After a little preparation, Yuchi stepped onto the first step of the ladder.

And the moment he stepped onto the first floor of the stairs, he suddenly felt that the surrounding scenery had changed. He turned his head and looked behind him. Originally, he could still see Yue Hanjiang behind him, but now Yue Hanjiang has passed away. It disappeared, replaced by a layer of foggy feeling.

If you look around carefully, you can clearly find that there are all kinds of bloodstains under your feet, and these bloodstains seem to have just solidified.

There are bloodstains on every step. This is a bloody road leading to the sky.

Then, during Yuchi's simple thinking, a rather ferocious disciple rushed directly from the side of the ladder. This disciple did not carry a weapon in his hand, but the coercion he generated was very ferocious. But that's all.

Yuchi grabbed the disciple's head with one hand, and killed this lizard-like disciple directly.

I think the people living in this sect are not humanoids.

It's a lizard man like a lizard.

Then go to feel the blood under your feet.

The blood under the feet can show how the last person died in this place, and the last person was a fox clan, obviously without any strength, a blood shadow appeared on the ladder of this ladder, and then the fox clan was killed.

Of course it's not just this fox clan.

In terms of the number of people, there should be more than 100 people in total.

It should be sacrificed by Hu Guhai.

These more than 100 fox clans were imprisoned in the heart of the ocean, and then these fox clans had only one way to go up, but these fox clans had no strength at all.

So much so that he was directly killed by the disciple next to him as soon as he stepped on the stairs, so he could see extremely thick blood on the first step, and even the color of the original steps could no longer be seen on the entire surface of the steps. It's all kinds of scarlet.

"Fox Guhai is still a very real old fox." Yuchi said calmly.


He started.

take a step.

kill one.

Walking all the way towards the sky ladder, as the number of steps to climb the ladder increases, it is obvious that fewer and fewer people can reach this step.

I think it's because the higher you go, the closer you are to the heart of the ocean, and the closer you are to the heart of the ocean, the more ferocious the guards condensed by the heart of the ocean are.

But these are not a problem for Yuchi.

In most cases, it is because they do not have a Dao heart that they come to the heart of the ocean to try to absorb the heart of the ocean, and turn this ownerless heart of the ocean into their own heart of the ocean, but Yuchi is not like this My son, before he came to the heart of the ocean, he already had a heart of Taoism, and his own understanding of the surroundings was far superior to that of other people.

As far as the current situation is concerned.

He is extremely efficient.

Basically every three seconds to step up a step, and beside each step, there will be various lizardmen killing them.

The lizard people are also practicing Taoism?

Yuchi couldn't understand, but he was not surprised by it, this world is obviously very inclusive.

Then he walked up slowly step by step, slowly up the foggy and bloody ladder.

24 hours later.

Now the steps under Yuchi's feet are already the color of white jade.

If you look forward, there are one or two sporadic blood-red steps. If you look back, most of the people have died in the initial position.

Now he has reached the final 10% position, and he can already see a dilapidated small palace appearing in front of him.

In the process of thinking, Yuchi's footsteps did not stop at all, and he still maintained the speed of walking a step in three seconds. A step with a drop of more than 30 centimeters is not considered high. Of course, the further you go to the back, not every step will There is an enemy attacking, and everything is full of unknowns. No one knows whether a very ferocious enemy will suddenly rush over the next step.

next second.

Two lizardmen holding daggers finally appeared beside Yuchi. Although the appearance of the lizardmen is a bit ferocious and not in the aesthetics of human beings, the impression of the lizardmen is that they are so profound. The taste of the test is inside.

People should not be judged by their appearance, and there is no problem with these lizardmen.

They turned out to be able to see grace.

However, it is nothing more than an illusion condensed by the heart of the ocean.

In essence, these lizardmen have lost their sanity.

They can only attack according to some exercises they have learned originally, and they are obviously not qualified to be placed in front of Yuchi.

This is already no need to do it.

Yuchi just gave a look, and two small flames appeared in the chests of the two lizardmen, and then their bodies were instantly swallowed by the flames.


Another hour passed.

Yuchi finally arrived at the location where the heart of the ocean was, and facing him was the former head of this sect, an old lizard who had attained the Tao.

When attacking, there is a feeling of pen and dragon in it, but under the absolute strength, any skill is futile.

In the bloody courtyard, this old lizard who had killed countless visitors finally let go of the spirit sword in his hand.

Its body was crushed and fell in front of Yuchi who was standing quietly not far away.

The strength of this old lizard is the half-step dao heart.

it's useless.

It's not enough if you don't reach Dao Xin, it can only be used to stop some half-step Dao Xin people, blocking Yuchi, which is a bit difficult.

Yuchi calmly walked into this dilapidated palace, inside and outside the palace are full of dilapidated scenes, the most eye-catching thing is an old man sitting on the altar with his eyes closed, this old man doesn't look like a human being, think about it It should be the ancestor of this sect, right?

But this old ancestor really never thought that after his sect was wiped out, he would instead become a hut in the heart of the ocean.

Now the lizard man's body is completely curled up.

A large hole appeared on the chest, and in the hole that looked like dried bacon, a small fish could be seen swimming slowly.

This little fish has a flat body, no eyes, no mouth, and a tail like peacock feathers. It swims slowly in the air, and you can still see the feathers change and move accordingly.

"Ning and Dao Xin." Ge Fulan's voice appeared next to Yuchi.

"..." Yuchi.

He was about to speak.

Ge Fulan glanced at this man: "I'm going to stay, but Hanjiang still asks me to follow you. After all, you are her only relative in the world. She doesn't want you to be in any danger, and then don't blame me If you come to your side, blame Hanjiang."

Yuchi was helpless.

But approved.

This child Hanjiang... really is.

Ge Fulan walked to the side of the little fish and introduced: "This is Dao Xin."

"The Dao heart condensed by Haiyang can be regarded as the ultimate long-cherished wish of this sect, that is, the ultimate long-cherished wish of this old head is Ning He."

"And Ning He Dao Xin standard belongs to Zhan, Surrender, and Peace, the 'harmony' of the three Dao Hearts."

"A kind of Taoism that values ​​harmony, integrates with all things with the body, and seeks natural rules. This kind of Taoism can use the natural Taoism to a certain extent, and can echo with all things. When it is cultivated to the highest level, it will become Natural in the true sense."

"Under peace, there will be no war."

"A kind of strong comforting Dao heart, which is completely opposite to your own Dao heart of deadly fighting. If you can get this kind of Dao heart, it will not only increase the foundation of your Dao heart of deadly fighting to a large extent, but also can Let you have the ability to perceive nature."

Yuchi's current heart of death war can be understood as a knife, a knife that comprehends killing, it doesn't care whether the final result of killing is death, but only cares about the process.

And with the assistance of Ning and Dao Xin, then this knife will be able to perceive more things, and at the same time, there will be an identity similar to the knife holder.

Not so that the knife is too lonely.

The sword goes slanted, sometimes it can only be done out of helplessness.

Ge Fulan was in Yuchi's thinking.

She smiled and said, "You."

"You want to absorb this Ninghe Dao Heart, this is not an ordinary difficulty."

"Although Ning He's Taoist heart is good, it doesn't match you."

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