After the other supervisory directors heard this question from their own people, they felt a little unnatural.

Everyone is holding a cup in their hands, but everyone has no way to drink the water in the cup. The overall appearance is that there is a strong feeling of inferiority in it, especially when the other party looks like this. It looks very powerful.

Obviously, the average height of the Moon God Race is 1.2 meters, and there is no way to give any frontal arrogance to the Human Race at this time.

The envoy of the Moon God Clan said to them very kindly: "We are the Moon God Clan, and the purpose of coming to the Human Race this time is also very simple. We want to provide some infrastructure help for the Human Race, and we also want to To provide some help in martial arts for the human race, generally speaking, we want to establish diplomatic relations with you from a very kind and peaceful perspective."

After the person from the Moon God Clan finished speaking, the envoys from the Moon God Clan next to him also nodded one after another, expressing that their attitudes were definitely quite kind.

They said that they don't need to pay anything for the assistance in construction and exercises this time, that is, they simply accept a basic blessing from the high-level race. The human race does not need any money, and the human race does not need any money. No need to worry about anything.

In fact it is.

Judging from the current situation, there is absolutely no way for the human race to enter the sight of the Moon God Race.

Even if the Moon God Race wants to get something from the Human Race, there is really nothing the Human Race can get.

In other words.

For the Moon God Race, the Human Race is an ordinary existence that they don't even want to touch, just like a normal person seeing an ordinary stone on the side of the road.

If it weren't for Yuchi's existence, it would be impossible for the Moon God Clan to have any positive connection with the Human Clan for the rest of their lives.

And the upper echelons of the Moon God Clan also spoke out. This time they showed their favor to Yuchi, and in order to avoid interference on Yuchi's side, they did not plan to directly pull Yuchi into this kind of assistance. After all, this kind of assistance, although From a deep level, it has a great purpose, but sometimes the communication between people still needs to put on a more kind disguise.

That is to say, what the Moon God Clan needs to pretend is that they don't care about Yuchi's strength at all, that is, they are friendly to the human race no matter whether Yuchi is there or not.

And for the Moon God Race, normal people know that the only reason why the Human Race has a relationship with them now is Yuchi.


The Moon God Race had no idea that their view of the Human Race was wrong.

They had no idea that the directors of the Supervision Department of the human race would never have any positive connection between this kind of thing and Yuchi.

The directors of these supervision departments of the human race only feel that there is a pie in the sky.

The long status has blinded their eyes and darkened their hearts, and they obviously think that all this is what they deserve.

And the discussion that followed was quite enjoyable.

The Moon God Clan has also provided various assistance to the Clan in large quantities, ranging from small exercises and instruments to various cultivation methods.

Even some things that are quite expensive and belong to the human race can't even think about them now, all of which provide positive help.

Wait until a full month.

The first phase of this aid has just ended.

According to some discussions between the Luna Clan and the Human Clan, there will be a total of 6 stages of this aid, and there will be one every two months.

at the same time.

None of the people of the human race knew the existence of this assistance.

Only the supervisors know that their warehouses are already full of all kinds of treasures.

It's really a warehouse as big as a football field. There are more than 500 warehouses in total, which are full of aid from the Luna Clan.

This kind of thing is not worth mentioning for the Moon God Clan, but for the Human Clan now, this is simply an explosion of wealth.

Directors of the Supervision Department...

They are having fun!

And worry.


"How should we use so many treasures, it is really a very troublesome thing."


"There are so many babies all of a sudden, I don't know how to use so many babies, every night I think about what kind of equipment will be used to help my body tomorrow, which makes me wonder I can't sleep a little bit."

Now the directors of the Supervision Department are gathered in a hidden room next to the warehouse, and everyone has that ecstatic expression on their faces!

But behind this ecstasy is a strong worry.

Alas, how can I absorb so many treasures by myself?

"By the way, how has your cultivation increased recently?"

"It's so-so, that is, it has increased from the previous S-level to the current SSS level. This in itself is not difficult."

"It's the same for me, that is, from the previous S-level to the current SSS++ level, it's only been a month before I know it, and this has already reached the pinnacle of our humanity."

"I'm a little better than you guys. Now I'm about to comprehend the way of heaven, and I'm about to reach the realm of Dao Yun."


"I have to say that the things given by the Moon God Clan are really good."

"These instruments don't require us to practice ourselves at all."

"These instruments can harness a wide variety of minerals to our strength."

"As far as the upper limit of these instruments can be improved, we brothers will all reach the Dao Yun realm in the next three years, so aren't we invincible in the surrounding area?"

"It's more than invincible. When we become stronger, we will destroy other races, and we will expand our territory."

"Haha, don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, this time I hugged this thigh, it still has to be done slowly."

"Then there are two issues before us, and we still need to discuss them a little bit."

"what is the problem?"

"The first question is, do we need to eliminate these instruments for other ordinary people to use?"

After this person asked this question, he obviously wore a lot of sly smiles.

After the other people heard the question raised by this person, they all laughed.

"They are all a bunch of untouchables, and they are not worthy of using such a good thing."

"When we meet the Moon God Clan in a while, let's ask them if they have anything to eliminate."

"That's right, that is, don't let their strength be too strong."

"Give them all under A-level control, and then anyone who wants to use this instrument must stand on the same boat as us."

"Then we all agree with this conclusion, that is, only we can enjoy this kind of thing. As for other untouchables, they are not worthy of using such a thing at all, and they are only worthy of slowly cultivating those rubbish things. They are only assigned to shine shoes on our side, otherwise if their strength is very strong, then what use are we for?"

A group of people looked at each other ecstatically and passed cigarettes to each other, and the whole room was peaceful and peaceful.

They feel that they are the gods of the human race.

Everyone's mood at this time is simply drawn to the pinnacle of the world. They never thought that they would receive such a big gift one day.

"Hahahaha, then the second question comes later. You said that when our strength is about the same, do you want to directly break with Yuchi?"

This question is usually placed in the Supervision Department, after all, it is a very taboo question for everyone.

After all, they usually act like dogs in human relations, but if you really want to say that they dare not be too arrogant when they are behind people.

They were just afraid that one day Yuchi would suddenly punish them.

And now that they have the help provided by the Moon God Clan, it's time to think about it, whether it is necessary to avoid this issue again!

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