were once oppressed by us will face us with 10 times and 100 times revenge , we are in great trouble."

"So what I mean is very simple. Do you have a basic plan, that is, once Adrian is really dead, what should we do? Should we take the other Star Chart people back to our hometown, or should we say that there is a big accident here? Bloodshed on a scale?"

"Don't ask me, this kind of thing can't be determined at all now, what if our city lord can survive?"

"Then what if there is no way to survive?"

When the two of them said this, they were also silent.

Adrian was really an invincible existence when he was young, and this was already the first-rank strength of the Dao species many years ago. But now that so many years have passed, he seems to be in the first-rank realm of Taoism, and even a special situation happened once.

Adrian left Sky City, went to a place, and came back after going to this place, looking sick.

No one knows what happened to him in that place, or where this place is.

But as far as these two people have seen.

They think that Adrian will not be able to survive the next hundred years, that is, there are still 100 years to live, and 100 years will pass soon. This kind of thing still needs to be prepared in advance, and wait until Adrian is really dead. To prepare, then it will be troublesome.

"I heard that they have begun to carve up some properties of Sky City."

"I've heard of it too, but I don't dare to act rashly now."

"Yes, this kind of behavior is obviously very stupid. Do you think the old man can't see it?"

"They typically dance on the tip of the knife. With the old man's temper, he can even send out his own children directly, let alone their group of guys. Now the old man doesn't want to care about this matter at all. Wait until When he regained his senses and managed this matter, none of these people who divided up the property of Sky City will survive."


"Then have you ever considered a question?"

"what is the problem?"

"What do you think the old man's reason for doing this is?"

"I don't understand what the hell you're talking about."

"What I mean is very simple. As ordinary creatures in this myriad of worlds, we are more or less selfish. Generally speaking, this is to make ourselves live better, or to provide a good life for our offspring. These are all secular selfishness, nothing special, but do you think the old man has any selfishness at all?"

The other party was silent.

And the man continued:

"As far as the current situation is concerned, the old man basically doesn't need any noble things in his daily life, and he is obviously thrifty."

"Then his need for material things is very little."

"Looking at this situation, there must be something else that attracts him, but after our discussion just now, we can already find that it is definitely not as simple as a mere offspring. The old man does not want to leave any real offspring in the world at all."

"Perhaps the old man has already seen it. He thinks that this world may be hopeless. Keeping these pure descendants or paying a lot of love is simply a kind of torture for future generations. Why don't we compare them with the last ones?" Ok."

"So now I can't understand what is driving the old man to do this thing. What does he want to get from this world? Is he wanting to have stronger strength, or to have a longer lifespan? This Not sure at all."

After this person finished speaking.

The two were silent for a long time.

The other party also shook his head blankly: "Forget it, don't think too much about this kind of thing, we haven't surpassed this stage of the world, how could we know what the old man thinks before this stage? He is finally our hero."

Another person said with emotion: "Yes, he is a hero of our clan, a hero that no one can defeat, and we have no right to criticize him."

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