Is the way of heaven benevolent or kind?

Adrian would be a little confused for a while. His thoughts seemed to have fallen into a predicament, and he was already on the edge of a dead end.

And things don't need to be considered at a deep level.

A simple example.

If a person is quite vicious and ferocious, it is impossible to tolerate another undeterminable factor appearing in front of him, not to mention that this undeterminable factor is still cursing him behind his back. .

Anyone who goes against their own ideas will be branded with the title of racial shame.

Yuchi smiled:

"So the way of heaven itself is a very objective thing, without any subjective meaning in it."

"Just imagine, if you were the Dao of Heaven, how would you treat the world?"

"Is it to reverse all the evils in this world completely according to self-awareness?"

"Forcibly turn all the evils hidden in people's hearts into goodness?"

"Or do you want to determine right and wrong in this world with your own will?"

"Then do you think that under such circumstances, this Heavenly Dao is still called Heavenly Dao? It might as well be called Adrian Dao."

Yuchi's opinion is also so simple.

Some things can be understood at a certain moment.

Some things can only be discovered at a certain moment before all the previous ideas are wrong.

This kind of thing is too normal.

He, Yuchi, was also like this.

Different stages of life correspond to different ideas, different ideas correspond to different situations, and these ideas will change as the situation changes.

Now Yuchi is no longer obsessed with simply comprehending these heavenly ways, the heavenly ways themselves do not have any value that can be comprehended.

Heaven is like a knife.

If you insist on pursuing this knife, why does it exist? Is this knife kind or just?

This in itself is an act of forcibly adding emotion to the knife.

A knife is a knife.

The way of heaven is the way of heaven.

No matter whether people comprehend it or not, the way of heaven is the way of heaven, and it has never changed.

If one day a person said that he suddenly penetrated the Dao of Heaven and knew what the Dao of Heaven was.

Then this person obviously wants to make a profit through the Dao of Heaven.

Subjective beings can never see through objective things.

Unless one day Yuchi knows what a stone is thinking and what the meaning of this stone is.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for him to know the meaning of Heavenly Dao.

And when the time comes, will he be able to surpass the Dao of Heaven?

Yuchi himself was amused by himself: "It's just nonsense, just listen to it."


"I think the way of the world is essentially a way of heartlessness."

"It may be a negative effect to be unfeeling when you get along with individuals, but it is definitely the supreme virtue when you develop in the world."

"Severing all emotions of oneself, spreading and developing everything centered on chaos, giving thousands of living beings the soil of the world as a habitat, and using their own objective existence to come and go to nurture subjectively existing living beings, which is essentially an expression of selflessness."

This thing is what the pond is to the fish.

On the bright side, the fish are grateful for the nurturing grace of the pond itself.

On the downside, the pond is the shackles the fish themselves need to break out of.

Whether it is good or bad, it is all in one thought.

Obviously Adrian was stubborn, and the stubborn words were spoken like a simple child.

Children will always be able to distinguish between good and bad.

Either is good.

Either it is bad.

Immature children will never be able to judge what is called morality is not black and white.


Adrian's teacher is very nervous now.

Such an old man doesn't know what to do now.

He could only stay in his own room, constantly pacing in the room.

"I don't know what's going on with my apprentice now?"

"He has met the other party now."

"And the other party looks really young, and you can see the disaster star next to the other party... Then what kind of level will his own strength reach? Is it also a peerless high-ranking first-rank Taoist?" Is it human? Or have you already stepped into the Dao Heart realm with half a leg?"

The old man had no idea what the current situation was.

He kept thinking that he must not think like this behind his back. This kind of thinking is meaningless, but the more he stopped thinking, the more he couldn't help worrying about some safety issues on his own land.

"My apprentice's current strength is already a little understanding of Dao Xin, he is already able to use some techniques covered by the Dao Xin realm, and his own strength has an extraordinary taste in it, so standing in a normal situation Now, I think my apprentice is definitely fine, but what he is facing this time is not someone else, but a new guardian."

The guardian of the disaster star, the knight of the disaster star.

This kind of speech sounds very daunting...

Especially when the other party really dared to come to their sky city alone, it showed such a calm feeling.

It seems that this sky city is not a sky city that everyone fears at all, but a very simple inn.

This kind of performance can already prove that the opponent must have a detailed understanding of his own strength. At least the opponent should not be a person who will take the initiative to come to die. As the guardian of the disaster star, he will definitely not be such a person man.

"My apprentice, when will you come back to your senses, when will you not be obsessed with acquiring the Dao Heart? What kind of relationship does the whole world have with us? As long as we can develop our race well, This is already a pretty remarkable move, why bother to think about more distant things, if you are too obsessed with more distant things, it will often make yourself bruised and bruised."

When the matter came to this point, the old man was secretly begging, begging Yuchi not to kill his apprentice.

Yet this kind of thing is going to happen.


in the room.

A cup of tea has been smoking for a long time, obviously the tea is going to be cold soon.

Adrian suddenly said a word at this time: "I think too much, what I should think about is only some things at the moment."

He looked at Yuchi with a very respectful look.

Everyone knows this kind of thing, but everyone can't do it.

Yuchi smiled: "That's why I don't like to discuss the Tao with others, because these things are just all kinds of falsehoods, if you say it, you say it, and you listen to it, So what if you know it? So what if you don’t know it? If some objective facts can really change some subjective thoughts, then the world will not be what it is now.”

A very simple truth.

Everyone in the world knows that all kinds of people will die when all races fight, and everyone knows that the fight between all races may not end well, but does this affect the secret exchanges among all races?

It is always subjective to affect objective.

Subjectively think that a thing is ugly, subjectively think that a thing is beautiful, and subjectively think that a thing is kind.

There won't be a day when chopsticks will dislike the user's own grip.

So this kind of subjective discussion is always limited to the individual itself.

So simply discussing this kind of thing is just for fun, and there is no superfluous meaning at all.

Everyone's subjectivity is different.

No one can convince anyone.

It is useless to say more.

When Adrian was silent, Yuchi stood up: "It's almost time, let's do something simpler, don't limit things to mutual debates, debates can't change the objective facts what."

"Even if you convince me, you can't take Hanjiang away from me."

Yuchi said this sentence with a strong sense of security.

And Yue Hanjiang has no idea what his master and such a guy are talking about, good is good, bad is bad, why discuss so much?

The world of adults...


very messy.

But the master is really kind, what the master said really warmed me up!

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