Above the Ancient God Sea, the weather was very good, there were not a few clouds to be seen, and the sky was sunny and blue.

But in this case, an airship flew over in the distance.

This airship is quite big. From the front of the airship to the back of the airship, the total length of the airship may be more than 30 kilometers.

And the entire airship itself is similar to the shape of a cigar.

Various buildings can be seen on the airship.

The buildings themselves are jagged and can be seen to be temporary.

More than 30 kilometers long is already a rather scary figure.

This already has a feeling of being king in the world.

People who suffer from giant phobia must feel very scared when they look up and see such a giant that completely blocks the scorching sun in the sky.

Actually this airship belongs to one race.

This race is fugitive.

That is, the place they are in has been destroyed by some special factors, so they have fled here.

I want to find a relatively safe area that can slowly develop again. It is best not to have any outsiders disturb this area.

At the same time, such an area can allow them to breathe again.

As far as the current situation is concerned, this ocean whose name is unknown is a pretty good place to go.

In these 30-kilometer-long stacked buildings, there are a total of 9.2 million ethnic groups living.

The population density can be said to be quite large.

If there were not some medicines specially produced to prolong life, this area would not be able to support so many people.

Now the edge of the railing of the airship is already surrounded by thousands of races standing round and round.

They looked at the ocean under their feet, and there was a lot of greed in their eyes.

"I think this place is very good. This place will not be disturbed by anyone, so we can slowly recover our strength."

"Yeah, wait until we fully recover, and then go to the battlefield of the ten thousand races, and then let the people of the ten thousand races know how terrible we are."

These ten thousand races looked at such an ocean under their feet, and their eyes were also very relaxed.

But when they were looking at this ancient sea of ​​gods, they found a fishing boat floating on the surface of the ancient sea of ​​gods.

They were immediately very curious.

"There is a fishing boat on the Ancient God Sea, come and have a look."

"Does this mean that there will still be many people living around here?"

"Then under such circumstances, if we get the residence of these people, won't we have a very peaceful environment?"

"Yes, brothers, come and see."

"There is a man sitting on the bow of this fishing boat."

"This man is still fishing here with his eyes closed. It can be seen that this man's mentality is still very good. There is a feeling of leisure and leisure in it?"

"Does he really think that if he stays in such an area, no one will come and threaten him?"

"So he should be an aborigine in this area?!"

For a while, there were already all kinds of laughter around the railing.

They're in a pretty good mood right now.

This feeling of standing on a high place and looking down at others is really cool. They feel like the most terrifying race in an image.

Finally, when the airship flew over the small boat, the sea area where the small boat was located seemed to have a strange sense of darkness as if it was night in an instant.

Looking around from the perspective of this small boat, the distance around is bright, but the near side is a kind of suppressing force in a complete sense.

Look up towards the sky.

This strange shape can be seen in the sky, but it happens to be a very huge airship.

Full of pressure.

Then, on the edge of the airship, there were still many people throwing stones directly at the sea surface, apparently wanting to hit Yuchi who was fishing, so that Yuchi could feel the terrifying feeling of being looked down upon.

The surface of the Ancient God Sea was trembling at this moment.

From time to time, there are many waves on the sea surface, and these waves are stones thrown down by these people from above.

Of course there are all kinds of mess.

Some of the remaining rubbish was also dumped from the edge of the airship to the sea surface, and the originally very clear sea surface suddenly looked filthy.

However, none of this had any impact on Yuchi's side, he was still feeling the flow of heaven around him.

As for the actions of these people, in the eyes of other people, it may be very bad.

But in his eyes, this is like a normal human being seeing an ant baring its teeth and claws at them. It can't help but produce a knowing smile, and it doesn't care about such things at all.

So Yuchi didn't feel a little angry.

On the contrary, I kind of want to laugh.


This world is still the same as I understood it before, and it is still so interesting.

Ge Fulan stood by Yuchi's side, and she didn't care about what these people did at all. She was still worried about Yuchi's mastery of the Nether Fire Dance variant: "If I let you use this kind of Taoism Pass it directly to me, you shouldn't have any rejection..."

Because Yuchi was pulled out of the sea of ​​time and space back then, Govlan's own way of heaven fell into a great disorder.

She has no way to comprehend her own technique now.

In other words, if Yuchi doesn't master the variant of Nether Fire Dance, then it's basically impossible for Govlan to comprehend it by himself.

And Yuchi said with a smile during the fishing process: "Sure enough, you are gradually feeling like a wife in it, but you have already learned this aspect, and on the other hand, you want to come and ask me... Do you have a little bit of it?" There is a different kind of pride and cuteness in it.”

Dead Tsundere.

Govlan: "..."

A trace of shyness flashed in her eyes, and then this shyness immediately turned into a generous: "I'm just asking about your attitude!!!"

"Now I ignore you!!!"

"I'm going to figure out how powerful this technique is, hum!"

She proudly returned to the fishing rod.

Yuchi also shook his head with a smile.

When Govlan is able to open up to him, it means that his own strength has reached an absolute high level.

As far as the current situation is concerned, he can still feel that there is a trace of a child's gaze in the gaze that Ge Fulan looks at him.

That is to say, although his current strength is already Dao Seed.

Although he has already comprehended the skills that a Daoist will have, but in the world that Govlan has seen before, he is still too young now.

Compared to the relaxed relationship between Yuchi and Govlan, the race on the spaceship is different.

"Don't keep throwing stones down at others, it's very impolite, do you know that?"

"If you hurt someone else, then we have to apologize to them."

"Our race is a very polite race, not to mention that we are newcomers now, how can we do anything to the aborigines? Hahaha."

A man stepped out from the crowd.

The sound of his words was heard throughout the race, and the entire race, men, women, and children, roared with laughter.

"Yes yes yes, we don't need to attack this guy."

"This world is very cruel, we still have to care about the weak."


"We are going to give the weak a right to survive, otherwise we don't even have the right to survive, so aren't we too exploitative? Hahaha!"

The crowd was happier.

The children rolled around on the ground, and a group of ghosts with sharp teeth were still having fun on the ground.

The adults laughed together.

They can feel strong confidence in their own race, which is an extremely powerful and extremely comfortable feeling for them.

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