If this matter is placed under normal circumstances, then the Tiandu Division will definitely uphold justice, and then a set of emergency plans will be promulgated.

That is to use the life of one person to repay the lives of 10 people.

In other words, now that the human race has wiped out 10 million of the Flo race, the human race will have to compensate 100 million lives.

This is not a random number.

Instead, it is executed at a critical time and is quite effective.

Although Tiandusi is usually quite absurd, but for this matter, they are obviously very professional.

This kind of thing has already happened. Naturally, they don't want this kind of tragedy to happen to the human race again. After all, not everyone in the human race supports this idea. There must still be many innocent people. Under such circumstances, if all the human races are wiped out, then things will only intensify.

Then the whole world begins to become quite chaotic.

The reason why there are 10 times this number is also because at least 10 people support a person, which makes this person do such absurd things.

Try to deal with the small crimes as much as possible, then the casualty rate will be 10 times.

However, this matter is completely different from ordinary things.

There are mainly two points that bother Aldington now.

The first thing is that what the human race did this time is too ridiculous. Everyone has no way to see a little bit of a big race style from the human race. What they do now makes people have no respect at all, only infinite of contempt.

At this time, the soul is humbled to the lowest point.

So under such circumstances, it is difficult for this emergency regulation to take effect successfully. That is to say, even if the other ten thousand races had no enmity with the human race before, after hearing the news, they are also furious. A kind of contempt from the heart.

This is a kind of contempt that even looks down on the other party's soul, thinking that the other party is no longer a basic ten thousand race, has no ability to judge the situation, no longer has the ability to control one's savage heart, and has been completely reduced to the side of the road the beast.

After all, although everyone usually thinks about exterminating certain races, this is also a normal thought, whoever has not thought about it is an abnormal person.

But if you think about it, this and whether you do it or not are two different things.

You can be full of demons in your heart, but you can't do that in your hands.

A hypocritical person, no matter how hypocritical his heart is, as long as his behavior is normal, then there is a sense of everyone's demeanor in it.

After all, only those with reason and faith can control their inner greed, which is the main reason why Wanzu is also called civilization.

Now where can we see a little foundation of civilization from the human race, this is a group of barbarians with machetes going around killing people.

So following the normal process, Tiandusi finally had the confidence to suppress this matter to a compensation rate of 100 times.

That is, one life of the Flo tribe, and 100 lives of the human tribe, that is, a compensation of 1 billion lives.

This is a rather scary number.

One billion people will come out of the human race on their own initiative, and leave the human race's city on their own initiative, and then they will be gathered in a wilderness, then supervised by other ten thousand races, and then dealt with by the Tiandu Division. The scene is afraid that it will be quite scary.

Blood flowed like a river in the true sense.

not only that.

Compensation must also be made according to the human life standard planned by Tiandusi. According to the current standard of Tiandusi, this will empty out all the foundations accumulated by the human race over the years.

in other words.

If the human race can still eat meat once in a while, then the human race will not be able to eat meat once a year.

This is punishment.

extremely severe punishment.

Only by doing this can we convince the public, and only by doing this can we make other races who have pure desire to move back timid.

Otherwise, if the matter of the human race is not dealt with this time, then everyone will not be surnamed evil in the future, and everyone will start exterminating the clan everywhere, and the world will become restless by then.

So where is the prestige of Tiandusi?

"Stupid dog, really stupid dog."

"If you really want to get the territory of the Flo tribe, then you can completely adopt a roundabout tactic, that is, simply through means of funds, that is, to find a way to make all other races break off with the Flo tribe. , This is a move to walk on the wire rope, if it is really done, then no one will say anything, the key is not to drop any handles."

"The key is that after you do this, our Tiandu Division can completely ignore this matter."

Aldington looked sad.

The second thing is the one that caused him the most pain.

That is Yuchi's existence.

Aldington didn't know what kind of dominant power Yuchi had in this matter, but this kind of battle of the whole clan must have something to do with Yuchi, in other words, he couldn't believe that without Yuchi's side Under the circumstances of instigation, the human race dared to attack the Flo race.

This is absolutely impossible.

But any race that is a little bit civilized or a little bit rational, can't imagine what's going on behind this incident.

So this incident must have something to do with Yuchi, and it must have benefited from Yuchi's side.


So troublesome.

Now who is the head of Tiandu Division who doesn't know Yuchi's reputation?

Who doesn't know that Yuchi is already an existence in the realm of Taoism?

But the state of Dao Xin is quite terrifying. In the entire area of ​​Tiandusi with a radius of 100,000 kilometers, there is no one in Dao Xin state at all.

simply put.

Yuchi is really the most powerful person within a radius of 100,000 kilometers in Tiandusi.

And none of them.

"Then this matter has something to do with Yuchi, and it has something to do with an old devil in the realm of Dao Xin. This kind of thing is quite difficult to deal with."

Aldington is throwing up now.

It's a dilemma.

Quite difficult to deal with.

And it was when Aldington was quite tangled and painful.

The people under him tried to come up with a solution: "My lord, this matter is definitely not something that we, the Tiandu Division, can handle. We must now tell the other Tiandu Divisions about this kind of news. We shouldn't be responsible for this matter alone. Even if this matter will definitely lead to a positive conflict with Yuchi in the end, we have no choice in this matter. We must see clearly that this matter The matter is very, very serious, if we have any act of favoring Yuchi this time, our Tiandu Division will be reduced to a complete low class."

Aldington was also quite helpless after hearing this, and he could only nod his head: "Go and contact Wanzu, that is to say, our Tiandu Division already knows about this matter, and we are following the process to quickly If we deal with this matter, we will definitely give them a satisfactory answer.”

"I'm here to go to other Tiandusi, on the one hand, to delay the time, let the anger of the people slowly disappear with time, and let the people be relatively calm."

"On the other hand, this is also letting the other directors of Tiandu Division accompany me to take the blame. Anyway, we are all colleagues, so we should stand up and help each other at this time."

"If you really want to say that Yuchi does not admit his mistakes, then he can only be an enemy of the world. Obviously, it is impossible for him to be hostile to the entire world. He is not the only person in this world who has the heart of Dao. For, everyone knows and everyone punishes."

"It's time for the savages to pay, now everything is going according to plan."

After hearing this, the subordinates also nodded bitterly.


Really annoying.

It's annoying, it's annoying.



The director of the Human Race's Supervision Department obviously didn't know about this matter, and didn't know that the human race was about to face a catastrophe.

The director of the Supervision Department has now issued a second round of mobilization orders on the Internet.

They have already aimed their knives at the second race.

But this time the mobilization order for the war was even faster.

In just one day, 10 million fighters have already been raised.

The human race is already crazy.

At least 60% of the entire human race has fallen into a state of frantic war.

Get rich.

Just look at this trick.

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