There are two Wanzu standing in front of them, one on the left and one on the right.

One of them is Wei Guyan, who is a member of the ancient dragon tribe. The ancient dragon tribe is generally tall, and their body is generally more than 5 meters tall. The most striking thing is that they have a pair of pterosaur-like wings. , the wingspan of a single wing is about 5 meters, which is similar to the body shape of their ancient dragons themselves. The two wings add up to a narrow wing of about 10 meters. They like to live on vertical cliffs, usually on the Build your own hanging palace on the cliff, and the overall habit is biased towards birds.

That is to say, when your child is almost full moon, you will throw your child directly from the suspended palace. If the child cannot fly, then you will die if you fall to death. What this race pays attention to is natural s Choice.

Leaving aside their race, whether this practice is contrary to the ethics and morals understood by the majority of all races.

But such a racial approach is obviously very effective and can screen the advantages of the race itself, so that the surviving races become stronger and stronger.

Of course, every ancient dragon that can survive is also quite cruel by nature.

Fudai, this one is a member of the Futu tribe. They come from the depths of the desert, and they generally have their bases in the depths of the desert.

However, they would not live in ordinary deserts, and would only live in deserts that were completely composed of floating soil.

Such deserts are far more dangerous than ordinary yellow sand deserts.

If a normal person steps into the air, he will instantly sink into the depths of the desert hundreds of meters deep. That kind of floating soil is even more fragile than cotton wool, and the people of the floating soil tribe live in such a desert. Prefer some insects in the land.

In terms of appearance, they are some centipedes understood by the human race.

It has many arthropod-like arms, and each arthropod-like arm occupies 1/3 of its body height, and the height of its body can reach about 10 meters.

From the point of view of the Futu tribe named Fudai in front of her, she is a female of the Futu tribe. She is stronger than the average male. If it is placed in their own race, it is possible to distinguish between males and females. There are various characteristics, but in Yuchi's eyes, he doesn't know what kind of gender the other party looks like.

Judging from the current situation, Yuchi could clearly feel that the visitor was not kind.

The reason why Wei Guyan and Fudai came to Yuchi is also very simple.

They really want to get Yuehanjiang.

They can already feel the power of Dao Heart flowing in Yue Hanjiang's body. Although Yue Hanjiang does not have the strength of Dao Heart realm now, he already has Dao Heart naturally, so under this situation, Yue Hanjiang has nothing to do To hide the Dao Heart in one's body is equivalent to directly revealing one's most precious secret to the eyes of other practitioners in the Dao Heart realm.

And the ideas of these two people are quite straightforward.

When they brought Yuehanjiang to the post station around the original ocean before Yuchi, they had already set their sights on Yuehanjiang, and after a brief discussion behind the scenes, they felt that they should have a chance to snatch Yuehanjiang from Yuchi's hands. Walking on the Moon Cold River.

As for how the two of them should distribute the help provided by Zaixin after taking away Yue Hanjiang, this is not a matter of hurry.

"Is this the disaster star?"

"I have to say that the Dao Heart contained in the Calamity Star is more pure than the Dao Heart contained in the Heart of the Ocean."

"I think this kind of Dao Xin is very, very easy to tame."

"It is this kind of Dao heart that originally possesses a soul, so if I kill her, then I should have her Dao heart in just one year. The understanding of this way of heaven will be stronger."

That's how Gu Yan thought about this matter, and now this member of the Gulong clan is already looking at Yuehanjiang with malicious intentions.

Fuyo's thoughts are exactly the same as his.

However, when talking about this matter in detail, she changed the subject and said to Yuchi proactively: "Sorry, we bother you here. Of course, we don't have any malicious intentions to disturb you here. , We just have one thing we want to let you know."

Yuchi: "What's the matter?"

Wei Guyan and Fudai looked at each other, and then the Futu tribe said with a smile: "I think you should go back to the human race to have a look. One of the races launched a genocide operation, and now the area where the human race is located has many thousands of races, and they want to take revenge on the human race."

Yuchi immediately frowned.

He obviously didn't understand.

This time, it was Gu Yan who said: "Yes, we have no intention of deceiving you, and there will be no jokes in this kind of thing. We also received this news recently. This news also came from Tiandusi quickly, so judging from the current situation, the human race has fallen into a state that is almost beyond redemption in that area, so under this situation, our side is Tell you this news, so that you can have a basic judgment here."

After the two of them finished talking back and forth, it was also up and down, and they carefully looked at Yuchi's situation.

They don't know what Yuchi's own strength is right now, they just know roughly that Yuchi has a Dao heart now.

They probably have the Dao Heart, but they definitely haven't reached the level of a demigod, so in this case, the two of them combined should be able to put Yuchi to death in an instant.

Fudai and Wei Guyan looked at each other.

They obviously already had a sense of victory in their hands, as long as they killed Yuchi, then Yuehanjiang would be their prey.

But Yuchi's concern is not this, he is just a little puzzled why the human race will start an extermination operation against another race?

In Yuchi's feelings, the current human race should not have such strength.

That is to say, although the Supervision Department is a group of rather stupid people, as long as they don't have this kind of power, then this group of people who can use it will not do such absurd things.

Next, we only need to wait for the world to slowly teach the human race, then the human race should slowly get on the right track, just like other races.

"Strange." Yuchi said to himself.

Now Yuchi can completely judge the two strange Wanzu in front of him, what they said just now does not have any deceptive meaning.

After all, this kind of thing is not something that can be joked at all.

Although Yuchi has killed many people now, he has always been relatively cautious about such things as extermination of the clan. Unless others do it first, otherwise he will not take any drastic actions.

As for the matter of the Dragon and Phoenix clan before, this was also because the Dragon and Phoenix clan was obviously going to destroy the Fox clan, so he just went to solve it by the way.

Then Yuchi felt that he now possessed the strength of Dao Xin realm...

Although it is not particularly powerful, although it is not as fierce as a demigod, it is impossible to think of killing others.

"I still have to go back to the race side to see the situation."

Yuchi decided this way.

He looked at Han Jiang and said, "Tu'er clean up a little here, let's go to the human race to see the situation."

Yue Hanjiang immediately nodded obediently, and glanced strangely at the other two Wanzu who were obviously vicious in front of him.

She was worried about her master.

Really very, very worried.

Although my master is very powerful, it hasn't been long since my master has just entered the Dao Heart realm.

So in this case, if only facing a person in the realm of Dao Xin, then Yue Hanjiang would not feel any fear. After all, his master's own hard power is placed here, and he has been killed all the way, but now Facing two people in the realm of Dao Xin.

And these two people...

Now after hearing Yuchi's words, both of them laughed cruelly.

Wei Guyan: "Don't be in a hurry to leave."

Fuyo: "Yeah, we still have a second thing to say."

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